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person I ever called Godfather was veto Corleone I only met him a couple of times I was just a soldier for the family back then times were tough we were at War assassins even gunned down veto Sunny his eldest fought back while the dawn recovered and paid the price Michael the youngest brother behind Fredo took over the Reigns he and Tom led a war against the five families they pulled the strings and my boss Aldo Trapani pulled the trigger he's Michael's right-hand man now running the family in New York these days opportunity is everywhere but so are new families fighting for their share it took a man like himman Roth to get everyone to the table we're going to divide up Cuba get richer than we ever could back in the States this will be good for the family and for me my name is Dominic bring it here let me see it my age had better be correct I am always accurate about my age may you live to 100 Mr Roth congratulations cheers well the doctors might disagree but what do they know these are wonderful things we've achieved in Cuba this government knows how to help business to encourage it the hotels here are bigger and swankier than any of the rug joints we put up in Vegas not all of those Michael coron's accepted of course but the point I'm making is this that now we have what we have always needed real partnership with the government salute Sal and at the time of my retirement I turn over all my interests in the Cuba operation to you my partners to the Corleone family and all Trapani the hotel Capri the national will go to Rico granados and the Sevilla builtmore to Samuel Mangano here with us all the way from Sicily the rest of you will also share in handling my non-casino operations gentlemen Rebels and Petty criminals are Cuba's past we are its future L Sal Fredo you're just like your brother [Applause] on what's on your mind Dominic how you enjoying Cuba it's great Michael I like the little things here you know nice change of pace from New York that's good when this deal is done we're going to do great things in this country tomorrow is a new year my friend the start of a new future for the corleon family salute to the future by the way where did Aldo go he went downstairs for the New Year celebration you should talk to him make sure everything is set for tomorrow's meeting you all right Michael wanted me to make sure that everything's set for tomorrow's meeting don't worry about it Dominic it's taken care of I'm just anxious to get back to New York I don't like it here I don't trust what the President says you know about the rebels I just want to get out of here come on Aldo you really think the rebel re are going to be a problem yeah I do you know what I saw on my way over here I saw a rebel being arrested and instead of being taken alive he exploded a grenade hid in his jacket they can win the president can control the violence don't let it bother you he's just sitting on his ass while Cuba gets taken over I don't know maybe I'm wrong Michael's giving him $2 million as a gift so maybe he knows something I don't wait up I can get us through here Aldo leave him we have to go [Music] everyone's trying to get out look Jesus there's so many of them Michael I'm sorry Aldo Aldo was family I can help when we get back to New York I want you to make sure his mother's taken care [Music] of okay Mikey okay what do we do [Music] now Roth's plan for Cuba was the one thing keeping the families from tearing at each other's throats we needed this country you don't think the rebels are going to win they've already won Fredo Michael I mean what do we do now our family what about us nobody was going to touched New York while Aldo was in charge everyone will want a peace now his own men will probably turn on each other if they think it's to their advantage it's only a few of them I trust anyway but I trust you with my life Dominic I want you to be boss and I want you to have your own family I trust that you can run New York Dominic will you do this for me yes Michael I will Tony and Carmine Rosado are out out for good took what they had started their own gangs took what we had it's hon Roth in Florida he's backing up those sons of [ __ ] the rosado's never had the Kon and now what they're taking over taking hostages is not without help not without Roth Frank himman Roth isn't a part of this Mikey's right Frank the Rosado brother's always been angry ever since Clemen died no no that was no heart attack in any case that's the situation we know they're running sanitation and construction and we know Carmine's fixing fights and who too ain't that R's game and Lana junk dope I want him dead Frank Frank pentangeli you've been loyal to this family for years I know Michael but after Cuba my business with himman Roth is very important these accusations aren't fair to him or me fair you give your loyalty to him before your own blood come on Frankie you know my father did business with hman Roth he respected him your father did business with hman Roth your father respected hman Roth but your father never trusted hman Roth are you through good Dominic stay focused on the Rosado Brothers Carmine's weak always has been send him a message prove to me that I was right about [Music] you I'll let you