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the furry community is one of the oldest and largest subcultures to exist on the entire internet and from an outside perspective it's very easy to make the mistake of assuming they're a United group of people who share similar ideals and opinions you know the majority of furries are pretty left-wing people they're pretty socially Progressive guys they're not trying to rile up anyone they're they're really not right-wing it's pretty rare to see a right-wing furry but when you do see them it's like holy sh this guy's probably crazy cuz it's not like normal rightwing it's not even like kind of far right it's likeing out there and as with any commity online infighting and drama is a common occurrence in the fandom with some committing actions so severe that they become infamous across the internet as a whole over the past decade political discourse more specifically discourse centered around American politics has infiltrated every corner of the worldwide web ever since like the Trump election and gamergate everything online is apparently political now and so it should come as no surprise that arguments regarding the subject also happen with furries well the vast majority of furries enjoy a non-political existence free from free from political controversy at least there are instances that have occurred where the political divide between the fandoms members have clashed and it's become a Forefront of discussion and debate so today we'll be discussing one of the most infamous instances of this occurring and how these differences caused a domino effect that resulted in the collapse of an entire convention revealing the dark past of multiple community members and once again putting furries in the crosshairs of the mainstream media for all the wrong reasons but before we delve into the major players in the story and the eventual Fallout we have to go back to the beginning in the early 2000s as furries began to slowly grow in number a small group of individuals located in the Denver Colorado area decided they would create a convention in order to accommodate the growing furry population in the state this new convention dubbed Rocky Mountain furcon was organized by a group known as The Mid America anthropomorphics and arts Corporation and was first scheduled to take place in 2006 but was subsequently moved to 07 due to potential scheduling conflicts with anthrocon which is another Furry Convention that announced similar attendance dates that you guys are probably familiar with the first convention was initially chaired by an individual known as kahoi Leu but would step down the following year with another individual named saur and Cat taking over look I know my name is Turkey Tom but like these furry names are a little out of control I can't you just be like blue dog or some do you have to be whatever this is I mean blue fol for all their faults like memorable easy to pronounce a name for westerners what the is kahoi Leu what's what's going on big guy from the very beginning Rocky Mountain furcon was plagued with issues the first convention failed to Garner enough people to fulfill the block requirement set by the hotel meaning that Year's convention operated at a significant financial Lo however while the event was almost canceled altogether furries rallied and began donating money to save it and Rocky Mountain fcom was said to continue the following year from then on things went relatively smoothly with rmfc slowly gaining traction over the years and becoming a relatively successful but Niche event while far from being as popular as some of his contemporaries the space still served as a place for furry enthusiasts in the Colorado area to gather eventually reaching attendance of over 1500 people at its peak for almost a decade the convention would avoid major controversy but little did they know that the storm was brewing that would utterly destroy not only the convention itself but bring to light some of the fandom's most derranged members with the entire ordeal originating with the creation of an Infamous furry group known as the furry Raiders at the same time that the Rocky Mountain Furon was Finding its footing another group of furries was beginning to take shape in the late 2000s a second life group was founded and spearheaded by an individual named Lee Allan Miller who went by the username starf Fox Ace Fox over time the group would grow in size and begin to attract more and more furries notably in 2016 foxler bought out 100 seats in a theater for the movie zootopia and handed out tickets for free which led to the group garnering even more support if you look at the mission statement on their website it reads we are committed to upholding the values of free expression within the furry community by providing an open and welcoming organization free of exclusion and Prejudice based on race sex Creed gender identity sexual orientation or political affiliation from an outside perspective this seems like a stereotypical group of furries who are only interested in having a good time so why then is such a seemingly innocuous group so controversial to the point that people call them Nazis every time they're brought up in conversation well to understand that you got to look further into their logo on its own it's fairly innocuous simply being a paw print on a white circular background however the logo is often paired with an armband that's worn by many members of the furry community particularly the Raiders group while the arm bands now come in different colors the first and most common of them is red with art created for the group also depicting the logo on a red background many believe this is a deliberate attempt to mirror the armbands worn by wex soldiers as well as the you know the n-word flag not that n-word the other nword as the group began to grow so too did the criticism with most of the controversy surrounding their leader starf Fox Ace Fox also goes by the name of foxler NightFire foxler is possibly one of the most controversial and hated individuals in the furry fandom for a number of reasons as he became more notable many individuals started to dig deeper into his past and they began to uncover extremely alarming posts that set off multiple red flags to start with Archives of a live Journal made by foxler from 2005 tell the story of an online romantic relationship he had with a 13-year-old girl while admitting in the same paragraph that he was also 18 years of age yikes scoob I'm 18 years old now Hannah and all her friends knew I was 18 and they didn't mind at all so well