The Full Release of AK-xolotl is FINALLY Here

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[Music] it is finally here the full release of AEL AK zelot aka the top down shooting Rog likee featuring AK wielding Axel is finally out the full release of the game or at least the The Early Access release of the game I'm sure they'll probably have some more patches here and there uh but the game's out today you can check it out I'll have a link in the description down below I'm excited for this one um it's been in the works for for a long time and I've I've covered a lot of demos of this game um I will play on Axel mode I am not afraid of a challenge and I do normally play other Rog light action Shooters and it's the default mode so we we played that oh my we we have we have words in the observable universe okay lives an extraordinary creature I'm going to guess the AEL locally as the Axel what a wild idea wild idea salamanders live a free and peaceful life and with their bellies full and no natural predators in sight it's easy to rest by the warmth of the campfire however letting your guards down can come at a great cost uh-oh there's some spooky people this Axel has slept through the entire incident with time whole family was eating dude is the desire to feed that's so messed up axotal is a happy Axel oh oh dear Axel can excuse stolen children but they draw the line at stealing food someone is about to get D oh oh my okay that's that's a that's a hell of a start okay um we have been launching into a tutorial so this is us we are a happy little Axel I got me uh a nice little Dash I got me a nice little AK um we can reload our a AK I've got infinite ammo in my AK we we go through the door those of you that have played uh amazing immediately get hit um those of you that have played games such as The Binding of Isaac enter the dungeon um you will probably be right at home with this one um as it's a a top down Rog leg shooter it's just that easy F to talk hello hangry fella have you heard that you can hold ability to use your snack ability okay will even heal you sure tastes better than a wooden sign okay he he take a little Munch of a steak and and he heal a little bit okay I'm with it so how do I how do I charge that up what if you just stay here there's a duck at the other side so don't use Dash to jump over the water or it might get scared okay I I Dash over the water get get ducked up you little duck and then I leave okay so far so good dude it's it's nice to have a little a little tutorial in the game um it never it never had a a tutorial before in in any of the demo versions so it's it's nice to to learn some stuff the camera angle gets a little wonky appears there quick real quick Qui game camera Focus Beyond player not by my aim that sounds that's oh that's so much better okay that's so much better okay the peww so we had the saw off now we have the Pew peer so we we get one we get one like other gun right oh you're you're kind of a a spicy spicy gun a lot going on with you one one special gun and then your your default gun is what it looks like and now we got some some items these look amazing dude uh I love the art on them shot gun of fire increase your damage by 40% but it decreases your accuracy obtain a shield may contain sugar additives become sticky leave a trail goo give me the shotgun of fire that seems very fun to me okay and then this this screams boss fight to me so what do we got why would you do that I can't have you causing this much trouble no other option to show you a stop sign okay okay the sign is trying to kill me I respect it to be honest with you um I I feel pretty good about our chances against the the sign the sign was a chameleon this entire time okay I got a lot of questions but they'll they'll get answered in the future thanks for the money look at all the dang resources we have on the right um very interesting well I'm sure we'll figure out what all of that means and is in uh a little bit so so this is our Hub right and I can't go through there yet um and I can't go down there yet and I can't go over here yet and I can't go over here yet okay um so I guess I have my my cooking pot that I can't also do anything with yet I think I'll go north that sounds like a good place to start so we only got one gun the the AK here uh looks like there will be eight different starting guns that we can uh use as time goes on I'm going to kill this dummy because for some reason I feel like that's going to give me an achievement it didn't it just got rid of the dummy okay um brother I'm in let's let's just send it first run is there a chance that he wins his first run ever of of Axel I'm going to go with there is a 0% chance that I win my my first run ever of Axel but I'm going to give it a dang old College try right okay give me my saw off shotgun even though it kind of looks like a saw off pistol is like real good too holy freak dude is is one shotting these guys so that's that's pretty solid doesn't oneshot you but that's