The Great White Throne Judgment

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we should be all on now Revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them thank you Lord for this time that we have give us understanding as we turn to your word help us to to know what you would have us to know and help us to live our lives in line with that knowledge in a way that would please you it's in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that we pray amen the subject that we're going to take up this morning is the great white throne judgment and so on the the chart the great white throne judgment is on the far right it's near the end of most of history it's it's it eternity of course follows after but in terms of the events chronicled in the Bible it sits at the end of them it's near the end of them so verse 11 is the great white throne judgment you'll notice that revelation 19 is the Second Coming so the Second Coming happens in Revelation 19 the millennial reign is revelation 20 verses 1 through 6 so from where we stand right today the next big event that's going to happen is the catching up of the body of Christ the body of Christ will be caught up to heaven at that point Daniels 70th week occurs that is concluded by the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth he establishes Millennial kimmel Ennio kingdom that will operate for a thousand years and then the great white throne judgment will occur so let's read in verse 12 and just understand something about this judgment and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was open so there's two sort of sets of authorities here there's there's a books plural and then there's the other book and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books plural according to their works and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire so let's go over those verses again just make sure we understand what they're saying to us so in verse 12 it says the books plural were opened and then it's going to tell us that the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books so here's what happens every one of every every lost man has his own biography right because there's a book that records the deeds of his life and one of the basic problems that the lost face is those books are fully comprehensive and accurate in other words you know you know what happens with authorized biographies when an authorized biography is written the subject of the biography can review it and determine well this is what I want included this is what I don't want to include it right and what happens is when you write your own you write it the way that you want it to be written these are not autobiographies these are biographies and they're told an exhaustive painstaking detail you see the point it's a terrifying thing isn't it it records all the sins of mankind and they're they're judged out of them then the other book was open and that book is the book of life notice verse 13 and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them hell is like jail in other words what happens to folks is what happens if you are accused of committing a serious crime and the court determines you shouldn't be released on bail so typically what happens is this someone's accused of a crime they're arrested and they're arrested and they will typically be a rate where they will be able to plead guilty or not guilty and they often plead not guilty and then the question becomes now that they've entered a not guilty plea there's some time before the trial what happens do you let them free at large and they just come back for the trial or is it a circumstance where you can't let them go free because the evidence is so strong and the crime so severe that the right thing to do in that instance is to hold them in custody and not release them well the way to think about Hell is that it is jail for the laws it's not their ultimate state you'd know that because what does verse 13 say he'll gave up the Dead which were in them so do lost people get out of hell that they do right they get out of hell because they're released from Hell for the purpose of going to trial going to court at the great white throne judgement when people speak in the vernacular about Judgment Day and people you know it's a term that's commonly used the idea they have in their mind is something very similar to the great white throne judgment they will appear before God they will be judged but what most people think happens you're all familiar with the scales of justice right and the scales of justice are you know there's there's two sides to them and what most people think is well my good things are going to go on this side and my bad things go on that side and as long as it you know tilts in my favor I'm good that's the way that the laws typically think about it and what they typically think is I'm good enough to go to heaven but all those people I don't like well they're not but that is man's thinking what really happens in Revelation 20 verse 12 is the books are opened and when those books are opened and all the deeds of a man's life are laid bare is there anyone that comes out of that looking good and the answer is of course not something to think about so we're going to come back to Revelation 20 but get with me if you would second Thessalonians 1 I don't know if you've thought about this before or not but look at me at second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 Serna verse 7 and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels verse 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God now notice what this next phrase says and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ I don't know if you've thought of it this way before but the way to think about the gospel is that it requires obedience in other words when Paul says in acts 16 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that's actually a command isn't it if you say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shop be saved the subject of that sentence is the understood you in other words what he's really saying is you if I say shut the door what's the subject of that sentence you write because I'm saying you shut the door it's an understood you and when I say shut the door it's a command right the understood you it's directed to you but it's a command you shut the door it's an instruction to do that it's a command if you think about what Paul says in in acts 16 the Philippian jailer says in verse 30 sirs what must I do to be saved most important question ever asked Paul says in verse 31 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shalt be saved what's the subject of that sentence he understood you right you and the command is to believe my point is this people sighs maybe you've never thought