The Forgotten Method For Carp? | Andy Power | Court Farm

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hello you join us today at court Farm  fishery in Worcester I believe uh first   video of year mid of winter absolutely freezing  but hopefully we're going to catch a few [Music] fish and uh had a bik straight away so I'm uh  enjoying myself a little bit too much [Music] there we go nice Court Farm coming lovely little   fish let's see if there's  any more out [Music] there [Music] now today I'd like to run you through a tactic  that I think is pretty underused a lot of the   matches I fish um it's dominated by pole fishing  feeder fishing bomb fishing and I think a lot of   people shy away from wagler fishing I don't  know what it is whether they're sort of not   confident in it or they just don't see it as  a winning tactic but wagler fishing any time   of year is something I'm Mega confident in and  it's a tactic that you know beginners or experts   should be sort of utilizing really so today I  thought I'd run you through some really simple   tactics at CT Farm fishery today it's full of  some nice car or at least I think it is I've   been here once before a year or two ago never  fished in winter but hopefully we're going to   catch some carp today on wag um so typically you  know it's like a lot of Fisheries I'm from what I   remember it's about 5 Sixt deep but we're going  to run through that and Plum up in a minute so   that's going to be perfect for a bit of wagler  fishing we're going to be fishing on the bottom   maybe up in the water it's turned a little bit  mild today so there might be some fish off the   bottom but typically we're going to fish on the  bottom with corn but and a few other baits but   we're run through that in a minute first of all  I'm going to show you how to Plum up a wagler   correctly so today like I said I'm going to keep  it really simple today normally I'd be fishing   say uh sort of unloaded or insert peacock wagler  um I prefer unloaded waglers because they dive   less than the cash ster but for a beginner uh  or you know someone who does know what they're   doing a lot of great Anglers all use sort of  loaded waglers so I thought I'd run you through   a setup that is going to be sort of is going to  get you going and fishing really quickly know if   I took a family member fishing I'd always set  them up one of these swaglers you know simple   loaded at the base but really easy to set up all  it is so I've got my sort of 12p wagler Rod sort   of typical gear for a commercial fishery I  prefer a 12T Rod instead of a 13 it's less   cumbersome obviously it's a bit longer than 11  so you can mend your line a bit easier and sink   it bit a little bit better really simple got 4  um float Max on that brilliant reil line um nice   and durable obviously middle of winter we're not  going to be bagging loads of fish but it's just   enough for what we're going to use Al we could  probably get away with 3 but 4 is going to do   the job nice so all I need to do I've got my main  line here one of these stops pet wagler kits and   literally all I need to do got these little  Loops here just slide one of these onto the   main line thread it through like so slide it on  one at a time just wet it give it a little bit of lubricant oh that one's caught on the other one   there what's happening not as easy  as as yeah there we go slide it on so we got a stop there at above line we've got   our sort of quick change wagler  link there and we've got two more stops and then on the end of that I'm also going  to attach a little um quick chain swivel one with   a rubber sleeve cuz I think we're going to be  probably fishing with corn today but I'm going   to have a couple of different hook lengths I'm  going to change and swap in between so I'm just   going to tie that on nice simple knot whatever  you prefer uh and then all we're going to do to   Plum up to begin with is pick a nice decent Siz  wagler so we're going to pick say a 4 G is a 4 G   there it's loaded at the base but it's got these  washes that we can adjust so to Plum up to begin   with I'm going to take one of these washers off  so that it's undotted place that there so don't   use it so it's going to be shutted to about there  that's what you want when you're pluming up you   don't want it shoted there because you can't  identify the depth correctly so if we just   undershot it by taking that off nice and simple  grab the quick change or wagler adapter just plunk   it on there and now just going to test it in the  margin but I think that's going to be well unders   shuted behind me there we go sticking right out  the water but importantly if I take an SSG shot   and place it around that swivel that I've just  tied on or just above it on the line like that   that will now sink the wagler so instead of using  there we go instead of using a big plummet like   you would on the pole that