The Great AI War: Every Microsoft Build AI Announcement (Supercut)

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this is the moment for all of us now we have capabilities in our hands with these new tools in the early days of this new platform to absolutely do amazing things where literally the challenge for you all is to go do some legendary that someone will be in awe of you for one day last November we got an upgrade right we went from the bicycle to the steam engine with the launch of chat GPT and in fact every layer of the software stack is going to be changed forever we're going to have 50 plus announcements but I want to highlight five of them the first is we're bringing search grounding and Bane to chat GPT chat GPT is the most fast growing consumer app we've ever seen and such grounding is very key feature right so that all the information is current and grounded by what you have from the crawl on the index next we're bringing the co-pilot to the biggest canvas of all windows this is going to make every user a power user of Windows the other thing that we're also very excited to launch is the co-pilot stack we want to make that available so that everyone here can build their own co-pilot for their applications so to be able to show you everything in action from both the plugin extensibility to all of the co-pilots we announced let me invite up on stage yusufmady to come show you all of this Yusuf let me try it hi everybody we're making Fast Pro G liberating our vision of your co-pilot for the web and for business and today as Satya said we're excited to announce that we're going to bring chat GPT and Bing together as with the default search experience to give you higher quality answers and more timely answers let's take a look here I am in chat GPT and as you can see now Bing is the default and when I come in and select it I can now ask sort of real-time queries for example let's ask what I should expect to hear from about build and Dot net and what you can see is the results now are more up to date they include fresh content and they include citations in fact if you can see the links on that page there you can click those those will take you straight to a web page that's sourced by big we're also excited to announce that we're going to bring interoperability between chat GPT and Bing for plugins so you write them once and they're going to run everywhere so as you can see here in chat GPT I've got Zillow and instacart enabled but I want to show them to you here in Bing chat so we'll flip over and you can see again I've got the same plugins now in both Bing chat and in chat GPT and what we're going to show you now is I'll do a search here for houses in Chicago and I can ask for a set of criteria learn a little bit about the neighborhoods and now I can automatically call Zillow by saying hey give me three houses in a certain price range that meet my criteria now what you can see is now I get these great options and I'm also going to get all of the other great things you get with Bing like helpful City Guides and maps and prompts I'm going to tell you how we're going to further add value to the plugins that you write they're going to work not just in chat and chatgpt they're going to work across the entire web courtesy of the edge browser so here's an example I'm on a web page here checking out a recipe for a cake and now I can call Bing chat and ask it to tell me hey give me the ingredients from this webpage and notice Bing can read the context of the web page understand those ingredients put them into chat and then I can say hey give me a shopping list for this and it'll automatically call the instacart plugin take those ingredients right off the page and put them into an instacart shopping and with one click I can get those now delivered to my house this is incredible productivity benefit for people as Satya shared we're excited to announce the windows co-pilot I think it's going to change how you use your PC forever let me show it to you here I am in the coding project on my PC but I want to configure my PC to help me be more creative and more productive all I have to do now is invoke the windows co-pilot and now just come down here to the taskbar I click on that and now we'll pop up the windows copilot on the right the side pane here will be consistent across every app that you use on your PC and just like with Bing chat I can now ask it questions like how can I adjust my system to get work done and not only will I get a bunch of great suggestions but watch this I can now with one click take action on those suggestions for example I can put into Focus mode I also know that as developers we like dark mode there's a suggestion here for dark mode so with one click I'm now here on the dark side and and to really get going I want to get that coding playlist going so I'll pull the plugin from Spotify and say give me a great coding playlist in this case Chill Vibes will come up and now I'll have it ready to go and finally there's a suggestion here that says hey to organize your PC let's take advantage of snap so with one click it snaps all the windows right in the place I need them so I can be super productive what do you think [Applause] incredible array of powerful AI powered co-pilots we've got over 50 plugins already available for customers and thousands more coming I can't wait to see what you're all going to build thank you very much as Yusuf said fantastic momentum already building and this is about really creating that opportunity for developers to reach all users across all of these surface areas and of course all AI applications start with data and we're really thrilled to be announcing Microsoft fabric it's probably perhaps the biggest launch of a data product from Microsoft since the launch of