know if he Frank I'm going to take care of arine Rosado let me deal with him of course you will you're the boss and Carmine's are to Gods couldn't find his ass if he was sitting on his two hands but that stupid bum's got half of New York don't that tell you something that someone's pulling his strings maybe but whoever it is it ain't Roth and Carmine's men are still loyal to him well loyalty counts for something even with the AO Brothers it means something to me too Frank I can't take on Carmine by myself I need people people that I can trust do you have any loyal button men that I could enlist sure Dominic I drove here with a few Associates they're good men they've all earned their bones I think they're ready to be made you'd be doing one of them in honor if you choose to bring him into your family yeah the [ __ ] here ain't bad but if I was running the place it'd be making 10 times what it's pulling in now it's got potential like you your real boss material Dominic what's your next move I want to bring in more income keep this place guarded and take Carmine down a few notches while I'm at it that's a good plan yeah be an earner best bet is to launder some money through a legit business a bar a restaurant a whatever cut a deal with a shopkeeper he'll throw a little your way and you'll get a bigger cut from your rackets you worked with the Rosado Brothers back in clemenza's day what do you know about them they used to be friendly to us but Tony always thought he deserved more him turning I can understand but Carmine he's a stupid [ __ ] must be out of his mind if he thinks he can be a Don anything else you can tell me sure but keep this between you and me I don't like what's happened to this city I work with Don Vito I work with clemenza and and I don't have to tell you they deserve respect but it's like these last 10 years they don't mean nothing my gang's across the bridge scraping by and the families here recruit scum they recruit filth they got no respect for how we do business it ain't right extortion used to be an enforcers game hitting up Merchants for spare change today the stakes are higher you already know the basics find the small store and rough up the owner he'll pay you what he can it's not much Carmine's finally getting the message that you're boss of this city not him he's getting the message all right loud and clear I just hope I've put enough guards at my new places keep them defended Dominic Carmine will try to take them back sooner or later I know but I don't want to be spread too thin if Carmine's planning what I think he's planning then I'm going to need more muscle another Soldier I agree Frank will probably know some good places to find the recruit make sure to get someone whose skills complement your own don't ever assume your enemies will stay still they're always planning just like us having another Soldier will give you an edge over whatever Carmine has up his sleeve Dominic you were supposed to be here already I couldn't help it Gabby dropped me off on the wrong Corner well get in Bono gentlemen what's this it's a lucky Cena for our truce Richie get us some drinks I don't like the C no Carmine I take that as an insult I'm sorry it's our way we're all really happy about your decision about the peace you're not going to regret it mhm Hey where's our drinks can't make a truce without a toast HH Michael Cleon says AO get his head [Music] in a cop what the [ __ ] hey Rich you open or closed come I no no not [Music] hereu hell's going on here pentangeli's dead it's Carmine the truce was a setup you should have seen it coming Dominic it's about one of his men said you were behind this did you set us up did you no that's a lie I would never go against my family Kai must have been planning a message in case things went wrong but what's he trying to pull something's not right here let me tell you something I can't let him get away with this no more negotiations no more tricks I'm going to unlist another Soldier and we're going to war good recruit the best man you can find you can win this Dominic and after you've taken over all of Carmine's businesses New York will belong to your family and no one else I know Michael Carmine [ __ ] up he messed with the wrong boss it's time he gets what he deserves Mich New York is mine I control everything then it's just between you and Carmine now no it's over between me and Carmine I want him dead it's your call Dominic you've got him on the ropes he's probably holed up in his compound with whatever men he's got left then that's where it's going to happen that's where we're going to end this war an assault on Carmine's compound won't be easy but your family's strong you're a good man Dominic and a good Dawn I know you'll succeed once you wipe out Carmine his family will be gone for [ __ ] you betrayed me Carmine you killed pentangeli and now you are going to die [ __ ] you Dominic [ __ ] you if you kill me my brother will hunt you down you and all you Corone [ __ ] he'll make you pay you thinking of traveling with us today sir have a pleasant light sir oh sorry coming in Fredo there's even better Tawn on the beach yeah oh yeah you're going to love Florida let me take that let's go so carine Rosado he's um he's not going to be bothering us anymore it's Tony's Family