it's still solid so we're we're getting I'm assuming that these little triangles are are money of some kind uh that we'll be able to spend on something in the future I open you you give me one cookie okay so there's three different paths that we can take here um I'm going to go to the one that has an axel lottle head because I feel like that's that's going to be a positive and it's a happy little baby Exel that I will catch take a look at this sucker he's extremely cute it's a corgie egg last I checked Corgi definitely a dog not an axel but maybe I'm I'm sorely mistaken can I talk to the Unicorn I can this is a rain boo I'm so fluffy you're going to die like seriously be careful okay fair enough I leave now the Unicorn unimportant so now we have a baby axel and that's a that's a big part of this game is there's kind of like a a meta game in the game where you're also growing an axel farm and then as those Axel grow up they become like other playable characters for you and they have different abilities and and things like that dude I think the saw off is better than the the Pew peer but I'll take the pew pew we'll we'll just go back and forth with it let's see what a star is I'm trying to learn what all the the room types are just so that we have a little bit of oh hello okay Gator getting a little they getting a little crazy for sure switch back to the AK I can't fire the AK any faster than what I am I'm I'm just holding it down um letting letting life come to me my aim for what it's worth there is some uh like accur issues is not hit scan with with this AR so if you see me missing and you're like he's horrible um that's true but it's not the reason why you think I'm horrible um so spicy you generate a trail of fire I take you let's let's take it see what happens so yeah now I have a trail of fire let's go to the question mark I'm assuming this is basically random um and it could be could be anything is my bet and it seems that oh you're you're like kind of a big lad up there um it seemed like that last one so that was a star I guess star gives you an item is that the the accurate assessment so we we would probably want to prioritize at all times star like star is your your best your best place to go to this one here triangle is probably just some extra money I'm I'm chill with that too a little extra money is nice um I think this is a shop it's got a triangle on a bag this also was glittering over here yeah that gave me a leaf okay I guess I should probably be destroying the environment as well to to get some stuff let's go here I got 29 that I can spend I'm I'm not expecting I can't afford anything brother I can't afford Jack diddly squat so an empty can of katana and a peww I can't I can't take any of you man unfortunately I'll talk to you though this is Jack welcome for friend I offer various wees and products in exchange for Doros okay Doros can I kill the shopkeep it's always it's always valuable to check in in a Rog like game if you can kill the shopkeep I will say um destructible environment there's money in all them walls in here my dude I mean we actually got a considerable amount of cash from that so that's not too bad your little hyena pups are kind of cute if I'm honest with you uh Anna and I have been watching uh on TV at night recently we we kind of run into this weird where we have like a half hour before we go to bed kind of thing and it's not enough time to like watch a show that we actually want to watch so instead we just watch like garbage TV on YouTube TV um and lately we've been watching a show that is basically just like zookeepers and zoos around the world taking care of animals and it is actually probably the the greatest show I've ever consumed before because it's basically just most of the time it's either like here's a sick animal that we're thinking about killing uh which is messed up and then makes you cry all night or it's um this warhog is all of a sudden pregnant and we don't know how she got pregnant but by the way here's like an adorable cute baby warthog and then you just get to look at cute baby animals for for 30 minutes it's the greatest show of all time and I bring up hyenas because there was a hyena the other day and there was a baby hyena and the baby hyena was freaking cute okay this was a long-winded story just to to get to my point and I I apologize profusely okay we're doing okay we're doing okay I did pop a heal if you you missed that I have my my little heel guy in the top left very important for us to to do that I have fought you before for the record Pond pwn pincher and I I will I will wipe you out okay I got all the faith in the world I will wipe you out just just avoid he's he's being a little a little Shelly right now possibly of the merry variety hard to tell get destroyed please okay we we've fought you and I'm I'm so kind of confident in my abilities I know that you you may uh beg to differ but I mean brother I'm I'm cruising right now give me a katana uh I did take damage which is