THE FUGITIVE SPY 2 - Hollywood Movie | Wesley Snipes & Athena K | Hit Action Thriller English Movie

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[Music] you have one new message my name is Jasmine I've been contacting mother's friends and past students and family mother was killed two days ago in a robbery we're having a service at Rocky Point Beach 8:00 a.m. on Sunday I hope you'll be able to make it going thiser position [Music] [Music] [Music] she it's good to see you man it's been a long time been a long time yeah you look good so to you sorry about mother I know he meant a lot to you yep meant a whole lot to all of us yeah wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the things he taught me this should be an interesting crowd well it's what you'd expect from his super agent crossdressing martial arts instructure amen father amen well let's get started thanks for coming everybody thanks for being here mother and I shared a lot of early morning walks along this beach today we're placing mother's remains where he'd want them to be if there's anybody that would like to share a few words in honor of his memory Now's the Time to do it anybody thank you thank you mother had a lot of Secrets I was one of them mother was my father unfortunately I I didn't get to meet my father's friends but I know that all of you will miss his love there and and his spirit and his fashion sense as much as I will thank you thank you into thy hands my Lord we place the spirit the body and the soul of Daniel Maurice Clement affectionately known as Mother by his friends who for it to be a martial science it needs principles what are those principles principal objective principal surprise principal calculation principal offensive thank you mother wow Excuse Me Miss Clemens actually it's Cruz Cruz my name is Nigel Stone I was a friend of your father's you know that's interesting I thought your name was Neil Shaw I'm sorry excuse me my father told me about you here's my number and if you need anything anything at all just give me a call you know you are the reason why my father is dead you really think my father died in some random robbery attempt he died because somebody thought he was a security risk because he knew every face and every name I'm not in that business anymore good day Mr sh how did I ever let you talk me into coming to Afghanistan and not a good idea put the camera away right sir this is a Hot Zone hi hello I'm an I'm a journalist your commanding officer Captain um Captain Mitchell has given me permission to take photos he's approved the Stills look I have an idea how about next time try and report on Las Vegas show Girls huh you'd like that wouldn't you hell yeah fancy hotels little chocolate on the pillows little landmines be that's a signat we going to park in py go go go down get him get him get him come on now go come on down behind you behind you get up stay still now let's go quick come on go let's go get in there all right we got two options we can stay here and die or we can get to that building you with me all right let's go what do you think you don't like the way it's cut what man what' I do an is your VIP you will stay very close to her side if necessary Shield her from sight with your body okay that's a r for talent I mean you wouldn't be a cowboy and protect his primary at the same time you know ah always got my back man oh hey we got a great idea for the next scene excuse me it's Melina I have something for you can you come to the [Music] dojo right horse stance going to your left shoulder position turn shoulder position back fist sinner turn watch your [Music] shoulder back fist Center Center [Music] up knock knock I didn't think you would come I'm really sorry about what I said the other day I was I was upset and you said you had something you wanted to give to me yes they picture just wait I was ping on my father's things and I found this and I thought you might like to have it that was a long time ago rest in peace thank you um do you mind if I look around a little more yes please wow wow wow rule number one work hard rule number two work [Music] [Music] [Music] harder remember these moves if you are challenged lot of pain in here I always wished he was around when I was a kid so where were you um my mother left the country when I was a baby she didn't even tell me his name until she was on her deathbed I tracked him down I was three years ago he was a great man great man we became very close in those three years close enough to reveal secrets that should have remained secret are you talking about yourself is there more he taught me to dance he taught you the dance he taught me the dance maybe you wouldn't mind giving me some demonstration what right now I mean if you're scared I can understand okay okay okay but I have to warn you I'm a little bit Rusty well you don't look Rusty to me and I need a partner well I do oh I guess you're leading huh where I come from men usually lead is that [Music] so [Music] oh Stone it's Garrett can you meet me at the boat I'll be there give me 30 all right half hour business will you call me yes I'll call you you need more practice [Music] [Music] so you heard I was running for Senate yeah I did I saw that when I was in the grocery store waiting in line oh it's true seriously bro