The Front Bottoms - Twin Size Mattress (Official)
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Channel: barnonerecords
Views: 8,541,943
Rating: 4.95047 out of 5
Keywords: twin size mattress, talon of the hawk, the front bottoms, Lyrics, Thefrontbottoms
Id: cWJUk65EnQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2013
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This has been one of my favorite albums on the year. I can't wait to get the chance to see them live!
This band is SO FUN live! It's like watching a party. They opened for my husband's band 2 years ago and now anytime they are within driving distance, we go see them.
If you see them live and get the chance to talk to Brian, ask him if he can communicate with squirrels. Just do it.
This is like the 4th time this has been posted, but I'm all for seeing TFB get more recognition
They remind me a lot of the Weakerthans.
seeing them open for Manchester Orchestra next month. Can't Wait!
never heard of this band, but it sounds really good and the lyrics are great
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Am I the only one that gets a huge 'Mountain Goats' vibe from these guys? First song I heard by them I actually thought I was listening to The Mountain Goats.