SQL Server it unifies compute and storage it unifies all of the full analytics stack product experiences it brings together governance so it unifies governance with Analytics and most interestingly it unifies the business model right across all the different type of analytics workloads whether they're SQL machine learning whatever job you want and this unification at the end of the day is what I think will fuel the next generation of AI applications let's roll the video introducing Microsoft fabric a unified data analytics platform one product one Experience One architecture one business model unified data is stored in one link a SAS data Lake for the entire organization data is integrated and stored in an open format allowing one copy to be used to train machine learning models visualize data and run SQL queries on the lake and data warehouse a unified experience brings together all the tools data professionals need pipelines for orchestrating data movement experiments for training machine learning models semantic models for defining key metrics and much more and for business users fabric brings together data for collaborating and doing ad hoc analysis in Microsoft 365. unified governance security and compliance is built in for all your data and with copilot the Microsoft fabric AI helps everyone be more productive whether it's writing SQL statements building reports or setting up automations based on triggers all your data all your teams all in one place this is Microsoft fabric [Applause] you know what the AI supercomputer did for the infrastructure layer Microsoft fabric will do to the data layer for this next generation of AI applications now one of the things that I think we should ask ourselves as developers is why do we build why do we build technology this relationship between economic progress and economic growth and technology has been there for a long time in fact this graph when you see it it's pretty stunning that for most of human history we didn't have much economic growth nor did we have much technology and then something happened 250 years ago right which was long in building by the way from perhaps the enlightenment to Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution was close to 400 years but then there was real progress you see that slope going upwards and then of course over the last 70 years information technology has played a role across all of those sort of seminal moments on the March towards that dream machine and of course we now enter the age of AI and we get to Define what that slope looks like going forward for economic growth but it's not even just economic growth on its own right we don't build just because we want economic growth we want economic growth so that we can have human development index growth we want the lifespans to go up we want education and prosperity and standard of living to go up everywhere that's why we build that's why we innovate that's why technology exists it's not for Technology's sake but it is for that broad impact it really is inspiring to see this technology getting diffused so quickly and having a real positive impact across the globe I guess it goes without saying that a lot has changed in the world of technology over these past four years an incredible amount of attention being paid right now to what's happening with the rapid progress with these AI models these Foundation models that we're calling them now and in particular like the rapid pace of innovation that's being driven by open AI in in their partnership with Microsoft so let's talk about co-pilots we sort of think of chat GPT is fitting this copilot pattern Bing chat certainly GitHub co-pilot the Microsoft security co-pilot Microsoft 365 co-pilot and designer so the thing that we noticed is we were building these co-pilots starting with GitHub co-pilot several years ago is that the idea of a co-pilot is actually pretty General so this notion that you're going to have a multi-turned conversational agent-like interface on your software that helps you do cognitively complex things applies to more than just helping someone do software development like we have search co-pilots now we're going to have security co-pilots we have productivity copilots and we're going to have all of the co-pilots that you all build and the thing that we noticed for us at Microsoft is that we needed to look at what is common across all of these things so that we can understand how to design great user experiences and what the technology stack is that is going to empower us to deliver these things safely responsibly cost effectively at scale so there are three boxes you can think of these as roughly corresponding to the three tiers of a normal application so you've got a front end you've got a mid-tier you've got a back end the thing that's a little bit different in a co-pilot is you're going to spend less time thinking about like what your user interface widgets are and like trying to second guess the user about what it is they want because they have this really natural mechanism to express what it is they want natural language and so like what you have to think about in the design of these co-pilots is like what it is you want the co-pilot to actually be capable of so like what are the things a model can't do that you need to augment with for instance with GitHub co-pilot like a bunch of the work that we did is to like keep the model on task which is help helping you solve your development problems like you're not trying to figure out what the best menu item is on Taco Bell when you're sitting in GitHub co-pilot trying to write a piece of code so now let's talk about orchestration so orchestration is like the business logic of your co-pilot one of the things that we did that greatly affected our ability to get