I am getting into politics why would you want to do that you know politics are where you can make a difference right and that is exactly what I want to do I just got one little problem now that is what I believe they call blackmail okay who are they and why are they doing it I don't know maybe someone who doesn't want to see me campaign look take my advice stick to making movies come on I'm just I'm asking you to maybe just do a little snooping around I'm not a detective yeah but you once told me you worked at one of those agencies right can't you make a few phone calls come on man okay I'll look into it thank you look Garrett keep it clean you're in politics now got the order for him right here Mr Garrett that's your delivery here hey where would you like this here uh hold on a sec uh just throw it in there it's fine oh sure Michael listen to me you got him by the balls just give him a squeeze for Christ's sake it's 100 Grand a day or I don't show up check on the [Music] girls okay fine Garrett why aren't you going after him don't have to I hurt myself Alex I like your office yeah it's uh you know crashing of the pins that calms me down uh-huh I see yeah thank you sh what you got for the I got good stuff come on come on just uh join us on the other side please your FBI buddy Becker is involved in this Becker yeah we knew you would me that well that's not good dinner served check it out cell phone was FBI property not surprised who's he protecting he'll love this Senator Carlson and today's Thursday Carlson Thursday seems like she's on the same Hit List as Garrett you know I'm S no it's uh it's going to take a bit longer there's some kind of crazy encryption on the other end where'd you get it Uninvited Guest an Uninvited Guest huh cool an assassin no not [Music] cool everything cool yeah he's back in I told you did you know the Romans if you hadn't paid your debts tie you to a stake and let the lions eat you no I can't say that I do salace but I'm sure there's some relevance General let me introduce you to the l900 battle rifle this uses high velocity uranium depleted bullets that are perfectly effective on quarter in steel half in steel the crank case of a diesel engine let's go have a look see General 5 years $60 million everything on the line and we finally have it figured out take a close look General his debts been paid now can you imagine what I do to people who don't take my product seriously the l900 battle rifle has my full support I knew you'd be impressed let me escort you to your car than so we're going to stick around see if we can get the footage oh here we go she's here getting a satellite image of the building seconds away Senator Carlson Senator Carlson can you tell us how your Senatorial race is proceeding shouldn't you be telling me got live video coming up on the screen well the polls put you way out in front can you tell us how you feel about that I'm here to talk about our booming economy and our need for more tax cuts it's all about the vote and that's always held in November right now I'm concentrating on winning my senate seat they say you can't have tax cuts in a strong military I say they're wrong and your business plan my fivepoint reduction plan save it for the spee senator this way I have a lot more to say good afternoon Senator do you know what you're missing no a vote for Carlson P thank you it's an honor to meet you Senator we have audio so good to meet you have a situation suitcase unattended over hold it ma'am we have a security threat what kind it's an unattended bag possible code 996 we should head back to the limo okay Senator we need to talk how did you get in here it's okay Michelle he's a friend ma'am I don't think you should do this just see to it we have privacy thank you yes ma'am Senator Carlson we have reasons to believe that there's going to be an attempt on your life based on what information a message was taken off the Assassin cell phone targeting you we believe it's credible been blackmail attempts campaigns the usual crap and now you're telling me that someone wants to kill me yes that's exactly what I'm saying do you have any idea as to who no but I have an idea who would know Congressman Grant Phillips I voted against his last six arms bills I'm sure he would know or someone close to him Phillips Phillips armed services committee chairman up if I was seen to go after Phillips directly I could kiss my Senate re-election goodbye Congressman Phillips is having a party tonight for friends and Wealthy supporters if you're half as good as I hear you'll manage to poke around his private office while everyone is sipping champagne and kissing ass so you know who I am why else do you think I'm sitting here talking to you are you going to be there of course I keep my friends close but my is closer sunu The Art of War his teachings also apply to the art of politics true that is ma'am the bomb threat's over we have to begin cancel the speech what just do it well now I see why they have a problem with you smart lady Becker it's gr got to talk to you excuse me Neil Shaw's alive sha last I heard he his corpse on the streets of New York he's been talking to senator Carlson Senator Carlson what the hell is he doing talking to her I don't know but she didn't make her speech this conversation never took [Music] place Stone hey it's Garrett how's it coming tell me what you know about Carlson and Phillips well I can vouch for Carlson she's got a clean reputation Congressman Phillips I know him personally it doesn't seem the type what do you mean the type that were black male the try to assassinate a colleague no Phillips and I have a business Arrangement and actually support his policies why would they come after me that's what I'm hoping to find out at the congressman's house tonight look once I start digging things it's going to get messy oh believe me I love messy keeps things interesting look I'll see at the party right hopefully not feel that is good good evening John there's someone I'd like you to meet Samantha grank it's a wonderful party as usual have you met our local celebrity hi I'm I'm John Garrett it's pleasure pleasure's all mine sorry I'll be back in a moment I understand you're the new fair-haired boy that's being groomed to step out of Philips Shadow at the convention well I think Congressman Phillips knows what this country needs right I don't think you'll coming oh it's a great party and I heard you were a little uncomfortable with our latest consultation fee so I figured I'd uh talk to you face to face I wasn't about the fee and it's about your support Mark I don't support the bill I'm not discussing it again enjoy the party [Music] go I'll be right back [Music] Senator Carlson we haven't officially met Mr Salis I've heard a lot about like our Industries well most people have our stock pric has doubled over the past year and we're looking at a 25% increase over the next 3 months that's very impressive can I help you I understand you have a very successful export business well exports are one thing but we have been active trying to go after the domestic military Market yo I'm in Alex no footprints on this me and my posy have never been caught done we're in I am scanning as we go anything I'm looking okay here we go we got a backup file everything multiple offshore accounts from a Mark Salis and all of Philip's transaction histories all right encrypted and forward it to C okay every bid is open for tender open yes but you see not to newcomers as you know I alone don't have any input into military procurement no but if you were to vote in favor of the bill sorry excuse me we got you Phillips Congressman are you all right the Senator's been shot a you guys are [Music] got Senator Phillips is dead please explain to me how this operation suddenly became a complete storm we underestimated Shaw's expertise so now he's alive and Senator Carlson can't shut up wonderful work we can attach Carlson to Flip's murder at any time not until we know what Intel Carlson can counter with for now Solace wants Shaw eliminated I'll authorize any support the bureau can muster isn't that a little risky I'm senior officer no one will question it search every contact every po he's banged every number he's dialed station agents at all his known locations if sh so much as glances at a surveillance camera swipes a credit card or calls someone he knows he's dead so remind me Jo need more funds we [Music] running thought you didn't do this anymore so did I let me tell you a story look I don't have the time it's one of those long ones I'll give you the short version but I was in the same situation one time I was on my last operation I was in campod here and I was fighting with some mercenaries when one of the Rebel factions decided that ethnic cleansing would be in order so they hit the village I was staying at what' you do I did the same thing you would have done I used every trick I'd ever been taught and I fought for those villagers I took out 12 killers that day and I ended up becoming the target but those people they kept me hidden for weeks they gave me food they gave me shelter they gave me love and I survived because of that and the grace of God and so will you hello me Cruz look I know this is crazy but I think someone is watching me there's a man in a car outside where are you I'm at the he's coming toward the doo hello hello I need some Wheels you got it look you know you don't have to do this you know I do and anything else you need you let me know what [Music] oh that's block [Music] all d we have to call the police let's [Music] go I killed that man I killed him saved my life I don't understand who was he I don't think he was after you I think they were after me why it's a long story but just don't worry about it okay you're going to be okay right Melina it's okay how can you keep saying that it's not okay I'm going to be wanted for murder look you in a life and death situation and you reacted you did what you had to do I think it would be safer If you flew back home see what I can find on the first flight I'll not take you to the airport could you please stop the car I think I'm going to be sick yeah Stone oh yeah you're Alias hey wow I thought I was having a crazy night half the world is looking for you you can't believe everything you read on the internet what the hell is going on somebody tried to set me up up for a big fall listen what are the chances this signal is being traced you haven't ditched your phone yet not yet well you're lucky I'm secure man cuz you're holding a hot potato look I'll call you in a couple hours okay yeah give