The Galapagos Island's Incredible Natural Habitat | Wild Galapagos

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[Music] an island world in the vast Pacific born from fire shaped by Nature's mightiest [Music] forces a land of astonishing Beauty and astounding creatures [Music] creatures which are sometimes blessed by the Island's abundance and at other times must fight for [Music] resources only those who can adapt can make it here [Music] the marine iguana a fierce looking resident of the galapagus: sight the first glimpse of the islands is anything but [Music] inviting many of the gpus Dwellers didn't come here by choice most are Castaways tossed here by storms and strong currents saved by this Rocky tip of an underwater volcano in the middle of the Pacific the galapa islands lie around 600 miles off the South American Coast almost on the [Music] equator it's an archipelago made up of 13 main islands and hundreds of small rocks and [Music] Isles it lies at the point where two Mighty ocean currents converge the Humbolt current comes up from the Antarctic its Ice Cold Stream dominates the islands for half the year during the other 6 months the Panama current Moves In from Central America tropical and [Music] warm this current brought the ancestors of the marine iguana to the gal AAS Islands from the mainland millions of years ago despite the odds the mini dragons became an unlikely model for Success the prehistoric looking creatures live only [Music] here on Fernandina Island they form the biggest colonies but their road to becoming super lizards has been Rocky their ancestors first had to learn where to find food these Barren volcanic islands had no plants the lizards had to think outside the rocks only underwater could they find something to eat Ali the marine iguana learned how to hold its breath for up to 30 minutes and dive for it no other lizard can do this but now the Panama current is stirring up trouble the iguanas eat only green algae and they've overgrazed the warm current blocks the denser cold water from bringing crucial minerals and nutrients up from the ocean depths I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required it turns the garden into an underwater desert the iguanas aren't the only ones in this Panama predicament almost all the inhabitants suffer through this lean season those who can [Music] migrate those who stay have learned to cope they don't depend on algae but other [Music] microorganisms for the next months a rainbow of tropical fish adds local color to The [Music] Reef [Music] the Panama current's reach doesn't stop at the shoreline it plants a wet kiss on the face of the islands [Music] the Barron rocks begin to [Music] bloom to the Delight of the [Music] galapagus: and in the highlands the forests soak up the moisture as if to Never Let It [Music] Go the galapagus: [Music] while the animals on the island enjoy this bounty the sea dwellers fight for their lives the marine iguana scrambling over the rocks to find his meager meal must battle against the rising current he uses all his strength just to stay in place as the water surges around him he must eat but he's almost spending more energy fighting the tide than he gets from his food the search for algae is crucial but so is staying alive his strength is failing and he needs to come up for air not as easy as it [Music] sounds fighting the surf takes every last ounce of effort [Music] he's one of the lucky ones in life's Relentless contest many marine iguanas lose to the Panama current this Survivor needs to [Music] rest but the hot humid current has another torment in store flies [Music] they zero in on the iguana's moist [Music] scales they're [Music] Relentless but the marine iguanas have an ally the Galapagos lava lizard another Castaway that made good here flies are its favorite dish and worth the work [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] we [Music] the Panama current turns the Island's fly season into a iCal Paradise for the lava lizards but Paradise doesn't last the Panama current has started to weaken making room for the colder humbold current to build and along with it comes a tropical tourist the green turtle an algae eater as well she has traveled over 600 miles to die in here but it's a bit too early the only algae here is on her shell it's no more than fuzz but it makes the turtle very popular with the rais a surgeon fish the turtles benefit too too much algae causes drag once the surgeon fish have mowed the lawn another specialist steps in King angelish come to gobble up parasites and small crustations they cannot hide anymore among the stripped down [Music] algae the turtle stop at the beauty salon makes a gracious Welcome to the [Music] galapagus: ocean around the galapagus: The Mangrove is one of the few plants to thrive in salt water