that so I think people sometimes think the gospel is something that you optionally can do you can choose to believe it or not you have a choice well you you have a choice as to what you believe but you understand it is a command it is a command to believe and when you fail to believe it you fail to obey the gospel so the rejection of the gospel is itself a sin isn't it see here's one of the tragic things that happens at the great white throne judgment I think this is the case so what the great white throne judgment does is people have been in hell many thousands millions for years and they've been in hell and they've been suffering so there has to be a judicial demonstration of their guilt does God punish people without reason no that would be wrong that would be unjust he would be an unrighteous God well there have been people that have been punished in hell at the time of the great white throne judgment there will be people that have been punished in hell for thousands of years and for God to be just they have to have been guilty of things that deserve that punishment right and after the great white throne where are people going to be placed there he put in the lake of fire for eternity so in order for God to be just the great white throne has to be an absolutely convincing proof of the guilt of every sinner that adds up in the lake of fire right has to be that way now what is scripture say about every idle word get with me Matthew 12 Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 has anyone here ever said something that they wish they could take back right my favorite key on the keyboard my favorite command is ctrl Z right undo all right you type something up here and worked on something and like you mess the formatting up and it just looks terrible and you can't figure out what you did and you're like you just hit ctrl Z until you get back to something that looks close to reasonable and it's wonderful right it's it's different from painting your house right you're painting your house you're painting this white and you put a stripe right there you like there's no keyboard shortcut to get rid of that right because real life doesn't have control Z does it look at Matthew 12:36 but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment see that the great white throne judgment is not just about all the felonies you've committed it's about every single little thing right there's no injustice too small to escape the Justice of God the great white throne judgment is absolutely terrifying because there's the the books that are there contain everything people have ever done right every nasty word every evil thought it's just absolutely horrifying now I'll say this you can decide for yourself the other thing that happens at the great white throne judgment look with me at Luke twelve let's look at this Luke chapter 12 Luca verse 47 in that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself and neither did according to his Will shall be beaten with many stripes but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes now the next part here is what spider-man quotes so on a family hasn't seen the spider-man movie but one of the recurring themes in the spider-man movie is with great power comes what okay so now we're gonna pretend like we haven't seen spider-man okay comes great responsibility now that's that's a that's a line but the origin of that thinking is Luke 12 I personally believe look at verse 48 for him to front to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required that's just that's exactly what spider-man is saying and who men have committed much of him shall they ask them more but the point of Luke 12 is this when judgment occurs it is based upon the responsibility that was given to people get with me Matthew 23 you and actually I'm gonna swish up on you get Matthew 11 I want to use that instead Matthew 11 look at verse 21 Matthew 11 21 woe unto thee corazon woe unto thee bethsaida for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes now before we move on notice what that verse is saying not only does God know everything that ever happened and everything that will happen he also knows everything that would have happened I'm stand again God knows everything that has happened he knows everything that will happen he also does everything that would have happened is what does that verse say see what he's really saying is let's read it again what one did he cause in one of the bethsaida for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes the Lord destroys tyre he destroys tyre for their sins and was it just for him to do that it was but what he says the core isn't about Seita is he says guys woe unto you your sin is so grievous the works that have been done in you make you deeply accountable in other words you've seen things that are an absolute demonstration of the truth and you have rejected it these demonstrations are so powerful that if they were done and tyre and sidon you know what would have happened they would have repented as evil as those places were and they were destroyed you guys have seen greater signs and you have just rejected them and so he says appropriately woe unto you you see that see God has all contingent knowledge he knows not only everything that has happened or will happen he knows what would have happened if something else happened it's fascinating isn't it verse 22 notice what he says here but I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for tyre and sidon at the day of the judgment then for you those are cities he destroyed no that's terrifying isn't it in other words guys I have to tell you with love you have to change the course you're on the site the evidence that has been given to you is so profound does these other wicked sinners would have repented and you rejected what's gonna happen at the great white throne well to whom much is given much is required that's what he's saying verse 23 and thou Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven there the crowd shall be brought down to hell for if the mighty works which had been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained until this day that's fascinating isn't it Sodom was so wicked God couldn't find ten righteous men there right so you just literally rain down fire and destroyed it so Sodom as evil as it was would have repented if those works had been performed in Capernaum says new are there degrees of judgment there are degrees of judgment because there's degrees of responsibility there's degrees of information that are given there's degrees of sin and if God is just there has to be degrees of punishment it's inescapable what would you think of a judicial system that punished parking tickets the same way as murder that had the exact same punishment wouldn't you look at