The Fourth Industrial Revolution | Nkem Nweke | TEDxAbakaliki

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[Music] we're talking to you about the fourth Industrial Revolution in the 18th century at about 1811 1816 the way a group of people called the Luddites now this were basically factory workers who came to work every day did their work and went back but they basically found out that their bosses introduced machinery into the factories now these machineries were able to spin treads faster in a more structured way the machine is doing good hire the machines were working sunup to sundown and they taught themselves listen guys if we continue this way our bosses are going to come to us and say because these machines are that good let's cut 50% of our staff and the remaining 50% let's maybe you walk eight to twelve instead of eight to five and your source of income would reduce so they took up arms the variety and we're burning things they were even destroying the machinery as well now this basically began the whole idea of the Industrial Revolution this was a point whereby people basically were at arms with machines and it the whole idea about industrial evolution was basically showing how machinery was able to prove to improve production or to improve the way of life of people around the world now we all know basically that between the 18th century and 2020 to 2019 in the world today they are basically for industrial revolutions and the whole idea is to show you today a path which we have basically gone and gone far now the first national revolution was around the early 18th centuries now this basically talked about you know machinery you know the steam engine now imagine people with cart and the horse doing the anomeric and across the street you had somebody like a Henry Ford who had the three leg moto or four leg moto and was walking across and was driving across trying out his new invention and maybe people within the community were basically saying who is this funny man with this noisy thing making noise please go away and then not knowing that the Moto engine or the steam engine was basically taking the jobs of the guy who owned the cat on the horse imagine also the guy who owned the cat and the horse had a big ranch where he basically was breeding more stronger horses to be able to sell and lo and behold just behind or beside him you know his competition was basically changing life like we know it today the Second Industrial Revolution talks about the light bulb the invention of the light bulb and electricity bringing illumination and causing mass production all around the world the third Industrial Revolution was the advent of the computer right being able to crunch numbers faster than we know it the personal computer I'm not sure if any of you here remember computers like the Pentium 286 Pentium 286 this was like eight years ago right so personal computers coming into our lives helping people who did bookkeeping write down numbers or let on letters or whatever it is in long sheets of paper and doing the additions or subtractions but now a computer was able to do it much more faster and here we are in the best time to live in the world the first national revolution this is where we hear about blockchain Israel hear about machine learning we hear about artificial intelligence we hear about robotics we hear about Internet of Things this is where you hear about convergence and networks coming together we said also the time where you hear people say I'm going out to get my uber as compared to when people said I'm going out to get a taxi this is a time where you hear people say pick me up at my Airbnb as compared to pick me up at Sheraton or prettier hotel this is also a time where people of my age grade and I'm not that old but we're more like in a cross between analog and digital wouldn't it surprise you that there are some people today who would argue with you if you let them know there was a TV that was in a box and you had to heat and tap and those colored things will come out because all they've known today is a flat-screen TV there are some people today who have not been able to dial to basically tune into a radio station as compared to those days and we have to dial the shortwave radio to get a good a good frequency and even at that there are people right now who can just choose and select to say I want only sports I want only jokes as compared to back then when it was chronological you had to start with the news at some point in time and get to the sports part but now you just pick and choose I want on the spot I want any news and I want sports or jokes at the particular time of the day because it's convenient for you right so this is basically what the $14 revolution is about and is doing to us and it's change in our world and it's obviously clear for us to see that our world is fast changing from technology to agriculture to anything you want to think about so basically puts any product or any scenario on the table and put technology close to it technology basically changes and transforms it these are the days as well and we hear about things like self-driving cars and it's not just hearing about them this is real I have actually entered a Tesla and it drove itself from point A to point B and our shit-scared right because I normally control my own car but this was driving me to the to to my point and you and you have places in Europe whereby a car or a truck driving from point A to point B and it does what it's supposed to do these are days where we have the first artificial intelligent lawyer so you imagine those who are in the law field right now your jobs are going away and imagine how it works so because the people within Europe or those who are abroad have basically curated law cases from these seventh from the 18th centuries down till now they basically fed everything into a system so there's possibly 20 or 15 percent of law cases that you bring to a lawyer now that has never happened before so you put it into a machine and it basically tells you what to do and it goes from one step down to the other so our world is basically changing so imagine you asking Google or being a question just one question and it gives you at least ten different pages to one question so you can imagine how brilliant you can tune your you can tune or modify your answers to be as a today these are the days as well where we have drones in places like Kenya and Rwanda move drug samples or move physical drugs or blood samples from one community to the other and you can imagine how that basically helps those who are in the health industry and there are lots of stats that basically we see nowadays that basically blew our minds two of them here call out to me today were basically using less than 1% of the available data in the world today let me turn around for you imagine I tell you you're using less than 1% of your car's capacity I tell you you're using less than 1% of your brain capacity I tell you you're using less than 1% of the food in your house it just tells you that there is more that you can do it 99 percent so imagine how much information we have today and that stopped me in fact is that by 2020 which is about two three months from now globally seventy five million jobs are going to be extinct they're going to be lost gone so how many people in this room what you guys look how young yeah you're all young but imagine somebody in this room whose jobs is gonna go away that's a big deal but wow that is scary as well we have the World Economic Forum that tells us that even though 75 million jobs are going to get lost or go extinct 833 million jobs are going to be created between 2020 and 2022 so how many people up here can tell me they're one of those people who would get those hundred to three