hey watch it easy easy I don't know how to drive down here listen Ton's gang is small small potatoes they ain't the reason Mr Roth called you mentioned a family yeah the granados ever since Cub's been nothing but war with those guys what's their business guns girls whatever they can get their dirty hands out to make a buck and their boss old man Rico he's Trouble made his money in construction probably buried a body under every house he's built but he's connected all the way to the top is that so that's why Mr Roth called you here well hopefully I'll like what Mr Roth has to say Roth how are you I haven't seen you since not since Cuba I heard you got out safe I'm sorry about Aldo he was a good man thank you he was a good boss my friends tell me you're a good boss too a great one in fact a man who knows how to get things done lead in battle you know how to take out a family you mean Carmine Rosado I mean the granados they're Pricks especially their boss Rico he pulls a few connections downtown and suddenly he thinks he runs everything he's got no respect for the way we do business so why don't you do something about it because they've kidnapped one of my men I can't make a move while the granados have a hostage they're watching me but they're not watching you man's safe Mr Roth he may be a little scratched up though he's seen worse believe me to show my thanks I want you to have this home it used to be my safe house during the prohibition today it's yours I appreciate that thank you so prohibition huh this place must have quite a history there might be a few casks of rum still buried in the foundation somewhere but Dominic I didn't contact you only about the house there's one other thing I wanted to tell you you of all people should know how important a capo can be for a family you really should promote one of your men appoint him as your Cabo regime being a leader will make him stronger and he can do more for the family this is important Dominic because the granados and Tony Rosado will be coming for you and you must be score it's tied I like listening to football in the afternoon baseball too I've Loved baseball ever since arold rosstein fixed the World Series in 1919 I'm sure he made a lot of people very angry he also made a lot of people very rich it's only a crime if you get caught if not it's only business there's a lot we can learn from Sports invest in the future Dominic expand your family recruit another Soldier you'll need the extra muscle to keep the granados at Bay remember family members can be sent to defend a place even when you're not there businesses like football sometimes the best offense is a good defense going on I can't get a flight out everything's closed it's the airport workers they're on strike all place is shut down damn it I need to get back to New York what am I going to do wait till it's over when it's getting worse other places are threatening to strike too someone's been stirring up workers all over Florida talking about organizing labor pooling wages picking what someone's pushing that Kami [ __ ] here sounds like it I don't know Mr Roth knows more more about it than I do he's here with the friend out in the parking lot you should talk to them Roth good to see you what brings you here I'm here about this strike it's disrupting our business my friend and I have a vested interest in seeing the situation resolved quickly his name is Henry Mitchell he's an agent with the CIA an agent what is this Dominic relax the CIA is our friend they've been partners with this thing of ours for over a decade they're in the intelligence business my boy that's all we keep their noses clean they keep us informed simple talk to them okay hello it's Dominic right I'm Henry Mitchell if you're wearing a wire you better tell me now take it easy I'm on your side okay no wire Mr Roth and I have been working together for a long time I called him when I heard about the strike eh they're just a bunch of Pickers they'll cool off eventually no it's not them it's the guy behind behind them Alejandro Almeida he's a Cuban American and a [ __ ] Kami he's stirring up the city's unions encouraging violence whole situations out of hand the feds can nail him and local politicians seem unwilling to crack down on him he he's probably got him blackmailed what do you need our help for well officially I'm just supposed to gather intelligence on Alejandro but Mr Roth and I have discussed it and something else must be done I hope you understand what I'm saying when I tell you it's in both our interests if Alejandra were to just Dominic welcome back thanks uh why all the men what's uh what's going on the government has me under investigation they want to put me in prison wait for me in the Parlor the Senate is building a case they have subpoenas for my businesses in Vegas here Florida Dominic they have someone who will testify against me who Frank pentangeli Frank's dead I I saw him die what you saw was Rosado setting me up the detectives found him half dead scared stiff calling out loud that I turned on him [Music] me it's been a while son how was Florida it was good Tom Dominic Tom Haan has been my consilii and now my attorney he's also family if the Senate is coming for me they'll be coming for him too I need to isolate him from my