that and say that's unjust I mean doesn't the punishment have to fit the crime isn't there just a basic proportionality to things if you read the Old Testament you see that again and again and again there are different sins that have different punishments well the same that same principle plays out at the great white throne judgment and so what's terrifying is the books are opened and you know what those books demonstrate here's the here's the just the real truth you ready what we all think about ourselves especially the lost is you know I'm not as I'm not as bad I'm basically a good person right I've done some things I shouldn't but basically I'm the good person and you know what the great white throne judgment does it demonstrates your thousands of sins in conclusive detail and it demonstrates all those idle words and you get to the end of that and can you say well yeah I'm basically a good person you can't you're demonstrated guilty beyond any sort of doubt that's what happens about it now just to just to be super clear about this listen the gospel is the solution all this so no one has to go there right you believe I'm oh Jesus Christ you're saving that isn't you don't go there but to be to preach the whole counsel of God you have to tell things according to the way they are and the great white throne judgment is utterly terrified right there's no escape clause there's no leniency there's no free pass it's a judgment absolutely according to truth which should be terrifying for a loss yeah go back to Revelation 20 Revelation chapter 20 and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them so I'll tell you what I think that is scripture says there is a resurrection of the just and a resurrection of the unjust the lost are resurrected so think about it this way there there are saved people whose bodies have been vaporized right so think of for example people that are at the site of where nuclear weapons are used I mean there's some people there their physical bodies are just literally vaporized right they just cease to exist sinew bone and all it's just gone so what happens to those people in the eternal life well they have to be given a new body right and they have to be given a body that is suitable for their purpose what is our what is the nature of our inheritance we're blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places right the eternal location of the body of Christ is in the heavens and so we have to have bodies that are equipped to function in the heavens so in 1st Corinthians 15 they're described as celestial bodies they're described as spiritual bodies but we're given a body that is suited for the place that we're gonna operate for all eternity and that makes sense I mean these things by the way what would happen if you could live in this body for 10,000 years here's what would happen real simple see if you look at your body you know what you just have you have scars right because you cut it here and it feels but it's a scar and you have burns and then you know use your body the longer you live you realize what happens is you just collect scar tissue I mean that's just the honest truth of the matter what would happen if you had to live in this body for ten thousand years it would just be a mess wouldn't it so what God does is he gives you a new spiritual body that is perfectly suited for all eternity that's a spiritual body that's designed to function heavens so that's exciting news well scripture says there's a resurrection of the unjust get with me John 5 just so you see it get John 5 and we might as well look at acts 24 at the same time so get John chapter 5 verse 29 John 5:20 9 John 5:20 9 I shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life when you read revelation 20 we won't do it revelation 20 has something called the first resurrection and what that means is people that were believers under the the time passed program they are resurrected into the kingdom it's called the first resurrection first one it shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life that's a good thing now notice this and they even have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation so our lost people resurrected obviously they are there's a resurrection of damnation get with me Acts 24 Acts chapter 24 Paul says here in acts 24:15 and have hope toward God which they themselves also allow that there shall be a resurrection of the dead notice both of the just and the unjust so the lost receive a resurrection so go back with me in a revelation chapter 20 revelation 20 verse 13 and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them so what happens is the lost are resurrected from those locations and they're resurrected because they have to appear at the great white throne judgment so they have to stand trial at the end of the trial what clearly happens let's just go ahead and read it here so look at verse 14 revelation 20 verse 14 and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire now just get revelation 19 verse 20 so you see what happens here and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worship His image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone what happens in Revelation 19 verse 20 is during the the 70th week there is a satanic Trinity that that is a a counterfeit that is a corruption of the true Trinity so there's you all know there's God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit during the 70th week there's a satanic Trinity where there Satan the beast and the false prophet what happens in Revelation 19 is the beast and the false prophet not Satan but the beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire those appear to be the first folks that are cast into it okay and then they're cast into it look at verse chapter 20 verse 10 and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire so what happens with the devil he's not cast into the lake of fire at the Second Coming the beast and the false prophet are he has put into the bottomless pit he's locked there for a period of time he gets out of there at the end of the millennium to lead a rebellion and then what you read about in Revelation 20 verse 10 is let's just read it and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone so that's his eternal punishment it begins right there at that verse but then notice what says where the beast and the false prophet are some folks teach annihilation that what happens to the Lost in Hell is they're not tormented forever what happens is they're destroyed they cease to exist well what does that verse tell you right there when it says where the beast and the false prophet are they've been there for a thousand years Satan is cast in there and I'm making about what I'm about to say but what they say to him is it doesn't get better