The Great Ontario Get-Away Give-Away Q&A

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[Music] well hello everybody welcome to fishing canada live hello angelo how are you good thank you uh i see we uh we both decided to wear black today that's kind of interesting man in black look at that oh yeah look at you break it up buddy look at you anyways i was going to say pete and i don't uh rehearse this stuff so uh and certainly nobody tells us what to wear but we decided uh obviously both to wear black today we must have been thinking alike a sponsor's logo too or something like that but we said all fish in canada today what the heck right what the heck even bubba even bubba is wearing fish in canada logo by the way uh for those of you who are saying hey wait a minute you and bob are too close we're not he's got a mask on we are but he's he's got a mask on in case you can't see it in the darkness here uh we've got a ton of stuff first of all hi to everybody out there i see calvin is with us and all the usual suspects hello and welcome to the program hopefully everybody is doing well and safe uh marty mellows marty meadows is on oh marty how you doing buddy thanks brother that's awesome uh by the way uh calvin panel have we announced yet about calvin or not did we do that go ahead just to let everybody know that calvin is such a great contributor to our to almost every post we do social uh on the web on our site et cetera et cetera that and we and ed started this a long time ago this this quest to get calvin to be a blogger and at first calvin yeah you know it just didn't really feel like it wasn't up to it well we've got finally got calvin convinced to be a blogger and i just went through his first blog today is uh looking over and all that and it's just about pretty much ready to go up so calvin will now be another blogger on our list and uh we all know he's he's an interesting character so when he writes something out like that i'll tell you why you're going to want to read it so welcome aboard calvin it's because we're not paying people by the word by the way okay actually you know what this one's not that bad he didn't get that wordy on it he was i mean if you want to pay him by the scientific element then you're going to owe him a lot of money for sure he's good he's good he's a good read he'll be fun with us for the site for sure um we've got a ton of things to go over one of the main reasons we wanted to come back live first of all we i know we keep saying we want to do this more often we really do but uh this this fishing situation that we're we're in right now is a moving target and it's just never ending so every time we think let's go live and talk about it something else uh there's a new return that we have to deal with so um we felt uh we're at a point right now where where we're comfortable uh coming on live and talking to you about uh the contest and the site and the do's and don'ts and all the things that are going on in that area uh so that's why we're here but before we do that you know it's funny pete and i when we start talking about doing one of these live events we we say what do you want to talk about so i don't know what do you think oh i don't know there's nothing really going on and say okay well you know we'll see but then we go live we'll come up with something and every time we do that by time we go live we have got 132 things to fit into a place of what hold four and that's where we are right now oh that's too funny so true let's start out with uh with uh first of all it's that time of year where we're anticipating uh the opening of certain seasons certainly trout is uh upon us coming up but uh yeah and i think what two a week and a half two weeks yeah last last saturday of april before we get to that of course uh uh the new bass season regulations in this part of the country uh are were the hot topic a few months ago when they were first announced um how how's that coming along we'd like to know if you've been out exercising your right to fish for bass at a time when we normally would not fish for bass uh let us know mr bowman uh how have you been out i've been out uh so here's an interesting one you'll like this one edge um i went out for pike in zone 20 before it closed right so that is the end of march last day of march so it was the last saturday in march basically right so and of course when you're fishing pike at that time of year you're in basque waters really you are right like i mean these pikes spawn in the same places that largemouth not smallmouth sorry i'm thinking i'm talking largemouth only yeah and uh and that whole day that a buddy and i fished we did not see a largemouth bass we caught some pike we saw some big pike we've got some bike and all that but didn't even see a largemouth i was stunned i talked to my buddies that were out that day there was four other boats around uh uh you know a ways away not one bass was seen or caught at that early in the year and uh that surprised me the water was in the 40s and it was in the 44 degree range or something like that and it really surprised me but now and they would have hit like we were throwing meps number threes we were throwing uh little suspending jerk baits you know you know typical pike stuff in the bike rena but the bass were nowhere to be seen in that sense you know okay so i have to ask you the obvious obvious to me i don't know whether it's obvious to everybody else out here so if this let's roll back the the clock to a year ago yep would you have been there a year ago fishing this time of year if i hadn't known about it this is the first time i've done that this year but yes i would have for sure absolutely uh okay closing why what are you saying what are you trying to call me out on no i'm not saying anything i'm just asking i'm asking you questions that come to my mind that's what the reason i went out is because i got reports last year that my buddies were already out before april okay my boat wasn't out of storage yet i'm thinking you guys are out pike fishing already and they loaded the fridge and freezer and bellies up with good with pike fellas at that time of year right so i said i'm gonna get in on that so i knew it was going to be one day on the water i knew it was going to be easier so calvin uh says thank you for the opportunity much appreciated uh it's reciprocal by the way thank you for uh for participating uh folks are gonna love reading uh calvin if you haven't already been introduced to him because calvin is one of the most prolific uh people on in terms of responding to various blogs that are posted on it and so now uh we'll we'll have a different perspective of calvin now he he's going to see the world from our eyes which is very cool i think it's going to be uh really interesting thanks kelvin yeah yeah he's going to be fun for sure so okay so i i wonder how many people have gone out i've seen uh i've seen quite a few not quite a few i should say i've seen some videos uh of people out a couple of guys in particular and they've been very good to uh into that sense of you know if they're going to show themselves catching these fish they're catching them and they're throwing them back immediately they're not showing them to the camera they're not doing all that kind of stuff so they've been pretty good i saw one guy posting some stills i don't know it was from this year or not but i do see him posing and showing to the camera and just to forewarn people if you do that the ministry could come after you if you if you can if they can prove you caught those fish right now they could bust you you know for uh further go one step further than saying that the truth of the matter is that uh they will be watching for this if you quit your bass and that bass is not immediately released at the side of the bow they have all uh first of all let's let's be honest conservation officers don't need an excuse unlike regular uh law enforcement agencies the ceos are the only ones that really don't need an excuse to come in and talk to you and ask you questions so if we witness that you are taking pictures of a bass during this period they will come over and find you period no questions asked so just be warned because i know there's going to be a lot of stuff coming up on the internet saying i can't believe they would do that i would just stop having fun thinking and then took a picture and yeah they told us that and you know what this law is not only not new but it's not just for bass people so when you catch a pike right now in zone 20 you can fish for bass legally you can't fish for pike legally so you catch this pike that's out of season you throw him up to the camera you're breaking the law by holding that push up now by taking the picture by holding that fish up and and detaining that fish from being released any species out there if they are not in season if they're protected for whatever reason if you are adding time to that instead of an immediate accidental catch an immediate release you're basically breaking the law so be careful uh moving on to another new regulation that is in place this year for the first time and i'm wondering how people are dealing with it uh once again if you are i notice uh we had a few people saying that they've been out uh fishing and no results i haven't seen anybody saying hey it was a it was a heyday out there gangbusters no i know uh willow was carp fishing this year i don't know if he didn't brand the three rods or not or two rods or not but i know he was carp fishing this year that's what i was going to ask i was going to ask him if there are any folks out there watching that are with us today that have actually enjoyed the new three rod carp regulation that we have in this part of the country and if so let us know i'm just curious how many people once again would not have been out carp fishing had it not been for the a the new three rod ruling and b the awareness of carp all of a sudden i mean carp has gone from total obscurity to now being at the top of the fishing news certainly in in southern ontario as it has for the last year and so people are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden and this could be a me thing i'm a little quirky that way i'm starting to notice all of a sudden people are coming out of the woodwork people are you know all of a sudden they're carp affectionately all of a sudden there's there's carp agencies and there's carp clubs and there's carp everybody is jumping on the bandwagon and say a bandwagon and say yes finally all my hard work has paid off we got the government to accept this ridiculous notion that you could only fish carp with one rod and we got it changed in hurrah look at us how wonderful we are and uh probably it's a it's a me thing but what started that off was a an article and i'm not gonna quote who wrote it or where it was written but there is an article that is has been recently published by a very well uh known organization saying there i hope you guys are all happy we work hard for you and we now have thanks to our hard efforts and work we now have a new carp three rod regulation in place in ontario and don't forget who got that for you so send your 49.99 and become a member because you know that's what it's all about and so that's what i mean about people coming out of the woodwork and we were warned we were warned about people coming out of the world remember we talked to a certain individual that said you watch now you watch the people that come out of the woodwork it's funny how you said that let me set the record straight just so that we understand who was behind this change because let's be honest about it 99.9 of us right now on this this webcast really weren't that interested in cart and let alone carp fishing up until recently so let me just set the record straight uh how how the whole thing went down um in 2004-ish first of all we shot a fish in canada episode back in in i think it was 2002 our very first episode was shot with a gentleman by the name of len perdick and you pete and and i believe you guys were um downtown i think you were in toronto islands that was brought on by a gentleman by the name of tom brook so tom brook at that time was president of shimano canada and he was really eager to start the carp fishery here in in this country because it was obviously huge in europe and being in the in the rod and real business the tackle business he really thought it was important that we as canadians embrace car and carp fishing so uh he got a hold of at that time one of the few if not the only real tarp angler that we had in the entire country his name was len perdick and the two of them decided that they were going to start promoting carp fishing and they contacted us because we were already involved with shimano at the time they said why don't you shoot a cart fishing show and we said a what a card fishing show so we did and from that episode tom and uh and len went on to start marketing carp fishing but more importantly seeing why in the world we had a one rod ruling when the rest of the world had multi-rod uh uh fish part fishery because carp fishing really sort of calls for multi rods and those of you who are in the carp fishing world you know what we're talking about so anyways they started in the early 2000s they started working uh with meetings with m r at that time it was still m r not m rf and uh everything that they uh had written up and this wanted to discuss fell on deaf ears with m r a few years later a gentleman by the name of jim grayston who was just coming up in ontario tourism coming up meaning he had just been moved into the tourism sector and uh he started getting interested in carp fishing and thinking yeah we need to you know bring this thing to life and one of the ways we've got to do it is to change that single rod ruling so him jim grayson along with len verdick and tom brook started you know making it their daily routine to at least send messages to m r and m r officials they met several times and m r kept saying no no no it ain't never going to happen forget it move on boys get over it i don't have this in writing this next part i'm going to tell you but i have it from very good authority that they went to the office because your h was still is the voice of the ontario angler thinking let's go there because they'll be able to help us and the ofah was not interested in that not only they were not interested but for those of you who know that the the the of h you know that they also promote um um bull hunting for car and which if you're into carpet all you know how ridiculous that is here we are in the year 2021 and we still and by the way this is not a slight against hunters at all by any means because hunters go out they hunt and they consume their quarry i mean that's the whole thing about hunting carp bow hunters or bowl fishing whatever they want to call it not so much it's a it's a numbers game they have no maximum limits they in a lot of cases will leave the carcasses right there we have seen witness to that uh but they just cons they kill at will and so anybody who's really serious about carp fishing is totally dead set