operations he's going to join your family and be your consilii Tom will be removed from my payroll alir will handle the transition Tom Pay visit to the senator Dominic you're making a name for yourself make sure people respect it goodbye cons just like old times have you and the family Tom I just wish it was under better circumstances me too there's been a lot Mike hasn't been able to tell me but it's safer this way for both of us you're my consiliary Tom I won't keep any secrets from you now who was Mich talking about earlier what's Senator his name is Pat gir from Nevada he's a chairman on the senate committee that's investigating Michael we're going to get him on our site Dominic before this trial sees the light of day it won't be easy he's a United States Senator we can't just pay him off like some Backwater judge we won't have to sexist Gary's weakness he's depraved we're going to use this against him there's a brothel nearby some of the girls there are managed by a woman named Rosa scarlati she runs a national prostitution ring not really our stock and trade but she's been loyal to the coronis for years hello my name is Dominic I know who you are Tom told me you were coming did he tell you why I'm here he did and I can help but you guys are asking me to sacrifice a lot a life I won't play along just out of loyalty Dominic you'll have to do something for me first it's a deal so what do you want I want protection look the state of New York has evidence that can bring down my whole operation but if they go to trial a lot of powerful men will have their dirty laundry aired in public men who would rather see me dead than on the witness stand all right what kind of evidence books records basically a list of every Tom Dick and Harry I've done business with including some men in Washington the books are being held in a safe at the Federal Building get them back for me then I'll help you out tell me you've done something about those records the state's got nothing on you Rosa or your clients you're all safe now good then let's get down to Brass tax I already started making arrangements with Tom we have the room and we have the girl if giri ever shows up here we'll be ready for him wait you talked to Tom when just now he's here he wanted to see the girl we'll set up with the senator it wasn't easy knowing what will happen but her time has come she an addict bad for business maybe it's better this way it sounds like everything's all set almost the only thing left now is to convince Senator giri to pay a visit they'll have to do it of his own accord if giri feels coerced into the coming he might see that's a setup I know that's why you have to be careful how you talk to him I've arranged a meeting for you the senator thinks you want to talk about purchasing a company and that you need his help good now all I have to do is get giri to take the bait best thing to do is to appeal to his vanity tell him you're having problems with the deal political problems business problems whatever seems to draw his attention gir's got connections make him think you're willing to deal if it'll get him on board now go he's waiting for you gir my name is Dominic it's a pleasure to meet you likewise this is a nice place your man Hagen found for us but let's cut the [ __ ] what did you want to talk to me about business Senator I have an opportunity to purchase a foreign company but there are a few Partners who refuse to sell you know them you worked at the trust together I was hoping you could help so your money talks the talk but it can't walk the walk is that it let me guess these guys looked into what you really do for a living didn't like what they saw so why should I help you my portfolio was spotless Senator but I would never expect something for nothing if you talk to these Partners help move the deal forward I'll make sure you get a cut 5% 5% son if you're asking for my help you better understand that I intend to squeeze you 25% because I'll do business with you but the fact is I despise you and your kind of people okay Senator 25% I'll have my attorney Tom's send you some names all I'm asking for is that you make a business call do we understand each other perhaps let me tell you what I do understand you ain't holding the best hand you folded too fast 5% 25 hell I should have asked for 50 so what's really in it for you what do you want respect Senator I need your help because I'm tired of being in Michael Corleone's Shadow is that such a bad thing to make a name for myself and if we get rich in the process so be it now we're getting somewhere see it ain't about business or politics it's about showing up your old boss at least now you're being honest so this deal does anyone else know about it no just you and me no one else needs to get a cut that's why I want to move fast before others get involved so I need to know are you in or out you know what I don't have to like you but I like your style I mean I get my friends to help for a fee but in deals like this I usually expect there to be other benefits as well naturally these Partners have executive privileges at gentleman's clubs All Over America if that's something that might interest you I could make sure you get on the list so to speak is that so yes well indeed I would like to be on that