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today we're checking out the world's weirdest animations that will make you cringe this can't be that okay this is just the beginning of the first animation okay this is gonna what is happening they're just dancing in the squid games oh my imagine this is how the squid games actually happened and they just danced all the way to Red Light Green Light bro this is why are they doing this why is the internet like this [Music] what okay if you notice that the faces these are all the main characters of the squid games dancing with the girl just to win Red Light Green Light you know what I can get behind it and why are they so buff they're really oh they cross the line they win what the oh no they're dancing on the money I don't know how we got here this is the first animation oh wait this is how we got here from the train wait why why would he who sits on a train like that okay who's what oh okay they're gonna play the game why are they even why why is the internet like this oh he's break dancing on that's not how the game is played you're supposed to what what the what it just turned into a fighting simulator what oh bro okay I get that that's how the squid game started is this the victory dance yep that's a victory dance if I've ever seen one oh but now he's in the squid games got it got it look he's sleeping so peacefully oh my gosh what a great what the heck is that thing and why is he sneaking what the what why does he look like a final boss and why is his butt so big oh no what how come he's DJing hey come on get up yeah [Music] why is the butt smack thing a thing okay okay there's no way they're they're literally throwing an entire rave party inside of okay oh wait that wasn't oh no he got him yeah now what are you gonna do oh go Grandpa go Grandpa go Grandpa you got this beat him up hey what there's his booty that was epic that was freaking oh the lights are off please went right oh God now there's no way the animations can get any weirder right what okay is this Elsa this is Elsa from Frozen she's saying Let It Go no no wait oh there's a fire perfect is that Olaf this is supposed to be Olaf why does it look so sad what oh gosh hello why do they run like this oh God he's carrying the fire bro what are I swear these are weirdest these animations combine have over 300 million views and they're just getting started what okay I I oh oh diarrhea jamming diarrhea oh no oh no come on go go go quick go to the bathroom oh I hate when that happens when your stomach hurts and someone's in the bathroom like where's open up [Music] wait Elsa's in the bathroom what is Elsa doing why oh this is supposed to be Do You Want to Build a Snowman but instead she has diarrhea she has to go poop Elsa let her in [Music] why oh gosh oh God [Music] beware of dropkick whenever you open doors okay okay now this makes a lot more okay I thought we were gonna have a normal animation for a second there now this is Elsa show yourself what do you mean show yourself show yourself who's she look Elsa Elsa it's gonna be okay you just they're having a whole party inside the cave what [Music] [Applause] what poor Elsa oh what avoid laser beams if you don't want to die avoid laser beams what about Samurai's clearly this is a samurai Elsa can we avoid samurais too he looks like a nice guy his eyes are closed while he's walking though that doesn't make any sense oh my God there's someone underneath there oh my it's another Samurai we're about to have an epic Samurai battle that is on top why is it a fish you don't have a samurai sword dude you're about to fight a samurai and you don't have a samurai sword oh he's so fast oh my oh he's slicing him into pieces wait he's going with the music holy bro he's slicing this he turned his samurai sword into a trumpet this is the weirdest looking Samurai I've ever seen in my life why is he Samurai sorting like this I've never seen a samurai dab on a and why is his eyes still closed I don't understand well I guess this thief was no match for this Samurai goodbye Thief go back where you came from because you just got sliced up you stood no chance for the samurai the great Samurai wizard all you have is a fish bro wait he's not even hurt he literally what the uh uh what oh no he's going in for an attack Samurai watch out behind you [Music] what keep your eyes open using a katana [Music] okay luckily this is a much normal animation look at this they're just lost in the woods what happened did you ever have a heart attack I know what it feels like it's been it's okay a rescue signal that is their loss in the woods so this is how they're getting help wait a minute is this Elsa oh my God I thought we avoided Elsa we're back what what is is she from Norway or she's Swedish why does she say Elsa is she gonna eat the reindeer is that a Minecraft bow oh my oh what the heck was that he just got dabbed on okay that's a thing I did not don't shoot Arrow at the DJ reindeer got it I think spending to go to the hospital oh that's the Joker oh what why is he [Music] Joker stomp your feet is that Thanos what is Thanos doing here [Music] stop noise in stone wait is Joker showing him Minecraft that's TNT that is not Minecraft well that is but oh wait he's putting him in the bro did he about to blow up the Joker don't bring dinos to a hospital got it oh oh this is now oh look now he plays mine mine so I it's his retirement after he sort of like you know gave up on being evil he just plays Minecraft that's nice well you know what that's wait he just made that but out of stuff good at this I already built a house yeah that knows you're doing great man honestly this is a great time for you [Music] yay Thanos what is this oh no is that Miss Marvel what did he just Captain Marvel just blew up Thanos oh no oh Thanos Iron Man what the hey Thanos is a good guy now I swear is he getting dabbed on oh gosh well wait yeah yeah guys bro did they just did they oh yeah I'll take your Xbox take the Xbox take the TV guys are they just what did they just eat thanos's hand and then take his Minecraft what the heck there was no gauntlets there was no gems Stones what he just made Thanos evil again poor Thanos
Channel: ReactingToGaming
Views: 660,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactingtogaming, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reacting gaming, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do not cry, try not to cry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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