The frying Dutchman | Handcrafted Chicken and Chips in a Mall | Street Food in Berlin

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[2] Fill the Bucket with Water to prevent them from turning brown [3] This way you can keep them fresh for several hours This is very, very important for us That you have different potatoes That are not spattered, especially for fries Potatoes are just like that Sometimes like that but sometimes like that and only those that doesn't exist Only available from another "well-known Company" they are always big there but Natural Potatoes are not always the same Size and that's nice [4] Pre-roast the Chicken [5] Pre-fry the Potato Strips When you use Potatos for Fries then you always have a certain starch a certain number of starches and that's important and you usually don't have that in Supermarkets. They are either way too soft or way too strong and that doesn't work and then the Fries become dark and black Yes, we love the little ones but you don't like it so much That's why we throw them away so we use the whole Potato and don't have too much waste that is important to us this size is still okay but when it is so small then we try to take them out but we always use the whole potato first Chicken and Fries? once fries also some Fries? to take away too? also in your hand to take with you? also Mayonnaise? €4.90 each or €9.80 together €9.80 Keep the change Thank you very much I think I'll take a Beer with me The Orange is always good with the Dutch Thank you very much Here you go Thank you very much Bon appetit Thank you Thats Fries the Chicken you got sauce on the side and thats included the drink Two Chicken Fries the first Corn Dogs today look at that [6] Corndog – Poultry Sausage in a Dough Coating and two Corndogs Thank you very much Like Ice Creme so this one is with a straw for you without a straw I'm the only one who's dirty, so I work yes, I am too Well, these are the Guys yes here This or there is also available without drinks OK, then I'll take this one as a Menu That's €11.50 please I must pay by card? gladly Do I just have to put them on top? yes Once the Chicken Fries for you here you go Once Kids Fries with Ketch Up Once small Fries Mayonaise Once Chicken Fries Double Once the Chicken Fries Double Here you go Thank you very much And why Fries of all things? It's actually a long story Unfortunately, my father passed away a few years ago and I promised him that I would keep doing it because I am now the 4th Generation in the Family to make Fries. and I'll continue doing that now that's why Fries I'll let you know when it's finished [7] Fresh Cod for Fish'n'Chips we press them down so that they become crispy everywhere Most of them rotate a little But then one side remains so soggy That's why they have to be pressed down then they taste really crispy everywhere Please Sir Thank you Bon Appetit There is also a sign showing one with mayo and one with ketch up It's just written differently with Ca (for Catch Up) different than you know but if you close your eyes and you say it again, it's Ketch Up (with Ke) it's all ok You're right and you win The Dutch always win (The frying Dutchman) only Ketch Up New Fries in Once large Fries and a Corndog Come on, you can do it have no fear Thank you. Should I pay now? Everything relaxed. Come later. Thank you You always have to work with Passion and I do that too I like my work I just like it and that's good and then you won't get burnout and then you won't get bored or be in a bad mood None of this is possible for me Do you know how we Dutch eat Fries? with Peanut Sauce and Mayonaise alright Shall I do that If you don't like it, we'll find another solution But trust me, it tastes good I've already seen this on TikTok That's why I have to try it Are you making new Fries, please ? [8] Fries Benedict Once Chicken Fries and once Fries Benedict Thank you very much Here you go Made with love Three Times Chicken Fries Three Times one Mango, one Joppi Soure Creme yes, thank you enjoy it We have Snickers Only Snickers? And Mars A Mars fried Bruno Mars? [9] Sweet Dog – Chocolate Minis in a Dough Coating One Two Sweet Dog Once Corndog to eat here Here you go the smaller of the two is Mars This is typically Dutch Mayonnaise and Peanut Sauce and fresh Onions on Top Why Deep Fry of all things? Germany has Cars, we Dutch have Fries we fry everything That's why we are the happiest People in the World [10] Large selection of Homemade Sauces
Channel: Moodi Foodi Berlin
Views: 2,079,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: hh5XsCmcM5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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