against that so having said that you can see the conflicts that i'm leading up to um with this whole thing but i just wanted to make that perfectly clear uh on who initiated it who should be getting all the thanks for the three not two we went for two but we got three rod ruling on carp fishing uh a bonus rod got a nick you put up a uh a question from john horth earlier there anyone know of two rods per person in a boat in the niagara river is a upper niagara river is allowed i believe it would not be allowed uh john only because if you were in in that sense lake erie i believe you're allowed to run two rods and the great lakes i can tell you definitively that they're not allowed yeah so in the river yourself you're not allowed in the lake lake area you would be allowed to do that lake ontario lower you'd have to be out in the main lake to be able to run the two rods and in the regulations they actually show you what is considered lake and what is considered uh river mouth and what is considered river there you go and if i'm not mistaken now this one i could be wrong i believe it has to be in the lake proper so you cannot use multi-rods even in river mouths which are clearly outlined in the uh zoning definitions the regs yeah yeah yeah and remember too that this three and people are going to start trying to take advantage they might want to think well maybe we can use three rods off a boat on the great lakes for carp but you can't you can you can run two rods if you were fishing out of a boat for carp which i don't know how you'd do it'd be pretty tough but you could still do it i am did a show once on race lake out of a boat but you could have done two per person but you cannot run three per person in the boat and in the great lakes for carp so yeah and i think all these things are about to change with carp what's exciting about here's here's here's how i feel about carp fishing to me this is the late 70s early 80s in this in this part of the world in terms of bass fishing that's that's where we were back then it's where we are right now with carp and it was such an exciting time to be an angler when bass fishing was just starting to get under our skin and we were so much into it not that we're not now but back then we didn't know anything about it nobody did everything was new every pattern and every location everything you did was brand new and you were pioneering well that's the way we feel about carp fishing right now it is such an exciting time uh to go after carp it is unbelievable this this is going to be a great year the only travesty to this whole thing of course is that koben has shut down not covered but yeah covert i guess you could say has shut down the fish in canada carp cut which was in its third year before coleman hit can you imagine the carp cup now pete it's gonna be three right there they're gonna have six rods per set up for reporting oh my god that's gonna be no they can't can they yeah they can yeah it's great too it's gonna be a little bit crazy it'll be nuts they're gonna have a lot of water to cover there's gonna be a lot of fish to be brought in because you remember pretty quickly the the two guys from quebec there on that roadside stop and they were constantly with two rods they had to take one rod out half the time you met did you imagine the first time that those six rods were out against mayhem oh my god it would be crazy hey changing the subject because we got to move on here before you go let's just deal with this one because i find this interesting because the largest crop i've ever caught came from the spanish river off the north channel wow that's cool i did not know there were carp in the spanish river did you well that's that's lake huron is it not or is it nope yeah i mean they're in the great lake and they're in that lake they're going to be in that river right prolific they're movers for sure they're looking for warmer water probably too the lake is very cold so they probably move into that that's but that's great just yeah i'd like to know how jeffrey if you can write down how big that carp was um it'd be nice to know how big they they get up there too compared to our lake ontario because our lake ontario carpet ridiculous big thing i mean you're you're talking lots of 35 to 40 pounders lots of them and then bigger obviously i think we're going to start seeing 40s consistently and i think before because there's so many people going to be fishing them and of course with the three broad limit that ups the ante i think we're going to start looking at 50s oh no doubt there's going to be a 50s cop for sure that day lenny and i went out that what year did you say that was 2008 or whatever it was or nineteen it was it was ridiculous it was so long ago we got a 35 that day yeah you know what i mean so they're they're and they're getting bigger all the time um what i was going to say is if you go to look at our new store that we were going to the people were buying the swag from we actually took it down we uh we didn't like the way everybody was getting gouged i guess you call it gauss for the shipping uh all the extra fees uh and then you know people might have thought we were getting the money we're not getting the money we're getting very little of that money for all this stuff and it just it was too expensive we talked to so many people and they even though they bought stuff you know they they all sort of sent their piece and so we thought you know what we're gonna find a better way of doing this if we can and and we're not gonna get everybody disappointed in in getting gauss so yeah and we wanted to gauge the marketplace too and get a feel for you know what was viable what's not viable what do people want they don't want we got uh we want to thank all of you who participated and used it we've got a lot of information that we are now going to use moving forward and designing and building our own in-house store we're going to source the products out directly ourselves and we're going to ship them ourselves and it'll uh it'll be a perfect world at some point very soon probably but um we can't give you any more detail than that yep you want to go to the garment piece first before we go any fur or or yeah let's go to the garmin just before we went on uh on air today we got a last-minute email from uncle jack at radio world because they're hooked up with garmin as you know they're the largest garment uh retailer in the nation one of the largest in north america uh but jack just gave me the heads up that uh in fact garmin just announced that i'm assuming it happened hours ago that they have teamed up with a mercury marine and so now it's possible to use all of the benefits from the mercury smart gauge uh program and package that most of you are familiar with that know about merck uh it now plugs right into the garmin unit so all of that data and information now you can you can migrate over to garmin and the two will work in unison so things like speed temperature all that real cool information will be in your garmin unit which is going to be fantastic we i was telling manchester and he answers told me the news and i was telling him i just saw a thing on uh the la i think was the last bass tournament that was run and a guy was you know a lot of these tournament guys they have to gauge their distance and when they're going to refuel et cetera et cetera they said this stuff is getting so accurate now that you can go down to the tenth of a gallon and be very very confident that you know what if you if it says 0.5 left in your tank to get back to the weigh-in and you have 0.75 don't worry about it because you're going to be there you're going to be good it's that accurate apparently it's dead so that's so cool to see you know and some people might not care about it yeah it's not for everybody but you know what just to have you know your your everything you know temperature of your motor out in front of you because you might not ever look at that little old gauge that you had before if you have a gauge at all for your temperature this stuff is right there you know if you want to just hit one screen it's got all your stuff so we'll we'll try and do something on that when we learn a little more about it maybe we hook our rig up to it and we'll uh give a report interesting question from uh bob devine he's saying uh what do you think how are you buddy um what do you might should we leave you two alone for a minute or so a guide on the detroit river and he's an awesome stick that guy can catch him and he can put you on a fish just like you know he wants to know uh what we think of the two michigan trader boats that got fined recently on the detroit um they were working in ontario waters during closed border oh i didn't hear about this but that's uh that's a good one so i mean they got charged for crossing the border i'm assuming right i have to assume that i mean the border is the border whether it's in water on land it's the border so any rules that apply to border crossing on land apply to water so it's a joke bobby right now because people are driving from flying from florida to buffalo and then either walking across the bridge or taking an uber across the bridge and getting across so it's a joke at the border crossings right now so i don't know what to say on that one don't i know what to say don't get me started on that topic i have a thing about borders and right now for sure and people coming across them yeah richard uh says thank you so much for the new store i do want your products but it was the us exchange and shipping charges that kept me from perfect which we we now know the majority of you feel that way uh uh post the address to the new store and uh we'll see what we can do you'll be having a new photo caption contest okay we're gonna talk a couple of minutes we've got a ton of stuff to go through um before we do that let me make we've got a couple more announcements we have to get not announcements just news releases that we think important that we talk about uh there will be a story that uh is either on our site right now or will be coming out very shortly uh it's about a new bass fishing game that is uh being developed as we speak it'll be available to us sometime this fall i'm told and it's called bass masters 2022 and from all accounts from what i have seen this is going to knock the socks off of any gamers any even if you're not into fishing gamers are going to be on this thing um on steam or whatever other means you have with playing your games this thing is going to be crazy and what i really love about it is that they've taken pete and i've talked about how long have we been talking about this concept peter oh my god how many years right 10 years ago it started yeah we said you know if we could just come up with a way of replicating real lakes and real fishing patterns on real lakes based on the current weather at the real current weather at that time can you imagine yeah you forgot we had to come up with a few million bucks too but well i don't wanna you know make myself look like i'm financially challenged or anything but we're a little short on that but it's okay we talked about this how you know at the time we were um we were even talking to roland martin about it because as you know or may not know roland and uh a couple of other i think jimmy houston was involved too 30 years ago came out with this bastronic which was a little handheld computer i remember that thing remember that thing that was so cool and anyway so we talked to him about the idea and he said wow that'd be a great idea because because it would be alive right you could you could actually you know plug it into the current uh barometric pressure systems in various parts of the country and weather patterns and and uh seasonality and and and fish behavior because of of water levels like he just went on and and he was right it would have been fantastic well i think that's about to happen and i'm really excited i can i'm not a gamer by any means but i want to see this in action so keep an eye out for it uh the full story is on or we'll be there jordan just put it up it's it's over in the comments there there's the link in the comments so what's up uh uh read it and go to the links uh and read the full song hey you're fun for you here's one for you do you think ange nick nick hunter or cole will play that game well let's ask nick nick will you play that game where are you nick i'm right here okay and maybe if it sounds cool i'll check it out for sure it i think you'll be all over it i think it's going to be fantastic when it comes out by the way that's nikki b behind the scenes running jordan where are you jordan say hello jordan's hiding oh he's hiding he's incognito he's having a head bad hair day today uh oh i thought he looked rather handsome i thought so too but apparently not what do we know a cardboard asked you a question about uh jordan hockey on cardboard uh what do you think is the best lure to use for catching largemouth bass that does not include using real bait like worms or milk that was a good one hey i'll tell ya i'll tell you what hockey there uh go to uh hit on angela my outdoor life angelo did a blog in there on the back what's it called bass smart i think it's called that's smart it's three-part article it's got everything in there you would probably be able to learn and then some so for sure including baits there's a whole point one two and three and i think part two deals exclusively with the bass bass it's a very interesting read and we'll answer any questions that you have about about bates as far as you know personal preference if you're asking that um for myself top water bait's definitely the most exciting way to fish for for bass a large mouth or a small mouth it doesn't really matter so either one's fine i agree on that top water is very fun very fun to fish the limited top water that i have done for fishing for bass it's it's definitely the most exciting because you get to see it strike right there on the way it's crazy nothing nothing more exciting than a top water head whether you get the fish or not it's kind of irrelevant it's just that yeah the explosion uh there's the link guys over guys and girls over on the right hand side there you'll see uh it's in the comments it's i don't know if it's on the right hand but it's definitely in the comments for you guys if you want to check out the uh the link to the article or you can go into the fishing canada website it should be in the recent news and or blogs it's called bass fishing 101 uh bath smart part one two and two yeah that's it okay and i'll leave you guys with this before i go uh back to my my my stream running yes from delaney heading to uh garner lake with well i'll tell you what delaney i didn't do much walleye fishing there as a matter of fact i didn't do any targeted walleye fishing there because the pike are so damn big there i had i only had a day and i and i went in and to this to this day right now that is the single best pike fishing in a single day that i've had anywhere by myself and i had some other stuff that we've done you know and a couple other trips but this one