I made the 3 school billionaire heartthrobs fight over me

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i was walking towards the lockers one day when i noticed the three most popular boys in school looking at me like i was some kind of snack it was the first time in two years they'd noticed me then they were suddenly smiling at me what's going on i got so nervous i crashed straight into an open locker door and my books fell to the floor wow what an entry seriously her the nerd well she is cute but are you sure she should be our new target she looks too innocent heck yeah i'm gonna make her fall in love with me and win the bet get your 10 million dollars ready losers we'll see about that hi my name is athena and let me tell you how these three annoying playboys pulled me into the most confusing situation ever first though please hit the like and subscribe button after my class i was walking down the stairs when i suddenly tripped but someone caught me just in time it was andre the guy who was literally dating half of the female population in our school he was staring at my lips as he pulled me close your lips look lonely do they want to meet mine please get off me whoa easy there baby girl i'd rather kiss a trash can by the way oh wait what's the difference i smiled at seeing the shocked look on his face walking away i almost tripped over a random calculator someone had left on the floor i dropped my books and before i could pick them up someone was doing it for me you should watch your step next time princess for a second i was stunned to see tanner the guy with the biggest instagram following he was grinning at me and boy he looks like a prince would you mind taking a picture of me for my insta he pushed his phone and started posing like he was god's gift to women i didn't know how to react so i put his phone down on the floor and awkwardly walked away to find an empty classroom as i walked in i was surprised to see someone sleeping in there i shook his shoulder to wake him up only to gasp when i realized it was lucas the handsome sleepyhead what are you doing here this is my place oh sorry i didn't see your name on the door i ignored his sarcasm and was about to head out before he spoke again we can share this room if you want suddenly the teacher came in and thought we'd been making out in there or something she kicked us out and it was so embarrassing even more than all the tripping over i had to avoid these heartbreakers they were called the triple threat for a reason and i hated guys like them after my classes were finished i found the three of them outside waiting for someone they all smiled at me uh oh hey baby girl i think you're an engine cause my car won't start without you come on princess let's get out of here i'll give you a ride home lucas just gave me a nod and signaled for me to get in when the world was happening i hurriedly walked out of the gate to avoid them when i entered the cafeteria the next day i was greeted with milkshakes coffees burgers and nuggets it was the boys again i turned them all down and chose to sit on a table alone as i ate i heard some girls behind me talking about me seriously why are they after that lame junior it must be a prank there's no way they'd notice her otherwise she's ugly i turned to look at the girls and said i really want to punch all you girls right now but you know i'm busy dealing with attractive boys drooling over me now ciao but i was furious i had to know if i was really the target of a stupid prank a few days later as i was passing by the boy's locker room i noticed that the door was slightly open i saw the trio inside i hid behind a locker to listen god what is that smell do boys even shower give me two days and she'll be following me around like a puppy i don't think so she's kind of challenging nah she's just plain hard to get tanner you guys should learn from me i couldn't believe it these players had put a bet on me i'd show them they'd pick the wrong girl to mess with i was going to make them pay let the games begin the drama club i was in had a show the next day and my role was a stupid tree the scene had a windy day so when i started swaying my arms someone gave a standing ovation from the audience best actress ever that's my girl what was he doing after the show he came over and gave me a bouquet of flowers and a gigantic teddy bear babe you know what there's something wrong with my phone it doesn't have your number in it he wouldn't leave until i put my number in his phone the next day while i was walking to school i noticed a familiar sports car following me hop in princess it was tanner this time i got in let's see what his deal is during the ride i spilled my coffee over his squeaky clean dashboard on purpose oops sorry i'm just so clumsy i was expecting him to get mad about it but instead he reached for some tissues and cleaned my hands with them i found myself staring at him while my heart raced no no no it was all just an act get a grip athena when we reached school he helped me get out of the car ride slow down geez i'm not blind seems like it sometimes i glared at him is there something you want to say he just flashed a big smile and turned to fix his hair in the car window so annoying i walked off to class halfway through the lesson when the teacher had her back to us someone from the table next to me whispered i looked up to see that it was andre why'd you come here with tanner you know guys like him are jerks who will just break your heart you know i'm totally serious about you then he kissed my hand oh please how serious are you there's no number to express then prove it to me sure baby girl but how i'll tell you about it at lunch i can't wait i swear i'll do anything for you just then the teacher kicked him out of the class for making all these noises everyone giggled but he didn't look the least bit embarrassed he winked and walked off lunchtime came and he was already waiting i wanted to ruin his reputation especially in front of the girls so i whispered my dare to him and his eyes grew wide if i do it will you be my girlfriend i nodded he immediately walked to the front of the cafeteria jumped on a table and shouted i have something to confess i wet my bed every night and i don't know what to do anymore i burst out laughing when he made a whole drama out of it while fake crying but to my surprise the girls started comforting him what my plan had backfired so i sneaked out of the room devastated the next day while i was reaching for a book in the library lucas suddenly appeared and grabbed it for me i gave him a smile but he just nodded while i was doing my homework he sat across from me and started reading a book i waited for him to say hello or something but he totally ignored me i asked him what he was reading but he just gave me a glare oh i get it he was using the snobbish bad boy style i moved beside him and leaned in are you mute or does your breath just stink i was caught off guard when he grinned do you really want to know i immediately pulled away when our lips almost touched i cleared my throat and got myself back on track are you free tomorrow i just need someone to go somewhere with me yeah sure whatever later that night i did a little research on lucas and grinned when i read a comment about him having a phobia of heights in one of his instagram posts he was surprised when i brought him to an amusement park the