The Gameboy Horror - Luigi's Mansion

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particular hello everyone this is particular mushroom and happy Halloween if you're not watching this in October you're gonna have to come back next year no wait you can stay it's fine I've been wanting to make a Halloween video since last year but unfortunately the Halloween video I want to make involves the S footage so unless you want video quality like this were stuck with the only portable device I can capture the Game Boy horror Luigi has just won this fancy new mansion in a contest he didn't even enter so the Mario Bros having just come off a toasty meal of gullible soup as King Boo will gladly tell you later decide that this eerie foreboding mansion with literal Lightning flashing behind is a good idea to enter I mean there are so many red flags here the broken wagon no one answers the door the trees don't even have leaves okay well it could be winter but whatever but in all this Luigi didn't make the biggest mistake not even Mario but King Boo himself if the mario bros had a hefty portion of gullible soup then king boo the assumed proprietor of this mansion had a thick stack of stupid steak king boo decided to park his clapboard next to the only legitimate ghost scientist in the entire Mushroom Kingdom professor egad after Luigi enters the mansion and is swiftly to no one surprise cornered by a ghost professor egad comes to the rescue with his trusty Poltergust 3000 the two exchanged pleasantries and realizing that mario has been captured egad quickly equips Luigi with the Poltergust to get his brother back accept notice anything weird about this tutorial egads what's this handheld communications device that you're using to watch my every breath Oh y-yes that's the Gameboy horror you're given this thing with no fanfare at all yeah I know it's hard to miss given that it's on the bottom right corner of your screen almost the entire game but considering you have to go through this mandatory Poltergust tutorial I'm surprised how casually they introduced the Gameboy horror in fact if you want an explanation of what the device actually does you have to go to the gallery and then ask egad about it the first thing you can do is press Z to bring up all the items you've collected nice nice very whoa is that a red diamond they must be worth a fortune better be worth more yeah boyee there's also a ghost menu here which displays details about the ghosts you've captured what how do you not know how old bog Meier is it says right here he's a product of the mansion's fear and despair and we know from egad that the mansion popped up a few days ago so 0 years game zero years also you can annoy anyone within earshot with this revolting sound pressing Y will bring up a map on the gameboy horror with an adorable bouncing Luigi ahead this map although bare-bones gives you all the tools to stay on track it shows the locked and unlocked doors and the rooms you visited and cleared with no useless clutter the only lack of clarity is the absence of landmarks or markers so you'll have to remember for example a specific element you needed for a room the zoom is also a bit janky the function is only usable on Luigi's current floor next up is the boo radar which you unlock when Luigi releases those marshmallow terrors from their sleeping spot all across the mansion what up with long living life-forms and sleep do you know how many legendary Pokemon just go and sleep for hundreds of years while they wait for the world to need them or some nonsense it's cliche and just the doldrums wake up ya lazy piece of lard regardless releasing the booze will activate the prototype annoy ohmmeter from Pikmin 2 any room with the boo will beep yellow and anytime you get close to a piece of furniture hiding something the light will furiously beep red the only problem is egad hasn't figured out how to differentiate a spectral being from an explosive or a ball poorly scribbled on with marker but a I guess it makes the game more exciting all right boo show yourself ah now there's one more piece of horror hardware to talk about you can press X at any time to bring up the camera all right what's the deal here I can already see everything in the room well you can use the camera to focus in or search objects you can hunt for booze but the boo radar is far superior more helpful is focusing on portrait ghosts reading their hearts to search for clues on how to catch em they'll display a snippet of dialogue that you can usually use to decipher their weakness that can't be said for all portrait ghosts though sometimes you have to look for clues in the environment and this is when the dialogue gets interesting when you scan a ghost heart the dialogue will be from the ghosts when you scan a piece of furniture the dialogue comes from no not the furniture is silly the dialogue comes from Luigi and for a shy guy like Luigi he sure has a lot to say but as a shy person myself that's not too surprising although I must say some of these make me question his sanity hmm should I play it Luigi there's no music on that music stand I'm willing to bet there's something cold in there wow I'm not so sure about that one now that is what I call interior decorating Luigi I'm sorry to break it to you but this is the exterior and if you thought this was just an error on Nintendo's part well he says it again no one's watered this in a long time how very sad now that is what I call interior decorating oh good he finally got it right sometimes you need the juxtaposition to show the absurdity of some of these I really have no use for this now that's a classic I wonder how much it would sell