unfortunate I'm also now realizing I don't really want the katana I got to pop his bubble man oh there we go okay very good uh he's got a knife my dude's got a knife okay he he's now the range he has little little bit better I'm going to heal real quick great heal to be honest he's he's got some some knives and they're bouncy he's got BC bouncy knives I hate when when my when my crabs got bouncy knives dude this is like payback for every Joe's Crab Shack I've bet at in my life oh get out of there I'm I'm going to die okay everything's fine okay it's all fine you should not even be a little bit concerned everything is okay we're going to have no problems defeating you I'm going to have some problems defeating you do not do not die he's out of here here get freaking obliterated I don't know what the was that the meme of the child looking at the fire in the back did they remake that as as Axel I'm a little bit concerned about that if if I'm honest with you go go right down the sewer grd okay um I feel I feel good about that hello Mr Fish this is chips it's fish and chips ha um I spend my day fishing to feed my my dear pet brother you're a fish you're literally committing manslaughter every day it's hard work but it's honest work there's so many memes in this game what the hell man I can't say no to that cuty face yes I caught a big one this one is at least as big a very big fish don't scare the fish okay um can I heal that sounds great thank you any chance I can heal again nope just one heal this freaking brutal dude I thought maybe we could at least get get two heals oh we got fish okay okay I understand I understand so this entire whole charade is just for me to collect food for my Axel back home for the record I have one I have a one baby axel back home but as the squad grows we we'll get more I'm going to I'm going to try to rock the we just picked up something man I don't even know what the heck that was okay toxic gas obviously like not perfect to to chill around with um keep me no give me a Pew peer I still think the Pew pewer is kind of bad all things considered but may maybe we can make something work with it the AK is is really bad okay like if there's one thing that I've started to learn is is that the AK is significantly worse than than other guns got to figure out if I want to get another Axel here or if I want uh a question mark Or if I want a heal I mean a heal is probably that's probably more intelligent than anything else get destroyed please is that the the room done thank you give me some some cookie I still don't know what the cookies do either but we'll get there um give me give me a question mark oh I think that that said cookie on the top of the screen so maybe the question mark gives me a cookie is that accurate oh what the freak okay you're you're a little large and in charge my dude didn't didn't expect your your Insanity in this room but that's okay there's another one just get ready just get ready gray shooting gray shooting fantastic shooting he's he's so good he's so good dude these mini bosses they they ain't messing around to be honest with you um I can heal hit me with a little heal real quick there's a little bit of uh Nuclear Throne going on with this one right now there there's just there's a lot of there's a lot of nonsense it's all animals HP is ridiculously hard to come by game is like kind of hard but I mean I'm managing for right now we're we're making it happen I'm I'm feeling pretty good about it all things considered okay there's a big ass raccoon hello friend we we we got you taken care of just just circle them man you are out of gun you no longer got gun that part is uh obviously not ideal we have gun I have a sniper the sniper feels really good it feels really good man okay we like it this should be an item butter knife increase your damage by 10% I take that's completely okay 10% is a little rough but I I think that that is that is not too shabby okay the sniper so far kind of goated all right kind of goated doing doing some really good damage to enemies is is one-shotting anybody that isn't a a big lad and I think that that's honestly that's pretty good I'm I'm perfectly content with uh one-shotting any enemy not a large lad that's a fire Barrel yeah is that an accurate assessment can can you not get hit okay you know what I stay away from you that's fine 143 honestly shop seems like a great uh return on our investment here do me a favor destroy all things you're telling me that there's no okay we got one it's not is not a lot to be fair 95 for a battery I'll take you I do not know what you do um is it in the axopodia oh this is holy freak dude these are just these are just Axel huh this is a lot of Axel okay let's let's not go to the the axopodia I got no clue what the battery does I suppose possibly we'll find out kids like Doro so much I've had to start mining for him I'm not going to ask questions okay just just send me on my way do you think I can heal past my my heal amount the answer is no I