next day i forced him to try all the rides and i was laughing my butt off whenever he screamed like a girl stop being such a wuss lucas let's try the pirate ship one more time just then he started throwing up and i couldn't stop laughing i wanted to have more fun so i acted like i'd sprained my ankle and let him carry me all around the place then i asked him to buy me some fries when he bought them i said oh shoot i'm also craving a banana split and a cheeseburger i could barely stop myself from laughing at his annoyed face poor guy later fell asleep on the bench while i ate all the food all of a sudden i screamed in his ear he jolted awake and asked what had happened i told him that i was just thirsty and i needed some soda he finally snapped buy it yourself girl jeez you're so annoying and just like that lucas gave up one down two to go andre continued pestering me at school while lucas was nowhere to be found during lunch tanner sat beside me and asked me if i'd like to go on a date with him to the bahamas i want to get to know you first before going anywhere alone with you i don't even know anything about your family not a problem you could join us for dinner tonight i did a happy dance on the inside everything was going according to plan i told him that i'd come myself so i just asked his address that night i borrowed my friends hyperactive cats and brought them with me tanner looked so happy as he opened the door my mom's out so no one can babysit them i put the basket down and the cats started running everywhere scratching paintings and knocking over expensive vases sorry they get their clumsiness from their mama he looked totally unaffected your kittens are adorable like you come on dinner's ready and they're all waiting for you his parents looked so sophisticated and i was surprised to see that he had four little sisters they all flocked around me like it was their first time seeing a girl i started fake crying when dinner was served what's wrong i don't eat chicken poor little creatures his mom asked me oh are you vegetarian no only for chickens chicken saved my life one time when i was crossing the road tanner immediately told the cook to change my food and when we started eating my cat suddenly jumped on the table and turned everything into a disaster the look of horror on the faces of the tanner family was epic sorry i was shocked when his mom took the cats and started petting them unbelievable it's fine they're just asking for some love i then placed my feet on the table and let out the loudest burp thanks for this blended meal anything for you darn he was such a good actor after dinner his mom showed me their family albums and i couldn't help but notice how cute baby tanner was as i watched him play with his sisters i realized that he wasn't really a self-absorbed jerk after all while heading out that night i tripped over something as usual and dropped my glasses tanner picked them up from me and looked at my bare face lovingly wow your beauty is so unreal so perfect i realized that he was actually talking to me i felt my heart beating faster he looked so sincere and it made me feel like i was the most beautiful girl in the world apparently my efforts to get rid of him hadn't worked tonight but why was i smiling the next day andre sneaked in through my window why are you here there's a party nearby come on i told him that parties weren't my thing and besides i didn't have anything to wear say no more baby girl come with me i needed to mess with him more so i went with him to the mall he bought me a cute red dress and gave me a makeover wow you look like someone i know who my next girlfriend oh please i went to the party with andre and everyone was shocked upon seeing me they thought i was a totally different person while dancing with andre i couldn't help but notice tanner and lucas looking at me from across the room a girl walked up to tanner and started dancing with him for some reason the sight made my blood boil i excused myself to the toilet and when i came back andre was now dancing sweetly with another girl of course he was a player so i wasn't surprised lucas followed me when i went outside to the garden i'm sorry about what happened the other day athena i was so stupid for doing such a horrible thing to a pretty girl like you oh wow from a jerk to a romeo he really wanted to win that bet i really like you and i hope you feel the same way he looked so genuine that i almost got carried away i was about to say something but then someone snatched me away from him tanner what's your problem dude that's it we need to stop this i won't let you play with her feelings what are you talking about i really like her and pigs can fly lucas before they could punch each other andre came over to stop them and i just stood between them looking like a confused little kitten cut it out you idiots she's mine stay out of this loser you're hopeless she was about to say yes to me excuse me i don't even like you shut up you know what take the dawn money here's 10 million for each of you just leave her alone best decision ever tanner i was shocked did he just give away 20 million dollars just like that tanner then grabbed my hand and said get out of here athena you don't deserve to be treated like this stop pretending like you really care tanner tanner looked so furious cut it out i've known about the bet all this time and i've been playing all of you idiots you all lose they were all shocked at my revelation andre and lucas grabbed the bags from tanner and ran away while tanner just stood there shocked i'm sorry for everything athena goodbye my heart sank as i watched him walk away my wish was finally granted the jerks had finally stopped bothering me and i should have been happy and relieved right but i wasn't the next day my mom came running to me with shocking news someone called tanner had put 10 million dollars into our account we're rich wait what what was he doing i ran to the school to talk to him but he wasn't there for two weeks there was no sign of tanner then one day he finally showed up with a gorgeous blonde she was all over him after school i found them kissing behind the bleachers i tore him away and asked him about the money but he walked away saying i don't know what you're talking about go away as he walked away i knew he was lying so that night i went to his house his mom told me to wait in his room as i looked around i saw something that shocked me my lost anklet it was placed carefully on his desk just then the door opened and tanner came in he looked shocked to see me and the anklet in my hand explain this for a minute he looked like he was going to deny everything but to my surprise he came forward and held my hand i'm sorry i agreed to that stupid bet i'm sorry that i hurt you i don't want to do that anymore i tried to forget you and what i did to you that's why i was with that girl athena i love you i always have since the day i first spoke to you and found your anklet can you forgive me yes tanner i forgive you he looked at me expectantly oh that's it i said i love you do you um love me oh yes yes that too he rolled his eyes at me and said i can't believe i fell in love with you kinda late for that just shut up and kiss me now [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 42,741,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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