bro took it to her mother that got mad and talked with Hannah so that suck after waiting for 4 hours she came back all upset crying a bit about how she doesn't want to lose me and her mother put this Yahoo thing on her computer to make sure she wasn't talking to me so I helped her get it off and she said before I did I love talking to you I never want to go because you were the sweetest guy ever and I was almost in shock hearing this from her her friend said the same thing when I was talking to her and they both like me but when she said that and put a heart next to it I knew she wanted more I'm like I got my sweetie Shantel here and Hannah only 13 cries so this guy is like he's kind of a he's kind of aing weirdo right I think that's obvious here right member of the LCP fandom shout out in addition to this users uncovered Archives of a beast Forum profile with the same username as him which strangely enough managed to get him banned from the site for those of you who are unaware and haven't been delving in like the worst the most disgusting aspects of the furry community Beast Forum was a website dedicated to the discussion and promotion of beastiality as the name implies this combined with various odd social media posts where he talks about trapping children and commenting on his female dog not being able to feel pleasure after getting spayed has resulted in many individuals online characterizing him as a degenerate freak and rightfully so because he he is one it should be noted that foxler has denied these accusations over the years but this has done very little to quell the criticism against him and despite by the severity of these claims most people within the furry fandom are aware of his existence not because of his Beast Forum stuff because that's like a lot of furries unfortunately but instead did his alleg ties to Nazism one of the most obvious indicators of this is his name many believe it to be a combination of the words Fox and Hitler foxler when confronted with this would later claim that to be false stating it was actually a combination of the word Fox and his last name Miller in addition to this was of course the iconography that was mentioned before and in response to that Miller said he was completely unfamiliar with nword word symbolism when he shows the logo for the furry Raiders and it was impossible for him to be a true nword due to him being half tie if you guys know anything about about the altright um a lot of them are not white so it doesn't it doesn't really matter that doesn't really mean anything and over time multiple other separate instances have led to a significant portion of the furry fandom labeling him as far right foxler has been incredibly forthright about his dislike for sjws based and leing individuals in general getting into countless arguments with people on Twitter about the issue this in and of itself isn't really unusual and it's not a sign of him being ay or even really right-wing in any way however there are multiple instances where he expresses familiarity with the online right that put some of these political posts in a different light let's go through a brief rundown of some of his most infamous escapades and you guys can decide for yourself and before before I get into this I just want to say I don't really care if he's far right or not I don't really care if he's right-wing you guys know I have right-wing friends I don't really give a sh um I just think it's interesting that there's somebody in the furry fandom which is like ostensibly a pretty like leftwing Progressive accepting movement that is also so like somehow a far-right dude like that's a pretty interesting kind of you know dichotomy we've got going here kind of a ju toos kind of a silly one at that in 2012 he made a forum post where he can be seen self-identifying as a furzy or I mean you guys can kind of guess what that means I think later on in 2014 he would make a comment on a YouTube video of a Hitler speech where he explicitly stated that he stood with Hitler and the German people and there's also a screenshot of another YouTube comment where he said he hated black people and supported the KKK uh and that surfaced on Twitter with his defense being that he was tired and not in the right State of Mind at the time when you're so tired that you become racist I understand in 2016 he was ejected from a furry oriented Club due to his refusal to stop wearing his paw print armband and he had a physical confrontation with another Patron as a result of an image of him doing a seile while in his fur suit and that appeared online further damaging his reputation obviously and furries are like generally pretty like e even among like online communities are pretty leftwing so obviously they're not going to they're not going to be cool with that even joking about stuff like that they're like they're totally against it he also made this rather Infamous tweet directed towards Richard Spencer which many interpreted as an implicit endorsement of his ideals due to him asking for Spencer's approval in another instance he would call himself the Hitler of the furry fandom a quote that many of his detractors have used to their advantage because why wouldn't they in addition in a video he posted on his YouTube channel he admits to trying to join a Neo-Nazi group in order to properly understand what the ideology was all about though he admitted he was rejected due to his mixed Heritage and because of the fact he was a furry and I decided to actually get involved with some Neo-Nazi groups to see how they were like you know can't judge people right away you got to go in there and get your hands dirty well your paws dirty oops and you know I signed up for the little form online paid my $25 membership and uh they wanted me to show that I was faithful to naism so I made some comments on YouTube the show this loyalty based under what people Express and I got into it they asked me a few questions the first one was are you white I'm not white I'm a mut if anybody doesn't know that uh I'm part Tha and part German after that occurred they also asked me a few other questions like what this whole furry thing was about and I said to him I dress up as an animal do do do do and you know I find anthropomorphics hot and then they were like get the out guys the furries are not welcome to the clan Meetup let it be known they're not letting them in okay the clan is keeping them out they know what's up fine whatever I'll go do my thing and you go do your thing all of these incidents along with quite a few others resulted in foxler being a pretty controversial