little trip that i got to fly in for the day and fly out for the day on an ontario lake is not that far north best pike fishing i've had they weren't sugar air i believe white rubber air yeah yep it's actually it's on our website uh the episode is called scarback i believe it's called scarborough yeah but i will say that the guys that were in there in the camp were catching giant walleye i mean giants for northern ontario a big fish is you know over five pounds they were catching six and seven pounders so those are really they are giants for up there and this is not a very big lake long skinny lake really cool piece of water can't give you tips on the on the wall but i can guarantee there's some big ones in there and i would say use bigger baits a little bit bigger even if it's in may end of may go a little bit bigger in your bait selection how's that and by doing that you're going to get some bonus giant gators too exactly exactly so very cool lake green white river awesome awesome group all right i think we got everything covered that we need to cover before we start talking about what we need to talk about how's that yeah yeah wow well you ever suck up some time there viola yeah i wouldn't mean to but hey you know what that's the bonus of being able to run this thing the way you want to do it right here's what it takes uh don't forget to support our stream by liking or commenting we want to hear from you all the time to you live here we'll get to at some point so uh there's never a question that should not be asked feel free uh for sure and we're working on that too as a matter of fact we came up with a new idea for the website and then any question you ever have that'd be wet be ready for that one you're gonna see that come on the website where we're gonna really dig into some of your questions we're gonna have some fun with it so let's not ignore the fact that we did have a question that i said we'll get to it a little later on this is probably a good time to do it they want to know about the captioning contest peter oh yeah we got another one in the in the it's in the queue right now ready to go on the site uh it's a matter of when they get see the problem we're having right now again is ann said first we're having a lot of website issues we've just changed over to a new company it's all it's all new to both of us them and to us you know what i mean so we're ironing out all the little bugs and once we get all that ironed out we want to make it as smooth as possible for everybody else but but we have many pictures already ready to go for the caption contest so it's going to be coming out hopefully this week next week is what we're hoping for so and thank you for the participation in that that was a lot of fun engine i had a riot reading those off so that was cool we're looking forward to the next one we got to do something with the uh each of the winning entries we got to do something special and i promise we will i i i don't know what yet but each one of the winners for each one of uh the captioning contest we're going to do something really special with it for sure so i know you're getting a hat an autographed hat which is very cool but uh we're going to do something even more special than that all right so let's talk about uh why we're here today the great ontario getaway giveaway uh arguably the largest contest of its kind ever and i mean that ever to hit the outdoors uh we'll be giving away a hundred thousand dollars worth of free adventures into northern ontario never been done before sure everybody's giving away a trip and we have everybody has never before has this amount of money been dedicated to a contest solely for the purpose of giving away outdoor adventures so the importance of this thing is not the fact that we're giving away although it is important we're giving away a hundred thousand dollars for the trips into northern ontario the importance is that that hundred thousand dollars makes its way right back into the pockets of the people who need it most right now and that are that is the folks who run these businesses some of them are three four generations of ownership in these businesses we mentioned one uh just a few moments ago white river air which they've been around i think this is generation three maybe pushing for so we thought we'd put together a contest with uh destination ontario destination northern ontario and noto whereby we could not only have this crazy contest to give away a hundred thousand dollars worth of travel into northern ontario but somehow have the value of those trips the actual money that those trips are worth make their way back to the lodge owners and that's what the great ontario getaway giveaway is so it's a win-win win situation because every lodge owner that is randomly drawn to be hooked up with one of the 50-plus winners is going to get paid for that trip in full at their rate cart value so so it's it's i mean we're thrilled to death to be a part of this thing you're looking at a comment and i'm going to interrupt you because this is important right here i'd love to go on a flying trip everybody would love to do that but jay just let me let us tell you it's not just flying trips this is what everybody thinks these lodges are but there's many lodges that you can drive to that you can pull your boat to and drive to there's lodges that you can take a train into only there's lodges where you go to a landing area and then they come and pick you up with a boat and they take you out with a boat there's actually lodges with house boats you go to the main building our main area and then they go out in a house boat so there's all kinds of trips there's just we don't want to fool anybody to think it's just flying trips it's not what this is about this is about the all-round package the all-around experience so there you go sorry some of the most wonderful experiences that pete and i have had the tremendous fortune to have been a part of in fact we're not even clients they were drive tubes yeah some of our best trips are drive to so don't don't discount the value of of drive twos because they they can be absolutely wonderful but but these trips will be a little bit of everything and and the way it works just so that we have a perfectly clear so we have um hundreds of lodges that are in a virtual drum these are all the participating lodges that will be in the contest they're in a drop at the end of each month of which there are five months in this contest at the end of each month we will announce the five winners now these winners were not random these winners were they earned their victory they earned it by posting an image and a story on that garnered votes people read the story they saw the picture or they were solicited to do so by the per the contestant who entered to go and vote to go and vote for them and they accumulate votes over the course of that 30-day period the five largest vote getters automatically win that month so we will live here on the show we'll take those five winners and we will draw out of the virtual drum where all of the lodges live right now and we will couple them up with all these five winners so it's truly going to be a win-win because because any one of these lodge owners who submitted in this and it's participated in the event by submitting a package and boof you're hooked up and now you start communicating with the lodge owner and and put together your trip of a lifetime so that's the way it works however people are saying well how how does it work though why should i be voting and more importantly why should i vote for somebody other than myself because we encourage people even the contestants to vote for others and and maybe pete you could explain this part of it well you went right off the track didn't you wait right off the plan didn't you okay well well since angela went off the plan i'm gonna address that one first off so see you definitely you want votes for yourself in that portion of this contest and one of those five of the first five events of this contest but that's not the only five events of this contest there is one of the final at the end for all people who have not won yet so every vote that you submit so if you submit vote for yourself every day what you're allowed to do all those votes plus all the votes that you get coming in or all the votes you vote for somebody else your your opponents your whoever it is like that all those votes at the end turn into ballots and then all of a sudden now you have accumulated a bunch of ballots versus a ballot a day you could get five a day if you want right you don't need so now these ballots you have in the drum and those last whatever trips are remaining in the sense of the money that's left over for the lodges they're all getting drawn as ballots and there's the winner right there there's a winner right there hopefully we have a bunch of those too so it helps to have votes because it turns to ballots so richard uh corkum who's very active on our site and he's in the contest as well he's got this question is it fair for a single person with not many friends who can only vote once a day for the for themselves compared to a husband a wife with 14 children voting for each other every day right there speaking of cooking children look if you have 14 children i think you deserve a week getaway to a lodge for free i'm not going to lie to you there's three kids and i'm the oldest it's enough for me and i'm not even a parent here i think you're good to go very well put thank you dick so to answer your your your point there your comment richard keep in mind that that final element that people just or pete just talked about the sixth element if you will is all about random luck and all it takes is one of those ballots that came from your voting activities to be drawn it's that easy and it's strictly random it'll be luck it's a virtual draw so so yeah the more of those you have in there the better your chances i agree but at the end of the day it only takes one i mean listen we've given away stuff over the last couple of years to people who didn't have very many ballots in the box and they won because it's random so i would rather have more of those ballots in there if it was me but i just want to tell you it only takes one to win so there you go hopefully that was explained well enough well now we're going to go through the frequently asked questions about the contest we're going to try and deal with each one now that i've gone off track and peter has so graciously and elegantly brought me back so here we go uh by the way before you do this it is now available if you hit the contest page on there's a little button there you can actually follow along with what we're reading right now apparently jordan put that up there today so well look at us yes bobby dazzler one and two bobby and billy dazzler so what you will see if you push the faqs is that question number one the most asked question that we have right now is i'm having issues registering my account what do i do this question's a little bit tricky uh to answer um when we're not able to see exactly what it is that you're doing and each one of us i'm i'm i'm the worst at these by the way so i should be the last one talking right now but i've got it all scripted for me so hopefully i'll answer it correctly uh first and foremost to be sure to make sure that you have filled in every field every field before you submit you know the fields it says first name last name address all of that stuff postal code is one that gets forgotten all the time not just that the postal code if you put the dash in there and it doesn't want to dash if you don't put the dash in there and it wants to dash like i mean how many times have you done that i've done all the time then all of a sudden there's an error here oh back oh there's an error oh you know it's it's easy to do folks everybody doesn't i mean if you were just to take your time and read every one of them out and try i mean maybe you could do it but i mean sometimes they want spaces and a phone some phone number sometimes they don't watch based on the phone number you know what i mean so it's deadly man i'll tell you here comes what do you want now uh what do i want now is i want to let everyone know if you've previously accepted the terms and conditions to the contest this happened to me personally so i can vouch that happens you have to go back into the update your profile and re-click it it for whatever reason has a habit of unclicking it for a lot of people it happened to me just today every time we kind of update the website it's gonna unclick it for whatever reason so make sure you guys go back into your profile into the update re-click um because when you guys email i'll respond to them but it's most likely going to be as simple as make sure you just go back and click one extra button you'll save a couple hours and everything will go by a lot quicker i just want to put that out there because i forgot to tell you guys about that thanks nick because that because the site is getting changed and updated every day against and i was saying this is a new site and we just had we and i did a bunch of posts yesterday and they got taken down overnight and we had to repost again today so it's we're all fighting this right now we apologize for it but it's it's a learning process we got a new company so hopefully it'll get all smooth out here in a second so very soon and they're working night and day so don't think that any of us are uh taking this lightly uh we're working night and day to try and get this thing resolved because it's very important for us and we know it's important to you as well uh be sure that you don't already have an account associated with the email that you're attempting to register so some people have been uh on this web site uh for years and have sort of come and gone and sometimes you forget i know i'm guilty of this sometimes i forget i already had an account but i forgot about it let alone remember what my user name and my password forget that that's a foregone conclusion i forgot that from a week ago but i've forgotten that i already had an account here so now when i'm trying to open what i think is a brand new account the system is telling me hey uh there's something wrong here and and so far what we've noticed is that people already had an account with that username and or password so those are causing problems right now um the best way to get around that one to be very honest with you is to send uh that any information that you can to support or info at either one uh i don't know why we would have to but support is probably the best way to go support and let them know and then and then what they'll do um is is to uh is to actually go through the system and see if you did have a previous account in which case they'll either notify you or or uh re-install that particular account or suggest that you start a new one whatever the case is support is the best place to go when you're in trouble and i know i know that a lot of you are doing that and working your way through with them uh be patient they're doing a great job but there's a lot of you that