The Frozen South

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[Music] in the previous episode of adventures in trucking with Indiana Jack but never a truck I hear that doing trade shows in a truck is a nightmare hope you guys enjoy this trip it might go really good and it might not go really good so I'm taking you guys along so let's see how it goes on our trip from a trade show here in Orlando going clear to Houston all right we're making it in our story continues all right we are in Madison Florida I had a little mom-and-pop truck stop up here and we'll stop here for the night it's Oh 5:30 this truck stop never fills up it's always empty so it's a secret don't tell anyone about it well I got me some chili because it's cold and a chicken sandwich then I got you guys the same things no one will be complaining have a good night I will we'll see you in the morning bright and early we'll try to make it to maybe Orange Texas tomorrow something like that maybe I'll try to stop at a different truck stop other than the same ones that I always stop that see you tomorrow [Music] well good morning everyone this is what we're waking up to actually I've already been driving a bit it doesn't look so bad but the media of course is saying that it's Armageddon again we're right here driving this way so we're in Gulfport as soon as we start driving we're going to be getting into this this ice storm and the reason I even bringing that up at all is because if in the north it's not a big deal like in Canada Minnesota all those states that there it would be just another day but down here a little bit of ice causes all kind of hysteria accidents cars flying off the road and just it is like Armageddon so that's why down here in the south I'm concerned about it not because of me but because of how other people act in Drive so I got my eye on that we're not under the gun don't have to hurry much don't have to be there till tomorrow but hopefully all that will be gone by the time we get up in the morning after we stop driving today all right hopefully you guys have your snow and ice gear on let's get out of here see what we're gonna head into all right we got our piping hot chicken sandwich from the kitchens of Flying J and we're rolling it looks like a good sandwich to if we can at least make it to bow bridge Louisiana which we should be able to unless unless there really is Armageddon ahead of us then we'll be okay for tomorrow making it on into Houston and this guy just wants to relax you can never predict what another driver is going to do or other drivers there we go it's really not that cold here it's 45 but everyone's dressed up like Eskimos including myself because we're used to warm weather you know well let's get on 10 towards New Orleans and roll West [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh what is that noise the antenna is whipping the side of my truck it's coated with ice and it's making it heavier and it's hitting the back of my truck I mean the side of my tractor here it's 29 degrees the roads not frozen yet but we're definitely going to have to stop that overage because it gets worse and worse we're gonna be stopping before we got a skating rink out here [Music] well we got to get some fuel I almost feel like getting a parking place first then dropping the trailer and then coming up here and getting the fuel so maybe I'll do that even though I don't really want to do that [Music] look at this GoPro it's like an ice cube frozen lands we definitely have to let it fall out which it will obviously all right we're right here that's Lafayette so we haven't even hit most of it oh the blue is what's going to be the solid icing but I'm still glad we made the decision to stop even though I'm disappointed I wanted to do 600 miles today I wanted to get to Orange but we're good this guy did a horrible job parking next to me dang he must have been sipping on some stuff or smoking something I don't know boy I'll tell you they have a good shower here at this pilot it was clean the water was hot and I have some official news they're just closing down the interstate which means this place is probably going to be packed with trucks I don't know how long it's going to be closed but it's really getting icy just just from the time I when I walk in here to now we're starting to be able to see some snow on the ground so this is huge no news for the South here well let's see if we can make it back to the truck without falling down good morning no one is left here and this behind us is the freeway and I can't see any traffic on the freeway yet I don't like to be the guy out there to test the roads so we'll wait and see if we see any wiggle wagons or other trucks out there see how fast they're going two hours of passed since I got up before and still no one has moved it's still calm truck so we'll wait 10 is closed I did hear that on the range let's just patiently wait I'm gonna go in and get some coffee I guess I was gonna drive up there but I don't want to lose this parking spot [Music] the broker that I'm doing this load for keeps calling me he doesn't believe me that the freeways shut down I suggested that he look at Google Maps traffic I suggested that he call the Highway Patrol or whatever they call the Highway Patrol here in Louisiana and he said he's going to do that but I've never been faced with someone not trusting me or not believing what I say especially when all they have to do is look at the news so I hope this isn't a problem I I don't know what else doesn't lie I told them I want to go but I can't get on the freeway here so I wonder how many other truckers go through this maybe dispatchers don't believe you maybe brokers don't believe you so hopefully we can roll today so I can get out of here and get this trade show delivered hey guys - boy Shawn you're watching adventures in trucking with Indiana Jack stay tuned alright I've now been here 24 hours guy just said on the CB they're gonna open up the radio or they're gonna open up the road at 1:00 o'clock so keep your fingers crossed all these trucks are all going to empty out of here it's going to be a massive zoo or an exodus out of this truck stop because people are all climbing the walls just like I am so I'll keep you updated and we'll get out of here all right well we're gonna a few of us are gonna roll even though we really don't know what's in front of us it doesn't show open yet but we just kind of keep my fingers crossed and go another way that I know to go around the closed part and I don't know why other people aren't