figure within the furry Space by extension this made every other member of the group controversial just by association screenshots of members in their telegram chat posting the imagery incorporating their logo also made the rounds online and that resulted in many within the furry community rejecting and ostracizing the Furry Raiders under the presumption that all of the members held far-right beliefs this definitely wasn't helped by the facts that others who associated with the group started to Garner their own infamy as well as an example a furry known as diesel raccoon who is a known associate of the furry Raiders came under Fire for making controversial statements on Twitter in 2015 he made this tweet where he talks about feeling nervous at Walmart at night while surrounded by black people and in the replies he stated it was just another reason to carry a gun later on he would also come under Fire after a friend of his replied in a tweet referencing the then recent march on Capitol Hill saying a coup has attempted to overthrow the government and install a dictator as the leader of this country diesel ended up replying I like you deeply as a friend and I'm going to choose to not even respond to you inflates you making you big and round oh my God inflates you making you big rout dude furries are are so crazy man these guys are awesome a screenshot of this exchange would go viral on Twitter soon after because why wouldn't it interestingly years later diesel would denounce the furry Raiders due to alleged zoophilia and clarified that he didn't support the January 6 attack on the capital though it should be noted he was still associated with the furry Raiders at the start of their largest controversies now incidents like this would really paint the furry Raiders in a negative light and resulted in them being labeled a far-right group by their critics and kind of pushed out by the furry community and when the furry community isn't even willing to accept you there might be something wrong with you there might be something going on right I think we can agree with that it should be noted that the furry Raiders themselves have contested this numerous times and as mentioned before still to this day they insist they're a group founded on equality and not hatred or bigotry these rebuttal fell on deaf ears however as the Raiders would soon enter into a larger controversy that would result in their Niche group becoming one of the most infamous sex in the furry community at this point they were already hated they would become absolutely fing despised very soon in 2016 as the rocky mountain furcon geared up for his next big event the organization began to look at booking hotel rooms to accommodate attendees the furry Raiders took notice and they decided to pull together their money to book 25% of the rooms available at the hotel before room blocks were even officially open to the public this was supposedly done in order to allow easier access to the convention by their members to secure like they'd have a you know they'd have a spot at the convention basically now this move initially angered and upset a lot of furries as they saw it as sort of a power grab and an attempt by the furry Raiders to block out members who are critical of them from attending the convention the sentiment was also seemingly shared by the rmfc organizers who contacted the Raiders directly and attempted to convince them to release their whole on said rooms after allegedly failing to comply a convention organizer would make a post on social media addressing the situation where he stated despite Direct Communications with them the denver-based group known as the furry Raiders declined to drop their reservations at the Crown Plaza we have exhausted all of the means that we have to officially try to get them to release the rooms but we're sorry to say that neither the convention nor the hotel currently have policies in place to prevent this Behavior though we strongly disapprove of it this led to a big wave of backlash towards the Raiders who seem to be unwilling to budge from their position however on April 14th 2016 it was publicly announced that they had agreed to relinquish the 25% of the rooms after discussing the issue with rmfc staff so the convention itself released a correction soon after basically thanking them in that statement we infer that the furry Raiders had refused to release the rooms in the room block this statement was not entirely accurate at the time the furry Raiders had stated that the rooms on the Block had been given to members and friends and from that we infer they were refusing to release any of the rooms they had reserved since this statement the furry Raiders have begun to cancel some of the unused rooms in their reservation and have stated that they will continue to do so for unused rooms rmfc would like to apologize to the furry Raiders for any confusion or antagonism the statement may have caused after that incident many furries within the furry community came out in support of the Raiders you know they were like hey maybe these guys aren't so bad you know they're a little bit racist but uh you know they're good guys they're good guys all right all right leave Jimmy alone one of the most notable of these individuals was a man who went by the name two who you most likely actually know as the ranting Griffin two is a self-described furry comedian who had in the past performed at some of the largest furry conventions and was well known within the fandom he himself had been the subject of controversy over time due to his vocal opposition to the social justice movement and because of some jokes he had previously made in rant videos he posted on his YouTube channel which probably made it easier for him to empathize with the plight of the furry Raiders because he's a controversial guy they're controversial he's anti-pc they're anti-pc so they're like okay we're kind of the same guy right let's let's join forces a little bit just as a little side note two is an individual whose history is extensive and worthy of its own video honestly but he's most notable in this instance for his commentary on topics relating to the furry Raiders and therefore his other unrelated Ries won't we put into Focus here but I might do a video in the future about him cuz he's an interesting dude now he would release a rant on April 17th 2016 titled bird box number one furry Raiders where he discussed the entire incident and summarized some of the available information about the controversy with his conclusion being that furries within the community were overreacting to