list so to speak of course well Senator as a token of my friendship how would you like a complimentary stay at Laman Rouge in fact feel free to visit anytime you're in New York you'll always be welcome I like your style okay Dominic it's a deal thank you Senator I'll have Tom contact you with the details you're all right I'll see you around enjoy yourself senator [Music] he's waking up you should get over here thanks Tom I'm on my way Tom come on step away I thought we could help you hean listen I did not I didn't do anything I know it's okay you're very lucky I was called before anyone else nobody knows just a game I I'll fix it how did it happen I I remember she was laughing I passed out when I woke up I was on the floor Senator we're putting a call into your office explain that you'll be there tomorrow afternoon you decided to spend the night at one of our hotels as a guest Jesus Pat look at me this girl has no family nobody knows that she worked here it'll be as if she never existed all that's left is our friendship here Senator Tom will send for someone to take you to the hotel Dominic I don't understand why I can't remember that's good the less you remember the less you can talk about but you can talk to me tell me is there anything I should know anything that could help us both well it it may be nothing but I chair the committee on organized crime I see papers and briefings far as we can tell there's a new kostra moving into Florida who who are they the Mangano family from Sicily we thought they were going to set up shop in Cuba before the Revolution now they've come here I'm sorry Dominic that's all I know Gary's pretty shaken up make sure he stays that way I'll put a tail on him make sure he knows that he's being watched or protected I suppose it's a mess in there I don't want any of the girls to see something nobody knows about this except us the senator and Rosa now Rosa is going to give her girls the night off send them home home we can clean up then take care of the body we have the senator what now hopefully he can throw his weight around get his committee to dismiss the investigation I look into it as for you you should get the flowa see if gir's right about the mangos giri mentioned something about Cuba that this Mangano family had ties there he's right Samuel Mangano they da he was going to cut a deal with himman Roth and Michael samel is a good man runs his family with honor they're very respected and feared you don't want a cross abdomin Michael what are you doing here I didn't tell anyone I was coming I came to speak with you about the [ __ ] family so Tom already told you good then you know they're here in Florida yes and Dominic this is good for us Samuel [ __ ] has strong business Connections in Sicily he's a powerful boss and I respect him he's always who been loyal to his friends well does he have any friends here in America anyone he's allied with I don't think so I suspect Samuel's entire Florida operation is being bankrolled by him alone that's a big risk especially with the Granado so nearby it's a risk he doesn't have to take I'm going to meet with him set up a truce between our families Don [ __ ] sounds like someone I want to have on my side good but if things don't work out with [ __ ] just walk away don't cross him if he doesn't agree to the truth so be it but don't make him your enemy Samuel is not someone who forgives easily monano it's an honor it's been a long time since we last met see in Cuba a bad day we lost nearly everything in the revolution tell me how did your family Fair it was a setback but it wasn't bad whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger right that's right we survive and learn from our mistakes and one thing thing I have learned since then is never go into business without someone you trust Dominic I've purchased this warehouse for some export work but I respect that Florida is your territory so I want to operate it in Partnerships with your family I want to form an alliance with you will you agree yes you have my blessing and my friendship we'll be strong together dagano and I hope that this Alliance will mean even better things in the future I'll see you around redo what's happening hope you don't mind I made myself a drink you want me to get you something no thanks this heat it's something else on the Rocks keeps you cool you got a point so what did you want to see me about what's about Michael what about him I was just wondering back in Cuba when Mr Ro [Music] Christ okay no I'm not okay [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that I didn't see who did it they got away too fast I'll tell you who did it that backstab of [ __ ] no Mangano no it couldn't have been him we're allies are you crazy everyone on the street saying he wants to control this city I heard he's smuggling men and guns into Florida he's getting ready for a war Dominic he's probably been playing you since the day you landed so what are you saying did we hit him back ey for an eye get him now while he's weak I know a guy a union boss who can get us into their warehouse take over the place run Mangano out trust me on this okay if Magano is preparing for war then that piece of shit's going to get one and Dominic you'll need more muscle you got a lot of good guys in