just tried to okay that's fine we we got it all figured out get get sniped get sniped I will say I'm pretty sure the sniper is hit scan which is great news for Tyler cuz obviously I'm so incredibly good at aiming he says as he straight up misses an enemy okay I saw what battery did for a second I don't think I got hit there you lied to me seems you know what it's when I get close to enemies there's an electric shock around me which I think we can we can make that work okay I should heal as soon as I go into this next room I should have healed in the previous room but eat your damn steak brother okay little little Gator not a problem for me we're already on to the next boss fight man we're we're moving along singing that same old song I'm feeling okay I did just miss a uh a thing I will say the battery is Booty Man it it is not doing it ain't doing crap for me so things to think about in the future battery kind of bad I think the sniper is going to be way better for us to have I have no clue what we're we're doing with this boss fight it's it's interesting this is Hell o Kitty okay hello hello Mr hello I I shoot you okay so far I'm I'm not concerned okay you got quite aot lot of shots going on here I'm also I I'm realizing that you have a buttload of health because my sniper is doing close to nothing to you and my sniper is um it's pretty strong okay it's pretty strong so okay we we're we're goated we're the best to ever do it as long as we we maintain some prop proper uh proper movement we're going to be completely fine we we have dashes we have Dodges I'm out of guns which is a problem what the hell you doing oh you're making the arena smaller each time you do that okay okay I see you I see you I understand interesting interesting boss fight mechanic shrink my my available space I will say that uh my my gun doing 0% damage right now is is pretty rough okay you know what not sure how you dodged that I'm not sure how you dodged that but luckily I had a I had a shield available removing more land you're getting close to dead though so I'm I'm less concerned okay I am lucky I didn't get hit there cuz I I think I dodged right into that laser but we'll we'll call it we'll call it even for right now this is basically just uh can you dodge the boss fight and luckily I have learned to dodge over time so I'm I'm feeling pretty good you're dead dude you get the smack you you have been absolutely and brutally smacked give me a little gun action we got the tactic gun I do not know what the tactic gun is send me down the the elevator I got no clue what's down here and I'm excited to find out start me with a destruction of your fishes talk to you real quick just in case you got anything to say uh apparently you got nothing to say cuz I can't even interact with you so give me a heal does nothing cuz I'm already all healed up do we know what this thing is I think it's just I think it's just a thing I can't I can't do anything with it I leave we go to the Chinese temple we're going to um tide pool in in spunky 2 I'm ready I've never been more ready okay what is the the tactic gun the tactic gun okay the tactic gun I can fire ridiculously quick it's just like a really quick pistol which I think is cool little honeycomb over there as well another tactic gun dude the tactic gun seems fine I I will continue to to take it feeling feeling pretty good about where our our run stands right now I'm I'm clobbering which granted is completely fine I I am a okay being good at the game that that makes me feel pretty good about our our chances of survival when I play well give me a cookie please um I would like I don't really need a gun I don't know what's in the middle here it was a health that's fine I mean I'm down a health so I guess having a little extra Health Plus to be fair probably going to take damage in this room you've got a crossbow okay it's it's crossbow Fox my my arch nemesis crossbow Fox okay little bit messy out here for sure I'm I'm locking myself in a corner there's there's a big old ax with a a swinging swinging Sally here thank God I killed you cuz you were freaking me out a little bit give me a little heal please little HP upgrade that's not a heal that's even better brother give me a new item and we'll keep this this whole shebang popping please okay y you got me great great plays great plays all around you you've bested me I'm fine I'm completely fine this bird just dropping bombs I'm not too worried about that take the time to heal and then uh kill the bird then switch back to your tactics gun you you got to you got to get spammy with the tactics Gun Man the tactics gun is arguably the best gun we've had yet um because it the ability to just Spam the sucker it's basically how fast can my fingers move and let me tell you my fingers move pretty fast so I'm I'm not too concerned at that point I will say that this this bird is flying off the map tough for me to do much about that situation give me my chest please new item what do you got medkit heal