The *GORGER* LOOT ONLY Challenge in Fortnite!

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today we take on the giant alien boss gorger and his little minions as i attempt to win the game only using loot from the gorge did you know that if you hit the like button it turns white blue black apparently youtube had an update for some people so hit that like button let me know what color changes for you in the comments also youtube is telling me that 75 of you are not subscribed i upload every single day so make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos and don't forget to use code typicalgamer in the item shop okay the game plan is super simple first let me suit up that's a lot better we're gonna go ahead and simply find a gorger and only use loot from the gorger to win the game okay we're gonna have to get super comfortable with being this high up because that's pretty much the game plan here i'm gonna go ahead and go out and pull my shoe right away or my glider i guess whatever you want to call this my my jump jets and i'm just gonna look around the map jordan's actually kind of beautiful huh look at all that nice greenery okay so you'll see the timer in the top right it says 55 seconds right now we have to wait for that to hit zero and then we have to wait 15 seconds after that for the gorgeous to spawn you might be asking how do you know when the gorgeous spot well there's a giant red beam of light we're gonna see and we're gonna go towards that now i'm gonna be honest with you i have not tried this before so i do not know if i can do this just with the pickaxe but you know what i'm here to find out okay first zone has popped you should see the storm rolling in around the map you can actually see where the circle is going to be now oh look at all those dark clouds about 15 seconds after this occurs a red light there we go we see the red light over there sometimes there's two red lights i think it might just be the one so so there's going to be this gorgeous that spawned here just a little bit to the right of craigie and just above the stark facility kind of island here so it's flying over there and let's see if i can do this i don't know now this probably won't be the only gorgeous that spawns this game but at the start this is the only one that did spawn oh this is gonna be so tough come around the corner do we see our big old gorgeous buddy oh look at him over there look at him what are you doing buddy what are you doing okay i need you to spawn your little minions spawn your little there you go okay pop them out pop them out okay can i pickaxe them i haven't tried this before oh my gosh i don't know if you can oh you can you can okay he hit the rocky at the rock i don't think it does damage them i'm trying to get i'm trying to get him to hit the little beam thing let's see if i can do it okay i don't think he can take him out with that okay so i can't melee them all right so easy enough i'm gonna pick up this gun just to shoot one of these little guys out and then we're only gonna use weapons from there so come on yes okay that one's down let me drop this and let me pick up this yes okay i picked it up i don't know if you guys know this but you can actually pick up the little guys and use them as like a zappotron turret thing it's really cool let me take out all these little guys here it doesn't do a whole lot of damage but it's what we got it's what we got okay now we can focus on the big guy yeah take this big guy you can hit him anywhere with this and do damage which is great you can see his health bar right above his head i love that they added these like mini bosses into the game it's super super cool okay now if you want to do more damage with this thing i'm going to show you like a hidden secret with it that not many people know and that i kind of found out by accident once let me hit him again okay he's knocked out now if you hold it and charge it big flat that's a big one oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot it does get destroyed after you do that so let me go ahead and just take out one more of these little guys thank you little guy you did it for a good cause ow ow he hit me hard all right for the finale blast here and it's going bye-bye look at that okay all this loot here is whatever i can use to win the game oh okay i'm not going to be complaining well i can pick up stuff this is nice let me pick up a medkit let me get a chug splash okay now the problem is if i drop this thing that i'm holding it actually explodes so um yeah i'm gonna have to do that but we would give it one good finale look at this charge it up big old blaze throw it away okay let's pop this medkit we got a really good load out here so i'm hoping we can complete this challenge right off the bat first try would be a real nice let's go up and adam so what did we learn fun fact you can't take out the little robots with the pickaxe there's definitely something we learned we also learned there's some pretty good loot from the gorger sometimes he drops a legendary rocket launcher but i haven't seen it in a while so i don't know if it's still in the game we're finally getting back to civilization a little bit i need like a ride we need a car or something finally we see a truck okay let's take the typical truck and let's get moving spin this thing around we're gonna have to go towards stark facilities there's 23 people left so