right they've been there a thousand years suffering torment and Satan arrives and it's about to start for him and it's just the beginning of how it's gonna be now look at the end of this where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented the word tormented when you look on the dictionary means torture tormented day and night notice forever and ever all right so go back to Revelation 20 verse 14 so when we think about the lake of fire what we've seen is the beast and the false prophet or throne there we see that Satanists throne there it's a time of torment and it's day and night forever and ever I mean it's just bad so look at verse 14 and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire to put it simply what God does is the lake of fire is if you will the trashcan of the universe God throws into the lake of fire everything he hates the Beast the false prophet Satan the lake of death and hell are cast into there and then verse 15 who else has cast into there look at him verse 15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was casted like a fire so the lost of the ages end up in the lake of fire all right so that's sort of difficult news get with me if you would first Corinthians three and actually let's just do something else let's do this this way get revelation 21 verse 8 I'm gonna skip ahead here revelation 20 verse 8 but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters notice and all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death you know this but how many murders do you have to commit to be a murderer the answer is one you can get one murder your murderer how many lies do you have to commit to be a liar and the answer is 1 so according to that verse all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone so think about what that's really saying what that means is this let's assume that you went through life and the only sin you ever committed was to lie a single time where would you end up you'd end up in the lake of fire now your punishment would not be as severe as someone that had sinned more but you realize one sin by itself is sufficient to merit the lake of fire so then you just extrapolate that so then you think about what happens to people that live their normal human life they just go through life being the normal sinners that we are well the punishment has to be just devastating look with me if you would at Romans 2 Romans chapter 2 look at verse 4 well let's start in verse three and think it's now this oh man that judges them which do such things and do us the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God see when that verse says think about this that verse is identifying exactly how people think they have this vain hope that they're gonna somehow escape the judgment of God it's wishful thinking is what it is look at verse four or despise us now the riches of His goodness in forbearance and longsuffering and on that verse just think about the dispensation of grace right when Steven is stoned and he says I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing and you've heard this many times acts 2 Jesus Christ is seated x7 he's standing why because he's standing to judge his enemies right so in acts 7 Stephen sees the Son of man standing and it's absolutely clear testimony and everyone who hears his voice the judgment is closer it's coming so in acts 7 anyone with a brain ought to expect what's next on the agenda is the pouring out of God's wrath but what God does in his incredible grace is he says timeout I'm not going to pour out my wrath I'm gonna give this time of long-suffering and grace exactly what Romans 2 chapter 4 says now read Romans 2:4 again here's what happens to the lost man that rejects the dispensation of grace or despise us now the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering imagine that imagine living during the dispensation of grace during this time where God offers amnesty to the world as a free gift by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and someone says now I'm good I'm good I'm a good person I don't need that I'm all good you despise the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering do you see how brash and bold and ridiculous that statement is right I'm good I don't need that I'm good hmm now notice what then says not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance now here's verse 5 verse 5 is the reality for everyone that has rejected what Jesus Christ did for them but after thy hardness and impenitent heart that's what you have to be to reject the gospel notice what it says treasure upon to thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God have any of you ever had to be in a situation where you had an elderly relative died and you had to clean out the house and what you realize is that just kept everything you ever seen that this had all this stuff that you didn't want to get rid of and people like to collect things don't they you've noticed this right and they collect all different things right some people collect Hummels or little statutes or jewelry or this they collect things you know why that is it's man's desire to treasure and collect and amass things right it's a form of lust and that's why my pain that's why people collect things it's it's their lust it's their desire for more manifesting and so what people do is they have different things they get into collecting we know the truth of the matter once you sort through all that physical nonsense you know what's really happening with lost people what is the one thing that they're really treasure level according to that verse wrath listen here's the let me ask the question this way which is better is it better to die as an infant or to live a long and full life as a lost person what happens is if you what happens if you live a long and full life as a lost person you know what you've done is to be honest with you you've treasured up Rath listen do you think a do you think a 24 hour period goes by without people sinning is anyone so naive to think that what happens every extra hour of life that you have you had more sin and when the books are opened in Revelation 20 verse 12 what happens you just keep writing new chapters in that the truth and there's more sin after more sin after more sin is God a righteous judge he is is there any of those he can just say well look I already caught him on three felonies I'm gonna let him skate on this one he can't it's inconsistent with his character so what happens for the lost man is there treasuring up grath the longer they live the more they accumulate get with me John chapter 19 John chapter 19 John 19 is just a fascinating passage look at starting verse 7 the Jews sir number 6 when the chief priests their foreign officers saw him they cried out saying crucify