me three don't care immunity of spike traps I'm going to tell you I don't care we could reroll this let's reroll it it's horrible increase your Shield by by or speed by 0. five with some gamer juice that's fine it was an empty can I'm not sure what what gamer juice you're getting out of the empty can but I suppose uh that's an issue for a different time okay Mr Mr mule Mr ax you got to go his his sound effects are just like are are horrifying I did not enjoy that okay all right we're back to basically not having guns to to work with here we would we would probably want to just kidding 155 go to the shop man my decisions have been very easy on this run so far shotgun of fire is a horrible idea I'll take it shotgun of fire with the um shotgun of fire with the sniper is probably a horrible idea but I've made my decision and thus I'm going to continue to use it and go let let's send it on the off chance that uh it although the shotgun of fire is just it's more damage not more bullets so I I really just decreased my accuracy for no reason and I'm not sure the extra damage real brother you got to you got to hit him okay it's a lot of damage but we we got bigger bigger issues here bigger fish to fry bigger Axel ladles to to Axel lot I I have screwed the pooch okay I've screwed the pooch I'm I'm stuck I'm I'm extraordinarily stuck out here man you you got to leave I my my shots aren't going where I want them to the shot gun of fire is the worst item in the game it's freaking terrible okay give me the saw off so I at least have a small chance here I think I think that we're I think we're dead I think we're dead cuz I've I've made some mistakes the saw off at least firing more bullets right gives a higher chance for some of them to hit give me give me my my honey please judging by the uh oh you dummy you got me you got me okay I don't know how many floors there are to be fair um hit me with a little regenerate we have unlocked some some new areas here which is very exciting I've also unlock some new guns it appears uh and there's a weird chicken first of all take a look at the new guns we we got the phaser hand-sized gun that shoots small but piercing lasers we got the scatter scrapped gun that shoots a deadly bunch of bullets without much accuracy that's kind of what I was just rocking to be fair and then we'll talk to this chicken this is nugget how cute there's a new ax of little egg be sure to take good care of it as a chicken I feel the responsibility to stay around you don't mind right sure axe of little babies require nurturing for happiness and growth tend to them enhancing their happiness levels only when they are fully happy they'll be able to grow up be cautious neglect may lead to a decline in their happiness before long you'll have an adorable little Squad happy Axel little is a deadly Axel little okay okay I'm with it so so here's our our Axel little Squad appears that there's maybe five areas in the game um since we have five areas here and we picked up this one in the green area so yeah that makes sense I'll hatch you and now we have a tiny little Axel little that I can pick up and I can move around if I need to too but for right now I'm going to nurture your ass what am I doing dude okay he just ate the whole spoon you little freak okay he he has been nurtured ever so slightly I think that we will not be able to nurture him further until we we do another run uh and we'll do another run oh after I talk to this guy getting attention makes them happy don't ignore them for too long these poor babies may get sad and sad babies can't grow you also have the axopodia which we have unlocked Corgi and we don't know any of corgi's St stats or anything yet are you telling me that there's um approximately let's see this that's a 9 by nine grid you're telling me there's 81 axelos in this game 81 playable characters in this game excuse me that's that's a lot that's a lot of Axel anyway um that's going to do it for this episode thank you guys so much for watching still a lot to explore and unpacking this game um if you're concerned about content I promise you there's there's quite a lot here still locked so I I think there's going to be quite a bit to see uh we'll see it in the next episode thank you so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciated see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Olexa
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Keywords: olexa, ak-xolotl, akxolotl, ak-xolotl gameplay, axolotl, ak-xolotl game, ak-xolotl steam, ak-xolotl trailer, ak-xolotl demo, ak-xolotl pc, ak-xolotl steam game, ak xolotl, ak-xolotl walkthrough, ak-xolotl review, ak-xolotl lets try, akxolotle, let's play ak-xolotl, akxolotl game, akxolotl beta, akxolotl demo, ak-xolotl gameplay hd, xolotl, akxolotl update, aksolotl, axolotle, ak-xolot, ak-xolotl ps5, ak-xolotl 1-7, zagrajmy w akxolotl, ak xolotl trailer
Id: XH9L28TTe00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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