The Greatest Magic Tricks Finally Revealed

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very few magicians in the world have defied the laws of the universe with their unbelievable tricks while the awe-inspiring magic keeps you frozen in thought the curiosity to figure out the answer is what makes the next trick even more enjoyable so be it the great Indian rope trick or the infamous bullet catch hello and welcome back and today we are gonna unlock the greatest magic secrets of all time so let's get started the first trick the great Indian rope trick everyone has heard of the great Indian rope trick but there are very few in this world who have actually seen it being performed sometimes described as the world's greatest illusion the rope trick came into existence in India during the 19th century so let's look at how the magic trick is performed the magician brings along a coil of what appears to be a long piece of rope he also makes sure that everything's fair by showing everyone that the rope and the basket has no gimmick inside now with the help of an assistant he keeps that rope inside a basket and places it in an open field then the magician starts playing and waving around an instrument called a punji and now the great magic happens the rope on coils itself and starts levitating with absolutely no external support even more so the rope which looks very stiff keeps rising high up to almost 20 feet in the air then the magician calls a boy assistance known as a jhamora in India who climbs up the rope and then descends finally the magician makes the rope to fall down thus ending this amazing illusion so how did he make the rope to climb high up in the air well here's the secret now some of you would say that there's a bamboo rod covered with the rope and that bamboo comes straight from below the ground with a person sitting underground who pushes the rod above but that's not the case here as it would be very expensive to dig underground and create the whole setup so let's think further if you observe carefully there's a moment when the assistant places the basket at a specific spot on the ground now that spot has a hole under it which was covered all this while by the flowers the flowers are removed from that spot and the basket Center is then aligned to the hole underneath also the hole is big enough to let the Rope pass through it if someone pushes it from underneath the ground but who controls this whole mechanism well there's another assistant somewhere behind the crowd and he's the one who pushes a metal rod with high tensile strength in the tunnel built underground just below the surface also the rod is flexible enough to bend and straighten out at the opening so before the magician covers the lid the baskets bottom has an opening where the assistant carefully coils the rope into the basket with the open end at last for the metal rod to pass through also the Rope is thick in custom-made and is hollow from the inside so that a metal rod can easily pass through from its center even the brief glimpse of the dark end of rope also possibly reveals that it is a hose now once the music starts the second assistant pushes the rope with the metal rod inside the ground which opens the baskets lid and then pushes it all the way up this creates the illusion of the Rope levitating on its own also the base of the rope with the metal rod inside it is put on a solid surface so that the rope doesn't come back when the boy climbs over it when the boy comes back to the ground notice how the boy grasps the rope and his hand is tugged downward as the metal rod is quickly withdrawn from inside the rope leaving only the rope which then collapses quickly this creates the illusion that the rope is controlled by the magician the second trick the infamous Magic Bullet trick now this trick is one of the world's most dangerous illusions where the magician attempts to catch a speeding bullet in his teeth and you should never try this at home or anywhere else this one's a classic trick creating an awesome hardened mouth moment for the audience but at the same time shows you the darker side of the magical world here the famous magic duo Penn & Teller take this stunt one notch higher they call upon two spectators and tell them to confirm if the bullets are real and also mark their initials on the bullet so that the audience can identify it after they catch it with their teeth they then set up a glass pane between them to demonstrate that the bullets have been really fired they even employ laser sights to show their targets as soon as the magic duo sees the glass shatter they have just a fraction of a second to catch the bullet in their teeth and this is exactly what happens now with the advent of modern firearms this trick presents more of a challenge for modern day magicians so how did they manage to catch those bullets well before revealing the secret if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon so that you get instant notifications of our new video uploads now let's quickly get to the secret obviously the magic duo isn't crazy enough to try and catch a bullet in their teeth actually they are smarter than that it involves the key skills on the part of the magician's I eat a lot of preparation misdirection and sleight of hand there are two things which we need to look at the first thing is how determined they are about getting close-up shots of the initials on both bullets and the second one is the placement of the bulletproof vests towards the back of the stage behind the foam wall so it becomes clear there is an assistant at the backstage who traces the initials on each bullet using a TV monitor and puts the duplicate bullets into their vest hole in the wall where they're hanging notice there's enough time for the duplicate bullets to be designed as they put on the vests not at the start but quite late into the trick also the duplicate bullets are easier to design as the initials are less detailed and much easier to trace from the time it's first shown on camera but when do they load those bullets into their mouth well if you look carefully at this moment when they hold the vests over their heads they secretly put those duplicate bullets from the inside flap of each vest into their mouth it's all sleight of hand there did you see it there's a brief pause mid-sentence when he puts the bullet into his mouth coming to the last part the bullets which were loaded into the gun appeared to be real but they're actually wax bullets when the gun is fired the wax melts on firing leaving behind only the casing and the spray of hot wax is what puts holes in the pane of glass also if we slow down the video you can see that a projectile does come out of each barrel but never reaches the other performer this confirms that the bullets were most likely wax finally the magic duo pops out the specially designed signed bullets out of their mouths only to reveal them after pulling the trigger ending this amazing performance so finally the last but a very interesting trick on our list the french-bread illusion now this magic trick performed by Wang Yi Fang is from a different universe in this trick he takes a piece of dough and then folds it as he massages it slowly leaving the people in the restaurant waiting eagerly to see what the dough would turn into all of a sudden he surprises the crowd by pulling out a long piece of bread known as the French baguette out of nowhere so how did he magically transform the dough into a long loaf of bread well let's figure out the secret this trick grabbed a lot of attention worldwide when it was first shown on YouTube and various social platforms even the news channels weren't far from revealing what's behind the trick one assumption was that there's a tube inserted into the wall and the loaf of bread was fed through that tube and into the magician's arm now this is not possible as he is sitting quite far from the wall behind him while this assumption turned out to be a hoax let's figure out some other way as to how the trick was performed many of you know the famous digital sleight of hand magician Zach king who uses his amazing editing skills to create a visual masterpiece an e Fang performed this illusion using a combination of camera tricks and computer edited effects also many magicians use this technique quite often in their shows here the magician shot two footages one where he pulls out the bread and the other one when the crowd reacts to the illusion now the bread part was computer edited using a technique called chroma key enabled and for this part the green color was keyed to the background this green color became transparent giving an illusion that the bread came out of nowhere probably from inside his arm also if we look in the video here just below his arm you can see a tiny blurred effect for a fraction of a second which confirms the fact that the video was computer edited using chroma key now if we say that the bread was chroma keyed and hidden in the background how could the crowd present they're not see the long piece of bread without the computer effect being applied well they're also in on this trick and the editing effect combined with the crowd reaction made this perfect illusion possible so guys hope you got the secrets behind the greatest magic tricks of all time which trick was your favorite one the rope trick the magic bullet or the French bread illusion and name any other video topics you would like us to create tell us in the comments below do like and share this video with your friends on social media for more such amazing things don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and finally thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: FactoFusion
Views: 610,376
Rating: 4.6638947 out of 5
Keywords: the greatest, magic tricks, finally, revealed, greatest, mágico, magician, world's, most famous, magic tricks revealed, magic revealed, magic show, greatest magic tricks, secrets, magic secrets revealed, factofusion, got talent, bgt, agt, best magician, rope trick, the great indian rope trick, magic bullet, david blaine, yif, yif magician, french bread, illusion, penn and teller, penn and teller fool us, incredible tricks, top magic, best magic trick, magic skills, amazing, illusionist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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