The Fossil Record of Viruses

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The Fossil Record of Viruses Welcome to another episode on the fossil record with me Benjamin Burger. This is a special episode, as I’ve not been able to post my normal weekly videos, since I’ve been quarantined because of the 2020 outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, which has made thousands of people sick around the world the last few weeks. With schools all moving to online systems, I’ve been in the front lines of helping faculty and teachers migrate courses fully online, as well as my own courses which I typical teach with students in a classroom. I’ve had to cancel fieldtrips, scientific conferences and readjust my whole life over the last few days. This disruption was all caused by a tiny, a super tiny organism, which may not even be a living creature, but a few strains of RNA that works really good at hijacking our cells in our lungs. Today I thought we could take a look at viruses: what they are, where they came from and how have they evolved, and do they have a fossil record? First what is a virus? Almost all life on the planet is composed of cells, which are classified as either prokaryotic cells (bacteria), that is cells without organelles, and eukaryotic cells (cells with organelles and a nucleus, which includes plants, fungus, algae, and animals, including all the multicellular organisms). Virus are not in either of these two groups, but something very bizarre, and very very tiny. Viruses exist as a particle or virions that contain strands of DNA or RNA that can make proteins, surrounded by a protein coat or capsid that protects the DNA or RNA from oxidation (that is reacting to oxygen that would break apart those molecules), they can also be encased in some lipids or other proteins. Viruses can be shaped from helical forms to shapes like a d20 dice from Dungeons and Dragons, or just be spherical in shape. Individual viruses are super tiny, about 100 times smaller than bacteria. This makes finding fossil viruses very challenging since they are so small they can’t be seen even under optical microscopes, you would need a specialized Scanning Electron Microscope to even see them. Likely, virus have been on the planet for billions of years, and their ecology suggests that they may be remnants of the some of the earliest life forms on the planet. But are viruses living creatures? Not exactly. Viruses don’t grow or eat, and they lack metabolism, and they also don’t sexually reproduce. They can only replicate within a host cell. Viruses are everywhere, but especially in the oceans. Most viruses are pretty harmless, but their origin is very fascinating, and may explain why they can be so dangerous to us today. There are three theories to their origin. One theory holds that virus originated from single cell bacteria. Bacteria reproduce by asexually splitting their cells into two, by making a copy of the DNA in the cell. This works great to quickly reproduce when there is food and good conditions to grow, but presents a problem because asexual reproduction or clones of bacteria lack genetic diversity, and they don’t evolve or change quickly enough to adapt to a changing environment. One adaptation that bacteria developed was the ability to share genetic information between cells by replicating the DNA or RNA in their cell, and sending this smaller package of information to other cells which would incorporate this information into their own cell, actually putting it in their own DNA. This is like a network communication system. The problem with this system would be if a bacteria cell produced a package of DNA or RNA that instead of being beneficial to the cell, it would instead infect it, causing the cell to start replicating other packages of DNA or RNA encoded to infect other cells. Just like viruses on a computer network can cause issues by infecting a computer and sending emails to all your contacts in your email account with copies of the virus, and spread quickly. True viruses in nature likely caused considerable damage among early colonies of bacteria on the planet. These packages of DNA or RNA would have originated from bacteria, and but quickly spread, as they replicated in cells that they infected. This theory of origin is called the Escape Hypothesis. The second theory is that viruses may have originated as the most primitive life form on the planet, during a period of time in the Archean or even Hadean, about 4 billion years ago. When the atmosphere and ocean’s lacked oxygen, and the world was much warmer. The RNA-world of this time period may have existed in oceans which were filled with self-replicating particles of RNA that would survive on a planet with-out oxygen, but rich in methane and other hydrocarbon molecules. Scientists have postulated that these ancient viruses would consist solely of single strains of RNA. RNA is ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid that in living cells act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA to synthesize proteins needed in the cell, some viruses consist only of RNA. An RNA-World would be a world where these ribonucleic acids would utilize hydrocarbon molecules to replicate new strains of RNA. RNA is an enzyme and can catalyze chemical reactions very quickly. With the emergence of bacteria, these RNA strains of early viruses may have developed the ability to infect these early cells. This theory of origin is called the Virus-First Hypothesis. The third theory is that viruses may be simply bacterial cells that have retrograded into simpler lifeforms. Many viruses like those that cause small pox are composed of DNA, and are relatively speaking large in size. These DNA viruses could just be specialized bacteria that developed a parasitic lifestyle by utilizing other cells for replication. Giving up