the situation there were those in the community who started to become suspicious about the association between the Raiders and the rmfc staff many believe that because the convention refused to ban the Raiders from the event as a whole that they were actually sympathetic to the Raiders and and therefore their ideas and whatever they may believe this of course was only speculation as with many of their controversies it was just kind of like they have the wrong Vibe you know so the incident would soon be forgotten about as people began to move on with their lives the event would still be remembered by far-left individuals within the community who refused to let the controversy go and maintained a level of disgust and hatred for the group as a whole and that would come to a head the following year in early 2017 a leftist furry made a tweet saying oh yeah furry Raiders are a bunch of nword MFS too reminder Etc to which another left one furry named di Taz devil replied can't wait to punch these Nazis yeah I'm sure they're going to be doing a lot of a lot of punching furries are known for being tough and strong and good at fighting another user named Olivia jumped in and stated watching you get shot by someone defending themselves from unprovoked assault will be far more entertaining at this point another user jumped into the conversation asking whether the person who had initially replied intended on bringing a gun to the convention to which they would respond by stating sure hope you're not planning on attacking innocent folks I fully support legal concealed carry to which do the the individual who had said they wanted to punch Nazis asked are you threatening to bring a gun to rmfc and that's where the conversation ended now I'd like to take a moment here to clarify some things about the dog watch press while they do present themselves as a news Outlet of sorts the actual writing staff consists of only two people patcho fur and pup Mathias and many of the Articles covering this situation are written by Pacho fur this means that many of the articles on the website are biased and slanted in a leftwing direction this doesn't necessarily delegitimize some of the points and opinions asserted in these articles but from an Outsiders perspective they should be viewed as more think pieces giving one single perspective about the incident as opposed to like de facto unbiased views of events than what would normally expect from a traditional news site because these are really like editorials it's really an opinion piece it's more of a Blog it's not really like furry news because these people have a vested interest in one side of politics right so you can't completely take them at their word well things took a pretty unexpected turn when di Taz devil received a cease and the CIS letter from someone identifying themselves as kahoi the contents of this legal notice were to put it mildly pretty perplexing and seemed to laugh coherent legal grounding or understanding it was signed with the name Kendall Emory which led to a shocking Revelation that Kendall was listed in a sex offender registry charged with a felony for criminal contact with a minor this shed light on his history suggesting that he had previously held the position of chairman but it stepped down in 2008 due to the severity of the charges speculations arose that the furry board staff might have known about his criminal background yet allowed him to remain active within the community and this is actually a common problem in the furry community there's a decent amount of incidents like this am missst the escalating drama the conv ition leadership declared the cancellation of rmfc citing heightened security costs ostensibly linked to Do's initial threat last month we were faced with a sudden and drastic increase in security costs amounting to more than a third of our entire existing operating budget this cost increase stem directly from the very public threats of violence against one another by members of this community as well as the negative backlash from the misinformation spread about the convention at staff and attendees therefore Rocky Mountain furcon 2017 is officially cancelled I will no longer continue to subject my staff and our community to the lies hate violence and slander that was disseminated a board member named Rodney Brian graph who went by the moniker Scorch also claimed that the security fees would have amounted to a staggering $22,000 notably Scorch ardently defended Kendall and downplayed the severity of his conviction wrongly asserting that it would be considered a misdemeanor today the controversy continued when the Dog Patch press an online platform covering furry news published a series of articles that accuse the furry Raiders of having n-word affiliations speculating about the rmfc board's ties to the furry Raiders and Revisited allegations of abuse against Kendall these articles ignited a firestorm of reactions within the community predictably opinions within the furry community became divided the furry Raiders faced significant backlash while antisocial Justice Warrior furries directed their ey towards di in response to the mounting pressure Dio claimed her initial threat was actually just a joke and she never actually wanted to attend the convention much less bring a firearm there or anything like that amidst the chaos a faction of furry sympathetics of the furry Raiders redirected blame towards Dio they asserted that she had been responsible for contacting the hotel and Denver Police resulting in the con's cancellation DOL refuted these claims on her Twitter account further fueling the ongoing controversy and it just it just kind of snowballed from there right the fures getting a convention cancelled is like you know a concert goer getting their like one concert they go to a year canceled or like a Music Festival canceled like furries love these conventions this is where they go and do drugs and party and sticking in each other's butts and meet other furries like this is like the highlight of their year and so for something like this to happen is extremely upsetting to them as the narrative expanded scrutiny towards the mid Amer anthropomorphic and art Corporation or MAAC also known as a wait wait is that is that mid mid mid skibby skid you're so skidy you're so Phantom talks well anyway the nonprofit organization responsible for organizing the con is the maaa and it came to late they had failed to file tax returns from 2008 to 2015 leading to the revocation of their tax exemption status in 2011 this obviously raised questions about the organization's