me some of those too man Dam you got any spots hey yo what up you got any spots kidding me right I'm a little light y I'll call you back yo 60 bucks for the tickets $40 for the restaurant what you want you want my bank account you why you got to be all that I'm a little light right now a little light right we got it next time man no you're broke right whatever broke back I'll get you next time you ever give me the money you ow me you know I change that thing for Bentley yo you got my phone I ain't got your phone don't play with man where's my phone how got yo check my man over there hey old man got my phone no freaking immigrant yo he's playing you man he's doing one out here hey did you take my phone hey got my phone man hey yo man let's go let's go I'm not going what I'm not going I'm not leaving I'm not running away I'm my father's daughter I can take care of myself look I don't know what the hell is going on here but clearly I'm the Target and by association that makes you a Target too okay okay let's find a hotel [Music] okay okay we got him again looks like he's heading north we have a team already in the vicinity to intercept get me beer what's going on man come on man where is he what's he driving he's cell phone cards with a couple of gang bangers he's traveling at some old van from the Salvation kitchen he may or may not be alone get the locals on it do you think that Senator Carlson set you up maybe but I need proof can you get me her phone records yeah no problem and Mr Shaw needs a new identity okay Gina hook him up with the works works ID credit cards yes wow you and the senator are pretty chummy what it says here that you've called her over 150 times in the last year and a half I never called Senator Carson well this says that you did and this stands up in court hey Stone's bank account credit cards have all been flagged what did you do piss somebody off okay somebody's trying to kill two birds with one stone okay I see this makes it look like Caron hired me to kill Phillips that would cancel both of them out is Carson under investigation not yet but she will be yep who stands to benefit the most from the latest round of military spending votes same old hii B GD like our Industries is supposed to have the biggest experimental division there's a report on them like every week she's good she is good blogas says lar is getting funding for top secret sci-fi stuff yeah but lar makes most of its profits from R&D licensing technology to third parties they're not a big defense supplier but like our industry's president is Mark sales oh I might have something Alex Han if he's teamed up with Han Han's a messiah in the world of geekdom he founded the Eco Alliance a team of killer hacktivists there's no system that can lock him out how the hell do we get a hold of him when he works for us Alex just knows and shows up well if he pays taxes uses electricity or passport his location must be in our computer system somewhere what you think find him yes sir any report about the shooting what happened at the Academy would be professionally cleaned nobody no fingerprints no traces can I ask you a personal question sure go ahead when you were an agent did you kill people yes a few is that why you grew apart from my father mother was a big fan of the philosopher sunu the Supreme Art of War is the ability to subdue your opponent without fighting that didn't go very very well with my day job and my insides got all messed up so out of respect I kept my distance he always thought you were a good person NE maybe I [Music] was come on come on Stone sh hey um okay I got something I hacked back into that cell phone you gave me I'll be there Becker we may have a lead to Shaw's location let's go I'm brilliant who are you this is the friend I was talking about this is Molina look it's necessary okay I'll tell you about it later St it's okay go with them I know I know it's cool come on what you got what what do you got okay so it's possible to hack in and change the phone log it's Child's Play but if someone were to look it wouldn't match with the antenna synchronized code output all right English every cell call has a personal imprint from the corresponding antenna so if it's on your phone bill it's Tagged so if someone really wanted to cover their tracks they would hack into the antenna database and insert the right codes and that's what they did but every hacker leaves a trail and that trail leads to a building here in La Homeland Security yeah can you get in we need a blueprint of the building yes it's like a mini fort KNX on security steroids guards guns and cameras 24/7 motion detectors inside and on the roof windows lexon and alarmed break one and any suggestions going as a repair man you know you can ignite the chlorofluorocarbons in the air conditioner system which is mostly chlorine that way you create a crude form of mustard gas and then no seriously flood the vents and watch them hurl that is seriously cool that's morbid as what it is only if you electronically lock the doors so that they suffocate and die hideously painful death actually Gina the air condition has just been upgraded ah damn it what about if we bypass the system right over there okay look I think I have an idea it's simple and nobody gets gassed but I think it'll work are you sure