your family make one of them another coo this is your best chance to wipe out those bad you Charlie green maybe depends on who's asking my name is Dominic I'm a friend of Fredo coron Fredo I ain't seen that son of a [ __ ] in months if Fredo sent you it can only mean one thing that one of you guys needs something from me I need Bridge access to the warehouse your union guys ain't going to help me unless you give the okay ask around about me people will tell you I know how to return a favor well lucky for you I have a situation on my hands this new guy Hector Santos he's gunning for my job but he plays dirty I need him to disappear Hector's been spreading money around buying votes he's even hired thugs to harass my family take care of him for me and you'll get across that bridge let me ask you something you looking to be part of something big you Dominic I know you what can I tell you about myself am I in yeah you're the one I need welcome to the for you where's Samuel Don Mangano doesn't deal with backstabbers [ __ ] my name is Paulo I miss conigliari backstabber you guys tried to have me killed Paulo is that what you think let me tell you something if we wanted to kill you you'd already be dead [ __ ] you don't think you can threaten me you know who I am yeah you're a [ __ ] you gave us your word you broke it you think that's going to fly with a sicilian the mongos gave you a chance and you [ __ ] up I don't have to [ __ ] listen to this yeah Dominic you do cuz it's the last thing you're ever going to hear you are history your men dead your businesses they belong to us now it's time your family learns how we do things in the Old Country you're a dead man [Music] [Music] w [Music] gano's are at War Fredo we have to warn Michael no don't bring Michael into this why not he could be in trouble don't you see the trial he can't get involved the Senate will be all over him we got to go to Mr Roth he knows the mongos he'll know how to fix this Roth he's a Survivor what did I tell you Somebody's Watching Over You Sicilians are not known for their Mercy it's been chaos the important thing is that you're all right there's going to be more Bloodshed nobody wants another War I can settle matters with Mangano but I can't help you unless you're willing to help me can you see it Dominic it's our future Cuba 90 M away no goddamn justice department no FBI that was the past don't give up on Cuba not yet why not because we haven't given up the CIA wants to change in Cuba as much as you do we have different agendas but we have the same goal and we have resources intelligence the only thing we don't have is a way to get inside anyone can get inside Cuba Smugglers do it all the time that's not what I mean look we want to restore order there we funded dissident staged invasions but none of these things are working it's time for a new approach no more big operations this time just one man inside close to the government someone the Cubans feel they can trust and what's this someone going to do kill Castro bring back the president we're trying to protect this country from communist Dominic you could be a part of that think about the possibilities no more enemies partnership with a democratic government in Cuba and having the cash to make everything possible and the US would turn a blind eye to any money you make there Dominic we'd be bigger than us steel I don't want to be kept in the dark Mitchell if I'm going to do this you got to tell me everything naturally the plan's simple really we're going to exploit Castro's two weaknesses the political dissident and his economic problems the dissident they're loyal to the ex-president right you said you were supporting we'll cut ties when you arrive I hate to sacrifice them but it's the only way to get close Castro has basically declared open season on the ex-president supporters anyone who takes up arms against them is considered a hero of Castro's so-called Revolution so I start a campaign against them and make friends with the government what then I'll use my sources to spread information about you that you're sympathetic to the revolution may be looking to expatriate but more importantly that you have strong business ties in the west well that part's true exactly so if they look into it your story checks out Dominic all you have to do is play along it'll get you close to Castro believe me closer than anyone before and once he's gone we prop up the ex-president and Purge the Reds after that anything you want from Cuba is yours is it safe to talk here Cubans know how to respect your privacy one of the few things we can learn from them come on let's get down to business all right then business so have you done your part yet yes we spread the word through all our channels everyone's talking there's an important American in the country he supports the revolution the government thinks you want to expatriate they're eating it up okay so what next I'm going to give you information on a number of dissidents in the city you need to take them out but do it carefully it needs to draw the government's attention but it has to be the right kind of attention understand don't worry about me I'll keep up my end of the bargain good shouldn't be long before someone takes notice let them make the first though make them