are having issues and it's not all of them are not necessarily your fault a lot of them so when you couple the fact that that we're asking you to do things that you you're probably not comfortable with or familiar with doing along with the fact that that there are bugs in our system because we're trying to migrate two totally separate standalone units together you can understand it causes problems so um bear with us on that uh if you're still having issues uh once again go to support and those will be remembered how about the second one on this list wait wait wait wait before before you do that there's something on there on our list it says if you uh in order to take a screenshot that would really help us resolve your problem because if you can if you can take a shot of where you're looking at the problem and send it to to our team they will see that right then and they're saying wow i mean we do that all the time we did it with garmin this week and i did the garment this week to uh government express program so and very i don't know if you know how to take a screenshot it's pretty easy i'll give you a real quick quick quick tutorial on this you can if your keyboard has it on on a pc it might have a function and then print screen i think it's called you push those together and it gives you a uh it takes an image of your whole screen or you can actually take uh there you go the snipping tool there's a you go down to the bottom search bar there's a snipping tool the easiest way to do it on a pc is to hit the windows key it's all on the left hand side that little windows that crazy looking windows key shift key and s together boom boom boom and your screen's gonna go dark and you're gonna have a little crosshairs that comes up and you just do a little sh you just draw around the spot take it off let your finger off and it takes a picture and then you can do whatever you want with it with your i mean and with a mac there's the same thing to say i think it's uh alt shift four or something like that you can look it all up on google with your phone just push your two buttons together pop up and you'll get a screenshot with that with your phone too so and then if you send that to either info uh one of the addresses there and the boys will see that and it's really really really helpful when we can see exactly the problem it helps so much so hopefully that wasn't too confusing well it's all confusing to people like me so hopefully you're not open william wagner wants to know do you have to be a resident of canada we have that as one of our things here but i'll answer it now yes absolutely if you are a u.s citizen for example well if you're a citizen of any other jurisdiction other than canada you cannot enter the contest unfortunately so uh not to say that we will not have similar contests open to u.s residents in the future right now due to covet and our border situation this one is strictly for canadians just so that you know so number two uh another and the second most uh frequently uh made comment about the current problems we're having is i can't remember my password well i said before we all have that problem i have that every day uh so obviously you can go to the uh forgot ipad yeah forgot my password button that would be the obvious place to go which is right there on that page or once again um if for whatever reason you're not seeing that button and i don't know why that would happen but we've had some some weird things happen here lately on this site so so i'm not gonna rule it out if you don't see that button that will help you uh retrieve your password email support right just take a screenshot of what you have but you don't then you just always that you don't have it and we can see what the problem is and then make sure you're putting in the proper email or username and or both you know what i mean whatever you're using there that has to be correct to the digit or else it's not going to work for you so here's another one uh number three most assets it says my email is not recognized so we've gone through and filled in all the fields and when it comes to their email address i guess you're getting a message saying that that we don't recognize that um that may be a number of things but the most common would be that you actually don't have an account uh you have an account on the website but you don't have an account in this particular contest you may have had an account from a previous contest like the garmin panoptix fishing bundle for example uh but you need to enter and open an account on this particular contest i know that this is all a little bit of an inconvenience a lot of you who have already said to us ah that's it i'm dropping you guys like a hot potato you're you're way too much you want too much from me yeah yeah we do yeah absolutely if you want us to continue bringing you events like this free of charge you can't do a little bit of work i know it's all about me me me and look at me and woe is me you want me to do a little bit of work i have to put some sweat equity into it yeah you do so at the risk of offending some of you it's pretty simple if you're not willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of the work well you know you do have the option of going elsewhere if you want to be a part of this group that is understanding especially during these difficult times and you understand that a lot of people starting from dno and nodo d.o are putting together a wonderful opportunity along with us to give you a chance at a hundred thousand dollars worth of trips yeah yeah you probably should be prepared to maybe do a little bit of work to get there one of them is you have to open an account so roll up your sleeves and snap some sticks thanks clay that's awesome uh he wrote earlier we don't want to make light of it though we don't want to make light of it it's frustrating i've been i've been there myself and and it's frustrating as hell i know but we're working with you on it so give our boys a chance our boys and girls at support to help you i mean i i shouldn't tell you this but i have it you know on inside information that if you send an email or a message to support saying guys i've tried everything nothing's working can you please sign me up they'll do it for you but i didn't tell you that all right just just to let you know you just pissed off yes i didn't say that oh it's okay you leaked it now you might as well you might as well just tell them if you guys are having issues uh setting up an account or updating your account and you just know whether it's people it's not you guys it's your people there's guys in people come on i've had only three coffees today we're not at peak efficiency i don't think you could even say that can you say you people no you can't you have to say you so when you uh have to do this and you you know what i think i'm gonna un-update your account everybody i'm unfriending you on the community tab i'm just thinking about the ladies out there we have ladies too okay we let them comment right here guys if anyone's having issues updating or registering uh it's more info at fish in canada that can help you guys i go in i'll make the account you guys have to say there's a bunch of things that you guys are gonna have to send me in terms of information usernames passwords age postal code location all that stuff in an email you say hey i can't get it set up help me set it up send it within the hour i should have your account all set up with your password using them you go you click in boom boom and you're in hey before you go thank you nick before you go away though uh uncle jack has a question for you there uh he says he's tried to sign up for weeks now and so in in application for all that work he'd like to know if he can have 25 free votes well uncle jack you you should have emailed info at fish in canada when you're having or supported fishing candle when you're having your technical difficulties and maybe maybe you would have saved a couple weeks and and gotten on the train a little earlier a couple stops before there you go jack's on the slow train obviously wow uh angelo sounds a lot like my sergeant at basic training in canadian armed forces thanks calvin i always wanted to be one of those sergeants hey and at boot camp i am you have never done it because you wouldn't have went through all the work i know you i wouldn't have done you tried to bypass it you know you and your brother both you'd be fighting each other to try and bypass it some way you guys if i snake around instead of doing all the work anyways we'll take uh uh uh my sternness to heart guys i'm just trying to make a point the point is that this is by the way by the way let me throw this out to you too just so that we we we're on the same page you think you got a lot of work for this promotion you should be on this side of the screen that we are putting in this is mind-boggling i don't know whether i can honestly tell you i don't know whether we have ever worked this hard at anything that we have done in our lives how's that so whatever pain and suffering you're going through to participate in this contest multiply it by at least 10 you know what we're going through so we're working with you on this we're going to get through i'm telling you we're going to be at a point here in a few hopefully days maybe a few weeks where we're gonna have all this behind us and it's gonna be running like a well-oiled machine for all of us and we're gonna have to be having a blast so hang in there don't get disappointed don't we don't want you to go away didn't mean that sorry if i offended anybody um number four did we get through number three yes we did yeah i think so okay number four why can't i upload my photo that has been uh a problem now and up until recently the problem was the size we could only allow you to upload a tiny little images one megabyte which is tiny but it's it's it's still a lot bigger than a camera or a camera a phone would take a bigger image than one megabyte normally stuff like that unless you get a set differently so yeah sorry and not everybody is familiar with um you know compression and all that stuff which which is not the easiest thing to do so we now have uh we had the team work on this last week i believe and they now uh have opened it up so that we have uh capability to receive five megabyte images and the reason by the way it's such an issue is because there isn't just one of you there's hundreds of you soon to be thousands of you downloading these images so you guys can imagine the space that this is all occupying on the hard drives in our server so uh we now are capable of receiving images up to five megabytes which is i think normal pete for yeah i think that's going to be it's much more reasonable and we don't we really don't want any images bigger than that the gans just said our server is not going to be able to handle uh you know images bigger than that sort of thing so i i was looking into it now i mean if you're a photoshop user it's very easy you know you save for web and you can go and work out that way you can look at the megabyte size i found an app on my phone the other day it's called image size that's the little icon i don't know if you can you probably can't even see that that guy right there on the left there a little guy but i'll hit it and i'll show you what and this one's actually pretty good you can't really see a lot of it but what it does i tried it out you just upload a photo into it and it actually tells you the size the size of the image you know what i mean so it's down to a three megabyte or a two megabyte and that's all you have to do is just downsize it just play around with these little apps look around find the app this is an iphone app but i'm sure it's on on android as well it's called image size or just you know any basic image program that works on images and it should be able to knock you down you can learn that's one of the most basic things you'll learn it's not easy but it's one of the most the first things you should learn is the image size of everything at the output so you can give it to us so by the way uh can i just answer this i have to answer this gunner uh paradise wants to know uh what's the best place that you've ever fished near thunder bay i know what we're going to say you got if you haven't already been it's a it's funny eh it's the most obvious but un-obvious piece of water close to an urban center i think that i've ever seen in my life and the locals have got it well guarded in terms of letting people know about it but you know us we can't help ourselves uh it's called cloud lake and if you look at it you say are you kidding me like it's literally literally not figuratively it's literally surrounded coast to coast of this tiny little speck of water by the way i don't know how many uh hundreds of acres it would be but it's tiny and the shoreline is end-to-end cottages and homes so there's no wilderness around this little tiny lake whatsoever and uh it's called cloud lake go check it out there is there is i believe just one uh ramp where you could put a boat in it's public uh ramp great uh ramp by the way there was the last time we were there oh god that was a long time ago but i'll tell you what was that ever a gem that we found there right that was one of those gems that you find said what wait a minute that's not supposed to be so good is it for a clue here's our little tip of the day for you i know the folks at thunder bay probably anybody listening from thunder bay just said oh no but it is that good but you know what uh treat it like a a self-imposed total catch-and-release fishery because it's a very small body of water and it will not support uh any keep uh fish and keep fishery pressure whatsoever so uh be responsible i know most of you are uh just be responsible with it they were it was smallmouth and walleye that we got there and and to be honest we didn't catch eater-sized fish there let's just say that we if you're if you're eating those fish you should shame on you you should not be the ones we got they were nice so anyway uh so we already answered the this contest is only open to residents of ontario uh next number seven on the list is why is this contest encouraging travel during a pandemic we are not encouraging travel during a pandemic because if you are on the site and you read all the words that are there you'll see that this contest is not just open for immediate travel it will not expire the winners will have an opportunity to use their winnings until the end of 22. we're assuming that by 2022 we will have absolutely no travel restrictions however i will tell you this i'll throw this disclaimer on out here if we do um we're for sure going to see it extending that but man i'll tell you if we're looking to extend the fulfillment of this contest beyond 22 we've got a lot more serious problems to worry about than whether you can go fishing or not okay but right now as it stands in order for you if you're fortunate enough to be one of the 50 or 60 winners throughout the course of the five months of this contest you will be put in touch with the lodge operator and between