little shot on the line  is not going to sink into the silk it's not going   to make a big splash when it hits the water and  you should be able to Plum up nice and accurately   so if I turn around and show you how to Plum up  I'm guessing it's probably like five or six foot   so I'm going to move it up to maybe 5T to begin  with and I'm going to show you how to Plum up [Music] so now I'm going to run you through the  process of Plumbing up it's really easy to beir   but it just takes a little bit of time sometimes  to get it nice and accurate so like we said I've   set it roughly about 5T I've got my SSG on my  swivel there no hook to begin with cuz we're   just Plumbing up for now it's probably not even  the float that we're going to use but for now   just going to cast out to the general area that  I'm looking to feed just a comfortable distance   and the float's popped up straight away there so  I can see that I'm well over depth so now it's   just a case of sliding the wagler down a little  bit at a time until we can sort of see the shot   register on the float or the float disappears  just a bit of trial and error sometime times   it can take sort of half an hour to sort of  Plum up sometimes you know pegs are sort of   up and down a little bit and it takes a little  time to sort of try and figure out where you're   going to fish and you know what depth it is  on your Rod um so that that again the float   is well out the water so it's obviously a bit  shallower than I remember and it might be that   it's shallow in the middle of the lake so just  sliding it down shortening the rig again trial   and error just take your time take a few casts  and at the minute we're just pluming up in front   of us I'm going to have a few cast left and  right that's actually sunk the float I'm just   going to wait a little bit see if it pops up  sometimes it just pops up but now that sunk the float so I'm just going to come back up again just about an inch and a half to see what happens nice comfortable distance that one's popped back up  again but that was to the left that   one so and have another cast in front  of me see if it gets deeper in front of me just slightly deeper you just see it register   there but we're still well over depth  so going to slide the float back down again another inch can be a little bit awkward to cast cuz  it can sort of pendulum a little bit but if   you just do a nice steady lob you'll  find that you can get it out there so   that one sunk but I did cast a little bit  further that time just going to try cast   a little bit shorter see if it deviates  a little bit it does take a bit of time   to Plum up not every Lake's totally flat  so you're there let's pop back up again   so I'm going to have another sort of cast  long just to see if it deepens off just to confirm see that's sunk so what I'm sort of  gathering a little bit of picture to what   my Peg's doing and I think the further  you go out is sort of steadily deepens   off from what I can gather so far so at  a minute if we were fishing short nice   comfortable distance that'll be the right  depth just going to have another cast a bit longer horse behind me he's not happy so it just popped up then and went  back down we got a bit of a breeze today so   it is making a little bit awkward obviously  when you're wagler fishing it's not nice to   not have a any Breeze whatsoever but um  today we've got a bit of a breeze off our   shoulder which isn't too bad as long as  it's off your back it makes things easy   so I've just deepened it off again cuz I  think we're going to be fishing a decent   distance into the lake we are in winter there  we go just popped up so you do find that the   fish can sort of show up tight in the middle  of the lake quite often or the warmest part so I think that's the area we're going to  fish so all I tend to do now we got this   little hook up on a rod or you tend to anyway  so what I do is I place that shot there re out   the slack and then I'll mark it on the rod  or in this case depth is actually that Rod   ring so I'll count how many Rod rings so one  two three four four Rod rings and that's a St   for my longer line so if I come back shorter I'm  going to be sort of 2 in short of that but if I   fish out longer that's going to be the right  depth right on that Rod ring it's important   important as well when you mark your depth  is to flatten the float against the rod CU   that's how you're going to be fishing I tend to  mark it with you know just a tiny blobber tipex   something that's not going to damage the rod  and then we can go about setting our rig up I   think that was a 4 G waggler so that was actually  quite comfortable to cast in this wind so I think   I'm going to stick with that wagler I'm going to  put that washer back on again that we took off earlier if I can find it there it is put  that back on again and I think that was   nearly shuted about