The GENIUS Of Tesla's Next GEN Motors!

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this video is sponsored by Ecovacs Tesla's recent  announcement during investor day suggests they may be about to break the electric motor industry  with a new permanent magnet motor design the   smaller lighter cheaper and more efficient  than what they use today all without having   any rare earth metals this breakthrough will mean  a dramatic reduction in price for all future Tesla   models and it could also mean less dependency on  China for raw materials but neodymium and other   rare earth metals are the strongest magnets you  can buy right is there something groundbreaking   a foot or is Tesla just shooting for the stars  to boost their stock price let's find out I'm   Ricky and this is tube at DaVinci new electric  motors and battery technologies are the basis   of modern electric vehicles without the high  energy and power densities of new batteries   like lithium ion batteries lithium iron phosphate  and other chemistries we've covered before on this   channel batteries just simply would be too heavy  and bulky for EVS to carry around in fact the   maximum energy density of lithium ion batteries  has increased over 20 times since 2008 when back   when it was a meager 55 watt hours per liter  compared to the record holder today which is   amperous Tech's 1150 watt hour per liter slash  450 Watt hours per kilogram battery which they   recently shipped to a company building Next  Generation high altitude pseudo satellites or   Cutting Edge stratospheric platforms which kind  of reminds me of the Chinese balloon video we   made links in description a 20-fold increase in  energy density means that batteries are now 20   times smaller than in 2008 for the same amount of  stored energy but an equally important part of the   EV equation is the electric motor that converts  the energy stored in those batteries into motion   an ideal motor for an EV needs lots of torque so  it can accelerate quickly it needs to be powerful   enough and able to withstand high RPMs to move a  heavy car at a wide range of speeds it also needs   to be lightweight and small it needs to be cheap  so it doesn't drive the cost of the entire vehicle   up and it should also be easy to manufacture and  finally it should be made of easily accessible   materials the first three conditions Define  the performance of the motor and are met by   having good power and torque densities and all six  conditions depend heavily on the particular design   of the motor and that's we're going to focus  on today to understand that better let's look   at how electric motors work from a general point  of view all electric motors work in much the same   way you have two main components to an electric  motor the stator which is the parts of the motor   that stays fixed or static hence the name and the  rotor which as you probably already guessed is a   part that spins or rotates the stator creates  an electromagnetic field by passing a current   through a series of Loops or copper windings and  that magnetic field pushes on a second magnetic   field coming from the rotor pushing and pulling  on it and making it spin the main aspect of the   motor that changes from One Design to another  are how the rotors generate its magnetic field   either through permanent magnets through copper  coils or through induced currents in a conductor   and the type of current AC or DC used to generate  the electromagnetic fields Tesla hasn't only been   at the Forefront of new battery Tech with their  4680 cells that are among the best in its class   but the company is also spearheading an electric  motor industry with new permanent magnet motor   designs powered by a new type of powerful magnet  that doesn't use rare earth metals like neodymium   dysprosium or terbium now when I saw this at  investor day it really caught my attention I   mean we've grown so accustomed to considering  neodymium magnets as the be-all end-all when   it comes to powerful permanent magnets that  so much is questioning them as the industry   standard seemed counter-intuitive so let's take a  look at what Tesla has been up to Tesla has been   innovating the EV industry since day one and  that meant revolutionizing everything from the   entire manufacturing process to each individual  component starting with the motor it's pretty   amazing how quickly some of these Technologies are  advancing especially in areas like Ai and Robotics   where Tesla is investing heavily and that's a  great segue to our sponsor this week ecovax is   the Innovative Robot vacuum company and this is  their dbot T10 Omni the T10 Omni not only has   lidar to map your home establish rooms and vacuum  in the most efficient way possible but now it has   cameras and combined with their object avoidance  AI technology can sense the common household items   you may have and avoid them but this isn't just  high-tech it's also an impressive vacuum with its   five-stage cleaning system 5000 pascals of suction  force and filters to catch even the finest debris   but the one feature I still can't get over is  their mopping system the osmo Turbo 2 rotating   mopping system features a dual spinning mop that  spins 180 times every minute for an incredibly   accurate stain removal process the auto everything  Omni station has bends for clean and dirty water   and it cleans itself after each session and even  has dryer pads to keep the mop heads clean and dry   between sessions the Tita nominee also empties its  dust bin and holds up to 75 days of dust making it   incredibly low maintenance it even has a voice  assistant called Eco that you can talk to about   to join a video call just say Okay yiko stop  cleaning cleaning paused its video system even   lets you check in on your house and pets while  you're away so take back your time and let the   ecovax debot T10 Omni do the cleaning for you  links in the description huge thanks to ecovax   and you for supporting the show the first Tesla  ever made back in 2008 the Tesla Roadster sported   a 185 kilowatt AC induction motor the induction  motor was invented by Serbian American inventor   Nikola Tesla back in 1887 which is how the company  originally got its name in fact did you know that   the Tesla logo is actually a cross section of the  electric induction motor Nikola Tesla invented   Elon Musk confirmed it himself on a tweet a few  years ago AC induction motors have some things   going for them they're very efficient which means  