its roots draw nutrients from the water and filter up to 90% of the salt but that's not what appeals to the chili Turtle taking a break from the high seas the shallow pools between the mangroves are warmer than the open ocean and sea turtles find that hard to resist once they get there they aren't picky in their hypothermic State many just sink to the bottom and rest those who still have energy look for a grotto under the roots or just lean against them the main thing is to get warm they camp out waiting for the [Music] galapagus: from the sharp and hostile volcanic rocks and where it reaches the ocean a sharp eyed Predator is on the hunt the galapagus: [Music] water doesn't seem to be his element He avoids getting wet and looks for other prey the crabs look good today the red adults have nothing to fear but it's a different story for the tender young ones against the Rocks they're hard to spot as long as they don't [Music] move game on [Music] they're delicious shells and all oh over the Steep Cliffs of Espanola Island a seasonal visitor casts a long [Music] Shadow the waved Albatross the Island's largest [Music] bird with a wingspan of more than 8 ft once a year these graceful gliders converge off the coast of the secluded Island about the size of Rochester New York the oldest of the gapas islands will become the meeting place for 20,000 albatrosses in the coming weeks like his brethren this male has come to raise his [Music] young he spent 6 months gliding without touching Solid Ground his leg muscles aren't what they used to be so Landing is the tricky part [Music] walking takes some getting used [Music] to normally the males come to Espanola well before the females he's late most of the couples have already found one another albatross's mate for life up to 30 years and he knows his partner is waiting but where is she the late Comer is not getting much sympathy [Music] [Applause] but he persists he Combs the entire Colony has something happened to her [Music] [Music] [Music] a big change is coming to the Galapagos Islands as the humble current gathers more strength its chil fingers reach into the mang gr forest and tap the sea turtle into action she spent the last few weeks munching Mangrove Roots now the ocean calls the first of the delicate Al starts to grow among the coral it thrives here like almost nowhere else in the tropical Pacific thanks to the cool Humbolt current the Luscious Cold Buffet motivates the turtle to make an exhausting Journey it's worth braving the Shivering temperatures the springtime arrival of the humbold current also arouses another kind of appetite this young blue-footed booby has come to Espanola looking for a mate it's his first time he's got just what it takes to impress the ladies blue feet the Bluer they are the fitter he is but he's come to the wrong place only Bachelors here no females with one exception she's right in front of him eyeing him with her large [Music] pupils her mates also got his eye on him and for good [Music] reason unlike albatross's boobies Aren't Loyal The Bachelor starts his seduction it's working she can't stop looking at his sexy blue feet her partner's only seeing red they argue and the bachelor makes his bold move but gets rebuffed oh well maybe next time the male Albatross is still looking for his [Music] mate [Music] at last he finds her [Music] w so late in the season will they have enough time to raise a chick some of their fellow albatrosses already have hatchlings from egg to chick takes about 2 months they'll take turns caring for the chick and hunting unlike other seabirds albatrosses fish far out on the ocean and are often away for [Music] weeks as time passes the partner Left Behind gets restless and concerned they sit on their egg without anyone to take over the shift as days turn to weeks they Tire of wondering if their spouse will ever return some lose all hope and that is precisely what this fellow's been waiting [Music] [Music] for Galapagos Mockingbirds have learned that the humbold current brings the albatrosses and albatrosses bring fresh [Music] eggs the situation is serious for the straggling pair not only are they behind shedule but the galapagus: while the albatrosses try to defend their spot on the island off the coast the humbled current brings in another wave of [Music] visitors the scalloped [Music] hammerhead the largest Congregation of these sharks in the [Music] world they've come to mate by the hundreds females Gather in the middle of the group while the males stay on the [Music] edges no one knows why they segregate like this but after they meet and before they disperse there's one more thing to do they head to nearby reefs to clean up the females have small wounds around their gills Love Bites made by the males getting a grip during their encounter the wounds need cleansing