right with that washer  on might be that we have to trim trim it   down with a few number eight STS just around  that where the rubber STS are um obviously   I've got that swivel down the line which is  going to add a little bit to the capacity of it so we look there that's  actually shuted probably about right take that SSG off obviously we've we know  how deep deep it is on the rod so now we've got   to attach our hook length to this uh like I said  today I'm going to fish couple of different hook   baits but I think probably going to try and catch  on corn Corn's a brilliant bait in winter when the   water's bit clearer just stands out on the bottom  and it sinks nice and slowly so I've got a hook   length here it's 01 power line to begin with I've  got an 18 GPM hook uh ey one cuz we're going to   Quick Stop it on a hair um I've also got a spade  end hook if I want to mess around with maggots or   maybe even a punch bit of bread nice and slow  through the water um sometimes a slow sinking   up bake can sort of pick out a few fish I'm not  going to probably feed to begin with because I   just want to search a Peg and find out where the  fish are to begin with obviously it's winter not   really going to be come into lots of loose feed  so I'm just going to take it easy to begin with   so I'm going to start on the Quick Stop uh rig  um I've got a I think it's 2T yeah twoot hook   length I'm going to start with which is going to  be about right for this swim cuz what I want is   that swivel to be about half depth just to sort  of help sink the line I'm not going to have any   shot apart from that down the line to begin with  so I'm just going to attach that onto our swivel   really quick to do just peel back that rubber  sleeve slide it back on again and that's that   obviously we're miles over depth at the minute  so I put the hook on the hook up reel up and I   count down to my fourth ring cuz that's the  depth of the swim so 1 2 3 4 is here slide   it down and to begin with cuz there is a bit of  a wind I'm just going to go about an inch over depth obviously it might be that we need  to sort of lay a little bit of line but   for cart really I want to fish sort of  as close to the exact depth as possible   the bites can be really finicky in winter  so by having lots of line on the bottom   it's not really ideal so with a bit of luck  that might be our rig might be that we have   to put a number eight or so on but no just  testing it close in that's probably about right so now we're probably ready to start  fishing right so one quick tip I'm about to   start fishing ready to go this reel line um  it's probably been a while since I've used   this particular reel I've noticed when I cast  out it's actually sticking on the surface a   little bit when I try and sink it so what I do is  I carry out carry around with me a little bit of   fairy liquid in there washing up Liquid um to  be fair it's better off in a spray bottle but   this is what I tend to do to sink the line and  sort of break that surface tension all I do is   dab a little bit of this onto the spool like  so smear it in have a few Cals with that and   that just breaks the surface tension of  the line and makes it easier to sink the   line and it stops the float being dragged  around by the wind and keeps the float in   place so just a few cast with that Rod under the  water make it nice and wet work the fairy liquid through and you'll be amazed the difference  that makes when you're trying to sink your   line on Windy days so let's get fishing right so  let's start fishing obviously I mentioned earlier   I'm going to be fishing corn to begin with um  all I'm doing here pick a nice grain I've got   my Quick Stop on my uh bit needle poke it through  grab the quick stop I'm just hair rigging it there   preferred rig if possible when carp involved CU  I just think you hit a lot more bites so to begin   with that's all I'm going to do grain of corn  I've not fed anything sink the line I'm going   run you through quickly the baits I'm using today  so obviously I got my boffi corn obviously flavors   work really well winter so a bit of boffi works  really well as I said earlier it's nice and visual   sinks nice and slowly should be sinking now and  if there's a c there and it sort of drops past its nose you quite often find you get bites just as  it's settling so like I said I've got corn I can   maybe choose to feed a spot later on with a few  grains of corn if I start catching a few fish I   tend to do that just shorten my float if I can cuz  you often find feeding can actually be a kiss of   death in Winter sometimes so like I said I've got  some corn but I've got other hook bait options if   I just want to cast around try and find some fish  I've got maggots I could put sort of two or three   maggots on a spade end hook sort of a 16 or an 18  GPM I've got a hook length for they're ready on   my side tray all I need