the two of you because it depends on which lodge you pick some lodges may be perfectly fine they may be open already however a lot of lodges will not or are not uh so uh you will be working with the lodge owner to figure out when the best possible time that you can safely and that's the message here safely use their product and um i don't think that anybody is going to be trying to force the issue certainly not from our standpoint we're just you know think of this as a diversion right now especially for those of us in in ontario who just you know got bad news a week ago that were under complete shutdown again um think of this as a little diversion think of this as a nice little carrot for those of you who win over the course of the next for this first contest which will be uh over the end of april think of it as just a great diversion if you win think of that you won you've got money in the bank you got money in the bank because you can now have that trip of a lifetime you can work it out so you can have it whenever over the course of the next two seasons you and the lodge owner are the only two that are going to make that decision so um now by the way before you can read that question first go ahead and i'm going to uh just address this question i saw much earlier by somebody and they said if i win a trip for two can we purchase another ticket absolutely you got to work with the lodge owner on that so when you when you win from lodge a and it's you and your friend partner husband wife whatever it is going to be going to the lot and they say hey you know we got another couple that would like to come with us can we buy two more tickets if that place has an opening two openings for you absolutely there you go that's that's a great idea to you know to bring a whole group if you want so now you know you think about it if let's just say it was auntie and i won we were going to go on a trip and we wanted to bring nick with us we have to buy a ticket for nick well jordan and jordan don't forget jordan i don't know i'd like to make it an odd number make it just this for now i'll just i'll add jordan in afterwards okay you could be jordan but the three of us could pool our money together for that one extra ticket you know what i mean and all of a sudden you're paying a third of the price for that one person and it's it it's uh it's a win-win really you know what i mean so i'm sure and although this is not the reason that so don't take this wrong i'm sure that the operator will be more than happy to cut a deal with you at that point too maybe so that you right but this is not about cutting deals let me make this perfectly clear to everybody aside from us having some fun us being you and ourselves aside from you know amusing ourselves aside from the great little diversion that this is causing the underlying reason that this contest is so important is that we're trying to focus on brothers and sisters that own businesses in northern ontario primarily that are being completely overlooked and forgotten about right now who are in dire straits i mean i cannot overemphasize this message they are in dire straits you think small businesses are feeling the squeeze here in the southern part of the province or any uh urban areas in canada go talk to some of the people that run businesses in remote parts of the country you may think that they are having it easy they're having it worse than we are doesn't take as much to upset their apple cart as it does us down here russell johnson there he just said it's for the operators and that's exactly what this contest is for people it's not it's not hands and feet getting rich in this contest not even close to it okay this is for the operators to help them survive for them to get a little chunk of money that they really really need right now that's what this contest is all about i'm going to go to ken johnson's question right now uh about zone 20 big quinny walleye candace i i don't have the regs in front of me but the bay of quinte walleye always opens on the first saturday of may so if may 1 is a saturday then that is the opening day and then the following rest of uh southern ontario will open the second saturday and it will be the seventh so i'm assuming those numbers now unless the regs have changed so i would i would definitely go in and look at the ontario fishing regulations online and make sure of it but it's always been the first saturday i mean they changed that in zone 20 for for the bay equity opener so they get some more business more people around because the fish spawn earlier et cetera et cetera so it's always been the first saturday in may so hopefully that helps and it is i haven't heard anything uh that would uh change what pete just said it is still may 1st for bae quinney but once again just check it out the regs are there online it won't take much to find it that varies every year right that number it's not may 1st could be may 2nd 3rd 4th 5th or 6th it could be it's the first saturday of may so uh so tyler wants to know if there is an outfitter that are sponsoring uh this that is close to me would it be possible to go uh through them to save on traveling i don't know whether i understand that or not yeah i'm not sure about that one either tyler maybe you can be a little more uh clear i don't understand that i think i think what he's saying is that if he wins this and then he and like okay so let's see he gets picked as one of the top five votes people who won and then he's on isagi lake and lodge 88 right there when the other lodges are right there can you go to one of those ones to save on traveling i think that's what i think that's the question you know what up until now up until now you were doing a great job go back there you go go back to your little room be a little more specific neither one of us truly understand nor nor does nick truly understand what what the question is so if you can dumb it down for us uh that would be and if it is what nick said then no you're not going you're going to whatever lodge you win you go to that's the case so well let me let me tell you uh one of the disappointments you know for us right now um is that part of i mean all the problems that we've had not withstanding because folks let me let me explain something to you we did something totally insane but then we do this all the time for those of you who know us and have been with us for a while on this journey you know that we're a moving target a lot of things that we do without rhyme or reason one of the things against all advice from everybody one of the things that pete and i did we decided that we were going to introduce to you a new platform and a new contest platform all at once totally brand new out of the box never been used before we thought yeah we're going to introduce both of them at once so we revamped the old fishing canada site had it back rebuilt by the way version 2.0 is coming very soon it's already on on the drawing board but we decided that we would bring to you a version 1.0 and a brand new concept contest platform that had to be built from scratch and marry the two and open the door to you all at the same time with which most people that know the digital world told us and are saying are you guys insane so yeah we're feeling the brunt of that right now but so what so what you know a few little inconveniences we're we're growing together we're learning and growing uh on this whole journey together so uh that's the problems but one of the disappointments we're experiencing right now is that we had another element that we wanted to be ready uh another functionality of the current platform that we wanted to be ready for right now and that is the outfitter or lodge page which would connect you directly with all of the lodges that are in the contest so that you could be uh pre-screening and talking to these folks and maybe you know asking them questions about what they're going through and maybe even some of you who don't want to just rely on winning but you actually want to book a real honest-to-goodness vacation for you the family friends whatever the case may be you can connect with these people and start dialoguing and putting together the possibilities right here on and that was a third element that we were hoping to unveil for you al at the same time with the contest and the website it's i understand from jordan it's very close he's working with the developers every day on it and we're very close to being able to do that so once that's up a lot of the shadows will be removed from the contest because you'll be able to speak to the people who are participating the lodge owners you'll be able to speak to them live on on the uh on the site and get all sorts of uh questions answered uh tim white thanks for supporting our great fishing sport don't thank us uh thank you for being a part of it that's uh without all of us and that's the thing we need to remember every every one of us is a vital part of this whole community so let's not downplay anybody's importance in all this all right did you go through how do i enter the contest you're supposed to do that number one i know you didn't do that number one you made a change yeah but you did but okay look forward again because it's very important i don't think we did yeah we did but that's all right hey you know the original number five right the original number five correct that's the one go ahead how do i enter the contest entering a contest is easy you have to be registered an account just navigate to the contest page and then submit your entry and if you just follow all the on-screen prompts you should app because the registration is the hardest part you know what i mean getting the most cumbersome part i guess whatever you want to call it after that it should get you right through to get in there so and then again if you're having a problem info hey for it nick are you asleep tony says nick are you asleep yes tony i am i am most i'm like i'm about halfway there in fort fishing canada don't confuse people pete okay okay so in approximately um what do we got nine days i guess nine or eleven days i think it's the 30th of april uh we will be having our first winners announced here and we're going to take this first month as sort of our trial because i know a lot of you are not up to speed and i'll tell you why i know that because i would say 75 of you god bless you for participating but 75 of you did not read all the pages in the book and the reason i know that is because your stories have have nothing to do with the subject matter that we asked for and your images have nothing to do with that subject matter so one thing that's not here that jordan did not give us pete is that information on on the theme for each month on this contest will be changing so right now this current theme is how does the outdoors or what part does the outdoors play in your living with this pandemic how has the outdoors helped you through get through this pandemic that's the theme for this particular element of the contest element being this month's contest so what we expected and some of you have done a great job by the way but most of you have missed it we expected to hear stuff like well during the pandemic you know i've started going out for walks every night you know a little farther than i normally do because i find that being out there helps me you know get rid of all the tension and grief that this pandemic has brought on to me and that's just a simple sort of way to look at it but whatever it is that you're doing in the outdoors and the outdoors doesn't have to be climbing mount everest by the way it's outside whatever you're doing to help you through these difficult times that is connected to the outdoors that's the story we want to hear and if we can have an image that associates you with that story that's fantastic the reason that's important is because you are relying on votes a lot of you have submitted your story which is not connected to the theme submitted your image which is not connected to you and now you're waiting to win we unfortunately you're not going to win because you need the garner votes the five winners in less than uh what seven days eight days away whatever that is those five winners have got votes they've got the largest number of votes out of all the contestants so far the top five are going to win because they got it they understood that the only way to make this thing work is to sell themselves to a their own circle of people you know earlier on we had somebody saying well it's not fair somebody has 14 children absolutely it's not fair if you want to look at fair winning or losing you have to connect with people in order to win this contest you have to have the ability to garner votes both family friends or inner circle or strangers the way you're going to get them from strangers is to have a very compelling image and story that connects with the theme so just entering and sitting back i can tell you right now i don't want to disappoint you but you're not going to win anything having said all of that and i was telling pete this the other day you know what this could still be won at the last moment by somebody getting it and understanding the importance of drawing people to themselves on this on this contest it could still be won by anybody so it's not one by any means right now there did i miss anything no except for him and nancy nancy's asking a question that sort of coincides with the themes et cetera et cetera nancy says if my submission doesn't win in the first draw will not matter you fall and be in the following draws no nancy these are all individual contests basically five individual contests you start from zero again you will go and you will look at the new theme and then you will submit your picture and your story as for the new theme and you will start again those five winners from before are out there they're out of the next contest remaining then the next five the next five and the next five so um go ahead however nancy the answer is yes so pete answered it as a no right but i'm going to answer it as a yes and i'll tell you why because all of the votes that you garnered including the votes that you cast for other people at the end of this first month those are turned into ballots that go into a virtual drum because when this contest is all over in five months we're gonna have random draws for additional winners and those random draws will be based on ballots that are in the drum and how you get ballots in the drum is by participating in this contest so every vote that you of which you're allowed five a day every vote that you cast every vote that you have drawn is a palette so the answer to your question was yes and no yes at the end of each month we're going to reset everything back to zero meaning that each monthly contest stands on its own because it's a new theme so you have to put in a new story and a new picture and you have to go to your circle of influence and get those voters to come back and try again right however all of your efforts are not lost for that month that you didn't win because all of those efforts turn into ballots for you and the people