The Gospel | Paul Washer

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there are so many people in the world today that have heard about jesus or about christianity or about the church and one of the things that i think brings the greatest degree of pain to my heart is that although they've heard those words they don't truly understand what christianity is all about or truly understand who jesus is or what he has done sometimes people maybe are browsing through the internet or they may be browsing through the tv and come across some tv evangelist screaming and ranting or doing all sorts of things supposedly in the power of god or asking for money and that brings a great pain to the true christian's heart because it is one thing it is a pain to know that there are people who do not know jesus it is a greater pain to know that oftentimes jesus and christianity is being distorted so that many people harden their heart against a jesus a christ a christianity that is not the true version of it sometimes i just want to you know you would love to have a meeting with each and every person like that to be able to explain to them what christianity truly is and what the gospel truly is so that if they do reject it at least they're rejecting what it is or if they do accept it at least they're accepting the true version of it what is christianity well i guess the answer is found in the name christianity it has to do with the person of christ now what is christ well it's a an english version of a greek term that represents actually a hebrew idea hebrew promise and that is the promise of a messiah of an anointed one a deliverer the bible begins in the book of genesis with god creating man and this world and it was good but then maybe beyond our comprehension but nonetheless true we understand that sin entered into this world rebellion against god which led to a separation between a righteous and loving god and a sinful and often times hateful man and this division between god and man led to also the great division between man and man so that the world you see around you today is the result of the fall of man it is the result of sin it doesn't matter if you create some sort of political utopia it doesn't matter if materialism abounds in everyone's home we are never going to escape the reality of our sin and our separation from god now the great question of christianity the great question of the scriptures the bible is this if god is holy and can have nothing to do with sin if god is righteous and must always come against sin then how could we ever be reconciled to god the bible teaches in romans 3 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god now you can argue with my terminology but you can't argue with the truth of it we see evil in this world if you don't believe what i'm saying simply turn on the news or read your newspaper or study something of human history and you will see that it is a history of humans doing horrible things to humans of sin abounding of ruin of nations being lifted up and nations being destroyed of peoples being oppressed a violence occurring for no apparent reason it's the result of sin how can sinful man be reconciled to a just god whose justice demands that they be punished the answer is found in the person of jesus christ the bible teaches us that god is a trinity god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and that to bring about the salvation of man god would do something miraculous outstanding unspeakable incomprehensible he would show us his love and he would do so by doing this in his righteousness he condemns our evil but in his love god becomes a man in the person of jesus of nazareth a historical person god intervening into human history and this jesus of nazareth lived the perfect life that you and i could never live could never live have never lived and then he goes to a cross now most of you know about the roman cross you've probably seen movies about it but how jesus was nailed there and a crown of thorns was placed on his head and all of this was done for our sin but what's impossible to show even in the best of movies is that it took more than the physical death of christ to pay for our sins on the cross our sins were laid upon him and then all the punishment of a holy and righteous god fell upon the head of god the son he suffered it to its fullness and then right before he died he cried out it is finished which means paid in full we owed a debt to god because of our sin and that debt was suffering eternal punishment but on the cross god himself he took our place bore our sin and suffered the wrath of god that we deserve he extinguished it he put it away and on the third day he rose again from the dead then he ascended up into heaven and this jesus the son of god sat down at the right hand of god and now the bible teaches that jesus is the way the truth and the life that no man comes to the father except through him that there is one god and one mediator between god and man the man christ jesus you see the christian is the only person the true christian who can say that they're going to heaven without being self-righteous why in other religions how do you get to heaven you get to heaven by being good by earning it in christianity you're not reconciled to god through your own virtue or merit but you're reconciled to god through the virtue and merit of his son if i died right now i have great assurance of being reconciled being being accepted to god why because two thousand years ago the son of god died in the place of this sinner and paid my debt i do not trust in myself my good works my church my religious duties it is christ alone and you say well you don't understand i've sinned so much we've all sinned so much but his death is more powerful than any sin we could have committed his death is sufficient to pay for all your sins you say well what must i do you know to be to be saved the bible says you don't have to do some heroic feat like climbing up to heaven or descending down into hell but believe trust in jesus christ abandon all hope in your good works abandon all hope in your your religiosity and trust in the person and work of christ on your behalf for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life that's the promise of god to the greatest of sinners
Channel: HeartCry Missionary Society
Views: 160,941
Rating: 4.9713292 out of 5
Keywords: paul washer, heartcry, jesus christ, missions, bible, sermons, gospel, missionary, society, god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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