The Fresh Prince of Bel Air - Best memories season 1

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I'm goodnes let me look at you turn around honey the last time we saw you you were this funny little boy now look at you Dennis you are a man that was the plan it is amazing you certainly have grown will well we all have enjoy between oh yo the playgrounds open all over excuse me now say the play was dope excuse me Oh stupid dope no no that doesn't mean with you um how would he the flight was really neat hair it into Miss Berkeley's chorus I'd like to hit her in the head don't need no choir when you're a rapper gonna hunt miss Berkeley down and ya got this whole town of bel-air buzzing get a load of me Ashley why don't you go downstairs and get ready for dinner okay daddy I'll check you later look who's here will hey who is he it's your cousin Carlton don't you remember when you two were little people used to think you were twins you looked exactly alike oh yes some things never change that's we bet hi Ashley yo this place is huge man next time I go to my room we take some bread crumbs well this is Ashley Hey hi my little Scottish cousin pleased to make your acquaintance I'm your humble sir he's cute I know it is well I'm gonna take a swim before dinner good luck mom the pool heaters broken don't you just hate it when that happens oh yes that is my pet peeve you got your own pool and a tennis court you hmm yeah what is better than Love Boat this boy will be maxing and relaxing hold on dog just a minute son nothin we promised your mother that you're here to work hard straighten out and learn some good old-fashioned American values dad I need $300 oh my god Philip Philip don't make a big thing out of it this is how he feels comfortable it's not killing anybody aren't you going to introduce will introduce well Steve David Henry this is will my nephew by marriage will these are my partners in the law firm of Furth Winn and Meyer hey Earth Wind & Fire when's your next album coming I will is going to go to bel-air Academy with Carlton oh good for you will I used to fence at bel-air really how would you think we give it a stereo oh these these hors d'oeuvres look tempting hey you don't mind if I do did you do that something to tell me we'll there are other people at this table oh you're right any requests sweetie would you say grace please yes mommy hey then Lord my name is Ashley banks my family and friends want to be something so before this dinners all swallowed and chewed thank you God for this stupid food poetry's just asked me well yeah I have a question well I understand why guys get into poetry to get girls but why do girls like poetry because girls think with their brains and I got this new ice cute tape is dou J J I ain't got enough time for that man I got to finish right in his poem poem then what you gonna do bake some cookies him a dress shut up I'm gonna to get this girl alright look listen to what I got so far I just need one last line hmm my love for you is like a river like a summer breeze that makes my soul shiver one look from you is more precious than gold let's go get some barbecue and get busy what kind of line is that it always works for me I hear someone in this room likes poetry try this one on for size roses are red violets are blue pansies are poets will tell me it isn't true I got a poem for you Karl try this one on for size roses are red violets are blue jazz and I are black but Carlton what are you can't believe anything you said to me nothing but a liar oh man will ain't no liar who are you I am raphael delageteau where's your afro and where's your dashiki I worked all it out in therapy I don't know who to believe anymore how do I know you're the real Raphael do I get to listen my love for you is like a river like a summer breeze that makes my soul ship one look from you is more precious than gold let's go get some barbecue and give this Oh Rafi now tell me more works every time listen to me Carlton when he comes up keep your hands on the wheel good evening Oh mr. Carlton banks your hands on the wheel were your head we're going to Palm Springs in yourself well you hated this fine evening good job Carl now he's don't want to see your license right and I see you license my license now I have to warn you this picture was taken without my contacts and the height is a typo I'm actually a lot taller not the wolf connection vehicle registration please just a sec but the thing is officer this isn't my car get out of the car girl what he's going to tell us to get out of the car you watch too much TV we'll get out of the car officer honestly I don't see the name Jimmy get out of the car now this is just retarded come on man let it go you feel better let my people go oh press so hard II could not stand let my people go hello Pharaoh let my people come join the Jubilee music and directed no doubt stop Bob take father I need a favor anything man how many times you help me out seven what do you need ID say no more I want you to date my sister say a lot more she just moved down here and she hasn't had a date yet and Prince she really needs a man but does she look good sure she does good looks run in my family well I just moved out here I got a scholarship to go to UCLA well we certainly know get the brains in your family yeah Janet ain't stupid well Janet I went to UCLA do you want to use my books thanks I was thinking of buying used books oh well these aren't used come take a look at them anyway well jazz I'm gonna go into the kitchen for a snack when I come back I want you gone guess I got plenty of time there toda is warm yo Gia I need more ice you need more ice what I need more ice in my warm soda you need more ice please did you say to me he said you need more ice please heads up well I'm sorry I've got to say something Janet your behavior this evening has been completely unacceptable Carl where I come from manners count for a lot I'm sorry I've got to say this but I simply can't sit back and allow this rudeness to continue you owe everyone of us an apology especially that poor waitress and if you refuse we are taking you home and continuing the evening without you do I make myself clear you know I'm gonna miss him do I make myself clear Scottie after on you Carlin was a little bit of that Uncle Phil I know he had it any he just stood right up to Janice here baby that's about all that lip on mohair boys you've got a lot to learn about women Carlton has obviously been watching me in action now will your on Vivian can be quite bossy at times but when she starts bossing me around I don't let it bother me I just say no I'm a strong masculine voice and when I say no she jumps excuse me what did you say I don't know how long have you been there I came in on your aunt Vivian can be quite bossy sometimes well you didn't hear the part where I said boys the rest of the statement is completely untrue Phillip you better sleep with one eye open I gotta just where I want well first of all can anyone tell me what the Underground Railroad was ah no this one I know the Underground Railroad was a group of people that led the slaves to freedom when was it established during slavery well that covers about 250 years mr. Smith I care to narrow it down a bit what do you mean right now wade in the water wade in the water children wade eat in the water God's gonna trouble the water everybody join it now wait in the water come on wade in the water children only trouble the war ah hey I didn't say swim I didn't say backstroke I said we
Channel: Ali Hariri
Views: 714,327
Rating: 4.8423963 out of 5
Keywords: Movie, 1
Id: sE7vww_lQ8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2012
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