this is going to work yeah I am encryption codes are codes that send out seemingly random data packets actually they're in a predetermined sequence I can program the surveillance satellite to identify a code pattern similar to one Alex sold the government if I eliminate the government users Alex will surface we've got him how long 5 minutes you got two what the hell disgusted it's just rats for God's sakes just R is that all okay we got a couple over here in the corner security yeah this is Ben communication offices we need pass control up here thank you very much system tracking get a lock on the address God damn sh's with this little creep onus okay I'm in okay it'll be your first right loing in Loft building Upper Floor Bingo we got him he's got surveillance cameras inside and out tapping into them we're in switching between cameras wow Alex hun himself on your screen where's Shaw okay no turn around turn around wrong way turn around turn around turn around all right up the stairs up the stairs good double doors at the top of the stairs I see them just a few moments almost there teams in the quadrant 5 miles away audio reception complete and online wow I know you're pretty big but when you get a chance could you give me everything you got on Neil Shaw oh uh uh uh Hey two fingers let's go now the rest of you two fingers come on you know the routine no I want everything you got on Senator Carlson John Garrett and Neil Shaw downloaded to that disc don't show them anything that's an order but maybe this will override that order know what this is you know what this is right sarah sarah sarah sarah see I'm already dead so I don't give a and unless you want to join my party I think you better give me the information I'm asking for so what do you think good girl all right M Dam with me let's go move it move it two round back two round front right you guys take the stairs got it somebody on the elevator s who's on point oh we've got six agents coming at us they're totally armed sanitized sanitize sanitize what is that you ordered a tactical hit on Alex huh take them call it off call it off I can't call it off Alex get out of there MO got to take her down we all clear [Music] clear [Music] gra do you [Music] copy gram do you copy gram are you you there I'm sorry he's not in right now can I take a message sh beer you just made it to the top of my Hit List let's go come on come on get it get it get it get it get it come on come on come on come on okay eye drops I'm sorry about your friend he knew the risk it's too dangerous to go back to the hotel tonight I'll get you some clean sheets a couple of pillows and you guys can stay as long as you need [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] you get any sleep last night about an hour he's still sleeping you know you can talk to me anytime if you want Becca tracked Alex Han last night full tactical assault no survivors you weren't there man there's nothing you could have done to stop it I promised him I'd watch his back I let him down I think they're going to go after Senator Carlson has Carlson got anything on these Senators taking bribes I gave her a file I found on Philip's computer maybe she'll use it according to the Morning News if she's going to take down her colleagues is probably going to be tonight why is that there's a big party debate Rosevelt Hotel Carlson's going to be Center Stage that be a good place to kill her yeah unless you get her out of arm's way and I'm coming with you I thought you said you didn't do this anymore thought you said you were a man of God I've always been a man of God [Music] official business excuse me Senator but something very important has just come up Shaw is waiting outside I'm okay what the hell's going on he'll tell you stay close I'm fine let's go she's not back in 5 minutes go after her okay gram Senator just left I'll get the Intel to Becker I'm following the soup van I'm sure Shaw's with them get a satellite lock in your position I'll call the troops they're heading for the river you got that yes sir look good as a blonde here you go Blondie Molina look look I want you to stay in here uh no no no no no no NE take this somebody comes in you shoot them sure stay in here stay from here it's too big we can't hit this without proper Recon there's no time split impairs maintain radio contact shoot the center on site for solers you were right sh set us up with a decoy Carlson never left the restaurant what's your situation it's salvageable well then kill Shaw and whomever's helping him copy that I've got Carlson covered where's the driver there's no cell phone reception down here know what I'll go back upstairs it'll just take me a moment I'll see where he's at thank you make it quick Senator Carlson I heard you were planning a little speech tonight on corporate bribery very good it's over Mark I have Philips account numbers dates deposits like our Industries is finished reaching the lower level why do you have to be so godamn righteous all you had to do was take the money and back the like everybody else a vote my favor no big deal you've left me with no other choice you threaten my reputation my supporters my business I learned a very valuable lesson Samantha the trick to killing off your enemies is Simplicity like uh heart attack you know or a a