once again the tropical fish take the job the Sharks tilt their bodies to show they're ready but there are simply too many sharks to handle the barber fish don't know where to start to attract attention a hammerhead needs a gimmick perhaps a shark shimmy will do the [Music] trick [Music] despite the fancy fin work only a few lucky sharks get [Music] selected the barber fish run a very exclusive Spa and the hammerheads need to wait their [Music] turn the young booby also needs to be patient still no females in in sight he's been scanning the sky for days and practicing his best moves at last here's his [Music] chance [Music] he better not blow [Music] it first the wings and don't forget the [Music] [Music] feet [Music] she's underwhelmed maybe a gift will warm her heart she's holding out for something better she has accepted the young booby almost can't believe [Music] it [Music] mission accomplished he'll become a father the late starting Albatross pair has made it two after weeks of waiting he urgently needs to fish no time for romantic goodbyes she hides the precious egg under her plumage and will'll keep a careful watch on it because the mocking birds certainly [Music] [Music] are [Music] that was close as she waits for her partner out in the ocean a drastic sea change the humbo current is back in full force the water is murkier now food is instantly everywhere courtesy of the cold water bringing with it schools of [Music] fish [Music] all of a sudden the ocean of the Gabus Shimmers with [Music] life the chil nutrient-rich water feeds the [Music] multitudes the marine iguana is back in business no more death defying dives into the surf just to get a bite of [Music] lunch but just because their bellies are full doesn't mean their troubles are over [Music] for the males feeding leads to fighting like sumo wrestlers they test their strength in the ring the winner gains a little Turf and the right to [Music] mate at the end of round one it's a tie they take a break between rounds marine iguanas can't breathe while fighting the action heats up as another Contender enters the ring this is his big [Music] break he needs to separate the Wranglers in order to join the [Music] fight the Bantam weight brawler doesn't have what it takes the others are just too strong he throws in the towel Prosperity has presented new challenges for the blue footed boobies too their population has nearly doubled the young are thriving some have only just hatched While others test their wings for the first flight at last their parents arrive with their lunch these hungry chicks can hardly wait but here comes [Music] trouble magnificent frigate Birds pirates of the air [Music] [Music] [Applause] Awkward on land and sea these aggressive agile Flyers rarely fish for themselves so frig Birds prefer to steal and there's nothing the blue-footed boobies can do about it except catch more fish in the generous humbled current the albatrosses also suffer with all the food thieves on the island it's a wonder that chicks get anything to eat at all in a few weeks they'll be able to fly but only if they eat heartily now [Music] on Espanola the albatross parents have pesky mocking birds to contend [Music] with [Music] [Music] sh [Music] these Aven an noyers are like ants at a picnic only hungrier and more aggressive they rely almost completely on the albatrosses for their food but in a few weeks the mocking bird birds will have to fend for themselves the albatrosses will take to the air and spend the next 6 months out in the ocean with one exception the chronically late male Albatross is finally back [Music] he was out hunting for days and hasn't seen his partner leaving her to protect their egg from the onslaught of mocking [Music] birds all their efforts have paid off [Music] they're among the lucky ones the inhabitants that have learned to survive [Music] here on the galapagus: energized by their power tuned to their [Music] vibrations this land of Castaways and seasonal visitors favors the resourceful it rewards the ones who can Thrive by surrendering to and sometimes challenging The Moody tide that's life on the galapagus: [Music]
Channel: TRACKS - Travel Documentaries
Views: 138,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abundant Ecosystems, Authentic Travel Experiences, Conservation Awareness, Documentaries Online, Earth's wonders, Ecological Marvels, Educational Films, Environmental Diversity, Environmental Protection, Marine Biodiversity, Nature Reserves, Struggle for Survival, TRACKS - Travel Documentaries, Untamed Wilderness, Wildlife Documentaries, Wildlife Encounters, conservation success stories, giant tortoises, natural selection, wildlife photography, wondrous wildlife
Id: i1hpP-LLB0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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