The Gaze of Miracles

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Welcome to another episode of Ethan and Hila. Ethan: We did our little, gurus and hypnosis reaction video But we didn't really get very specific with our targets And one of my favorites, he's been a favorite of ours for such a long time: Braco! The gaze of miracles. [calm music starts to play] *reading site* "With Braco, comfort can be found in the warm familiarity of an encounter that opens our heart and enlivens hope once again." "He shares a very silent gift of his silent gaze." Gaze is much more special than looking at someone. "Often, people experience a deep sense of peace after meeting Braco." Supposed to feel warmth, happiness. He loves his hair. [music continues to play] Basically, he cures cancer. He cures PTSD. Three months ago, she had one small cup of pudding, and now, she's just finished a triathlon. Thanks to Braco's healing gaze. Braco Bracooooooooooooo BraCOOOOOOOOOOO! [music cuts off] Get lost in his gaze. Look at this goofy motherfucker. So, first of all, I learned some really interesting things about Braco from the subreddit recently. One: apparently - which I found lovely - pregnant women should not be gazed upon. [Hila]: Yeah. Apparently, it's not safe for children to be gazed upon by Braco. Pregnant women shouldn't drink, they shouldn't smoke, they shouldn't go on rollercoasters, and they most definitely should not be gazed upon by the miracles of Braco. - It's too intense. - It's too much. It's too intense for these poor ladies. But also I learned that maybe Braco is a murderer. ? - Yeah, what's up with that? - Yeah, what's up with that? - That one's kinda scary, actually. - That one's kinda scary, actually. Then another article we found This was very Braco.spooky Here it is. Yeah. Now, this shit from his Wikipedia page [spooky noise starts playing] really gave me a "holy smokes, let's lock the doors." I wonder - 'cause he can do gaze with miracles - I wonder if he can like gaze-of-terror your ass. He's gonna like, live-stream gaze-of-terror me [Ominous Illuminati Music] So his master, who taught him to gaze *Ethan reads highlighted area* I don't know what's with the gold jewelry [BAM] That means he took his jewelry! [Hila]: How could he take it first right before the wave? So, essentially what happened let's lay- let's play this out. They're on the beach together, [ominous music] and then they come along and his master's missing but Braco's got all of his jewelry on him. [Hila]: Yeah. So it's like, dawg, [Hila giggles] A fucking rouge wave ate him up from the beach He just happened to take off all his traditional gold jewlery to give him The Gaze of Miracles [Hila laughs] I don't wanna be Gazed like that, dude. [Gazing intensifies] So that's pretty bizarre. [Hila]: Yeah. So now that we're dealing with the... ...pregnant.. . ...Gazer.. ...murderer... Let's examine this closer. Let's look at the livestream, that video you showed me [Hila]: So he does livestreams, [Ethan]: First, guys, let me warn anybody out there who is beyond three months pregnant, turn this off now. It is not safe for you, And anybody on the beach who-- you may be swallowed up by a rogue wave Hila: Keep your gold very close Ethan: Keep your gold chains close Hila, show me the good shit Hila: Alright I just want to say that he's, you know he's got, he's got a whole schedule Ethan: He's full-time streaming! He's, he's like a twitch streamer! [Hila laughing] He's like a Twitch streamer! Ethan: He's a fuckin Twitch streamer! People throwin' him donations and shit Every hour on the hour dude! Braco is doing this full fucking time! Hila: Yeah, there ya go, so make sure to-- Ethan: Oh my god! Hila: catch him on Twitch [Ethan laughs] Catch Braco on Twitch! Hila: Braco does gaming Ethan: Oh my god Well show me that one preview Hila: Ok, if you want to see a preview Ethan: Yeah I want to see a preview -If you're very curious Yeah dude I wanna get Gazed on dude Get fuckin Gazed on -They give you a little taste Next stream's in 8 hours, that's a real shame Hila: So you get a little free taste Ok -Get ready! -Oh god I'm not ready Hila, you're not pregnant are you? Hila: Not yet [fear] [calm music] Oh my fucking God Glorious! The resolution is so good, you can see all his perfect little Fabio... You can see his lip curling Why does his lip keep moving? Look at his lip! It keeps...twitching! Did you see it? Hila: I saw it! Ethan: Very subtle twitch, he's got Hila: And he goes away... Ethan: Can I watch that one more time Hila? I-- I-- I wanna-- I wanna try Hila: It's too powerful Ethan: I wanna try Try your best now, don't be ironic Get lost in his gaze You're supposed to feel warmth Happiness [calm music] get lost in his gaze now Hila [calm music] [get gazed on] [calm music] [Hila laughing] I feel like we're doing a don't laugh challenge or something Ethan: He does that. Every hour. 8 hours a day. It's almost like the dude's grindin out there, he's got his own little job Hila: Yeah, and he's got a little donation button Ethan: I wonder how much money he makes gazing? Are you guys out there looking for a career path? Look-- maybe Gazing could be a-- could be a field for you That's a sick gaze though Hila: So do you feel the warmth? What did you feel? Ethan: [sigh] I have to be honest Hila: You did? Ethan: I felt a little warmth Hila: Me too Ethan: I felt a little fuckin warmth -I felt it I didn't feel anything To be honest, I tried! Looking deep into his soul, I tried to find the like, mystic