these co-pilots out to Market at scale and to do more ambitious things was to decide that inside of Microsoft we are going to have one orchestration mechanism that we will use to help build our apps so inside of the orchestration layer the the fundamental thing that you're going to be manipulating is a prompt and a big part of handling those prompts at the beginning stages of orchestration is prompt and response filtering so basically saying I'm not going to allow these prompts through because maybe they will cause the model to respond in a way that doesn't meet the needs of your application or do something unsafe I mean you also filter responses on the way back up so after the model has produced a response to the prompt like you may decide that you want to filter some or all of the prompt out you also have this unit of prompt code called metaprompt and the metaprompt is the standing set of instructions that you give to your co-pilot that get passed down to the model on every turn of conversation that tells it how to accommodate itself to the co-pilot that you're trying to build it's where a bunch of your safety tuning is going to happen it's where you sort of tell the model like what personality you want it to have so like for instance we use the metaprompt to do things like telling Bing chat to be more balanced the verse is more precise it is also like how you sort of teach the model new capabilities so like you can even think of metaprompt design as a form of fine-tuning this is the co-pilot sack top to bottom and what I want to do now is make this maybe a little bit less abstract by talking about a co-pilot that I wrote so I host a podcast called behind the tech and every month when the podcast airs my team comes and bugs me to write a social media post to advertise the podcast and I suck at this like I forget to read my emails like they have to bug me over and over again and really want a Kevin's social media co-pilot so they don't have to go through the irritation of dealing with me and so I had the honor recently of interviewing Neil deGrasse Tyson on the podcast and so like I'm just going to walk you through this co-pilot that we built that we're actually just ran and it did the social media post for the Neil syson podcast that just went live so here's what it looks like so just end-to-end picture like the co-pilot runs on a Windows PC it uses a mixture of Open Source models and hosted models it like does retrieval augmented generation and it calls a plug-in to finish doing its work so let's walk through these step by step so the first step of this process is we have an audio file and we need a transcript so on our Windows PC we take the open AI open source whisper model and run the audio through the model to get a transcript does a really amazing job so once we have the transcript like the next stage in the orchestration is we have the databricks dolly 2.0 12 billion parameter large language model running on our Windows PC and we ask it some things about the transcript like for instance who was the guest this episode because again we want to do this like lights out like not have to have Kevin answering a bunch of questions because he's slow and annoying so the next thing we do once we have the transcript and we have all of this information that we've extracted from from the transcript like we want to send a chunk of that to the Bing API or like we want to send Neil's name to the Bing API to get a bio and then we're going to combine all of this stuff together into a single packet of information like a big prompt that has some stuff about the transcript some and some stuff about Neil and we get our social media blur like this is a pretty good blurb so we're going to go to the next step here which is like we need a thumbnail so we call our hosted open AI API to get an image from the dolly model this looks pretty good it's Cosmic it's sort of podcasty like plenty good enough for this this post and so the last step is we want to invoke a plug-in for LinkedIn that will take the thumbnail and the post and the link to the podcast and just post it to my LinkedIn feed one of the super important things about this is we are like before we take an action on the user behalf we want to present to them like what it is that's going to happen because if for some reason or another the model went haywire and produced something that we didn't want to post like once I hit yes this is going to 800 000 people on LinkedIn so we review we click yes and we post so uh and this is the live post that's like on LinkedIn right now you should go check out this episode with Neil it's awesome [Music] and so this is the moment for all of us now we have capabilities in our hands with these new tools in the early days of this new platform to absolutely do amazing things where literally the challenge for you all is to go do some legendary that someone will be in awe of you for one day and so with that I would like to bring to Stage my colleague Executive Vice President of cloud and AI the legend himself Scott Guthrie [Applause] well good morning everyone AI is going to profoundly change how we work and how every organization operates and every existing app is going to be reinvented with AI and we're going to see new apps be built with AI that weren't possible before and Kevin just walked us through the co-pilot stack and explained the different layers involved in Building Solutions that take deep advantage of large AI models I'm going to build on his talk and walk you through how we're going to make it easy to develop these AI Solutions using Azure GitHub and visual studio now as Kevin explained earlier AI orchestration involves grounding prompt design and Engineering evaluation and AI safety and these are kind of the core fundamentals for how you