The Four Most Beautiful Chinese Women Ever

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sup guys welcome to off the Great Wall I'm Dan and I need now we know that there are a lot of beautiful Chinese women out there yeah everyone loves Chinese women so many of my Western friends have Chinese wives and girlfriends off topic dad uh anyways did you know that there are four Chinese women throughout over five thousand years of Chinese history that were said to be the most beautiful of them all what and you think competing and Miss America was tough yeah it's like you know you have been chosen to represent yourself in the Miss China pageant but your competition is like every single girl born in the span of five thousand years say if I win that I better get more than a tiara and a scholarship yeah if you win that you should at least get like the Great Wall or something see what I did there yeah Rapala mal but you know the four great beauties of China did indeed wield a lot of power three out of four of them are responsible for ruining entire kingdoms what beauty is power yeah but you know that being a beautiful woman does have its downfalls there's a Chinese saying homie employment which means beautiful woman will have difficult lives in each of these beautiful women's cases their lives have either ended prematurely or they were used as a tool in political struggles let's meet these women shall we number one t-shirt is thought to have been the most beautiful of the four beauties there's a popular saying sushi taemin meaning that she she was so entrancing me beautiful that fish would forget how to swim and sink away from the surface when she walks by she sure was born in 506 BC during the spring and autumn period also known as the warring States period basically back then China wasn't one country but made up of several states like many kingdoms and all those states were constantly fighting with each other so she sure was from the state of MIT which was vanquished by the state of who the king of yet goujian was forced to serve the principal fuj height for three years according to legend ko Jin and his advisors thought of a way to beat the Wu Tsai it was widely known that foutch I who had become the king of the wu state was a sucker for pretty women go Jin knew that if fook I was surrounded by beautiful beauties he'll be so distracted that he would have no energy left to run the country but in order for the plan to succeed goujian needed to enlist a loyal woman stunning beauty who was willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her country she sure was thus chosen godet ordered his minister friendly to take see ship to future as the tribute gift from you on the way to the roost eight she she fell deeply in love with a wise kind minister the tall dark and handsome fella during the journey wait but this is ancient China so fun Lee was probably short and pale anyways before they parted they made a secret pledge of undying love and as expected foutch I was enchanted by she sure and her beauty and spent more and more time with her and began to neglect his political duties when he eventually realized that he should not have been so bewitched with she sure it was too late goujian invaded wu and Fukai committed suicide and she assured mission was complete now there are two versions of what happened to she she after this one is that she drowned in a river the other and the one that I choose to believe is that she reunited with friendly and lived in relative obscurity happily ever after number two Dale Chen who is the second best looking of the four beauties was described to be so luminously beautiful that the moon itself would shy away in embarrassment when compared to her face hence the popular saying no ten feet it ah during the East Han Dynasty there was a tyrannical warlord named don't draw with an adopted son for you boo who was the mightiest warrior in the land at the time there was also an official called Wang Jian and he was very concerned with a political state of the country in order to dethrone don't do it while you enhance the plan to drive a wedge between Danza and Ruth the wedge would be del Chang a beautiful girl who happened to live in Wang woods household she agreed to help won urine in order to repay his kindness for taking her in so Waman first introduced the Archangel Ubu he was immediately mesmerized by her beauty of course then Quang Ninh also presented the outside you don't draw queen idiot Li took her as his concubine one day one do you who came to see dr. Jung Chang ran to him crying saying that she feels ashamed to see him as she had been violated by doctor at this time don't saw a walked in and saw nubu holding dowon from that point on the battle was born between Danza and lubu and they became crazy jealous of each other over Delta in the end wang jian was able to enlist bubu in helping him kill doom yes so the son killed his adoptive father over a woman there are various versions of Dow Jones fate and none of them were good some say she was executed by domed was followers along with Wong Yuen and some say that she wandered the world with FUBU who became a warlord but was executed with him when he was defeated in a battle some say Deltron never existed as her name only appeared in legends in not historical texts others say yo tom was not her real name and her actual name was in a child but we'll never know number three Walt Elgin is the third most beautiful woman in Chinese history and is said to be so beautiful that her appearance would entice birds in flight to fall from the sky hence the saying dal Joong Liu Yin Wan Rajan was born in the Western Han Dynasty in 52 BC she entered the Imperial Palace during the reign of Emperor un of the Western Hunt the Emperor chose companions from his vast group of maidens only by looking at the portraits you know because he didn't have time to meet them in person kind of like OkCupid Franken China not the same thing okay as a result of the practice it has become the custom for Palace ladies to offer large bribes to court artists to ensure that they painted flattering likeness it's like bribing a photographer to Photoshop your photo to make you look the best they can get it yeah one soldier however was so confident in her natural beauty and refused to pay the court painter his customary bride as a result the painter painted an ugly picture of her and from her finished portrait she seemed to be the ugliest of all the palace ladies and thus never receives the Emperor's favor when the chieftain of the shingle which was the country that included Mongolia in northern China at the time became a subject of the Han Empire he told the Emperor men I wish to take a hot Beauty as my Empress to submit relations with this barbarian nation Emperor un agreed to the request but of course he didn't want to give away any was pretty Maiden so he actually decided to pick the plainest girl for marriage so Wong's Aldrin was picked only when she was on the point of departure didn't prevent see her in person and of course was like what did I do I gave away the most beautiful maiden but it was too late so the groom-to-be of course was delighted the Emperor had the court artist that painted wanted UN's portrait be put to death Juan's Audrina traveled beyond the Great Wall and never returned to the homeland she died at the tender age of 33 and finally we have the last of the four beauties young wait fate my favorite she was curvy uh-huh it was said that she had a face that puts all flowers to shame that's the term we face you walk young boy his real name was actually young you went and she was born in the year of seven nineteen during the Tang Dynasty young boy fate as she's more commonly known enter the Royal Palace and immediately won the favor of the Tong Emperor Xuan so he had over 3000 concubines but he only had eyes for her to the degree where he stopped caring about running a country and spent every waking moment with her he also promoted all of young waifus family members to become high-ranking officials which turned out to be a mistake yes because Emperor's friends own eventually fled towards the southwest because of internal rebellion he took young way Fei with him they hadn't gone far from the capital when his own soldiers refused to go on and demanded the death of yunkai FA as they blamed her for the rebellion Emperor's Frenzel had no choice but to have his favorite concubine put to death there's a popular Chinese saying new language when or it is hard for heroes to pass the test of beautiful women basically all guys are weak when it comes to dealing with a beautiful woman Yeah right oh yeah the Battle of Troy was spot over Helen she was said to be the most beautiful woman on earth all right maybe that one hey guys thanks again for watching and let us know if your job or life has ever been ruined because of a girl or friendship oh my god there's this like episode on Sex in the City where the guy's a modelizer and he realizes that his life was like destroyed my models that is not relevant thanks for watching totally not comment what I was asking and I don't remember seeing that episode what episode was that just kidding I don't watch Sex in the City thanks for watching guys see you next time be sure to share this video and tweet us and all that stuff like us on Facebook bye guys
Channel: Off the Great Wall
Views: 1,314,766
Rating: 4.9139528 out of 5
Keywords: off the great wall, otgw, 4 most beautiful chinese women, four chinese beauties, chinese beauties, most beautiful chinese women, hottest, most beautiful women in the history, beautiful chinese women, beautiful chinese girls, diao chan, xi shi, wang zhao jun, yang gui fei, warring states, chinese history, chinese culture, china history, ancient history, chinese women, chinese
Id: dZffx3eQO20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2014
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