million jobs I see a body reach in your hands and I give you a high-five from here but if you're gonna be one of those people who are going to be part of those a hundred and three million jobs globally then you'd be telling me that you have skills like cognitive flexibility who has that who you've known what that means and you raise your hand you can have skills like critical problem solving critical thinking right as compared to the skills that was expected of you as a 2015 it basically tells you that in the for another evolution things are changing much more faster and we need to find a way to work our ways towards that so imagine the ten emerging jobs that are coming up part of those hundred thirty million jobs right that I mentioned jobs like machine learning specialist jobs like big data specialists how many people here have trained to do or to be that and imagine the jobs that are already getting extinct data processors they're gonna be you're a click your job is getting extinct you an auditor don't forget next inct you're an accounting rep you'll have to get next thing because you have solutions today that can do end to end accounting that can do end to end auditing so if you're a company owner why would you employ an accountant if your solution can do end to end and guess how it works because as a business somebody pays money into your account your account is tied to your bank and that is also tied to your internal accounting system your system already captures information or speed of who peel it and win and you're paying out salary to somebody or you're giving a petty cash to somebody it's captured at the end of the day it does the plus and the minus and there you go it needs zero human intervention so you can imagine the jobs that are going to be lost because it's no more relevant and because technology has taken has taken that place so it's important for us to begin to build those essential life skills and I call them essential life skills because if you don't have those skills you're not going to have those jobs unless if it's going to be the menial jobs that we see nowadays but if you're talking about jobs that are irrelevant for today those skills are important and that's why I have termed them essential life skills so from AI to machine learning to bot services to Internet of Things technology is basically changing and empowering how we live today imagine from a communication point of view we are now much more closer to our family to our friends people who you've not seen or met 30 years ago you can be able to talk to them now and through applications like like Facebook or whatsapp and they can be basically part of your lives right your parents can basically share in your child birth your parents can can share in your cried in their graduation you can even go through live video and show your mom the soup you're cooking to make sure you're doing it very well and she can correct you as compared to you driving how flying her down from the east or wherever she lives to come to your house to show you that that's the impact of technology imagine agriculture today we have drones in places like it like Israel that can Hoover around your farm and can tell you the health status of your plants imagine what used to be 20 or 30 years ago or maybe what we even do now in Africa so technology is basically empowering and making it easier for us to move and in the environment we basically know that global warming is changing how we live so technology basically empowers you to get to move and change how you interact so basically imagine that we had a government and I wanna mean government government in our leaders places government in the home government in our schools government in the marketplace who basically know and understand these statistics that I'm sharing with you and they basically say let's have 3 million people 3 million young people within the southeast who we are going to train to be data scientists who are going to be trained to learn a turtle intelligence and all that kind of stuff imagine what that would do and how that would change the face of a buckle a key how that would change the face of a southeast imagine if this same government as well says that broadband internet access is a fundamental human right because stats have shown us basically that the more internet connection you have in a locality the more your GDP goes up and let me explain it to you so because the girl in the village has internet connection she might be the kind of person who cracks jokes makes everybody laugh and she has 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000 followers then she'd get to get contacted by maybe in Nestle or a big brand to say we have a new product help us help us advertise this new product and when she does that she get pitches gets paid for it only because if you walk your steps backwards there was internet connection available for her to be able to reach a broad set of people she couldn't reach before imagine if we had if your doctors basically had the right health data information about you today and have the history from where you went from when you were born and from every single time you have come to the hospital they've captured your data and capture whatever it is was wrong with you and imagine you had an ailment that they couldn't figure out and there was connectivity and they can connect to different hospitals or different research centers around the world and you could and they can say okay we can find out that they are probably 40 or 50 people like this globally who have this challenge or this ailment and we can now go to the drug manufacturers and tell them please manufacture this variant or this level of drug for XYZ person because we have the data and the information so the question if I leave you guys today is are we ready we're not ready no because we don't have any of these things there's nobody in this room maybe 2% of people in this room who have those skills I mentioned here and I say that because I'm in the field of technology and I see young people every day I'd be surprised if 2% of people in this room have any of those skills that are there or have ready for the jobs but I even have that I need to fill up right now it's hard to find those skills so we're not ready we're not ready as a country when already other people we're not ready even as a southeast they say the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago so maybe I should have been here 1990 talking about this now to be able to inspire everybody to say this is what is going on and this is where we need to change Oregon also the fact that we didn't do that and the whole idea of the digital transformation is to say if you put anything right close to technology technology basically transforms it to make life easy for everybody and in doing a summary we basically for the industrial evolutions we went from the steam engine we went to the advent of Technology where advent of stories of the of the light bulb and technology and here we are in a digital world so I hope that with this short time I've spent with you guys I've been able to at least so or plant that seed that would generate that tree that we need to and my hope is that were able to make a difference in a back alley key were able to make a difference in the southeast we're able to make a difference in Africa as a whole because this is our time so the last charge I would like to leave you guys with is let's begin now because today is here for us thank you very much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 2,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Technology, AI, Big Data, Innovation, Revolution, Science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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