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hey what's up welcome everybody to my video showcasing what I'm going to call the greatest Flying V that Gibson ever made what's the name of this guitar you might ask well it's actually kind of funny this guitar is called the Gibson Flying V seven string what a name right right to the point so what's going on everybody you guys can tell I'm in a pretty good mood I'm pretty excited man because every once in a while I get to do a special video and today I feel is a very extra special video because we have a rare piece that I get to check out and share with you all and I just can't wait to just jam on it and dive on in okay so all I ask that you guys do is subscribe if you haven't done so and like this video really helps out the channel a lot I sincerely appreciate you okay we got a great video today we got a great piece to check out so if there's ever a time to subscribe Now's the Time are you not entertained [Music] oh [Music] foreign so the story with this guitar goes like this this is actually not my guitar one of you guys who is a long time viewer of my channel somebody picked up this guitar on the used market and then asked me if I'd be interested in demoing it for this channel obviously whenever I have the opportunity to get a rare piece on the show I'm totally down for it so I'm just so thankful and humbled that there's certain individuals out there that I just want to help out the channel man you know what I mean feels pretty good that there's a lot of you out there that are just into what I'm into and you know want to help us all out and just donating stuff for the time being and not allowing their guitars to be on vacation here on the channel so this guitar is really cool man where do I begin with this guitar I guess the first thing I want to talk about with this guitar is this guitar is not a fancy Custom Shop super rare well I guess they're kind of rare now but there were nothing other than just a regular production guitar you know what I'm saying and upon doing some research with this guitar I found an old Sweetwater listing when these were on the Sweetwater website and or for sale and this is going to make you guys really really sad you ready for this back in 2011 and 2012 when these guitars were being made these guitar were retailing on Sweetwater brand new for one thousand three hundred and eighty nine dollars in today's world just over a decade later this guitar would probably be about three thousand dollars we had it so good in 2011 and 2012 and we didn't even know it you know what I mean now Gibson seems to be doing like really one-off and or like really limited expensive like 20 grand you know artist runs anymore and that's I guess cool for a certain demographic but these guitars were just like regular run-of-the-mill guitars man and I think that's really special another thing that's awesome about this guitar is look at the tuning pegs man this is the first guitar that I've personally ever felt that has what I'm going to call the firebird tunings where it's not just like on the side it's these guys right here on the back you get these I don't even know what they're called man but they look like the firebird you know what I'm saying and at first I was a little overwhelmed when trying to figure out how to you know operate this system because it is very unique to me personally like I was saying first time I ever tried it I really sincerely love it a lot like a lot more than I thought I would I thought this was kind of gimmicky and kind of silly but like if I had a guitar with this tuning system I would actually be pretty stoked basically there's two independent things going on here you lock the string down here and then you tighten it and then you tune it back here basically it's the best way I could describe it for the sake of a 10 second demonstration of how to tune this thing you know [Music] [Music] [Music] and then another thing I love with this guitar I came stock with seven string EMG pickups yo that's amazing Gibson that is like such a baller move I love that so much because let's call it how it is Joe Bonamassa probably wouldn't play this particular Gibson right no offense to anybody who likes that style of music or that genre but that's not necessarily the genre music that I like to create I like to create metal and this guitar is undoubtedly for metal so like they were leaning into metal really really hard back in 2011 2012 and like I'm all here for it you know what I'm saying and last thing I'll say is it absolutely looks beautiful black and gold on a Gibson it's like Timeless it's tried and true you can't go wrong with the black beauty aesthetic this guitar just looks so beautiful man [Music] all right foreign little tidbit of information with this particular piece it does suffer from the classic Gibson headstock break but you know I've had I've had a lot of guitars with headstock brakes and um ever since they broke they like play better and they're like more in tune and I don't have to worry about it anymore you know what I mean so it's like almost like a badge of honor I don't know I think this guitar is sincerely one of the coolest guitars that Gibson has ever made and certainly one of the coolest Gibsons that I've ever had the opportunity to play and now I want to dedicate one portion of this video right here and I want to talk to the current CEO that is Cesar over at Gibson if you in fact remake a seven string Flying V that is equipped with emgs and is designed for metal telling you man you will sell out of these things like nobody's business these things will like be guitars of the year I'm telling you man not some limited edition Relic Tom Murphy lab Artist Run for 20 grand just a plain old strip down regular production seven string Flying V for 2500 bucks which I think is steep but hey just calling it how it is with the inflation and stuff I'm telling you these things will sell out like crazy so if you want to do something cool for the metal guitar community do this again and I hear all the Devil's Advocate oh Gibson is not metal well according to davidstain it is now right like they're leaning into the metal genre super heavily with Adam Jones with Dave Mustaine with Kirk Hammett dude keep going this is so rad we need more of this stuff so everybody that's gonna do it for this video man I just want to say a huge shout out to the gentleman who sent this in I gotta get it back to him on his merry way because this is like I said on vacation and it's not mine but I want to thank you yes you for watching home thanks for always just being so good to me and so kind to me again be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so I'm out of here y'all stay safe stay healthy stay metal see you guys next time later
Channel: Xander Raymond Charles
Views: 6,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibson, flying, Flying V, gibson Flying V, gibson Flying V 7 string, gibson 7 string guitar, 7 string guitar, metal guitar, best Gibson Flying V, greatest Flying V, gibson guitar, Gibson guitar demo, xrc, Xander Raymond Charles, gibsonnn guitars, metal guitars, 7 string gibson, 7 string guitar gibson, 7 string Flying V, 7 string guitars, 7 string guitar demo
Id: itjF8Aqg6Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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