brain aneurysm please almost done oh go [Music] losing your touch there Becker where did all go wrong huh hiding behind a girl tacky suit yeah just like old times a stone nice name You' been a p too long Shaw [Music] a here I got you do this I'm fine it's supper time I got 6300 meals I got to deliver please let me out stay here with my friend what Neil wait where are you going let me come with you Neil stay here with him he could use your beauty get this checked out as well Neil I'm AF friend it's okay everything's going to be fine I have a meeting with Mark Salis your name please tell him it's Neil Shaw I don't see you scheduled what is this regarding it's okay I got it sir excuse me sir yes Julie Mr Salis I have a Neil Shaw coming up to see you I couldn't stop him no that's okay I'll handle it yes sir you have a miraculous ability at keeping yourself alive Mr Shaw so did you kill Phillips yourself or you just ordered a hit I always deal with my business face to face Phillips was an exception sent her to Carlson on the other hand what happened to her oh didn't you hear she died of a brain aneurysm stress related I think God damn what the hell was that so that's what this is all about sell more guns to the Army earn more money huh you really don't get it do you it's not about the money we need people in office who care about defending this country but high up the ladder does it go the president I play golf with with them but he knows nothing about how we manage our business that game is over you're a dead man sha yeah what's new did I hit you not yet Great Gun though [Music] you did I hit you you've been a very bad boy Alice heard a lot of good people people I love my friends my family that doesn't matter now there's nothing you can do about it and you're going to jail sh oh been a p too long Shaw Dam now Phillips and I have a business Arrangement why would he come after me okay everything looks it looks good understated yet elegant guys come on you can't on let's clean these up please okay let's make sure that most of the the higher campaign contributors are sitting up front close to the podium right you think hey do you think I look maybe a little too pasty I don't know and if my grandfather could be here now get Maron up here you guys uh take five minutes I'll be right back Mr Stone oh I'm sorry or should I say Neil Shaw I must say I'm uh pretty surprised to see you yeah I bet you are are you busy now I'm just getting started you've been using me as a pawn from the beginning huh John come on it's politics I wanted in the Senate Salas wanted to take out Phillips and Carls you know I'm just the new guy with a friendly face that's how you treat your friends I just chocked them up to uh collateral damage all fair in loveing politics right so that's what mother was huh mother was collateral damage well you killed them didn't you or did you just pay for it I'd like you to meet Susan Marsden she's my protection and the only good thing Salis ever did for me you know you could have used her back in your spy days she's probably the best undercover operative I know you played me deep nothing personal just business oh come on no hard feeling she profiled you found out what your favorite little cafe in Italy was what your favorite food is even what side of the bed you sleep on huh so I kill mother well he was the only one that really meant anything to you so you'd clean house sha come on look you helped me take out Salis and all those senators in his Deep Pockets you know I helped you blow the lid off this whole thing the vote rigging the slush funds the illegal arms deals NE I'm afraid everything's going to be fine are going to be wanted for further you did what you had to do yeah you did it's all going to break in the papers tomorrow I'm going to be voted in because I'm Mr Hollywood coming up the hills guns blazing and I owe that all to you come on be part of it look man we we can work out a deal [Music] right what are you going to do now huh what are you going to [Music] do I'm talking to you hell you looking at get back to [Music] work in a Twisted plot of corruption and blackmail several Senators have resigned at the center of it all is the late L Car industry's president Mark Salas reportedly responsible for multi-million dollar bribes that were influencing the Senate itself Salis is currently the new supect in the murders of Senator Samantha Carlson and Congressman Grant Phillips the other Sensational headline of the day is that Hollywood Superstar and Senate hopeful John Garrett has been arrested as the main suspect in the murder of Susan Mar
Channel: Only English Movies
Views: 1,375,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movie in english, hollywood movies in english full action hd, new hollywood movie 2024, Hollywood Movies In english 2024, new hollywood english movies, hollywood movie english, Hollywood action In HD, hollywood movie in english 2024, new hollywood action movie, Blade, Blade trimity, Armed Response, Coming 2 America, The Art Of War 2, extraction 2 full movie in english, extraction 1, fast x full movie in english, Will Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, EMANCIPATION, blade 2
Id: Yq0qZ7eEe6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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