we're gonna have to try to clean up most of these limbs country roads take no this looks so cool i wish the trees turned this color all around the map for fall like right around this season that would be so cool okay we're pulling up i see there was some action here and i think that's a guy right there that actually might be a robot i can't tell which one's a robot which one's not there's a guy hiding behind oh boy ow [Music] hitting this guy hard [Music] where are you going buddy one guy's going crazy [Music] got him okay shield is of course fair game so i'm going to go ahead and take these thank you very much were those this guy's robots oh god iron man i'm gonna have to eat this i took him out okay okay that's good that's good for some reason they landed here i did not take out iron man don't know what's going on oh i see storm over there [Music] it's really hard to shoot through those fences but i did 70 damage about to finish the job here oh my gosh easy easy easy easy i'm not going to open the vault because i feel like that's going to go against everything i stand for so let's just go ahead and grab this helicopter and keep moving we got two limbs let's pop some more people make sure nobody else is in the area i think we are good oh i see a car driving down there that's the surest way to know somebody's there if a car is freaking driving he's gonna go to that kind of bridge but he can't really drive through it i think he just fell off the cliff okay what is going on here i'm gonna go into this here we go out one you gotta figure out where the other guys i hear a boat what what is happening holy shoot i got one this guy's stuck [Music] i just cleaned up house all three oh the zone is coming okay it's okay we're good here we go here i can pick up some bandages if i really need i mean we got some amazing items from the gorger i'm not even gonna lie they had a gold scar and a clue okay well where is my helicopter though oh there's my helicopter okay five limbs already five of limbs from where we started is pretty good and there's still 10 people left i'm hoping that i can uh kind of close this game out oh they're brawling over here no no no [Music] okay knocked out this guy that guy's trying to escape okay i'm gonna chase him i'll chase him that's what i need her i need to keep taking people out before someone else eliminates them these are my limbs where's this guy going is he in the car do you try to book it on foot oh he is trying to book it on foot oh he's right down there where are you at dog and he's done so oh there's a nice little slurp fish here let me just grab that can i grab my helicopter back please oh my helicopter is not doing so hot right now oh i see another fish here oh i see floppers on floppers this guy could have lived as long as he wanted to i'm actually gonna take those floppers instead grab my helicopter that's kind of sideways oh what a nice little hop back okay we got four people left seven of limbs this game could not have gone better it's going pretty freaking good oh my gosh okay let's knock this down holy shoot and he sent back the lobby mr christmas tree we got fish on fish on fish let's just take that three people left we got eight limbs we are crushing it right now let's pretend i don't see him okay he just shot me for everything he kind of i think he kind of got lucky with that shot i'm gonna be real with you two people left nine eliminations let's get this done right here right now hollow iron man gorger loot only we did a little bit of science we learned that you can't melee a freaking gorger drone bot thing i showed you guys that you could have a turret we have learned so much today but can we get a dub can we do the most important thing the thing that we all came here for oh i see him builds i see him in the builds over here oh look at that he's trying to he's trying to circumvent me he ain't gonna like what's gonna happen next i told you we ain't gonna like what happens next it's a 1v1 situation where's the last guy at oh oh he's he's behind me what the heck all right let's relax here for a second okay yes come down to me let's play a cool comment collected it's a 1v1 situation oh i hear him building never mind he's not where i thought he was there's two people there's a robot down there [Music] a honestly very interesting strap from this fella we're gonna have to do some big brain iq moves he's going into that box [Music] okay i have an idea it worked it worked ladies and gentlemen let's frickin go gorgeous loot only i gotta say it was a pretty incredible loot first try let's freaking go lad 11 eliminations and the dub so much learned for science too i feel like we really contributed to the fortnite scientific community gigi make sure you hit that like button if you enjoyed the video and don't forget to subscribe with the bell because i upload every single day you don't want to miss it thanks for watching if you enjoyed that i've got plenty more awesome videos where that came from i actually hand-picked these two ones right here so if you want to click on them i would do so quick because you only got three seconds before the video ends so click it quick three two one okay bye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 2,162,859
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: AWe4o7ody6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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