Financial practices and transparency and as people kept digging A peculiar detail emerged Kendall had signed the ceasing assist with a red thumbprint prompting speculation that he might be a a sovereign citizen now for those of you who are unaware Sovereign citizens is basically like a movement that dates back to the early 90s in which people have convinced themselves that they are above the law and that by giving someone money they can learn the magical words that will free them from the justice system so they don't have to pay taxes listen to police officers or even go to jail some of my favorite videos of these guys are videos where they'll be like pulled over for speeding or something and the cop will say how's it going tonight and they'll accuse them of like you know driving too fast or whatever cuz that's what they were doing and they'll be like nah I was just traveling bro nah bro I was just traveling in the car I was going to D Stow like they they they somehow are convinced that they weren't driving or they just refused to say that they were driving cuz instead in their mind they were traveling cuz they're a sovereign Citizen and the cop didn't see them moving the wheel or something even though they were the only person in the car so it's like were they really driving I think I think they're right actually Mr meder has made a pretty decent series covering the ridiculous videos that have come out of this movement and this clip pretty much exemplifies it perfectly one of the magic words that Sovereign citizens say is am I being detained which in their mind makes them completely invulnerable against any kind of law enforcement so when they're being arrested they'll be like am I being detained am I being detained am I being detained what's that am I being detained you am I being detained are you educated am I being detained am I being detained you're am I being detained am I being the claim that Kendall was a part of this was initially dismissed as an outlandish conspiracy theory but it gained a lot of traction when it was revealed that Scorch the people who had downplayed Kendall's criminal charges was definitely a sovereign citizen given scorch's close association with Kendall this Theory gained a lot of credibility now this isn't the end of this story and eventually people discovered that kahoi and Scorch hosted parties at their house where they would all watch adult videos together in the description for the event is stated that teenagers under the age of 18 are encouraged to come and watch with them but it's unknown if any actually showed up but even the intention I I'd say is enough to to call them you know gross another furry gives an anonymous retelling of what their experien with Scorch was like after moving in with him they said I moved in with Scorch because I was a dumbass mentally ill and vulnerable person looking for answers and mad at my parents I offered to be his housekeeper for food and board essentially so like I moved into his house and I have to agree to be re-educated being a dumbass Stoner vulnerable to suggestion and open to conspiracy theories at the time I was like I don't know seems legit eventually he starts showing me hourlong videos about how everything is a lie how Corporate shells are made in people's names and how there's like thousands of dollars for everyone to claim at this point I've kind of terrified and feel a bit stuck I finally at long last swallow my damn pride and call my mom and tell her everything that was going on she was horrified we picked a day he would be working out and she came in a frenzy and we packed up all my sh before he would get back so I guess this guy believes that that like Scorch is like a crazy conspiracy theorist Sovereign citizen type guy and he just wanted to get out of there he felt like he was kind of In Too Deep at that point you know in the midst of all this controversy well-known figures within the furry Community such as the ranting Griffin and others took to YouTube to defend the furry Raiders and criticized do the ranting Griffin's defense of the furry Raiders included downplaying Kendall's allegations and implying they were not as severe as initially portrayed based on scorch's dubious claim that the charges would only be considered a misdemeanor today which like you still had unlawful contact with a minor right like that's still bad the following is an explanation of why his analysis of the criminal charges is very wrong do calls him a child rist repeatedly but the charge is Criminal sexual contact with a minor which could mean one of two dozen different fing things up to an including consensual sex with someone under 18 it's a 25-year-old charge so it happened when he was 30 even though they show him here looking like a creepy old man that's pretty disingenuous I think and I'm sure Dio is telling people that he's a child because if anyone says anything in his defense then they'll be supporting child which I'm sure is exactly what's going to happen to me now even though if he was a child rapist it would have been listed in his charges as sexual assault like in this example and not criminal contact with a minor and in fact people who are close to him say that there was no sexual intercourse at all now it's important to clarify that these claims are not entirely accurate the crime that Kendall was convicted of is clearly labeled as criminal sexual contact with a minor in the state of New Mexico on his registry profile cuz this guy is on the registry he's he's listed there if you look up what this actually means it clearly states criminal contact of a minor is the unlawful and intentional touching of or applying Force to the intimate parts of a minor or the unlawful and intentional causing of a minor to touch one's intimate Parts while there have been changes to the statute over the years every one of the changes is purely aesthetic and was done to make the legislation more concise and easier to understand it had absolutely nothing to do with the severity of the crime the charges for this are just as severe today as they were in 1993 while the exact specifics of the situation are unknown the crime he was convicted of 100% involved physical contact with a minor now I want to make it clear that I'm in no way attempting to imply that these individuals are supportive of this kind of behavior as they were simply relaying information they thought was accurate but that still doesn't mean that their commentary isn't deserving of scrutiny like they did get this wrong this guy did do something really bad the ranting Griffin's argument is that Kendall isn't a