create great co-pilot experiences and the reason we've been able to move at this fast pace is because we built all of these co-pilots on top of one platform which is azure Ai and this is the exact same platform that all of you can also leverage as you build your own copilot Nai experiences as well Azure AI includes several categories of AI capabilities including our Advanced Azure AI infrastructure an Azure open AI service is our newest capability and became generally available in January of this year the Azure open AI service enables developers and organizations to access and use the most advanced AI models in the world including both chat GPT and gpd4 and all of these Microsoft co-pilot experiences that you're seeing here at build are built using these Azure open AI models now what makes the Azure opening AI service so powerful is that it enables you to ground and fine-tune AI models with your data and this enables get much more intelligent and tailored outputs from the AI models and that's why more than 4 500 customers are already trusting and using the Azure open AI service today it's the fastest growing service in azure's history and let's now dive deep on to our Azure AI infrastructure we've invested heavily over many years now to make Azure the place to do Cutting Edge AI innovation Azure is very much now the world's AI supercomputer and it's the infrastructure that's powering not just the chat CPT experience but all and all of the AI products and services coming from Microsoft but it's also the AI super computer that was used to train the large Foundation models that openai produced and to do this we've built purpose-built AI infrastructure to deliver reliability and performance at scale we built the largest AI model training system in the world and one with tens of thousands of interconnected gpus and fast networking a picture here is one of our new Nvidia Hopper based GPU systems Azure was the first cloud provider in the world to deploy and offer hopper-based GPU systems to customers and the picture here you can see a lot of cables these These are infiniband cables and they're really important for our GPU clusters and it's one of the ways that we really differentiate ourselves from others I mean either AWS nor Google support infiniband today and infiniband gives Azure the highest Network bandwidth and lowest Network latency of any cloud hyperscaler in the world today that picture shows you what the servers are and I'll switch gears now and take a look at what one of these data center facilities looks like the picture on the top right you can see one of our new data centers that we're building to add to our Azure Cloud region in Dublin and those little things are tractors and cars so it gives you a sense of the scale and that building is just one data center that we're commissioning and adding into that region and to give you a sense of the scale that Azure is now operating at we'll now bring live more than 120 data centers this calendar year alone that's one new data center every three days in most of these data centers like this one are ones that we're designing and building ourselves and multiple data centers that make up what we call an Azure region that you can deploy across now our Azure region in Dublin is made up of many data centers like this one and it's total size is already over a mile and a half long and half a mile wide an area is 2 million square feet of data center floor space that's already live that you can deploy your workloads in today and to put two million square feet of in perspective that's the equivalent of 35 football stadiums in size all just in one region inside Dublin and Dublin is less than three percent of our total data center footprint around the world today we now have more than 60 Azure regions live Dublin is just one of those dots there on the map it's more regions and more countries than any other cloud provider and we're bringing all of the scale and all this power to you so you can build amazing Solutions on top of it now the Azure AI infrastructure is being used for many different AI models and scenarios we're talking at this conference and today a lot about the great work we're doing with openai and llms on Azure but we're also using this exact same infrastructure for many other AI models and experiences as well and another unique AI partnership we have is with Nvidia Nvidia is bringing its AI software to Azure by integrating nvidia's AI Enterprise with Azure AI organizations are going to be able to have a secure Enterprise ready platform to quickly build and deploy custom machine learning models and nvidia's on Universe Cloud provides a full stack environment to design develop deploy and manage industrial metaverse applications and this gives Enterprises access to the full stack Suite of Omniverse software applications and Nvidia OBX infrastructure to scale and combine it with a scale and security of azure Azure is the only cloud provider offering Omniverse Cloud today and with underverse cloud and Azure organizations like BMW are now able to build truly virtual factors the BMW team can aggregate data into massive high performance models connect their domain specific software tools and enable multi-user live collaboration across Factory locations they can run real-time twins digital twin simulations virtually optimizing layouts Robotics and Logistics systems even years before a factory opens and it's all possible from any location and on any device now data all the AI Innovation that we've seen today is built on top of a foundation of data data is really the fuel that powers Ai and AI is only as good as your data and so it's never been more important to have a great data analytics and data management foundation in place and this week it build we're excited to announce