The Glass Wasn't Strong Enough.. (SCARY)

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I think we can all agree that you don't want to mess with any big big animals because that never ends well in this video we're gonna be taking a look at some super close calls of kids getting attacked by animals maybe I don't know actually there's a huge scary animal my house guys this is scary and there's nothing protecting me because the door is open okay I need to go shut it no oh my gosh alright let's just get into the clips whoa this line this line right here is the mat okay I hope that glass is strong this line is ready to fight and there's a baby rule this dude's mad this is such a tiny little baby - this is a tiny little baby you see that the head is amazing people aren't the only ones getting scared okay other animals I'm pretty sure that this is a bobcat I think it is we're still a little time time you see that strike row it just pounced super quick okay like wild animals man you never know it's looking mad bro the kids are in for a surprise here alpha ready to fight with you no I wouldn't want it to attack me to be honest everybody weird this little girl thinks she can mess with this little monkey yeah there's some glass right but come on you don't want to mess with a monkey yeah boom you see that she is lucky man if the glass wasn't there in that situation she would have been catching the hands okay Wow you see that powerful look at this powerful oh gosh bro that is huge you can see him standing next to a fully grown man all right oh my gosh you do not want to mess with that well that would be tragic it's a little sad to be honest it's not funny animal cruelty is not funny oh man brother they got a dog you see what are you doing bro oh my gosh puppy No all right let's call it a seal and I just kind of made the connection like sea otter right and then I almost called this an oyster whoa probably just playing around Oh Oh bro that dude just try not to bite her oh my gosh keep your distance with two little babies playing together this is kind of cute actually I'm intrigued that's how cool oh well that's traumatic oh my gosh you take the bread baked the bread not me what is what is that I need to say my kids cookie so when I have kids that is a beta male from that tiny little what's of an owl the suit is just raking in [Music] good show you trained bird bro I don't even know you can do that [Music] I mean wait this dude is Nemo feeding animals was a scary task as a little kid that's kind of sad that's so sad actually no wonder he's so mad okay this is a swimming my gosh that's actually a really cool whoa okay I was trying to bite you oh that glass is clear look at him he's trying to get really is trying to get you it's trying to play with your buddy play with them do that you just playing pal oh maybe you can you never know [Music] bunch of kids watching this just gazing taking a peek whoa Road that was on the attack just trying to play it off like you know he's oh he wasn't attacking me nothing's happening he just crashed my little grin that smile little kid trying to pet little the sound does always give that little kid a heart attack oh oh that's a tiny little that looks like a cat it's like blah blah row that that was like black panther rub but that's white just came in with that white they just put this finger it he gets so much enjoyment I envy that little things that whoa bro that guy's arms are huge oh [Music] that's an ugly okay I'm sorry so if we're gonna take away anything from this video I think it's don't mess with wild animals you never know what's gonna happen so you just can't trust them if you enjoy the video drop a like that would be awesome subscribe if you're brand-new and I'll see you guys in three months just kidding I'm posting very very soon so stay tuned
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Views: 9,571,761
Rating: 4.6456966 out of 5
Keywords: serum, for kids, family freindly, water slides, infinite lists, the glass wasn't strong enough
Id: 7C6dwvjmHGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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