The Funniest Stupid Product Ideas

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anyone who has watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia will be familiar with Charlie's kitten mittens and how terrible of an idea that is however some of the products in this list really do make kitten mittens seem like they are somewhat genius a bad thing number 10 err on a can unlike the majority of the products on this list the hair in a can is actually something that has a practical use for those who are lacking up top this could seem like a brilliant investment but the product of the can is far from what is promised and actually looks a lot more like black spray-paint than hair for those who are concerned about going bald don't worry fake hair looks so much worse number 9 bottled pet water pets seem to have been the victim of a number of terrible product ideas but this just about tops them all sure some people think that their pets are fussy eaters but never have you heard an animal complain about the fact that they're drinking tap water as opposed to bottled water this is a horrendously stupid product but I imagine it probably sells well to people who are equally stupid if you're a bit more screwed on than these people and think that all bottled water isn't worth buying you should probably check out our video 10 biggest ripoffs you still buy number 8 happy hot dog man parents with children often pretend the spoon is an airplane in order to get their children to eat well what happens when play and food go to the extreme the happy hot dog man is a tool that turns hot dogs into miniature characters which for me at the very least would be more off-putting than a normal hot dog as I'm not a huge fan of eating my friends number 7 White Castle candle I get it you like White Castle burgers and the smell of the burger on the way home is nice but what if I told you that is mainly because you are hungry and in fact the lingering smell on your front seat that you hate so much is from the very same burger now you really want your house to smell permanently like that Plus anyone who has ever worked in fast food will tell you that to get the authentic smell all you need to do is get grease all over your clothes and not wash them number 6 animal footprint boots the mind is wonderful and imaginative as a child and you can take on any possible character you want human or otherwise so why not as an adult one genius came up with the idea of footprint boots so you can pretend to be your favorite woodland animal and leave a track behind you don't even pretend like this function has a practical use in the wilderness this is just downright stupid number five diet water the water industry seems to be really taking all the stupid boxes when I saw diet water in the fridges on the unbreakable kimmy schmitt I laughed and resumed that it could only possibly be a fake product then I saw that they actually exist in Japan and I was blown away but don't worry Japan aren't alone in their stupidity and fitness water as well as many other specialist waters are sold all across the world with no real difference between them and your standard tap or bottled water number for Hawaii chair this product screams out as if it's a great idea a chair with a rotating feature sounds pretty relaxing right complete in the true 90s tile that infomercials for this product shows everything wrong about it the vigorous rotating motion is actually a lot more off-putting than relaxing and given that this is supposedly a chair suitable for the office I'm sure it was responsible for a few typos at the very least number three baby mop babies were getting it too easy for years so someone decided to invent the baby mom clearly unhappy with the abolition of forced child labor in factories of an Oliver Twist nature some genius came up with the idea of getting the babies back to work in order to earn their milk giving that that just sort of roll around and crawl all day the front attachment means the baby cleaned the floor as they go about their day meaning happy parent and dirty baby number two be icy for her have you ever been using a pen and thought to yourself you know what I wonder how women cope with the fact that this pen isn't a standard pen they could really do with one specifically for them no me neither however some genius that'd be I see thought it would be a great idea to market a pen specifically for women offering a range of effeminate colors and a delicate feel unfortunately this product is not alone there has even been toothpaste specifically for women which I can only imagine smells like rainbows and roses number one portable treadmill quite possibly the stupidest invention of all time at the port treadmill even by name that sounds like a terrible idea we want to move and you want to exercising quite possibly the easiest way to do that is to go out and exercise on the move but no that was far too simple for someone who decided that even running needed overcomplicating and that a treadmill powered bike was the future of exercising on the go if you are the proud owner of any of these products let us know in the comment section below and then probably go and see a mental health professional [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 423,841
Rating: 4.7966485 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing, product ideas, failed products, funny products, stupid products, stupid ideas, product flops, stupidest products, crazy products, craziest products
Id: 51HzOxJhVgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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