feel like they're in charge and Dominic don't forget your cover remember you support this regime it's the only way to get close good luck Dom Ola sorry I don't speak Spanish I know I am your translator for tomorrow's meeting follow me one day this Palace will be a museum what kind of Museum re can you tell me what this meeting is about didn't anyone tell you the Revolution and why you seor Dominic un Americano apparently want to join the struggle there are more of us who support your cause than you think see but very few come to Kuba and risk their lives to fight dissidents especially ones with unusual business ties the American embargo is hurting our people we need to get our exports out we need money but most of all we need a partner someone with access to boats ports and officials in the United States that is why you are here you will stay here tonight as a guest of Presidente thank you your equipment will be secured until after the meeting I will meet you in the morning and please do not wander at night I hope you understand say when as [Music] notes [ __ ] [Music] who did [Music] this El Amico Dominic I know you did this come out maybe you're afraid because I'm a stranger I'm estan almea I'm like you umaf foso but I don't hide like a coward this government understands men like us what we can do for them we keep them in power too bad for you I was here first and I'm Coming For You Americano I'm coming what the what's going on presid the American tried to kill him but Castro's alive see God damn it Dominic thank God Dominic will pay for this we will not be stopped my friend I don't know what to tell you Mike then tell me everything Dominic come in here I warned you not to go against The Mangos I thought the both of us thought the Mangano tried to have us killed and you don't come to me with the trial it seemed best not to get you involved so you turned to Roth Fredo whose idea was that mine you know my brother Fredo and I love you but to go to Roth without telling me you put yourself ahead of the family you've never seen the big picture Fredo now the mongos are at war with us this Cuban family they muscle in backed up by God knows [Music] who is there any anything you can help me out with anything you can tell me now it was R's plant across the mongos Roth's plan I swear to God I didn't know there'd be a war he told me the mongos were weak that if I can get Dominic to help him out in Cuba it'd be good for the family Roth's back in the alas he's playing us said there be something in it for me on my own I've always taken care of you from Fredo taking care of me how s Fredo off to do this s Fredo off to do that I'm your rer brother Mike and I was stepped over twice it's the way pop wanted it well it ain't the way I wanted it Fredo you're nothing to me now not even a brother you broke my heart you broke my heart Mikey [Music] I don't want anything to happen to him while Roth's alive Michael I'm sorry I never wanted things to turn out like this you made a mistake Dominic you're a Don you have to know who you can trust I know I have your loyalty but it's like my father told me keep your friends close but your enemies closer you're right I just never thought that it'd be Fredo damn it listen I can help I want to make things right good look the Senate investigation is moving forward gir's doing what he can but I can't take any chances not with Frank pentangeli on the witness stand so I've arranged for a backup plan what is it I contacted a source in Sicily and found Frank's brother his name is venzo he came here right away he's a man of Honor Adon in his hometown venzo understands the importance of omerta something think Frank has forgotten what do you plan to do bring Vincenzo to the trial if Frank is going to testify against me he'll have to do it in front of his own brother blood is thicker than water Dominic here Tom will tell you more Tom I just found out about venzo I know he's been very helpful Vincenzo has been staying at your safe house here in New York and he finds it incredible that Frank would testify about this thing of ours what's the next step meet with Vincenzo introduce yourself he needs is an escort to the hearing I don't expect any trouble but with Roth and the Almas working together we have to be careful and one more thing I think the time is right for you to promote one of your captains to underboss we need the extra leadership especially now and an underboss can also give you more support in battle make your choice carefully a friend of mine is missing this man have you seen him see he lives in the apartment above mine he's nice said when as notches to me before he turned in last night hey I'm looking for the guy in this picture have you seen him yeah saw him at my Cafe I remember these three guys were giving Excuse Me Miss I'm looking for someone this man have you seen him yeah he looks familiar he was staying with some corleon at that apartment right sir excuse me I'm looking for this man he looks familiar yeah I seen that guy he was arguing with two men at a cafe I remember they both had Italian I can get it are you all right who who are you my name is Dominic I'm a friend of Michael Corleone Michael the TR is is too late my brother Frank we still have time I'll take you there but we have to hurry okay