Microsoft fabric a unified platform for data analytics really designed for the era of AI with Microsoft fabric we're bringing together power bi data Factory and the next generation of synapse and fabric unifies all these analytics tools at every layer into one seamless product providing a single source of Truth for everyone in the organization and a single way to secure it and a unified business model will help ensure that all your resources are used in the most cost effective way and this complete platform really delivers data analytics as a software as a service model just like Microsoft 365 making it much easier to stand up and manage with frictionless onboarding automatic optimization and integration built-in security governance and compliance it's Lake Centric and has an open data architecture and it has deep integration with Microsoft 365. uh and what's great is it's designed in particular for the era of AI with built-in co-pilot support and this copilot support enables you to use AI to understand and reason over data in extraordinary new ways and while I do show a video of some of these new capabilities in action let's take a look at how copilot and power bi is empowering everyone to quickly find and share insights with copilot and power bi I can simply describe the report I want to build and get insights in seconds maybe we need a breakdown of some of our employee data to understand demographics and hiring Trends I just describe what I need and copilot will automatically analyze my data and create a new report based on my needs immediately I have a beautiful power bi report that has been automatically created and is fully interactive I can start slicing and dicing my data to explore deeper co-pilot added the charts and slicers I asked for but also conveniently gives me options to adjust the output to get just what I need for example let's switch to ask for metrics and Trends in a slightly different layout automatically copilot updates the report let's go ahead and keep this report page it goes much further I can also ask questions such as why is our attrition rate going up copilot responds by adding a new page to my report and tapping into Power bi's built-in Advanced analysis capabilities for finding key influencers for variables in my data in addition to giving me a summary of an insight about different employee types having different nutrition rates I can easily explore power bi's key influencer visual to see what's driving the biggest impact in our attrition rate I can even automatically see the most significant segments in my data just by clicking now let's go back to the first page and finish up our new report I'm going to ask copilot to make it look like our existing exec dashboard and instantly it's applied the same formatting in style and adjusted the layout to match best of all I can still interact directly with the powerbear report that copilot has created so for example if I wanted to manually change this bar chart to a tree map on my own it's easy to do with just a few clicks let's add employee functional area and now I can filter by this new field finally to make the report even easier for my team to understand I'm going to ask copilot to add a rich text description of my data right inside the report this narrative summary is fully Dynamic and not only does co-pilot highlight interesting insights for my data it will update the summary every time the data is refreshed or people filter the report and just like that in seconds I've created a report that would have taken hours or days to do manually copilot built on top of azure open AI is truly revolutionary for how we Empower everyone to find and share insights and what you saw there is how we're able to organize data in Microsoft Fabric and in turn enable this amazing natural language experience in power bi on top of it Microsoft fabric is designed for the era of AI and its serverless data management engine is tuned for advanced AI scenarios like that and with Microsoft fabric we have a deep commitment as well to open formats and apis fabric comes with a SAS multi-cloud data Lake which we call one Lake that's built in and automatically available to every Microsoft tenant one lake is built on open formats including Delta and parquet meaning it's compatible with Solutions like databricks and other open source tools and since we know that many customers want to build AI Solutions using data that might already be stored in other clouds we've also built Microsoft fabric to work across clouds including AWS and in the future Google and I'm incredibly pleased to announce that Microsoft fabric is now available in public preview for everyone to use so we have an exciting future ahead of us um you know Azure and the Microsoft cloud you know is the place for every developer and every organization on the planet to be able to innovate using AI uh we're really looking forward to building some great AI Solutions with you together and I hope you have a great rest of the build uh and a great rest of the day thank you very much [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Ticker Symbol: YOU
Views: 164,289
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Keywords: nvidia, nvda, nvidia stock, nvda stock, gtc keynote, nvidia keynote, openai, chatgpt, gpt4, gpt3, msft, microsoft stock, msft stock, goog, googl, goog stock, google stock, nvidia stock news, semiconductor stocks, tsmc, tsm stock, asml, asml stock, gpt-4, nvidia news, jensen huang keynote, nvidia 2023, ai copilot, google io 2023, google io, google keynote, google bard, microsoft build, microsoft co-pilot, microsoft copilot, nvidia omniverse, microsoft fabric, Satya Nadella, satya
Id: wGovEZyqJ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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