powers beneath What do you see? Hila: You're lookin into someone else's face -I see a chubby, middle-aged fuckin guy He's got hair, he loves his hair He LOVES his hair -he loves his hair Trust me that guy-- -Oh I know! He loves his fuck-- I wish they gave me more than a little fuckin sneak peak! They're really cock teasing me here! Alright let's watch some of his videos okay I like that his domain is There's the-- Braco in America? Yeah, Braco in America's a classic [waves crashing and subtle piano] So this is the classic video here guys This is Braco in America it doesn't get more pure, doesn't get more beautiful than this Man: It just-- there's nothing that can compare [waves and subtle piano continue] Within 10 seconds I saw him shape-shift No, people really come into their own, they get a sense of power, they stand tall Ethan: Everyone there seemed so off he's got like a whole troop of weird ladies are just a little off like I'm serious watch this shit Everyone here is just their eyes are a little too wide their- their smiles a little too bright You know what I mean watch this shit Lady: They glow, they have purpose Ethan: They've been gazed- they've been gazing too long Woman: Like confetti just flowing over my body Man: Couple tears came now and I'm just like "Oh wow", you know I'm not this kinda- -I'm thinking to myself "I'm not this kind of guy Ethan: You see? That's what I'm saying- Their eyes are a little too wide Hila: Well you starting to sound like some Illuminati shit Ethan: I love this guy. This guy is my favorite Man:...tears came down, and I'm just like "Oh wow" I mean, you know, I'm not this kinda- I'm thinking to myself "I'm not this kind of guy" Ethan: I love that guy, he's such a fucking- *impersonating* "You know I was crying man I'm just gonna- gah He's a sweet guy, dude Hila: I'm not a pussy Ethan: I'm not a fucking bitch, I'm not the kind of fucking bitch who would cry at a chubby Fabio lookin' at me But I did, and that's proof that this shit's real- Woman: Braco is someone who actually would never call himself a healer Ethan: That- he's so humble He would never call his self a healer, he would only make a website saying: "I have the gaze of miracles" "I'm going to live stream eight hours a day globally because my gaze will fucking kill your baby and your stomach" Hila: He's a gazer Ethan: I would never call myself a miracle though... Hila: And healer Ethan: Uh-huh right what she said Woman: Any specific healings that you know of-? Ethan: Is that the guy- Wait go back Is that the guy who was crying? *Hila laughs* Ethan: He's chillin', dude He's on- he's recouping Woman: -know of that have taken place through this time with Braco? 2nd woman: Um A-a boy who was having PTSD, uh- traumatic episodes often and the very first time that I saw Braco I happened to think to bring him in. And from that moment forward he hasn't had another one *claps* *slaps table* Ethan: That's fucking amazing Hila: Crazy Ethan: She said it? It's real I'd never call him a healer though, but basically he cures cancer, he cures PTSD Woman: I actually had no more pain. I'd been dealing with so much pain in my right foot because of my injury to my right foot Man: I had this terrible toothache and thought, "God, I hate to be here but maybe it'll-" You know, you never know may he'll heal it Ethan: Dog, you're missing a fucking tooth Man: *pretend pain* Oh god it was starting to hurt, and I said "OH!" Ethan: It's kinda sad that know this guy... instead of going and seeing a dentist, he's going to drop a hundred bucks to go look at some pudgy asshole look at him It- it's sad - if it's not funny, it's sad Hila: That's how it is like that with this kind of people you know? Ethan: And they're just they're so happy to take their money, too Hila: Cause the people will go, there are people who are really desperate Ethan:'s so true You're not, you're not going to get gazed upon by a guru unless you're in a very desperate dark hour in your life Which is sad But also, I mean it's also funny Braco's funny, but I feel bad for this guy Man continues: Jes- take me, Jesus, take me Jesus! That type of thing And all of a sudden it just poof! And it- it just kind of disappeared and uh, it's gone Man: All of a sudden, I felt better in my spine and also- "Oh I can move my hips around and stuff" Ethan: Dog I don't even know what to say dude, I don't be an asshole, but fuck Hila: I think this should be your next haircut Seriously Ethan: My hair is going grey, it's time to grow it out Hila: Oh my god Etha: That, like... You know what that is? that's like the mature- that's like the seasoned mullet You've been around the block a couple times Hila: It's really well kept Ethan: It's like a nice bush trimming, that guy's probably a gardener It's - you'd say he really cut it well in the front That is like a very classic mullet Hila: That would be so funny if you did that Ethan: I need to start working on it because it looks good as fuck I like that this guy's gone his whole life and he hasn't given up on the mullet Like, mullet's a young man's game Let's be honest But this guy is turning into a dignified respectable haircut And I love that about him Before he saw Braco his hair was straight But it got blown back Woman: My back usually really hurts and it hasn't Ethan: *laughs* My back usually hurts Hila: And then it doesn't Ethan: But it doesn't now Good shit Man: Then the next day I went to see my mom And I walked in the hospital and she was walking down the hall! Ethan: Dude, his gaze