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Binary code now we talk about computers how would you explain it to someone from form a little clear or basic. That is, in the end the everything we do today almost has to do with computers or are there computers out there inserted that is the code the binary code follows being used today for almost everything of course be so so so so everything is translated to code binary because of course I have to tell a computer for example that three is bigger than four or smaller than four and of course I have it to say also maybe 120 The biggest that 68 or I have to tell him that if I add 8 to 7 da 15 No I know maybe I'm programming the Angry Birds and I have to calculate the equation of a parable because and it's done like this Of course you shoot you throw yourself from the slingshot there are some physical ones and that clear and that produces an equation of the parabola screen does not appear but inside it the computer is calculating it ok then you have to know how to do all that you have to has to have operations and computers they have very few operations the chip your chip any chip has a very limited series of instructions Well, they can be multiplied times two divide by two add one compare something bigger than other That's very basic very basic very basic so of course I can't figure out the numbers have them all stored on a chip because the chip that is well in the end it is an electronic that What it measures is whether the polarization of a gadget is is positive negative or if current is flowing or not that is 1 0 1 0 then I say well everything that Physical phenomena that have two states happens a lot of current passes little the magnetization is one or is another that can help me to do calculations Yes then there is a logic that works with some sorcerers I can do operations with some and zeros I can do it and I can store number so if anything i can turn it into numbers the computer will be able to do it because numbers of numbers and logic I can pass it to something a chip knows how to do a chip is a [ _ _ ] machine that does nothing, that is, I don't I get current and it happens or it doesn't change it changes a pass resistor not that's what you can do is is a rails are microscopic where where things happen So with that I can do something yes because that 's that those gadgets I can translate these physical phenomena the diurnal ones later I can interpret them how make them Ah then if I have zeros and ones already I have logic and I already have numbers and anything I can translate it pass practically any thing I can Translate do to you and some and that is numbers and logic that happened to fasting and that happened to the machine and the machine can now act with it then for that for now We will always translate things like this and computers our computers will continue being binary because it is also a form very cheap to Translate to Physical Phenomena electrical electronic Yes of course then it is that a lot of it that is quantum computing Let's see, it will have an application. You believe in the middle term short term long term we will be able to have quantum computers in our house are useful for for for for to play video games or for have Word active no they are not useful for that for that and they will not be and we will not have them in house at least in a period I will be prudent in a pleasure 30 40 years we will not have a quantum computer at home very long So ok Why aren't quantum ordinates what what they do is instead of taking advantage of properties physics of electricity or magnetism passes current or not the polarization is one or the other white black white black and some values 1 0 2 values what they do is take advantage of the matter at a very intimate level is quantum then there are phenomena such as entanglement that a particle in a mixture of various states has a property that is a mixture of several states then they say oysters we can do this take advantage of to do computation then one of the most creative heads that have been in this On this planet that is Richard Feinmann well raised this issue and people Toys for example another physicist that I said can and we can do again a logic and a translation and it works and I I give a course on how we can translate Mathematical operations on something that works bit is the smallest unit of information classic computers 01 cubit is the minimum unit in the others then I say we can Translate things operations that we want to do all that movement in numbers we can Translate to operations of cubits And that has the advantage that we are going to do many at the same time Then it is very powerful very powerful you can do many things at the same time very well we can do it yes in theory Yes ok then now Is there a device that translate all this really I mean is there any that I can say just as I have transistors or that I have current chips cables is there something similar that can translate the operations to the quantum Then they began to investigate and there are a lot of people investigating that and there is every time there are bigger ones. Now there are some computers already around 100 cubits and what they can do a few little things at a time can do more things and then yes it is investigated they can do very specific things then it goes there will be some very very specific operations in fact there are already some of computers they are big good as a refrigerator no yes let's go let's see how a big refrigerator has a chip in the in the center let's say where the cubits are What are they? Well there are different technologies But there are some that have to do with semiconductors things and some physical things that I don't understand too much but a chip let's say okay is surrounded you are surrounded by the refrigerator Why Because those properties of matter except as the cubes these particles interact with something is broken I mean you ca n't read anymore well the result then stop being in overlay leave more than spoil leave to have the advantages and behavior remain fixed So when they interact with something then they interact with something for example with other particles Unless that is very cold and so they are very still they do not interact with anything so how much cold almost at zero temperature absolute are a few I don't know if they are thousandths by above absolute zero Then above absolute zero have to be and that's why you need to cool that down expensive technology let's say inside the cubits is the one that is done to cool them then Well one once you have them cold you can drive and do things also with time immediately begin to interact with others and that operations stop be useful right away in a very short time then you can run very short programs but more and more computers are being made with more cubits therefore more power that last longer therefore you can put programs a little more long and need less extreme conditions to work then it is advancing And of what serve right now they can make you be Well, for example, simulate a quantum system simulate a molecule We will not be able to simulate it because there are many many factors we are not going to be able to simulate immediately with classic computers quantum computers will be able to they can't still something seriously no yes that Some math problems have turned out. some mathematical algorithms that can run there and then there are theoretical algorithms algorithms For example , what I was telling you about multiplying the numbers and do is multiply them in some way for credit card security quantum computers already know how to do it faster faster than a conventional computer So yes we have a quantum computer in 30 years we have a problem with cybersecurity is going to be a change is going to have to be a change and not only that but what can be because what is produced there are already protocols post quantum security is called so cryptography Well, quantum. That's it, there are already candidates for that. And that quantum computers at the moment not they will be able to break it but what if within 15 10 20 years a quantum computer is capable of handle the key size we have now no it's just that our future conversations are in danger let's say but if I have a electronic certificate that my house is mine and one that I bought a few years ago and my and today they give us quantum that changes that and changes the signature says no it 's not mine of course let's have to do some retroactive security totally we are going to see a little to the physical we will have to change our protocols in things that since they are now and that have not been made with him in mind in cryptography quantum is a little scary that there is a lot concern but the break is not close of the keys with quantum cryptography is not close but that For example could be a drama absolutely another topic that you have also touched on that is the subject of the blockchain Of course that would be a Total Drama for the people all that Rest in this that I was telling you about the clear mathematicians that those mathematical keys are not they can break all the people you've lost your bitcoin key from your bitcoin wallet it is impossible to recover that 16 words will be seeds I don't have friends who lost their key I hope I didn't have too much dough Well at the time it wasn't and it came Clear because two whole bitcoins didn't matter when they were worth what do I know well it would not matter One euro I can't believe it Sure sure for those people there came a time when bitcoin was at 50-60,000 Well almost 60 like this Well , I still had 120,000 euros in two in two bitcoins and he did not remember the key that it's a drama it's a drama and you see the proof of that that cannot be broken is that nobody has managed to recover your bitcoin keys Sure , but maybe a quantum computer quantum computer could could enough big in fact at the moment they can at the moment can break very small keys numbers of five digits no stuff so it ain't nothing nothing
Channel: The Wild Project
Views: 1,283,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the wild project, wild project, jordi wild podcast, el rincon de giorgio podcast, the wild project podcast, podcast, jordi wild, jordiwild, jordi, wild, el rincon de giorgio, elrincondegiorgio, giorgio
Id: bfYH7JmHQnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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