take me there I cannot allow Frank to do this to break aurors to burning it will everyone be seated we have here today A Witness who will testify to Michael Corleone's rule over a crime Empire that controls all the gambling in this country he can corroborate enough charges to recommend account of perjury against Michael Corleone Senator thank you Mr pentangeli Mr pentangle were you a member of the Corleone family did you serve under veto Corleone also known as The Godfather I never known no Godfather I I got my own family Senator Mr pentangeli you were contradicting a sworn statement I ask you again were you a member of a crime organization headed by Michael Corone I don't know nothing about that oh I was in the uh in the olive oil business with his father but that was a long time ago we have an affidavit that you murdered on the orders of Michael Corleone the FBI guy promised me a deal so I made up a lot of stuff about Michael because that's what they wanted and I kept saying Michael Corone did this and Michael Michael Corone did that but it was all lies I'm going to find out what the hell happened here Senator Senator I move to adjourn this committee the committee owes this man an apology the witness is now excused Christ can you imagine if we didn't get here in time thank God you did I could see it in him Frank was going to talk but it's over now you should go ahead and speak with Michael he's in the defense Chambers and and what the hell just like that in front of everyone I told you he would I don't get you people congratulations Michael the plan worked it's over it's not over not yet Pat where's Henry Mitchell I don't know the CIA can't find him think he's turned working for another family Mitchell's like a bad Penny he'll turn up you better hope he doesn't and why not Mitchell was working anything Roth knows Mitchell knows about us about you Christ he could sell us out or what if he goes public about Cuba what if he talks he won't talk I want him gone I want them all gone Michael I mean it Tom Mitchell the alas everyone they'll keep coming for us for our families You've Won do you have to wipe everyone out I don't feel I have to wipe everyone out just my enemies that's all [Music] I'm leaving for Vegas soon so I'll be brief do you understand what I'm saying of course my family will always support you good all of them Dominic every family every racket every made Man and Henry Mitchell too he's probably a bigger threat than you realize no I know how dangerous he can be okay Michael leave it to me thank you this is a critical moment moment for you and for your family what you do now will make his done it Dominic the alas the mongos everybody they're gone because of you you've made a name for yourself a name that people respect Don Kon thank you Michael it's an honor but there's one more thing you want to do isn't there yes him and Roth he's still alive but he's out of the country there's no way to get to him no he's here in Florida Senator Gary had him expedited on corruption charges he lands at the airport soon whoa the airport trying to kill him there would be impossible they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue Service customs and half the FBI it'll be like trying to kill the president it's not impossible nothing's impossible just talk to Tom if anything in this life is certain if history has taught us anything is that you can kill anybody being wro in such a public place it's going to be dangerous yes but but you may never get another chance he'll probably be arraigned and take it into custody once he's in the system there'll be no way to get to him how did you get him back in the country garyi called in a favor he had Roth extra added on corruption charges he's been living abroad making new contacts it doesn't surprise me that Michael is worried H and Roth can be very persuasive Roth is going to be protected what are we looking at he'll have some protection how tight it is I couldn't say expect him to be decently guarded Maybe by professionals it won't be easy to get into the airport packing heat no it won't you can probably bribe someone to avoid going through the metal detectors but once you're inside you'll have airport security to deal with as well so bring some men you can trust look I know who you are so you can be straight with me what do you want all right then let's be straight I need to get through and speak with Mr Roth It's Worth quite a lot to me know what I mean glad we understand each other okay go through the back just whatever your business is make sure nobody gets hurt my friend's [Music] working it's over I know I always knew you'd make it come with me you've earned something Godfather it's an [Music] honor Dominic you proved something today you proved that I was right about you and you've earned my [Music] respect [Applause] congratulations conat congratul God [Music] for H Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death [Music] amen Fredo I'm sorry
Channel: UPlayNetwork
Views: 237,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Godfather Part II (Award-Winning Work), All, Full, Cutscene, cinematic, game, Complete, godfather, II, the
Id: 1Qnu4uAZ-KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2015
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