The Full Story of Hazel Rainart (RWBY)

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[Music] [Music] what do you find such malignance necessary i apologize man i'm not particularly fond of failure then i see no reason for your cruelty towards young cinder she's become our fall maiden destroyed beacon tower and most importantly killed dear ozpin so i'm curious to what failures are you referring well the girl with the silver eyes yes we've dealt with their gun before how is it a novice was able to best one of us i thought exactly even without her new power it should have been effortless it is because of the maiden's power make no mistake cinder you hold the key to our victory but your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment dr watts you are to take cinder's place and meet with our informant in mistral very good tyrion i want you to continue your hunt for the spring maiden gladly and hazel i'm sending you to the leader of the white fang adam taurus has arranged the meeting the boy continues to prove loyal ensure that sienna khan feels the same as you wish stupid thing i'm assuming whatever weird magic this is doesn't come with an infinite supply of money i'm afraid you'll have to solve this one on your own what do you mean here don't let such a small obstacle block your path man i felt who is he someone from my past someone who should not be taken lightly if you want to know more about the humans then why not talk to one of them yourself hazel took you long enough [Music] what is this apologies i don't aim to cause any trouble you've brought a human to this location you should hear what he has to say this is grounds for execution ma'am please nobody needs to die today i'm just asking for a moment of your time the longer you stay here the less of a chance you have of leaving alive i'll take those chances if you don't mind [Music] you don't like me you have no reason to like me but you don't have to like me to get the results you want i'm starting to doubt either of you fully comprehend what it is that i want i want humanity to fear the faunus to know that we demand respect i do not want to start a war with the humans that we cannot win that's where you're wrong we can win a war against the humans not only because we have the support of hazel's master but because the faunus are the dominant species of this planet we're better than humans we have everything humans have and more humans shouldn't just fear the faunus they should serve the faunus i've had enough of this conversation for tonight guards take them away i said take them away i will admit sienna you were right about my popularity my followers in vail already see me as the true high leader and minnie here in mistral feel the same what are you doing what's right for the faunus from this day forward i will be the one to lead the white fang [Music] if you think i'll just step aside and follow beneath you you're wrong i know [Music] thank you sienna you were there when our people needed you but they need me now i'm sorry you couldn't see this through to the end give our former leader a proper burial all who were here tonight will claim that sienna was murdered by a human huntsman siena khan will become a martyr for our cause her final act as high leader [Music] when were you planning on telling me about that this was my business not yours it's our business now and i don't appreciate you withholding things like that your master was concerned with siena's willingness to cooperate now she doesn't have to be nobody needed to die today i disagree everybody stay calm oh no the white fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds no one's getting in and no one's getting out i don't wish to fight either of you nor are you but we will if you're with her [Music] that's not just a boy it's ozpin he's already reincarnated oh no [Music] you thought you could hide from me [Music] you'll pay for what you did you'll die over and over again [Music] no oscar i told you no please let me take over i can handle it you told me i needed to fight for myself so i will this is not your fight what does that mean why is he so upset with us he didn't tell you my tale diddy boy i thought you looked familiar you think that evil was inside you and our paths first crossed your blood won't be on my hands what was he talking about tell him tell him how you killed her her gretchen reiner was hazel's sister despite her brother's wishes she enrolled at beacon academy to become a huntress and tragically lost her life on a training mission hazel holds me responsible please let me fight i know hazel he's wounded in a way that cannot be healed you know now you can forgive me for what i'm about to do did she know did she know the risk of being a huntress she was only a child she wasn't ready she made a choice a choice to put others before herself so do i and you've chosen death i'm sorry what [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] go i've got her hiding behind the face of a child a monster like you must be stopped how many more children must die for you his semblance he can block out paint it's how he's able to handle injecting so much dust into his body i don't need him to hurt i just need him to go down [Music] what's going on in there none of your concern what do we do this is your business not mine fix it [Music] surviving i don't know how that big guy's still standing he recharges his aura faster than you've ever seen he's sheer willpower we just need to get him to his limit [Music] you've got to be kidding me [Music] [Music] welcome back welcome back i do hope you missed us as much as we missed you let's go i would like you to explain to me how it is you failed so spectacularly the fauna's militia split our forces stop let me rephrase the question who is responsible for your defeat i take full