The German Nazi Concentration and Death camp of Majdanek. Gas chambers. #weremember #majdanek

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so we are the territor of a German Nazi concentration camp maidanak in the vicinity of leblen a concentration camp turned in 1942 into one of the six death camps in occupied Poland by the German Nazis this Camp was liberated on the 22nd of July of 1944 so relatively early when Maidana is liberated Auschwitz is still fully functioning up until January 1945. so it was one of the first German Nazi camps maidonic was to be covered in Western press with all photographic material about gas Chambers and crematoriums we are right now standing in the lower part of the camp in a space which was nicknamed in the camps line Rosenfeld this was an arrival plots a rival space into which prisoners or future prisoners were coming in order to be selected in the initial selections and then walked into this building which was initially built for disinfection and showering and it could be used and was used like this with this room for undressing and then the next rooms having actual showers but in every concentration camp almost from the very beginning there is already Cyclone B cyanized bait based asset available which is used for disinfection to fluffing and disinfection of the interns with which prisoners are arriving this infection of straw mattresses so the back part of this building a part of being an actual shower to register inmates was also initially used to disinfect clothing and does in fact um the cam materials with Cyclone B it wasn't a long leap to take for the German Nazis in order to start using the chemical of cyclone B from the proper usage of disinfection into their ideologically motivated action of mass extermination of European Jews in 1942 at the back of this facility we're right now looking at the actual showers when the inmates were being registered they had to come naked this room they had to jump into one of those basins filled with disinfection liquid and then they were walking through the showers with water rinsing the disinfectant from them in 1942 at the back of this primitive facility the German Nazis built for built a massive airtight concrete structure which was already designed to Mass exterminate human beings so they've actually started to build the gas Chambers for the sake of murder and under this stage they are already on the full swing of mass extermination of Polish and European Jewish communities we are still in this section which was in gastroenter used for disinfection purposes you can see the shots for which Cyclone B pallets were dropped in this blower sedimentation is very characteristic for the spaces in which Cyclone B was used as a disinfectant or later on as a killing agent it's a little under room with small selection of conisters of cyclone B produced here by the deckish company or the stab enough company both of them based out of here Frankfurt under President in Germany interestingly enough the Douglas company is still in the market
Channel: SKY HERITAGE PICTURES - Your Story Matters
Views: 12,296
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Id: Ghl1BIvoJ3Y
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Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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