the ability to grow and eat, and developing a host-parasite relationship with other organisms. This theory of origin is called the Regressive Hypothesis. It is likely that all these hypothesizes are true, with various viruses originating from one of these processes. The influenza virus particles contain only RNA, and are very tiny about 80 nanometers in diameter, and if we don’t know how they originated, do we know something about how they evolve and change over time? Viruses change by mutations in the RNA which can result during the replication process within infected cells. A base-pair change can lead to a change in the genetic makeup of the strand of genetic material within the virus. One of the issues with viruses is when these mutations in the genetic code allows the virus to infect a new host. This is thought to happen with many pandemics, in which a virus that infects one animal, develops a mutation that allows it to infect humans. When an animal is infected with a virus, millions to billions of copies of the virus are made, and there can be little mistakes in the code of the virus that allow it to jump to a different host if the opportunity arises. It also means that with the numbers of replications of viruses made in a host, that viruses can change very quickly, and if these changes are advantageous they can spread very fast within host cells, and between individuals. Scientists can de-code the genetic material within these viruses, and develop phylogenies that are based on these mutation events, giving an evolutionary tree that helps map out the spread of the virus from one host to another. As a host, humans can also host this mutation event within their own cells, such that a pandemic can stem from a single individual unknowingly. Virologists are studying the origin of this particular strain of the influenza virus, called the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is provisionally called the 2019 novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, a single strain RNA virus. Phylogenetic study of the virus suggests a close relationship to viruses that also infect bats and pangolins. Pangolins may have been the cause of this virus, as they been imported into China and present in the market where this virus was thought to have originated from. The COVID-19 virus infects lung tissue, that is individual cells in the lungs of mammals which are more sensitive to these viruses because of the importance they serve in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in respiration when we breath. Hence, the virus can damage these cells and cause rapid onset of health issues related to respiration. Viruses spread from person to person by coughs and particles that get breathed in. Each time a virus infects a person, the virus also change with further mutations, such that viruses maybe become more benign over time, as those viruses that jump from person to person, made more likely if did not make the person sick enough to stay home. The best protection for infection is a quarantine or isolation, or social distancing. I’m not a virologist or infection diseases expert, but a paleontologist. So has anyone found a fossil virus? Yes, they have! A study from 2005 by George and Roberta Poinar, published in the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology found evidence for fossil viruses. They found a fossil midget preserved in amber, that exhibited an infection of the cypovirus. This evidence of a fossil virus comes from the 99 million year old Burmese amber, that has also has preserved this tiny lizard that to be a dinosaur/bird recently described this year. But these viruses are so tiny they can’t be directly be observed, instead the pathology exhibited in the fossil midget suggests the presence of the virus. Hence fossil evidence of viral infections extends back to the age of dinosaurs, but what about earlier in Earth’s history? In 2010, James Laidler and Kenneth Stedman did a cool experiment published in Astrobiology to see if they could fossilize a virus in silica, such as would be likely in conditions in hydrothermal springs. They were successful in fossilizing a modern virus in this solidified silica rock, suggesting that viruses could be found in chert or silica veins from early in Earth’s history. Hence, there is the possibility that viruses could be found in the future from early in Earth’s history, which would support their long presence on Earth today. It also suggests that viruses, if present on other planets could also be preserved in the rocks. These fossil viruses can be detected in silica, by using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrophotometry (EDS), looking for the element phosphorus, which is an element found within RNA and DNA. Phosphorus is rare in silica, and tests could be developed in the future to be able to detect phosphorus in silica rocks, as well as carbon isotopes to detect fossil viruses that cannot be easily seen under a microscope. I hope that this video reaches you while you are safe and healthy. I going to try and upload more videos in the coming weeks despite all the quarantines across the world, because it is nice to have some educational videos to watch during this time of uncertainty. I also want to thank my patreons for the support. I’m going to be back to my normal schedule soon, and have some interesting videos planned for the future on fossils, dinosaurs and geology, now that the snow is nearly melted away. I’m looking forward to getting back in the field. I hope the future holds a healthy outcome for you and your entire family.
Channel: Benjamin Burger
Views: 2,190
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Id: d9pgu35UPSg
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Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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