The Fourth Man

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you know neighbors we often hear folks have an air escapes from death and afters not when we talk about it we'll remark about how lucky they were when it isn't luck at all it's just the hand of God stepping in to perform his daily miracles we can read in the Bible about the Lord and the miracles he performed I imagine that's where author Smith got his inspiration for the song that almost overnight became a sensation it's offered to you now by a wonderful guys The Statesman quartet and it's recorded also on the Statesmen leaf called fourth man here is a story from the gospel we know a story about a miracle that happened long ago we hope that you take courage when the station Jimmy there's somebody watching you strong man you really wouldn't be they held on to the will of God so we are told by Laban now there needs to title may deploy where they were protected by the fourth man in the body wouldn't and they wouldn't bow they wouldn't burn the prophet Daniel tells about three men who walked with God Shadrach Meshach and Abednego before the weakened team they stood and he came commanded him bound and crawl in the fiery furnace that day and if I was so hot that the men were slain and forced him on their way they wouldn't been they held on to the will of God so we are told father DC Idol made a small wooden were they were protected by the fourth man in supply they wouldn't they they wouldn't bow they wouldn't burn when his brave captain and the King rolls up to edges they're all buffet and began to travel that body saltiness tiny stones he's fake did we not can't remain all bound into the midst of fire no I see for me an unheard on down and walking down there there Shadrach Meshach Abednego and a fiery cold sage hog and a form of old man I see is like the son of God it wouldn't been they held on to the will of God so we are told they wouldn't bow their knees to the item made of gold would burn they were protected by the fourth man in the fire Oh
Channel: statesmenfan
Views: 360,894
Rating: 4.9098592 out of 5
Keywords: Hovie, Lister, Sensational, Statesmen, Big, Chief, Doy, Ott, Denver, Crumpler, Jake, Hess
Id: aR0Zy4bDcyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2008
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