literal child because it isn't explicitly listed on his registry profile and that's like obviously a very flawed argument CU if you look at the individual profile of the other man he shows in the video you can see that his crime took place in Colorado not New Mexico as is listed on sa on a child F4 meaning that the crime was a class war felony if you look up what this means in Colorado law you'll see that it refers to the engagement of a child under 15 now this particular legal website that's dedicated to Colorado law also points out that this is the underage equivalent of Colorado's unlawful contact law meaning that this individual committed almost the exact same crime that Kendall did regardless of how Kendall went about it he still physically assaulted a minor in a way that resulted in him getting a felony meaning the crime was severe and disgusting either way like you can't downplay this I don't know why this person is so is so obsessed with like trying to downplay what this guy did it's obvious what he did we know what he did like just drop this guy why do you need to defend him anymore he's he's he's a freak trying to make it an argument purely based in semantics and brushing off the severity of the allegations and essentially downplaying them is an incredibly irresponsible way to go about anything to go about using your platform right if there was no conviction and it was all speculation with no definitive proof then of course that would be different but his criminal record does not suggest innocence I mean this is like this is the fcking law we know what he did now one argument you could make is about whether or not kendle's conviction was relevant to the collapse of rmfc or if it was relevant in criticism of the furry Raiders but at least in my opinion the notion that a sex offender was crucial in the founding of the convention and was at least somewhat involved with the organizers is more than enough to permanently tarnish the name of any organization whether they were actually running the convention or not at the end of the day the claim from Scorch that this was just a small incident or that the crime would be considered a misdemeanor today is categorically false and potentially a malicious attempt to spread misinformation about the case to downplay it I mean in my opinion that's definitely what it was returning from the shadows of hyperboria foxler would agree to do an interview with another furry YouTuber to which he vehemently denied the allegations levied against him asserting that he had not engaged in the actions attributed to him particularly he refuted the notion that the armband which had been widely criticized for its resemblance was conceived with such intentions foxler attributed the armb band's origin to the aformentioned second life according to him this group was responsible for its Inception and any perceived resemblance to any other historical symbols was purely coincidental any other criticism he had received was also denied by him in any way and he and the interviewer seemed to almost be friends with how like friendly they were in the interview it wasn't really much of a scathing thing why are you taking this and saying oh I'm an actual na yeah is you're an actual na that that you're supposed to hate gay people you're supposed to hate black people but yet you know yeah you're not you don't hate black people and you don't hate gay people so go figure my mates he's black and I him so I mean come on now saur and Cat the person serving as the head of the convention also stepped into the spotlight in an interview with the Dog Patch press he echoed a sentiment that had become a recurrent theme throughout the cont controversy he said it security costs as the primary factor leading to the closure of the convention when confronted with inquiries about the furry Raiders he expressed a deliberate effort to distance himself from the group and their members he conveyed a desire to avoid interactions with them and suggested that their initial goals might have been corrupted by a small faction within their ranks and the greater organization may not be that bad he said that if their intentions were genuinely Community oriented they would gracefully withdraw from the scene instead of making this big stink for the convention and causing all these issues right I really try not to think about them or interact with them or their members right now I think that whatever it was they set out to do originally has been corrupted by a handful of bad apples and if they really wanted to do something for the community they would bow out gracefully yet as saur and Cat attempted to detach himself from the furry Raiders the controversy's waves continued to spread The Narrative of n Furies was getting bigger and bigger and it began to really take root within the mainstream media notably Outlets like the Rolling Stone and The Daily Beast picked up on the story thrusting the furry community into an unexpected Spotlight the once contained controversy had now spilled into the broader public Consciousness casting the entire situation is a political struggle within the fandom Rolling Stone of course interviewed foxler and ended the article with Miller who remains perhaps one of the most polarizing figures of the furry community claims that he has been trolled slandered and harassed and threatened over the past year from his computer Miller watches the online bickering and he is filled with shame to see the m triac and rmfc crumble for me being a furry is a personal Outlet to understand the real world says Miller others find it fun others find it spiritual and others go for sexual purposes people take on completely different characteristics and sometimes I can't even tell who's in the suit I the same person in and out of the suit this was now a huge issue and infighting started to become common amongst almost every furry within the furry community itself discussions and debates ensued as people grappled with assigning blame for the convention's failure the blame game started with fervent supporters of different viewpoints arguing their various cases and the contention reached a climax as each side attempted to frame the narrative in a way that best aligned with their perspective or political beliefs however as with many controversies the coping and seething eventually did begin to wne over time the heated debates simmered down and the initial anger that surrounded the rmfc controversy began to fade public interest dwindled and the once all-encompassing discussions lost momentum in the wake of this controversy the Rocky Mountain furcon met