that voted for you so there's two parts to this and guys don't forget uh like the last call the contest we did with the boat motor trailer was like what 4.5 million entries into it and someone with 20 some odd entries won it so you could literally vote one single time and you are still very much so in the running to win the trip so just don't discredit uh the power chance with this one because uh he the odds are in everyone's favor thank you thank you anz answered tony's question in that last little bit tony i'm sure he answered it with like that and going back to the uh to the previous question she asked about the submission so the submission is different than a vote just keep that in mind let's ask um i see um a question there who was a fellow from jim uh lemon can we see how many votes we are getting uh the answer is no the answer is no and i'll tell you why it's no because and by the way i wanted that answer to be yes when we were sitting down with the developers of this event and all the people involved we had several meetings on on ideas that we all wanted to see uh in the design of this contest and i i was all for having the votes up on the screen every day and i was out gunned by everybody saying no and now i see why and i agree with them 100 because for people who don't get it it's going to be discouragement for them if they see that they're way behind for that particular month and they'll quit working and so i think it's important that we don't show them because that one that one think about it that one nick just said all it takes is one well that one vote that you got on day 13 because you actually reached out to somebody and said hey would you would you mind going to the and voting for me on the contest or not just reaching out you might have done it internally here on our social media kind of set up that we've got that page where all of you have got to profile stuff you might have reached out to one of the other contestants and said hey would you mind voting for me you know but that one vote that you got by doing that might be the one that's picked with your name on it out of the drum randomly after the contest is all over so we don't want to discourage you from possibly getting that that one vote so we're not going to tell you right now we're not going to tell you and show you the standings we will at the end of each month we may i shouldn't say we will we may post the top five that actually won so you see what sort of numbers they had but we'll definitely not open everything up so you can see you want to see your how many votes you had win it how's that you want to see how many votes you you garnered win the event win one of the monthly events and you'll see what you did how's that oh my um what other questions that we have about that so we've covered a lot of it yeah i guess i guess what's important to say is that it's never over and this first month is a learning lesson for all of us uh the winners will be thrilled to death that they won and they took advantage of the fact that a lot of people were sleeping or didn't know all of the do's and don'ts i shouldn't say sleeping at the helm but but they didn't know exactly how to win now i think you do the site is is a little uh easier to use i think uh we have all the information we talked about today is available on the site you just have to dig around for it it's um running a lot smoother now don't forget the social element to it by opening your account you're also as you probably know by now for those of you who are on it every day all of a sudden you're starting to see a community building with other people that you can interact with and ask questions of it and compare notes and and see how they're doing keep in mind one of the questions we got initially is why would i want to vote for anybody else i can go on the site and vote for myself but why would i want to cast because you can only vote for yourself once a day that's the important thing you have five votes that you can cast but only one of them can be for you so the question was well why in the world would i want to vote for one of the other contestants isn't that you know contradiction isn't that going against what this is all about the answer is no quite the opposite actually if you did nothing else but go on on the contest site and cast those five votes every single day between now and the end of the contest i can't do the math right now but i would say that you're going to have enough entries in the ballot box the virtual drum you're going to stand a pretty good chance of being drawn in the extra trips that we're giving away uh after the the the five months are done if you don't have a ton of ballots in there yeah it only takes one you're right but i'd rather have a few hundred in there and have one of those few hundred be the one that just having one so um if you need oops if you need something edited on the entry such as grammar or typo contact yeah they're answering you this because a lot of people uh said that they made errors or mistakes they wanted to change their story for example and the system will not allow you to do that so those of you who just understood the contest now unfortunately important please correct me or nick correct me if i'm wrong they cannot go in now and change their storyline correct no once you uh you submit your story and it's going to be about walking in the park to to help with coven we it wouldn't be fair if we went in and then changed that because then people didn't vote for that story they vote for different stories so then it's almost like you're entering twice but carrying over the same votes yeah so so yeah that would be a little uh a little sketchy a little fishy so the answer is no you can't go in and make changes now write it out get ballots in the box because those are going to turn to votes so get in there every day and cast your five votes just because you don't think you're going to win based on your story and your image now you get it you understand so you're prepared for the next contest that will launch immediately after this one uh closes which will be on the first of may the new one will start um and it's all gonna start i i think it's at noon on the first of may or three one of the two we'll post it obviously but at that time you'll know what the storyline is going to be all of you will know at the same time so you'll all have the same opportunity then because now everybody understands the five winners from this month are no longer eligible to be in the contest so we don't have to worry about them anymore right so uh it'll be a lot easier to deal with by the second and third month we'll all be pros at this and you know at the end of the day once again it's about the lodge owners uh in the meantime i suggest that anything that you can do to either communicate messages to and or even do business with lodge operators in uh certainly the ones that are in this contest and even if they're not this is open to all lodge operations in ontario by the way they were all given the same opportunities and not all of them have responded they are more and more responding every day but you know some of them will not be in this contest i don't want to make any uh assumptions here that every one of them will because a lot of them just won't it doesn't mean that we can't support them right we right now need to support these families these businesses these entrepreneurs they're the pillar of our in fact they're our identity globally we're known as this vast last frontier uh this wilderness area and and uh you know people would die to come over here and visit us because of what we have well you know what the people that painted that image of us globally are the people that we're talking about the operators the outfitters people who who run these wilderness operations they're the ones who have given us this image of the last bastion about quarters and right now they need our help they're hurting like never before pete and i have been in this business for 40 years and let me tell you uh this has never happened before it's unprecedented the way it is for every business probably um so they need our help anything we can do uh to help them is uh is on the table as well we talked to a couple lodges this week and they said yeah we didn't even open up at all as whole you know that whole season last year zero renovation some of them took the time to do renovations but then they put another hundred grand into their lodges you know what i mean so that's uh that's making it even tougher for them to recoup that kind of money so it's it's very i wanna go back quickly to uh before angelo's extended tangent there again uh about uh about when we're talking about the submissions just take your time to write your story up think about what you're writing your story out take your time use a spell checker if you're worried about spelling and it's you know oh damn i see it all it looks like i did a real dum-dum job there put it in a wordpress or a microsoft word or or something like that pages on mac and take your time and write out the story and make a nice image and just do it that way then when you submit it when you support the submit button and read it over a few times good i like that it's just simple you just got you got to think that way we i mean i get writing down stuff quickly is so it's so much easier and more convenient but when andre and i are writing these blogs and articles and all that stuff we i read it two or three times send it to him he reads it two or three times send it back to me okay you know and we're finding mistakes all the time in this stuff so so it happens just take your time read it over have uh your spouse read it over your fish and buddy whatever and then put it in the wrong by the way apparently tony shulas thinks you need a beer you look a little laid back there tony you are one wise speller okay right there i think that you're absolutely right and a beer would be if i had a beer fridge right here it'd be in the oven right now ricky carry on peter i'm getting some breaking news coming in here uh i always love these little tidbits of information thank you wow come on i can't wait i'm in anticipation i will be vaccinated this has been from doug but it will be vaccinated for the second time in july how to boy jug uh doug will you request vaccination proof before going on the trip that will be up up to the lodges um i'm assuming so i don't i don't think they're going to i don't know about that but i mean it wouldn't hurt i would say i would tell them don't bury your doug i'd say hey i've been vaccinated twice by the way i got full vaccines in so okay all right this is a good point before i get to the breaking news by the way the countess herself hand wrote and hand delivered this just so that you know how important this is okay oh before i get to that i had a conversation with uh one of our lodge operators who's in the contest uh ted putnam at hawk lake lodge and ted said uh wouldn't it be a good idea and and and we're just we were just throwing stuff back and forth via text messages he said wouldn't it be a good idea if um if now you have to appreciate the fact ted is an american he's an american owner so he's thinking totally different than we are he's in boston he lives in boston so you know i think we should make it mandatory that you have your vaccine up to date in order to visit the lodges and i see the first thing that came to mind i said well that's all well and good for you uh like you guys are what 86 vaccinated in in your state we're not anywhere near you right now and i don't think it's fair that we put that type of stress on this content that that is undue pressure as far as i'm concerned obviously if you have covered if you tested positive you ain't going anywhere anyways so um i don't think that's a great idea because who knows when we're going to be totally vaccinated here yeah it'd be a perfect world to say that i think it'd be wonderful but no i don't think we can say that we're not in control of it that's the beauty i hate the situation that we're in because we're not in control of it if most of us were in control of this we would have this done and finished but we're not uh we won't get into the politics involved in this thing but we're not in control so i don't think we we should bring this contest down that road at all you are going to be working with the if you were fortunate enough to win which is going to be a lot of you who are um you're going to be working in concert with the operators between the two of you you're going to figure out when it will be safest for you to enjoy this wonderful opportunity that you have won let's put it that way and uh all of the lodges that are operating by the way that are participating in this contest have already had to cross one hurdle they had to be a part of the nodo uh safe covered uh uh program they actually had had to get a stamp of approval from nodo uh that they in fact do comply with and have passed all of the testing from nodo so feel safe in knowing that whoever you draw lodgewise they've already had to jump through some hurdles to be a part of this contest in terms of covet protocols and that is a must from the lodges by the way they have to get that stamp of approval if they don't get that stamp next you're out so dean good old dean talbot says weekly live streams are needed more than ever right now um yeah as i said at the beginning of this thing uh we've been so wrapped up in this we our intention was to have weekly events but we've been so wrapped up in in uh keeping this this uh uh event uh the great ontario getaway giveaway on the rails that uh it hasn't been possible uh maybe maybe once we get through this first month and things are running a little smoother i would love to and that's my opinion i don't know about you pete but i would certainly love to do it on a weekly basis i'm having a hard time with this hard work i'm doing right now but i don't know if i can do this yeah can somebody get peter hammock he looks like [Laughter] all right so um this was just passed to me yes what is this come on this was passed to me for those of you who are not aware of the uh hierarchy that is here at this would just pass down to me from the only way i could describe it i guess would be uh from the highest position in the company unknown to me it just it was just presented to me handwritten by the way i just want you to see that it's handwritten and highlighted and highlighted so it's even more important when you get home a text or an email in written and it says and i quote from the countess herself um the lovely the talented monique by the way dear angelo i'm buying you a dog it's a [Laughter] don't okay what because you know why because you always get away with this stuff but i don't okay you know a little note my life all my life 40 years now i'm influenced by you and you know you're good at getting it like and i and i follow along like a little puppy dog to you and then i feel comfortable at some point saying hey you know what if pete can do those things why can't i so i take the chance to do it and i get clobbered but you never do why would i