is so powerful It went...through him to his mother That's spooky Man continues: ...on a walker with a nurse on each side and they're all going: "My god! This was a miracle! She just got up this morning and wanted to walk in and eat breakfast" She hadn't eaten anything but...uh, like a cup a little something for a month Ethan: Ok I find that to be physically impossible *Hila laughs* I know he feels bad for his mom and shit, but... I...I think she ate more than a couple little something in a month Dude - lets not exaggerate for the sake of Braco, here Am I right? Hila: He's trying to tell a good story Ethan: Found it *impersonates* I- my mother hasn't eaten in a full 10 years She had one cup pudding two months ago This is totally real, okay? Three months ago, she had one small cup of pudding and now she just finished a triathlon Thanks to Bracos healing gaze Woman: Now, in the course of my gazing sessions I had some spontaneous spot on miracles happen for me *inspirational music plays* Ethan: Braco! BRACOOOO! They put their hand over their heart? What is this? This is a cult BracOOOOOOOOO!!! This guy's thinking right now like "How the fuck is this my life?" "How the fuck are people paying me in Hawaii- to watch my stupid pudgy fucking face" "Look at them" "I'm literally just... "...thinking about..." "the spaghetti bolognaise, right now" "because spaghetti bolognaise is my favorite dish and I'm going to get a really good one" "after this gazing session" "I love ground beef and tomato sauce" "and this music's really peaceful - I love bolgnaise" "I might get some tasty bread with it" Woman: So you've seen Braco a few times and does it feel? 2nd Woman: Mmm, it feels like a big bubble of love Man: And immediately, I felt a warmth and a lightness Man: Just a wonderful tingling sensation Umm...and toward the end a lot of heat Woman: I felt this intense heat, um... throughout my body Older woman: This heat came out and actually hit right in the neck, right where I have the crop Ethan: That sounds horrible- AHHH! BRACO! Too much heat! AHHHH! People just start dropping from all the intense gazing But on the real, Hila? You know Braco love's bolognaise Hila: Yeah Ethan: That dude- look at his face show his face and tell me that dog doesn't get down with some serious bolognaise He should call himself bolognaise Hila: Or a bagel Hila: Maybe a bagel Ethan: Bagel's too clean That guy gets down with bolognaise Trust me Woman: Braco Is more powerful than any other being [Ethan: This is like the Carl Sagan song] Hila and Ethan: *quietly* Braco! Braco! Ethan: *quietly* Come ooooon Both: SUBSCRIBE Ethan: To Braco Oh, yeaaaah, Braco! The Gaze of Miracles! Returning to Hawaii, guys Look for me, 2010 See you idiots later, I'm going for some bolognaise Braco! So there's so many funny Braco videos, but I feel like we kind of...we, we.. we got it. Hila: Yeah Ethan: We got the Braco So hopefully- Braco, please don't kill us I appreciate you, Braco I think you're a great guy, you have beautiful hair and if you ever made us bolognaise? I will share a bowl of bolognaise with you Cuz I know that, I know you have good taste in bolognaise, dude Hila: Are you going to gaze at each other while you eat? Ethan: That's funny Just, like a fucking gaze off I'm gonna beam some high-energy into his fucking neck Gonna fuck you up, dude, with my energy gaze Thanks for watching guys we appreciate you We love you. Go get gazed on. Check out some Braco Go heal yourself guys You know what I mean? Go eat some bolongaise, whatever you do, we love you, we appreciate you bye guys
Channel: Ethan and Hila
Views: 2,500,683
Rating: 4.9583044 out of 5
Keywords: healing, therapy, medicine, homeopathy, alternative medicine, braco, gaze, gaze of miracles, ethan and hila
Id: LoYFNS3aMqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
Reddit Comments

"look at this goofy motherfucker" says Ethan while wearing a giant beanie folded over his head.

👍︎︎ 162 👤︎︎ u/gmed88 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Perhaps the man who was swept by the "rogue wave" was past 3 months pregnant? This is going to take some real detective work.

👍︎︎ 148 👤︎︎ u/NHZeta 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

So I'm sitting here watching this video and my mom walks in and says "You watching a video of Braco?, I went to one of his seminars years ago"

Me: "...."

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/GrayFawkes 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Prokic was not killed by a "wave" he was poisoned by our enemies...

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/IISycHII 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

So, Braco is pretty fucking creepy. However, I will be forever grateful to him for letting me out of that jail cell in The Imperial City that one time.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/GunPocket91 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

"Not yet"


Haha I love Ethan's editing

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Ethan and Hila need to tune into a Braco live stream.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/FancyGato 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Nine_Five_Core_Hound 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Braco and Prokic are basically Palpatine and Darth Plagueis

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/Teroniz 📅︎︎ May 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
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