its complete demise it was a conclusion that seemed inevitable marking the end of an era the organization responsible for his operation disbanded leaving behind memories controversies and another degenerate stain on the furry fandom this wasn't the end of the furry conventions in Denver though as the dust settled a new chapter unfolded emerging From the Ashes of their rmfc controversy fresh opportunities arose in the form of new denver-based furons and surely after the catastrophe that was the rmfc after all of this after the you know the guy being caught for being a sex offender after foxler getting in surely this would like all die down and and the Furry Raiders would just like disband and go their separate ways right no more controversy the video is not over so by 2019 the furry Raiders somehow managed to get in trouble again but this time at a different convention apparently Milo yannopoulos attempted to troll furries by attending Midwest furfest along with the proud Boys by using the furry Raiders as an end to the community known for his involvement in the gamergate Saga and having cultivated an audience predominantly leaning towards the right Milo was no stranger to controversy however by 2019 his trajectory took a downturn video clips emerged that featured him suggesting that sexual relationships between adult men and boys as young as 13 could be deemed perfectly consensual uh these comments led to a rapid downfall of his career obviously he lost his book deal his job at Breitbart and opportunities to speak at significant events like CPAC just like that literally the biggest upand cominging figure in the right-wing media met a swift end to his career with his reputation tarnished and his mainstream platform dwindling Milo wanted a weigh back into the spotlight so in a slightly controversial move like I said he set his sights on the furry community he was going to attend Midwest furfest one of the largest furry conventions in the United States using the furry Raiders as a gateway to infiltrate the furry Raiders who were already pretty controversial gave him an entry point and also gave the proud boys an entry point as he kept planning it became evident that Milo had built connections even to the point of being offered one of their fur suits as a means of Disguise with this plan in motion Milo announced his intentions to his followers through a screenshot of an email on his telegram group chat he teased his audience with the prospect of hosting a panel titled the politics of fur and encouraged people attending the convention to reach out to him for various activities obviously this master plan didn't remain unnoticed for too long people started to complain online and the Midwest B Fest put out a statement saying we received a number of mentions and support tickets today we assure all attendees that your safety is of the utmost importance and is not being ignored we're investigating all concerns being relayed to us soon after Milo would have his ticket revoked and get banned from the event along with the other proud boys that planned on attending because obviously they were rolling stone again covered this story and in an interview Milo said I've heard nothing from the organizers and have no reason to suppose a handful of well-meaning but misguided activists will be allowed to derail my attendance the furry community is a welcoming diverse world and I know they will make space for a disabled queer Jewish immigrant with a black husband so uh yeah yeah he's playing that one as a result of these events the furry Raiders once again face backlash from the community their association with Milo and the controversy that surrounded his attempted infiltration of Midwest furfest was just another thing added to the list of reasons why they were outcasted but it wouldn't be the worst around the same time foxler would eventually get arrested in 2019 for something he allegedly did in 2015 as the court document put it he was enticing a minor and was subsequently booked big shock right big shock on that one all of this would be documented on Dog Patch which also revealed that apparently the furry Raiders tried to undermine the case out of loyalty to him new court documents show how Miller's Inner Circle tried to undermine the case by intimidating a witness if the plan works the witness would be lured into a trap framed harassed and extorted and pulled out of Miller's case Dog Patch press would be baited into false reporting to hurt the victim but behind the scenes police traced a threat sent by VoIP and found it came from furry Raiders police also received a forg document asking to cancel prosecution against Miller it's a reminder of the very first Dog Patch press headline about the group intimidation with a fake legal letter by 2020 foxler arrest would get others to start investigating more into the furry Raiders and two people actually got arrested because of it Jacob kovar and Matthew C who were closely associated with the group were arrested Jacob's involvement in this was marked by his deception of minors he had allegedly posed as both a 14 and 16-year-old to manipulate and alert unsuspecting young individuals after police intervention he found himself facing no less than eight felony charges kovar's role with the furry Raiders seem to position him as an integral part of their operation closely linked to foxler and seen is almost his right-hand man you could say he was foxler top guy shortly after kovar's arrest Matthew C also faced apprehension for his involvement in child rated offenses Matthew had a pre-existing history of such offenses revealing a disturbing pattern of behavior that raised questions about his intentions and actions within the the furry community disturbingly investigations into the situation reveal that Matthew was connected to an even wider network of people with similar inclinations it was found he also had ties to people who associated with Zeus sadism which is a criminal subculture that KIRO the wolf was a part of as you guys know uh that's basically just centered around the abuse and exploitation of animals for you know their own sick urges basically some other names you guys probably recognize are tuskin snake thing who's also known as Levi Simmons and who is a convicted profile KIRO The Wolf of course I just mentioned there's KIRO Zeus's boy friend and even spark dalmati who is a multiple time World Series winning convicted PDF file and all these people were links through different group chats and connections and it was just a giant mess when the zuism leaks came out if you want more information on this