for hmm boy those boos sure did make a realistic fake mansion I wonder how old this is 0 years luigi 0 years a fire feels good on a night as cold as this what when you were up on the roof where the wind was howling the fire was urging arey and you geeky ordinary you're only saying that because you're in cold storage it's not the night that's called it's the room that's called your green hat menace the cold must be getting to you go and warm yourself up okay alright everyone it's time for the Gameboy horror quiz show we'll show you a location with the Gameboy horror and then you have to correctly guess the room prizes how do I know if you actually know the answer are you ready let's go round 1 what room is this the correct answer is the tearoom round - what room is this the correct answer is the butler's room round three what room is this the correct answer is the astral hole for the last round select your answer on the card in the top right corner or comment below what room is this the answer will be revealed later Luigi's seems to be doing better he's enjoying the chandeliers simply delightful exquisite fabulous there's a lot you can learn about Luigi with his dialogue he doesn't like bikes but has always been a good runner he can't play the piano he doesn't care about pointy objects he prefers the bottom bunk and items on his wish list include a toy train a toy truck and a fan because apparently Luigi has never owned a fan before moreover Luigi is a clean freak so much dust this will never pass the White Glove test yuck talk about filthy I wish I had time to straighten this mess up a bit Oh what's this just how I like it nice and clean now honestly when it comes to hats they really must be hand washed there's simply no substitute I know my brother likes to put his - the washing machine but that just seems careless to me oh yeah don't forget about Luigi's standards what a hunk of junk you expect me to sit on that please I have standards you can just feel the sass with some of this stuff if that's an antique I'll eat my hat Wow who design this now this just looks like it's in the way way to go genius do you have the hang of that thing yet mmm very handy Gantt fun fact if you suck up a poster you can still examine it now here's a surprising one how could anyone treat an animal that way I won't stand for it huh Luigi that's a strong statement but what would you say about goombahs or Koopas I don't think anyone at Nintendo thought this one out since they don't fit a particular narrative here are some of my favorites breathtaking a simple design with the dash of casual elegance well what's this beep oh it's just a chair if only there were a couple of cookies or something in there you know I never noticed how lovely those red polka dots look on top Hey it's flower season isn't it I almost forgot wait does that mean it's spring now that's just not my style I sure hope it's not your style Luigi this is the kind of thing I would put in the bathroom wake him I don't want that at my bathroom and finally we have this one I've been wanting one of these for quite a while that that weird creepy doll head you've been wanting for quite a while Luigi I know you've been saying weird stuff all night but this this is concerning however this may be a misnomer you see when the ouija examines this weird puppet thing he says how disturbing which is about what I expected from the doll head if you examine the cuckoo clocks Luigi will say I've been wanting one of these for quite a while again why does this matter well on the other end of the room there's a clock on a small table for which Luigi will speak the same dialogue it's my hypothesis then at the table with the freaky doll head a ridge only had a clock on it that's what I'm hoping anyway so now it's time to talk about mirrors mirrors are special pieces of furniture they will warp Luigi back to the foyer when searched pretty neat huh all in all there are 18 mirrors in the game but for some reason you cannot use the mirror rooms mirror to teleport kind of disappointing honestly additionally when you go to the bottom of the well you can actually use the mirror inside the secret altar at the end of the passage you are technically inside the secret altar and so you can interact with the room albeit you are stuck behind this lion statue [Music] the mirror is also kind of janky and lastly when you teleport from the foyer back to the foyer the cloth that normally covers the mirror will still be gone because you technically didn't leave the room this allows you to chain teleports infinitely at least I thought that however every time you teleport Luigi will tilt left a fraction of a degree I have no idea why this happens but I would not be surprised to learn that a developer did this on purpose just to prevent that infinite loop and that's everything I have about the gameboy horror it's really not that horrifying but I am a little worried about our pal Luigi so let's hear it what do you think of the gameboy horror and Luigi perhaps I'm just the crazy one this first foyer into Luigi's Mansion was a bit going throw as I'm still exploring video styles so let me know what you think and we'll be getting right back into more structured videos thank you all for watching don't get too spooked out there and I've got a game to go play see ya [Music]
Channel: Particular Mushroom
Views: 166,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luigi's Mansion, Particular Mushroom, Gameboy Horror, Poltergeist, Luigi, Quiz, Mario, King Boo, Secrets, Mirrors, Ghosts, Halloween
Id: r3CHXDwFklQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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