responsibility but that wouldn't be fair now would it we all know who's truly to blame i don't this isn't a thread this is simply the truth the path to your desires is only found through me [Music] and so we must press on the sword under vacuo's academy i have more to report crow and the children are taking the lamp to atlas not if i can help it and they're being led by ospina so soon he's the only man with a chance of getting through the ironwood if that happens come on uh there's an old saying if you want something done right [Music] do it yourself [Music] [Music] cinder you're here i knew you'd quiet um so devoted to someone so incompetent i won't tell you anything that was for haven academy [Music] everything that follows will be for my sister his grudge is with me no it'll be even worse he's holding back with me i can tell i understand i do but you've done so much already the least i can do is give you a break and try to get us out of here we can't leave yet this is our chance hmm maybe you've taken one too many hits salem she knows she can't take on the whole world at once so she doesn't she has her followers work their way in sabotaging us from the inside out maybe we should do the same we certainly are similar you and i maybe we have been presented with an opportunity great oscar please you don't need to fight this war kid tell me what i need and we can be done hello hazel coward all this time it could have been you but you let him suffer now tell us how this damn lamp works the boy has suffered enough why do you follow her i know i know how you see me but her look at what she does how is she the answer why not stop her salem can't be stopped she's a force of nature i've seen it firsthand but you you send children to their deaths for a cause that you know has no victory no end someone has to try salem isn't a force of nature because salem can be fought unless she brings the relics together if that happens osmo [Music] you have wonderful timing the show is about to begin and i will have my staff you'll only be helping her bring about the end for all of you you're too late that stunt you pulled she'd have killed you if you didn't just pop up somewhere else still you can make things easier on yourself if you start telling the truth you've never wondered why she recruited you you specifically to help her find the relics we share a vision she's gonna create a new world order no kingdoms and no huntsman academies new world order no when salem gets all four relics there will be no world left at all don't you get it she's been alive longer than you can comprehend all she craves now is release death stop lying say him can't be killed when she came for me i killed her over and over again the longest she was gone was only a few hours before she put herself back together [Music] when i couldn't lift my arms anymore she showed me that through her i could have the vengeance i needed don't you see that is why she came for you because she could make you believe that this is what you needed this is what you deserve yes but oscar the people of atlas remnant you haven't done what you've done for justice you've done it for yourself because she pushed you to think it would help you oh has it so long as this world turns you shall walk its face that was the curse cast upon her but if salem can divide humanity beyond repair and bring all four relics back together she believes that maybe their curse will be broken the gods will rule against us and destroy remnant once and for all nice story but if gretchen's death taught me one thing it was never to trust you please let me but oscar you want him to trust us and trust me her name is jen you want her to come out of the lamp just say her name she can still answer one more question after all that you're just going to give sale the password no i'm giving you the password and hoping you'll find the truth for yourself [Music] [Music] why did you bring me here i've been thinking about what you said if it's a lie and i took that lie to salem the punishment would fall on my head before yours if what you said is true and i use the password myself well i don't know what happens when this thing activates so let's see if you're bluffing you want me to summon her either way it'll tell me what i need to know what are you doing hmm let's find out chin why hello again old man did you have a question for me [Music] actually i think all my questions are answered now what are you going to do what gretchen would have done and that starts with getting you away from here both of you i'm going to need something before i go so just to be clear none of you have a question for me no but we'll be bringing you with us the moment we move that thing this place goes on high alert better to get you out first but i'll come back for it not like she knows the password anyway you sure he'll be okay on his own i don't know we just need to get wait [Music] ah hazel have you gotten what we need yet i i uh the sears it seems we have guests the lamp find them you no wait stop [Music] oscar we're almost out what is that it's her [Music] you really have been hunting that semblance of yours [Music] [Music] let them go your grace ah hazel i found our guests this one was helping them take the boy back to his chamber i have work to do with this one yes of course no more gretchen's boy i really don't know go now hazel go so you've decided against vengeance for your sister after all this time i'm doing what gretchen would have done [Music] come on everyone out wait oscar she'll just come after us [Music] ah do it [Music] you
Channel: I'mStrange
Views: 43,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RWBY, Hazel, Full Story, Movie, Compilation, Scenes, Volume 8
Id: wvK1u7YYiME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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