get clobbered about something like that that's something so simple it's a that's an old gortyism right one right there that that was been 40 years of my life so 50 years of my life you're like a franciscan monk ooh that's what i'd like to make all right here we go so anyways it says and i quote considering that we what look at rubens look at that you'll love that one folks have a lower expectations i love it thank you that's awesome um all right and i quote from the countess herself you can't get a higher office than the one that she sits in considering that we and in brackets fnc that's us peter and i um did not make it perfectly clear we should allow people to change their stories wow wow so halfway through a month they should be allowed to change the story is that what you say oh here we go yes nicholas i spend a lot of time with my grandmother we we all are aware that she raised me from a young age helping mom so you're even i don't understand what that message means nicholas yeah um that wouldn't really work think about it maybe maybe uh our lovely countess is a little confused as to the week the monthly uh changeover every you know every month we have a new contest and they do change it however calvin count brought out a good point the boss has spoken so maybe maybe something you know yeah where nancy cynthia we we have no idea what she'd mean by change your story halfway through i don't understand how it would work considering that the story is the entry and so it's like entering again but that everybody that my story of dear angelo i'm buying you a dog it's a is much more understandable than my knees i'll bet you and reuben if you need you know if you need to edit reuben email uh info efficient canada like i said earlier on and we can go ahead and edit grammar spelling in case you missed that when you submit it yeah that's that's an interesting one that's i'm sure we'll have a hour and a half eating a bun i have to say this the people have spoken i'm reading i'm reading all of your your comments and i think it's perfectly clear that the people have spoken and it's ironic that the people who got it from the uh onset are the people who are with us here today because i don't see one single comment that says yeah great idea let's go change our stories no no i see i see here everybody says no why would you allow people to change it now we're almost at the end of this first month's contest okay all you have to do and and thank you uh for the submission by the way or the suggestion appreciate it honey thank you um all you have to do for those of you who now say all you have to do no i have to i have to pull the foot out of my mouth right uh all you have to do is if you feel that now you just finally got it which is i'll tell you i told you at the beginning of this piece that most of you didn't get it so now you get it all you have to do is forget what you wrote for this current contest just get on the bandwagon with your your influence of your circle right your people your family your friends uh other contestants who you now can mingle with every day you can talk to everybody here and you can talk to every single contestant here at will now tell them that you didn't quite get it but boy you would really appreciate getting their help and if they would just kindly vote for you if you don't have 14 kids like like it was suggested that you should have earlier out um and just get people to vote that's why you eat all you need is votes the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you do you could stand on your head and and it wouldn't make any difference because all you need is votes so most people tell those people that are voting for you they got a chance to win too later on down the road that's right that's the incentive for them see i'm glad you brought that on because you have a very valuable commodity that every single contestant would love and that is your vote all they have to do to get your vote is to give you theirs how simple is that think about that it's brilliant it's so so wonderful they can have your vote if they give you theirs if you guys collaborate together like that boom next thing you know both of you win so that's how you have to deal with this right now as far as uh next month well as soon as we unveil the new topic you've got a chance like everybody else to come up with a wonderful storyline and wonderful images and off you go and we will unveil that very soon so just to give you a nice uh you can have a a bit of a head start even if we get it we'll unveil it maybe should we unveil it like you know a little bit beforehand i think we could does it i think we should as a matter of fact we'll so that they have the weekend to think about something like that and then it comes up uh midweek when the contest starts they'll be all ready to go those people that want to be ready to go because it's going to get them extra votes to see where they're in right so um uh cam uh saying sorry i'm late uh it's okay cam we're done now uh anyway you can you can watch this whole thing on youtube correct guys as soon as we're done it's on youtube and you can play it over again but in short um yes it's a short story contest and you need to garner votes in order to win though it is both sorry thank you peter it is both so you can win by submitting a story that's compelling enough to draw votes and or you can win by just participating because there's going to be a random element at the very end there you go and um oh i just had something to came to mind and now cam threw me completely off welcome up yourselves for a minute while i get the uh hard drive going [Laughter] poor canada hey hey any quick fishing questions up there before hans gets back to that stuff i don't have anything hey i'm going for my cover test on or my global vaccination on saturday everybody just let you know very happy about that and uh and uh saturday good for you yeah good for you i got the appointment made up and done up very easy to do uh i thought it was gonna be harder than it was i did it all via a website on my phone and uh i'm ready to get stuck for my first shot so yeah i wonder how many people have got their shots already in this group i mean this refresh button i know it's a little laid back uh good one cam he can only work in short spurts and unless he's on the on the business end of a fishing rod pete is pretty limited for the amount of consistent flow of work i would agree with that yeah you're good you're good in short little bursts however though i'm not bad walleye stick either if i have to drag a live bait rig with my finger on it i'm just sitting there doing nothing you know what i mean like it looks like pretty lazy but yet i've uh i've been known to catch a couple doing that too so i told you you're good on the business end of abroad but in terms of other work you're good at short little spurts but you do need your break in between because well it's funny we'll go to meetings pete and i'll go to meetings you know big high level corporate meetings with with big influential people and of course i'm all pumped up like from the day before i'm i'm my adrenaline is just flowing because to me those things are important right so i get right into it and you know in the middle an hour into a meeting in the middle of the meeting and i and we're like i'm i'm fighting to the fight to represent and and and all that stuff i look over at pete and he's sitting back just looking right there i'm thinking oh my god please you're the salesman of the company you've always been a salesman when you're when you're a true salesman nobody else can fit in those shoes okay let me tell you that right now you're a true shell salesman that's it you're you're the best of the best so that's what you do you got to sell a prada i'm just there reuben kincaid who's been with us all day thank you reuben appreciate your support he wants to know why do steelhead run in the fall so need old questions that that we've had a million times so why do why do steelhead run in the fall you know what that's a question that i can't answer i can't answer that you know keep in mind what steelhead are where they came from they're not natural to these waterways right everybody knows i hope everybody else put up your hand if you know they were introduced they're not a natural species in our great lakes they come from a species of fish that spends part of its life in the ocean in salt water and then the other part of its life in freshwater estuaries or rivers or flows that fresh water that flows into the ocean right they go there predominantly to spawn although in some areas they'll spend up to 50 percent of their life in those freshwater estuaries and they generally come in in the fall so they can set up for their spring spawn so it's not uncommon especially in western canada where this fish originally came from as far as our canadian waters go um to to have what they call a winter run steelhead and the winter run steelhead is where most of these fish start coming into the freshwater flows and estuaries because they're going up they're migrating up to the freshwater so they can reproduce in the spring and that's why we see that here in in this province in the freshwater lake to freshwater rivers that these fish now exist in these test tube fish they're coming in in the fall as well and they're they're coming in with the fall movement of salmon so a lot of people are saying are they are they following the salmon in like how what's what no it's their dna it's impregnated in these fish right at birth that that in most cases their ancestors were moving into these waters during that winter period so that they could be ready for the spawn in the spring most of it here is kind of different most of these fish start migrating up in the spring but we're seeing more and more cases where they're moving in during the winter period and staging for the spawn all winter long well as you know pete a lot of our fish including most of the ones that we're very familiar with you know with steelhead and bass spawn doesn't just happen we think it does because of the visible part of the spawn which is the nest and and the eggs and the fry and all that but it takes place months earlier in the fall where they start building up their systems in order to spawn and start moving in various parts of that that water body in order to spawn steelhead are no different you'll notice that with the pike and walleye when you catch them in the fall you keep one for eating a female and she's full of eggs already you know what i mean yeah it's like wow really you know late fall they're just local things still so exactly uh steelhead let's say the great lakes steelhead would they be smart enough to know that hey we're going up with these salmon in the fall why not eat some of their eggs while we're up there do you think that'd be the deal too absolutely absolutely and that's the most obvious reason but they didn't end up there because of that pete yeah right yeah they didn't come in because of that but now they find themselves in that position and yeah they do predate on their apes there's no doubt about it look at john murph john murphy's up there does fish urinating warm the water wow well people do don't be in the pool john what the hell i don't know that's a good one oh god uh whenever fish gets so dark and colorful don't they though and that's all that all has to do with the spawn i mean that's when they they get that first you know that's when they turn into the spawning mode in terms is when they first come into that river whether it's that winter run or whether that's that that that spring run that's right larry's read larry nick put larry's up there this is interesting this goes against what ants was saying so pacific-based steelhead actually moved in historically to eat salmon eggs so they established a dna pattern over thousands of years there you go so there's there's there's another theory um is that they actually develop this i don't know appetite for um for salmon eggs uh that's a listen larry that's a very good possibility all i know is that uh in western canada pacific run steelhead uh there is a winter run which which any real steelheader from out west will tell you is the biggest run of steelhead in the 12-month cycle is that winter run and that's when they initially come into those freshwater estuaries and start preparing for their spawn which could take place two or three or four months five months down the road so a fascinating fish by the way for those of you who have not um that have fish steelhead here in in ontario but have never experienced true steelhead blow your mind blow your mind they are such a different animal um it would you you you say yourself are these even the same species they are just unbelievable what a great fishery that is out west yeah it looks it looks pretty it's just the scenery when you see that out there like there's beautiful mountain rivers and unreal yeah okay well uh i got anything else to throw up there nikki have we missed anything jordan have have i missed uh do you guys think hanging pressure was down in 220 and no in fact uh angling pressure i mean it depends on what you call angling pressure sales of licenses and i'm not talking in our jurisdiction only i'm talking about north american american-wide uh sales of fishing licenses were up in some cases over 20 we've had i've seen reports of 28 increase in in areas most of them in u.s by the way uh of uh the sales of fishing licenses so if we determine fishing pressure based on participation and i'm going to assume participation equates to the purchase of licenses i would say the pressure was even greater yeah it depends if you look at its specific spots like the ganaraska river on opening day there's a lot less pressure there because it was closed down it's going to be again this year so but that's very very specific versus generic yeah what answer's talking about those numbers are generic and they would far outweigh the little specifics here and there so i i talked to a a seasoned angler a couple of weeks ago about that very issue we were talking about and we're talking about a rice lake you know which is very close to us about pressure and and how coven has changed the complexities there and and he came up with an interesting analogy and that is that yeah we're there's an increase in angling licenses uh since covet had right going right back to uh when i first hit in 19 there's an increase in license the purchases of license but the majority of those purchasers were novice at best and neophyte at worst like first timers and so in terms of really hardcore fishing pressure i don't think there's been a lot of change and you know with no disrespect to novice anglers or first-time anglers for that matter there's a big difference between a seasoned pro angler and just a novice angler in terms of applying pressure to any fishery whether it's bastille and walleye musk i don't care what it is and so i think in terms of actual pressure maybe not because a lot of us and i want to get into this debate again a lot of us adhered to all of the protocols that were in place right from the