they're good at converting the energy coming from   the battery pack into mechanical energy or motion  they provide high torque at low speeds and they're   relatively inexpensive while AC induction Motors  are a popular choice for electric vehicles they   do have some disadvantages compared to other  types of Motors some of the cons include lower   efficiency at low speeds lower acceleration than  other options because of lower torque overall and   they're also slightly noisier and tend to cause  more vibrations in the car Tesla has moved on   from the induction motor to use permanent magnetic  AC Motors or pmax pmax work similarly to standard   AC Motors but the only difference being that the  magnetic field from the rotor isn't induced by the   stator but rather generated by a permanent magnet  embedded near the surface of the rotor the cool   thing about these motors is that if you use really  strong magnets you can make really strong Motors   but the problem was that strong magnets used  to be very big it wasn't until strong neodymium   magnets were developed back in 1982 that we could  make pmax smaller and their power density started   to increase significantly enough to make them  useful for Ev applications as this following   chart shows so what makes these permanent magnet  AC Motors great the main perk is that they have   a very high power density which means that they  can produce more power in a smaller and lighter   package this makes them obviously ideal for use  in EVS where weight and size are critical factors   they're more efficient than AC induction Motors as  well especially at low speeds which means you can   get more range out of your car for the same charge  while they do have less torque at low speeds than   induction Motors they have higher torque at high  speeds which is more important for maintaining   high speeds and cruising the problem with these  types of Motors is that they have lower torque   at low speed making them accelerate slower so it  takes longer to go from 0 to 60. the second big   problem is that they need strong magnets and  until today that has meant rare earth magnets   like neodymium iron Boron magnets these magnets  represent a problem for two reasons rare Earths   are expensive most of the rare Earths today  are mined and processed in China this makes   high power density pmax like the ones needed for  EVS expensive and their supply chains dependent   on geopolitical conditions and the relationships  between China and the US which are somewhat in a   delicate spot right now to say the least today  Tesla designs cars that get the Best of Both   Worlds by combining induction and permanent magnet  Motors on their drivetrains the Tesla Model 3 and   Y sport AC permanent magnet synchronous motors  for the rear wheels and AC induction motors for   the front this lets them get better performance  both at low and high speeds in the case of the   Tesla Model S the original model had a three-phase  4-pole AC induction motor in 2019 it switched to   the Raven powertrain which used permanent magnet  reluctance motors from the Tesla Model 3 and now   uses the AC permanent magnet synchronous motor  just like Tesla Model X this clearly shows that   Tesla's bedding for permanent magnet AC Motors  despite their downsides the reason it seems is   because they have a new AC motor design that'll  cut down costs so significantly that the entire   drivetrain will only cost about a thousand dollars  and the new generation platforms and they're   doing this by getting rid of rare earth metals  changing the state of design and simplifying the   manufacturing process at investor day Colin  Campbell in charge of Powertrain mentioned   how the company managed to reduce the weight  of the powertrain by 20 using 25 percent less   earth materials and making the powertrain  Factory 75 smaller and 65 percent cheaper   to build between 2017 and 2022. now for the next  Generation Motors they're going big or going home   by completely avoiding rare earth magnets all  together this image from the investor Day event   shows the underside of a stator from a 2022 model  3 drivetrain with a typical round welds that close   the loop circuits regardless of the new stator  design induction Motors aren't how Tesla plans   get rid of rare earth because Colin Campbell  specifically stated that the Next Generation   motor would be a permanent magnet motor so  what does this mean well there's basically   two options either Tesla is reverting back to a  bigger less power dense magnet like the ones used   in speakers or they found a new magnetic material  that can produce at scale that's as good or better   than neodymium magnets but without the rare earth  metals the first scenario is plausible they could   afford to put a larger magnet by making the rest  of the motor lighter and smaller we do something   Tesla has been accomplishing successfully for the  past few years this decision could make it easy to   scale production to 20 million EVS as they plan to  do but I don't think this is the case I mean it's   not like Tesla to go for lower quality just for  the sake of cost in fact almost all the speakers   at the investor did pointed out how the company's  vertical integration allowed them to lower costs   while also improving the performance of the end  product so I think what really happened was that   Tesla found a clear path to Source a new type of  magnet that's as good or better than rare earth   magnets but without the rare earth materials  as it turns out that material already exists   and we've known about it for decades I'm talking  about a special type of iron compound called iron   nitride iron nitride magnets are made of only two  elements iron and nitrogen iron is the fourth most   abundant element in the Earth's crust making up  about five percent of it but it makes up around   80 to 85 percent of the the entire Earth's mass  so we won't be running out of iron anytime soon   nitrogen on the other hand is the most abundant  element in the atmosphere making up about 78 of   the air we breathe so if we can make magnets  out of these two elements we'll have nearly   endless supplies of powerful magnets for all  applications so the question really then is   how good a magnet Could you actually make with  iron nitride and how does compare it with the   traditional neodymium magnet well the strength of  a permanent magnet is measured through something   called the maximum energy product or HB Max this  quantity is a measure of the