The GAME CHANGING Woodworking Tool Few People Regret Buying!

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this tool could be a game changer for your shop depending on what you build this may be one of the most controversial tools on as far as YouTubers go some say they regret buying a spindle sander some say like me this is one of the tools I'll never regret getting this is the wind oscillating spindle and belt sander I've used the rigid version of this for a couple of years now and use it all the time but I recently purchased this wind because it's so much cheaper than the Ridgid almost 130 dollars cheaper can it compete with the Ridgid let's find out first and foremost the wind comes with everything you need it comes with five different sizes of spindles and the belt sander with the Sandpaper included you can pick up some extra later but to get started it's all included it's easy to swap between the belt and the spindle depending on what you need to do and it includes onboard storage for everything including the spindle inserts the spindles themselves and the tools so you're not going to be losing anything with this you've got everything right here together this is a much smaller footprint than the Ridgid will compare some other features later but this is really good for a small shop this does come with a work stop that you can add or remove really easily you can use that with a belt sander you can also use it with the spindle if you needed to but it's really made for the belt I rarely ever use that with the belt sander it has an adjustment knob so that if it's not tracking properly all you do is Twist that knob until it lines up perfectly as you can see here I can move that knob and make the belt basically go lower or higher on the wheel and once you get it set right it tracks perfect this table is also adjustable you can drop it down to 15 22 and a half 30 and 45 degrees there's positive stops at each of those or you can just log it in place at any point that's great if you want to put a chamfer or anything like that on the edge of a board and it easily locks back in place when you want it flush it does have onboard dust collection which I greatly appreciate and that Festool hose connects right in there and I will tell you the dust collection is pretty good for a spindle belt sander as far as spindles go you get a half inch three quarter one inch inch and a half and a two inch spindle that again you can swap out easily and they all come with their own inserts to fit the size spindle that you're going to use that's going to keep any small parts from getting down in there or getting jammed I've been using this for the past few days and I can tell you this is one of the best wind tools that I've ever purchased I've had their drill press for a couple of years I've used their miter saw I've used some other wind tools the overall fit and finish of this tool is one of the better in my opinion that they make one thing I like about this spindle sander it does have rubber feet on the bottom it keeps anything from slipping and sliding around it has a small footprint and it's quite lightweight to move around so if you're in a small shop like me this is going to be a nice feature of this machine so why would you want a spindle or belt sander in your shop for me personally I love having a spindle sander because I use it all the time on smaller items especially items that have curves and and holes things like that you need to sand this is where this really shines I use it on our trays that we sell as well as Mallet templates mallets themselves also to square up the face of a mallet or any other board this is a good way to do that you can also sand radiuses if you need to round over something or the end of a board or something like that it's just a good option for you one thing I love about spindle Sanders is especially like these they come with the different sizes that way you can match up the size of the spindle to the basically the radius of the thing you're needing to sand like on My Guitar tray here I can pick out one that fits almost perfectly and I can sand up into those parts and pieces to get those Machining marks out now if you build tables and large items and that's all you build you probably won't use one of these so I wouldn't recommend getting if that's all you build but if you're building smaller items that have curves and profiles and things like that this is one of those tools that really are a game changer for your shop especially at this price point before we get to the comparison I would like to tell you about our website store if you go there you can see that we have easy to follow build plans to help you make awesome projects super simple to follow step-by-step instructions if you use the code spindle I'll give you 20 off any order and that includes the already discounted plan bundles go check us out now comparing the Ridgid to the wind they're very similar but a little different now I've had the Ridgid for a couple of years I've had this for a couple of weeks so there's quite a bit of difference in length of time used but I will tell you that I really appreciate the smaller footprint of this it's lighter weight the table is smaller so you're getting 19 inches of width on this table you're getting about 16 on this so you're only losing about three inches and the distance between the sander and the edge of the table are about the same the Ridgid also has a t-slot where this does not I have never used the t-slot on this so it's really not a loss for me as I briefly mentioned earlier everything that comes with this wind spindle Center has a place to store it like these inserts they're stored on the side of this machine The Ridges are stored on the front there's really no preference there they're both stored securely and you're not going to lose them you're going to be able to keep up with them which is key for stuff like this that has small parts and similar to the Ridgid when you're not using the belt sander it's stored down behind the machine in its slot you just take out this insert for the spindle Center put it back there where the belt sander was so you're able to keep up with everything as you're using the machine as far as power goes there is no lack of power here I was able to send off a lot of material at one time with the belt sander and with a spindle sander but the belt sander is where you're really removing material especially when you're using something like 80 grit as you see here you can create radiuses on the end of boards or anything you want because it's removing so much material the dust collection is absolutely much much improved and better on the Wind versus the rigid the Ridgid dust collection sucks it's just not that it's not good at all now you're going to have some sanding dust that gets on top of this it's just the nature of the beast but it does collect it better than the Ridgid and one final annoyance that the Ridgid has that the wind sobs somehow this nut on top that locks down your spindle or belt on the Ridgid gets stuck all the time sometimes I have to take a pair of pliers just to get it broken loose the wind has yet to jam on me so that's a that's a good positive there the belt sander portion of this is a four inch wide by 24 inch if you need to buy a replacement it's a good size belt the spindle sander stroke rate is 5 8 of an inch as it goes up and down which is a good amount and it rotates 58 times per minute so you're getting quite a bit of speed out of this three and a half amp motor if you're sanding curves bevels anything like that like on Adirondack chairs or rocking chairs or small parts boxes mallets trays charcuterie boards cutting boards anything like that this is an awesome some tool to have now if you don't need the belt sander portion wind has a just a spindle sander that's a little bit smaller has all the same size spindles for only 125 bucks I'll link that one as well if you're not interested in the belt portion but I really like having the option of having that belt portioned for only about 75 dollars more if you buy a spindle slash belt sander pick up one of these sanding erasers this will make your sandpaper last much much longer super simple all you do is turn your machine on and put this against it it will clear out that Gunk that clogs up the Sandpaper also you can use this on your regular sander to extend the life of your sandpaper on there as well and they're only about seven to ten dollars depending on which one you choose the Ridgid does have a lifetime service agreement which will sway some buyers the Ridgid is a solid machine don't get me wrong I'll link to it in the description below as well but if you're in the market for a spindle sander you don't really care about the LSA and you want a good solid machine at a lower price about 130 bucks lower typically the wind is a solid option if you like this video and you want to see another wind product that I really like it's the wind miter saw click that box right there click in the Box get you the big old virtual fist pump also if you want to see the rigid spindle sander review you can watch that one right there
Channel: 731 Woodworks
Views: 133,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 731 woodworks, wen spindle sander, best spindle sander for woodworking, woodworking sander, woodworking tool review, woodworking tools, must have woodworking tools, tools for woodworking, best sander for small parts, how to sand curves, sander for boxes, how to sand in tight spots, how to sand tiny parts, wen vs ridgid spindle sander, best spindle sander on a budget, budget woodworking tools
Id: JigsGhB6_mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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