I've actually done a few videos on my main Channel about them check out the Carol the wolf video really that's most of the information you're going to want or not want because it is pretty gross surprisingly the legal outcome for foxler came quicker than expected somehow he managed to evade all charges due to a technicality leaving many in the furry Community outraged foxler response on social media added another layer of confusion as he insinuated that the police had granted him a lenient pass which further infuriated people in the community because they felt like he got off yep been there I get label all the time for crimes I haven't committed even the legal system gave me pass saying I'm free to go still isn't good for the furry fandom they say the state was wrong L now foxler is free to this day actually uh despite his insane history and the controversies that had plagued the furry Raiders they managed to organize and host a convention in 2021 under the banner of freefor all this was done in collaboration with another furry named Magnus derian along with a group of furries who had been canceled for various reasons the event was posited as a gathering point for furries who had been banned from other conventions due to their actions or associations and the idea behind this endeavor was to provide a space for those who had been ostracized but obviously the outcome was clear to see the reception to the event was overwhelmingly negative as the community at large had not forgotten the serious allegations and associations that had further tarnish the public image of furries I mean holding a convention like this right to like someone who's a more normal furry or a less evil furry right or just like you know a harmless person obviously this is going to piss them off because public media attention around this is going to paint them all like they're a bunch of sex offenders and and racists right by September 15th 2021 awo or oo announced that their original venue had become unavailable attributing the change to the intolerant dark side of the anthr fandom the threat of civil unrest due to the factions actions was cited as the cause critics countered suggesting ao's own staff may have contributed by engaging in online threats including violent ones and a wo why am I saying a woo the awo clarified that these contentious posts were not made by their staff members highlighting that certain individuals like KK Clyde and Kanai Lupine were actually involved these people were involved but it wasn't everyone the debate unfolded in the context of discussions around free-for-all 2022 in their unofficial chat and in a separate online space ultimately though they got the venue back actually and the fact they were even able to secure a venue despite their checkered history raised a lot of eyebrows and led to renewed discussions about accountability and the ethical implications of providing a platform and venue for such individuals I mean if we know that multiple people attending this convention are like in you know evil people evil freaks obviously there's going to be concerns about what's going down there right and it's once again a bad look for the average furry who just wants to hang out and isn't really a bad person because then that just makes them all look horrible right and the media loves that cuz they can jump on the story and report on them negatively now as of me recording this video 3 years have passed and these conventions still have somehow become a feature of the furry landscape obviously attendance is pretty low with an estimated 50 participants at these events and it's very telling that despite the passage of time the majority of the furry community has consistently Express disdain for anyone associating with or attending these cons it remains perplexing that despite the consistent push back from the community these events have persisted it's almost like just out of pure spite for furries not wanting them to exist this smaller group of furries needs to have these events right they love it they love the hate a little bit they love to troll maybe sex offender trolling so I can't even joke about that many had anticipated that the weight of public opinion and the disturbing allegations would eventually lead to the shutdown of these gatherings but as recently as in the last year another iteration of this event took place once again reigniting the conversations and anger that the furry Raiders still exist and are still going the Legacy carries on the event surrounding the furry Raiders their Associates and the controversies they've been embroiled in have left an undeniable mark on the furry community the intersection of allegations criminal charges and the establishment of contentious events has been just another thing to add to the already tained reputation of f overall and as time goes on it's still unknown whether the community's collective push back will eventually succeed in shutting down these gatherings or whether they'll just keep happening free-for-all still has an active Twitter account to this day so that remains to be seen it seems to me like these guys are going to keep pushing on because they just you know they want to be Furies and they want to continue being who they are despite the facts that they're kind of you know some of them at least are pretty evil people but I don't think they're going to back down anytime soon it seems like the furry Raiders and free-for-all are here to stay and they've certainly left their Mark and they've certainly allowed me to have a funny cool story to tell today uh but I don't know if that's really worth everything that happened oh wait it is to me cuz I'm a YouTuber W Riz anyway thanks for watching if you guys enjoyed this video leave a like if you didn't leave a dislike drop a comment down below I've been Tom dark or turkey Tom or Tom IRL or skibby R skibby rer whatever you want to call me and uh I'll see you all in tomorrow's video bye and hey before I go before you go uh if you guys like this video about furries check out the new Tom IRL video where I visited a Furry Convention and got kicked out it's pretty funny okay bye your mom and be sure to become a member for $5 a month they get the members only podcast and exclusive videos that only members get thanks so much for your [Music] support again just like I've always said if you're too cool for school I ain't need to make no [Music] price
Channel: TomDark
Views: 583,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UQrkfPWEoyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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