doing that but I used to have a customer up here that was almost downtown Lafayette it was really a bow bridge but so I'll just have to and I don't know what's going to be open in Houston there's not going to be any parking in Houston so we are leaving on faith it looks like trucks are getting on over there maybe I'll go that way well I saw one truck now I don't see another truck oh now I see a check engine light oh it's off its off I hate those now it's back on if anything I can just go down and do a u-turn at the Texaco and then come back or go back and do my secret way No and getting other codes when it's this cold mic truck does not like it I got water I got emergency food all right this way is closed which I knew it would be eastbound is closed until tomorrow because of the bridge the bridge going into Baton Rouge it looks open to me all right it's open whether another truck moved it open or not I don't know come on a little bit of stress today oh there's a Highway Patrol so we shall see it's kind of an odd feeling being out here just me on the road [Music] [Music] I'm gonna try the Bruce shale playing J if it's completely full I'll try the lugs or the TA there's four truck stops here one at each corner but I hope I can find a place at the Flying J I know some of you guys are tired of playing J but when I ride along with you then we'll go to your truck stop all right that took three hours there wasn't one piece of ice there was no hysterias no crashes I don't understand Louisiana I heard so many rumors on the CB while I while we were all sitting there but the gate to keep us in the off of going in on to the 10 it looks like it was broken down so the fine for doing that is 500 bucks and I I didn't want to pay that fine but I mean ityou I didn't break it but [Music] come on Oh No there's trucks parked in the parking the regular parking lot that is nutty there's not going to be a place to park here it is freaking jam-packed ah there's a place right there working on the old scale I can't believe this place is still left extreme Sun glare this might not be as easy as I think as long as the truck isn't tilting forward I'll be fine the trailer I don't care about I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright here's what we got to do in the morning only 33 miles and just a smooth smooth and up and there we are real easy delivery and this was a tough one with that stupid ice storm it doesn't seem tough and it wasn't really tough it's just a nuisance you know to go through all that I know we can't control the weather though we can't control nature and that's what I'll remember about this trip is being stranded there 24 hours helpless but for the most part well let's forget about that and kind of put that behind us and we'll look into the future and they had everything in there this is one of the better flying J's thanks Bruce shell so that ends our day believe it or not I was up at 4 o'clock this morning wide-awake trying to get out of that other truck stuff so we will see you in the morning as we head into Houston for our final delivery [Music] all right so we're an hour early now we just got to wait here at skyline displays you know I talked a little bit about them when I picked up but if you do trade shows you definitely know what skyline displays is they probably do more than just trade shows but all the huge displays that you see in a trade show for the most part are made by skyline displays so if you're someone that if you know if you don't know that and you want to display tall skyline displays and I'm sure they'd be happy to talk to you about your setup at a trade show so let's wait for them to open and we'll get unloaded and find out what we're gonna do next all right they want us to break the seal and back into a door so that's good they're gonna start unloading us right away so let's get this Freight door open it looks like with the Louisiana roads all their Freight moved forward so they didn't have it packed in there good so therefore the strap didn't really do any good but I'm sure that it's okay alright let's get her backed up and we're shooting for door 2 there and they don't have any painted line so you kind of just have to guess we're gonna have to do a pull-up actually that's perfect but the tractor is not straight so let's do one pull-up so we can straight hold read out and we'll move over just a hair and the guys supposed to be here at 8 o'clock so that's another seven minutes all right that looks perfect so now let's wait after all that we're done but they were closed yesterday anyway but they were closed yesterday anyway but they were closed yesterday anyway but they were closed yesterday anyway do you believe it so I kind of thought they would be but I wasn't sure until I asked for the receiver so even if we would have made it on time I would have still had to wait so that is funny they got their displays and everyone's happened well this has been quite a trip all the way from Orlando where we picked up this trade show - here in Houston and drop this load off a lot happened reflecting back I don't think that the broker thought that I had nefarious intentions about there being an ice storm I really don't know what he thought I kind of thought that in the midst of all that turmoil of being caught caught up at the truckstop there for 24 hours just the questions that he asked me it sounded like he thought I was not being truthful with him but I don't know if he really thought that or not so I just wanted to reaffirm that I'll give him the benefit of the doubt whether he believed me that there was a nice storm there or not you were there you saw the situation that I was in I'd like to thank you for writing along with me and make sure that you if you could please subscribe to the station today it just takes a second to click Subscribe and then the little bell that's right next to it that way you'll get the notifications when I make a new film so thanks for riding along with me TRUCKING is really an adventure as always I'm Indiana Jack we'll see you next time well this has been quite a trip all the way from Orlando to here in I have no idea where I am well this has been quite a trip all the way from Orlando at the trade show they're here too
Channel: indianajacktrucker
Views: 64,747
Rating: 4.961977 out of 5
Keywords: trade show, Skyline displays, ice storm, snowstorm, the South, truck driver, Trucking video, trucker video, trucker, Indiana Jack
Id: YY-n8iQNYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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