maximum amount of   magnetic energy that can be stored in a magnet  per unit volume a typical ferrite magnet those   black ceramic magnets like the ones that we've  seen on refrigerators have an energy product of   about 8 to 45 kilojoules per meter cubed with  the best of them reaching about 80 kilojoules   per meter cubed in contrast high grade neodymium  magnets labeled n52 have a maximum energy product   of 400 to 422 kilojoules per meter cubed that's  over 10 times higher than the typical ferrite   magnet but iron nitride magnets go way beyond  that with a theoretical maximum energy product   of over 1 000 kilojoules per meter cubed this is  almost three times higher than the best neodymium   magnet today this means that we could make magnets  two and a half times smaller but with the same   magnetic force not only that but iron nitride has  a density of 6.35 grams per centimeter cubed while   the typical neodymium magnet has a density of 7.6  grams per centimeter cubed which means that not   only is the size much smaller but the mass  will be even lower still additionally some   reports state that the material's magnetization  can withstand higher temperatures with the Curie   temperature of around 1300 Kelvin whereas for  neodymium magnets The Cure temperature barely   reaches half as much so our nitride makes  stronger lighter and smaller magnets that   can withstand higher temperatures with without  demagnetizing so you're probably thinking this   recent discovery is going to change everything  but in fact it's not so recent at all in fact it   was discovered back in 1951 over 70 years ago so  natural question then is why the heck aren't we   using iron nitride magnets on everything well the  answer is that it's very hard to make this stuff   especially at scale the specific compound we need  to make has a formula fe16 and two but getting the   formula right is only part of the equation these  compounds have to form a specific magnetic phase   it's kind of like tempering steel you can have  all the components in the right amounts but you   have to apply a very special treatment to get  this deal you want well the same applies for   iron nitride however some researchers at the  University of Minnesota apparently cracked the   code they started a spin-off company called niron  magnetics to commercialize their technology and   I have to say it looks pretty promising the  company is developing what they have called   clean Earth magnets based on iron nitride this  technology enables the mass production of high   performance permanent magnets using low-cost  and sustainable input materials according to   the company their magnets are 15 to 30 percent  stronger than neodymium they perform better as   temperatures rise and don't contain any rare  earth materials and they claim that they have   figured out how to produce the material at scale  Dusty green our producer actually heard about   niron magnetics a few months ago and thought  it might be worth checking out to see if what   their claim on their website was actually true  it turned out that Nara was very secretive and   keeping pretty hush-hush about their development  stage but he confirmed they are building a large   manufacturing facility across the street from  their headquarters the research team behind neuron   magnetics has published 23 research papers on iron  nitrize magnetic properties and synthesis since   2009 so technology is based on over a decade of  research and development conducted by their team   of scientists and Engineers which includes a whole  lot of phds they also have 30 patents granted and   20 more pending approval and neuron magnetic  secured a 17 and a half million dollar scale-up   Grant from the US Department of Energy's Advanced  research projects agency and the National Science   Foundation which suggests that their commercial  technology has undergone some level of third-party   validation all this suggests that neuron  magnetics is the real deal and the fact that   they are building a production facility is more  encouraging but what's more interesting is that   for me the physics check out remember I mentioned  that the theoretical strength of these magnets   was almost three times as high as neodymium so  achieving a 30 increase seems more than doable   this means that the clean energy magnets from  neuron magnetics could be the first of a whole   new family of permanent clean magnets that can  make electric motors smaller and more powerful   than ever before picture a standard skateboard  with little Motors on each wheel that could keep   you going without moving a muscle or an e-bike  that's almost indistinguishable from a regular one   because the motor is the size of a gear cassette  and the best part of all is cost high-grade new   magnets are super expensive as you can imagine  because neodymium costs almost 200 per kilogram   the strotium costs 600 and terbium 800 per  kilogram whereas iron costs less than a dollar per   kilogram of course there will be high production  costs because the iron nitride is hard to make   but neuron claims that their magnets will still be  50 cheaper than neodymium so all in all it seems   like this is exactly the kind of technology that  Tesla would be investing in Tesla has made huge   strides with batteries we haven't heard as much  about Motors but here it is this is a huge win   from an environmental standpoint performance  cost and complexity simpler Supply chains and   all the rest exactly the sort of thing that Tesla  should be investing in for their next generation   of products so what do you guys think did I miss  something do you have any other insights that we   might have overlooked start off in the comments  below and until next week check out this video   which we think you'll like as well I'm Ricky  the scuba DaVinci we'll catch you guys next week
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 172,233
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Keywords: two bit da vinci, tesla, teslas new motor, new electric motors, non rare earth, non rare earth motor, teslas next motor, electric motors without rare earth metals, permanent magnet, permanent magnet synchronous motor, permanent magnet dc motor, permanent magnet motor, tesla's new motor, tesla investor day, tesla motors, tesla carbon wrapped motor, tesla motor, electric motor, The GENIUS Of Tesla's Next GEN Motors!
Id: xInA76a1eVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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