him crucify him Pilate saith unto them take him and crucify him for I find no fault in him this is fascinating so Pilate can't find a reason to crucify the Lord hadn't done anything wrong verse 7 the Jews answered him we have a law and by our law he ought to die because he made himself the Son of God absolutely fascinating Pilate says this guy didn't do anything wrong the Jews said yea yea yea yea I did he claimed to be the Son of God ok what does Pilate think about that look at verse 8 when Pilate therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid well he was the more afraid was that tell you he was already scared wasn't he take this for what it's worth many criminal defense lawyers will say the scariest cases they have are the ones when they represent people who are innocent you know why because if you're representing someone who's guilty and they get convicted what's happened what the natural course of justice would hope would happen but what happens if you're representing someone who's innocent that's terrifying isn't it because then you might have a real miscarriage where the innocent is wrongly convicted what's going on with Pilate here by the way I won't spend the time to do this Pilate as you could you read cross reference this is not someone that cares a lot about the truth you can tell that but what's fascinating here is as this event unfolds he is very wary of who he's dealing with he's concerned that there's this man hasn't done anything wrong so they tell him he made himself to be the Son of God and Pilate doesn't laugh and say ha ha ha what a crazy guy this is what happens he becomes the more afraid because he's really starting to wonder verse nine and went again into the judgment Hall and saith unto Jesus whence art thou where are you from but Jesus gave him no answer first ten then saith Pilate unto him speakest thou not unto me the equivalent of how dare you knowest thou not that I have power to crucify the and have power to release thee what Pilate says is what do you how dare you not answer me I asked you a question don't you know your life is in my hands I can release you I can crucify you you account to me look at verse 11 jesus answered thou could us have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above in other words Pilate you know what power you have really nothing you've been given power from above but had had you not been you haven't done now notice what he then says therefore he that delivered me unto thee half the greater sin what did he just say do you see how accusatory that is the guys that delivered me unto you have the greater comparative sin but what is he saying yeah you're about to commit the thing you will most regret that's what he's saying are their degrees of sin in the Bible plainly there are get with me mark chapter 6 mark chapter 6 well we'll close with this you mark chapter 6 verse 7 and he called unto Him the twelve and began to send them forth by two and two and gave them power over unclean spirits verse ten and he said unto them in what place so ever ye enter into a house there abide till ye depart from that place and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear you when you depart thence shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that City so what happens is let's just pull this all together and we'll conclude no one escapes the judgment of God they just don't people wish that they could but they can't and when they show up with that judgment what's gonna happen is it's gonna be exhaustive it's gonna demonstrate beyond doubt all of their crimes that they've committed all their wrongs against God it's gonna demonstrate I believe it's going to demonstrate every single time they rejected the gospel think how that would burn right in other words if we looked at this earlier if the gospel is a command to believe then the failure to perform that command is itself a sin so the great white throne judgment people are showed every time they rejected the provision that Christ made for them there there showed there demonstrated the fact that there was all this evidence all this information given to them that they discounted and then all their sins will be demonstrated and they'll be cast into the lake of fire and they'll receive the eternal punishment that is proportionate to their life and it's sadly most people are in the process of treasuring up wrath so let me just end with the good news no one has to go to the lake of fire right Christ died for your sins was buried rose again the third day you don't have to get you don't have to perform works to go to heaven you don't have to get baptized you have to join a church you don't have to tithe all you have to do is believe I'm a Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved the moment that you place your faith in the blood that Christ shed for you God takes the righteousness of Christ and it tributes it to your account it's that simple it's that instantaneous it's that permanent so if you haven't done that you need to do that because that solves your salvation for all eternity now by the way that should clarify you what's important in life if you're saved so once you've solved the issue of your salvation you've solved the biggest issue and at that point there's really in my opinion just two things one is to grow in in knowledge of what God's doing study his word to grow into maturity to be a better informed see to be a more effective ambassador and then the second thing is simply this just just just face this reality the vast majority of your neighbors relatives friends colleagues co-workers what are they going to do they're gonna up like fire I wish that weren't the case the math is the vast majority of them are going to so we need to do with our life is figure out a way try to get people safe right it's not just whoever dies the most toys wins that's just nonsense at the end at the end of after the first ten thousand years of eternity the only issue is gonna be who's there and who's not right so our lives have purpose that's what it is amen let's close in a word of Prayer father God thank you for your word thank you for preserving it for us we rejoice that you're not only a just God you're a loving God and you're gracious and you have provided the sacrifice for our sins that we could not obtain on our own so we thank you for that we rejoice in it we rejoice in everything your son accomplished we just pray Lord that each day we would be better ambassadors for your son the Lord Jesus Christ it's in his name we pray amen amen saying
Channel: Columbus Bible Church
Views: 2,055
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
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Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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