get-go and consequently didn't spend as much time applying intelligent fishing pressure to our fisheries as others so in that sense there might have been less fishing pressure intelligent fishing pressure on our fisheries during this cobit period but more people bought licenses so more novice anglers were out there pounding the waters if that means anything to anybody hard to tell actually that'd be a hard one to gauge we'll know in a few years right because a lot of people think that what happens today we're going to see it what happens this morning we're going to see the results at the end of the day in terms of our fishery but but it's not the way at all keep in mind most of our game fish i would say with very few exceptions and i can't even think of an exception right now but most of our game fish here in canada sort of operate on a four-year cycle in other words from from the time that that the egg is is dropped to the time that we even have an opportunity to intercept with that creature um is usually four years three to four years so anything that happens today we won't see the results for three or four years down the road and and that's something important to keep in mind because that very late that i just mentioned that a buddy and i were talking about the reason he called me to get my input on it is because it's in trouble right now and um this lake underwent a major regulation change a few years ago and uh it was very controversial at the time and yeah i think you know what i'm talking about pete um yeah it was very controversial at the time because there was a major change in uh regulation that some of us felt was going to have a tremendous impact on the walleye fishery even though the the regulation change was not for walleye it was for other species of fish in that body of water but a lot of us thought that that it would have a profound effect on walleye going down the road and lo and behold uh this there was a problem this year with the walleye fishery on that body of water which by the way has got the largest biomass of of any lake in ontario rice lake a study that was done by m r 2017 conclusively determined that rice lake had the largest biomass of any lake in the province meaning there was there were more living organisms per acreage of water than any other body body in province and now um one of those species is in trouble so what's funny though because you hear one side of the story but i've talked to a lot of buddies of mine that are fishing rice lake lately and said the walleye fishing's outstanding big fish lots of fish big fish lots of fish i'm seeing but um lots of big fish along with everything else so it depends on maybe who you are with your tactics are you changing with the times too maybe that as well right so i don't know but it's funny because you're hearing the average is definitely what answers saying that oh oh boy the fisheries in huge trouble and all that stuff but other guys are saying whoa i don't know what they're talking about oh i'm sure that there's always people who find them right pete i mean we've had enough tournaments in our lives to know that somebody always won't find them but you know speaking to people that live on the lake that that derived their living from from the lake and more importantly from walleye fishing uh it's it's not a pretty picture right now yeah so um anyways and the reason i bring that up is because sometimes things that we do today we will not see the results for at least three or four years down the road if not maybe five or six and by that time of course it's too late because because now in order to to make effect changes we're gonna have to wait another three or four years so so it's it's changes in regulations especially changes to a fishery that's doing well i'm always leery about because i say if it ain't broke why change it and you know this leads me right back to how we started this episode what two hours ago and that is that that bass fishery that that we are now going to possibly affect some changes on it's been great i said this when the new regulation was first introduced it's been great we have the best bass fishing i think on the planet if you put smallmouth and small enlargement in one category i dare say that we have the best bass fishing bar none of any jurisdiction on planet so why are we screwing around with it are we that addicted to it that we we have to squeeze every last second of of of it out that we have i i don't know i i just don't get it we have something that is outstanding we boast about we're proud of it we're the first ones to tell especially americans that hey you got you think you've got bass we got bass yeah we don't have texas size bass we're florida size fast but i'll tell you what in terms of of average we've got it so why are we messing with it and maybe the answer is we're not i don't know but anyways four years yeah yeah tell us for sure um there was one very quickly about the credit river i don't know can you put that one back up uh big bobber i think had it up there town of aaron ontario is about to build a sewage treatment plant that will dump into the west credit river speculative spawning areas this will kill the river and the trout another species i don't get that like how can that be done in this era in this day and age how can a sewage treatment plant dump raw sewage roster which i'm assuming is what they must be talking about into any water let alone a river with specs so hopefully there's more to it than that but that's that is uh very concerning thanks for that big bobber i don't know we'll probably keep our eyes open on that one i know but i haven't heard of that one yet so it'll be something to keep up on that's that's brutal if that's the case it's amazing how much of that is going on today it's absolutely do you remember a few months ago or three months ago so i'm sorry i'm lying to you a few years ago um i had an interview on outdoor journal radio about with with the mayor of montreal at the time oh i remember that he was he was it was like a week prior to him turning the big wheel to open up because they were reconstructing uh some of the um underwater passageways for the flow of water for the city of montreal and in order to to work on the construction they needed to shut off they need to divert they needed to divert their sewage system temporarily while they connect the new system up so who was on the verge of turning this big dial that would dump raw sewage from the city of montreal into the saint lawrence river for four days four days of raw sewage from what the second largest city in canada so i'm assuming they didn't do it you said it well they did they did it we did oh they did it blew my mind but they did it they did it and in fact if i remember correctly they went five days because they couldn't get it completed in four days so for five days we dumped raw sewage into the st large server now having said that that gave me an opportunity to to do a bit of research and i already knew of one jurisdiction that was dumping has been dumping raw sewage into pristine waters since the beginning of time that is the city of victoria city of victoria dumps raw sewage into the pacific ocean every day including today bizarre isn't it oh my god so to answer your question does that happen yeah it happens it happens with a lot more frequency than we think and unless you start digging in you don't realize just how incredible it is the amount of raw sewage that we put here's another one for you and not to get off topic but now you big bobber is saying it's not raw sewage it's 7.2 million liters per day of effluent uh should be warm water above the trout's tolerance so it warms the waters up so that the trout still can't live and spawn anyways yeah they well put raw sewage in the water when you do that especially on that body of water for sure so sorry thanks bobber it it boggles one's mind i found out i shared this one with you pete i i was contacted by a group of people who are working on a project to eliminate or help eliminate some of the damage being done to fisheries um due to the amount of dog poop that is being introduced into the great lakes i said what are you talking about you know what do you mean dr what did they they they flush dog poop toilets into the lake i mean what are you talking about you know for the next week i got totally drawn in and immersed into this fascinating world and don't quote me on these numbers because you know me i don't let you know uh uh stories truth stand in the way of a good story but um something like like 400 000 metric tons of dog waste makes its way into um freshwater tributaries that are dumping into the great lakes every single day i i it blew my mind evidence and proof they had the science to show how much of this is being put into our system so no it doesn't surprise me anymore nothing surprises me at what we're doing uh in terms of uh of involving ourselves in we're we're and it's funny because we all think that we're good solid citizens and and conservationists at heart but uh you'd be surprised at the number of companies that we support unknowingly support that are uh harming our environment every single day you know but you have to kind of make that choice right between between uh right and wrong so anyways that dog thing is going to be coming up in the news we're going to be talking about it in the in the months to come because it's a pretty interesting subject i mean you look at the amount of dogs out there that's a lot of dog poop because there's a ton of dogs out there every day you look out your window even during the pandemic people are walking their dogs and even more so now people are walking getting out of the house because there's nothing else to do dogs and dogs and dogs and dogs by the way what's happening in case you're wondering because i mean what's what's a dog having a poop in uh i don't know in in in in berry have to do with with the great lakes right i mean so what people picking up the poop and dumping it here's the reason why 90s according to this group um 97 of you know the blue boxes that that that you know we so meticulously kind of make sure we put the right products in the right box that they can be picked up at the beginning of the week 97 of them in the city of mississauga last year 97 of them had dog poop i know you're going with this people are bagging it and dropping it in the guys what a bunch of our souls 97 of the city of mississauga wow reported having some amount of dog poop in the blue box in the blue box you people are lazy you if you do that you are one lazy mobile that's all i can say right there that is brutal so anyways we got way off topic there and i apologize for that but they're excuse me at least i picked them up you know yeah true god uh we've gone into overtime once again my friends as per usual that's why we don't come in every every week another content we'd only be on for five minutes if we're on every week i just want to uh thank all of you for joining us today and and uh for the hundreds of you that have entered the contest so far i know probably the vast majority of you have attempted but not entered i urge you to come back and get with with us on this because our end goal is for a common uh cause and it's not just a feel-good cause i do believe that our efforts can help preserve uh an ontario heritage if not a canadian heritage and that is our northern uh brothers and sisters that are running all those wonderful businesses uh that help us uh uh uh go out and and continue embracing this wonderful thing we call the outdoors and in particular fishing and by the way it's not just the lodge owners this is something else i think i just want to quickly throw out there it's not just the lodge owners that need our help through this initiative but it's all the other little businesses that are piggybacking on to the benefits of having these great uh entrepreneurs and businesses in their areas so it's the you know the owner of the local esso station in wawa and uh the hotelier uh in in uh you know blind river and and all that they all depend on our north ontario little businesses uh fishing businesses lodge owners resort owners outfitters etc because if it wasn't for them drawing tourism into that part of the country things would be pretty hard for them too because they wouldn't have customers so by doing our part and whatever that part is i don't even know ultimately when it's all said and done i don't even know whether we'll move the needle but i do know that if we do nothing and just sit here that people like peter and i will not have this wonderful opportunity every year of uh of uh immersing ourselves in this great outdoors and i and i mean that selfishly obviously i say pete and i i'm talking about all of us even if you've never visited one of these places before wouldn't you like to think that by the time you're ready to visit they'll still be there and and that's what initiatives like this are for uh we want to ensure that they're there forever they've been there three and four generations uh they've never come as close as they are right now and ending that chain so um and hopefully today we've uh we've uh helped you a little bit in the contest but if you've heard something or you come in late or we didn't help you yet go to the contest page and the new help button that jordan just put up there and it's everything we talked about in there and then again you got support or info at if all else comes to a hall streaming halt in your life but otherwise you take a look at that page it should help you along much better so hopefully and above all spread the word above all tell people that you sat in on this today above all tell people that you're in this contest tell them why they need to be in this contest hell have them come in and vote for you and while they're there tell them to sign up and become a contestant and garner votes for themselves because it's just a real good place to be right now so on that note um i will call it a day for the entire team uh nick jordan pete and of course the countess who was involved in today's episode as well uh we will be back with you for sure at the end of the month when we announce our first five winners and uh prior to that maybe we can do it live when we tell you what the next leg of the contest uh will be themed as what the story line will be so uh we'll be in touch in the meantime get on fish get on there often vote vote vote and then vote again that's five votes each and every single day between now and the end of this month and uh you're going to be doing your part number one to win and number two to help out so there you go uh catch you later folks if you have any questions uh talk to support if you're having problems getting in otherwise you're here john you're here it's beautiful it's weird to repeat you know it boys take care [Music] you
Channel: The Fish'n Canada Show
Views: 1,206
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: NieXfp0moyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 24sec (8184 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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