to do is clip it on and  I've also got some bread here me punch kit here   with a few slices of bread like like I said I've  got a spade end hook I could try maybe a six or   an 8 mil punch piece of bread and like the maggots  is going to sink really slowly and sometimes that   can fo a big wary carp on sort of a cold day it's  just a lot of lot about Troll and error really to   see what they want obiously on this particular  Lake the water's actually quite colored so it   might be that you know pallets might be might be a  better option even though it's sort of cold and in   Winter and pallets maybe not quite so effective  just by feeding sort of two or three pellets at   a time sometimes that might be the way forward  so we'll stick with the corn to begin with see   we catch some fish and uh see how we go oh so  that was a little indication there straight   away to be fair quite a sharp dink so I think it  might have been a carp just check my hook there   sitting nice so it might be that I'm fishing  too far over depth if we start missing a few bites like I said earlier got a bit of a breeze  today and it's really important to sink the line   so that way the float's not drifting out  you're not creating a bow in the line you   sinking the line getting it under that Ripple  and it's going to stay in place without dragging   the hook bait around obviously I'm setting a  clutch as well just in case we do hit into one i' got a insert waggler today obiously Waggers  com in a lot of different shapes and sizes got   some on my side tree so where's me float I'll  show you them in a minute just cast out again   hook bait still on that's a beauty of a quick stop  stays on there doesn't come off so now the process   are casting out cast out FEA it when it hits the  water so it all straightens out Rod tip under and   a nice flick and I can see all my loon sunk so  back to the waglers come in a lot of different   shapes and sizes uh the one I've got out there  is an insert wagler which is this one nice and   sensitive on the tip obviously we're in Winter  today and quite often you get little dinks and   that by fishing a fine finer top wagler as long  as you can see it can uh amplify those little bites in my other hand I've got a  oh another indication a good sign I   should pay more attention really but um the  other option would be if we were struggling   to see a float would be a normal straight  waggler obviously you can see in the sun   that's really glowing quite nicely that  waggler so if the Ripple got up we'd swap   to one one of those so that time it took my  hook bait so is just a case of getting my needle putting a quick stop over the top  pick a nice grain I'm sliding it through   the blunt end and through the top and that  way it's going to stay on my hook points   exposed there's a car there it's good sign  and uh hopefully we catch one of his friends so I'm going to run you through casting again  actually before I go out one mistake a lot of   people make is they wind the wagler right up  to the rod and that makes it really difficult   to cast accurately what you tend to want is  sort of a say a 4T drop between your float   and the rod tip and then it's just a case of a  nice gentle lob when it gets close to hitting   the water I put my finger on the SP to stop it  and it all straightens out without any Tangles   I think that's really important when you're  wagler fishing a lot of the time people cast   out and it lands sort of without fevering  lands in a bit of a heap and that's when   you get your Tangles so it's really important  nice 4ot drop nice steady lob cast out tra the   line with my finger Rod tip under few turns and  then a nice little flick to sink the line and I   can see my float pop up and then we're fishing  and that hook bait should be falling nice and   slowly obviously all I've got of the minute  is that swivel on the line and the hook bait   so it's all nice and slow really natural but  if the wind did get up I could maybe try and   put a put some shot further down the line see  couple of number eights just to sort of keep it steady and now it's just a case of waiting for  for a bite so we've had a couple of indications   straight away I think they were sort of at the  far end of my swim but what I could do is if   it's been there a little while I can take a few  turns on the Reel another little flick and that   resets my float lets hookbait drop down again and  it just tries a different spot that way you're   search and your swim searching where the fish are  and see where your bites are coming it just gives   you a really good idea where the fish are if you  sort of casting around your peg not fishing in   one spot obviously we're in winter so quite often  you find that you maybe catch a fish straight away   little might have been an indication sometimes  you catch a fish and it's really hard to get a   bite especially when you obviously we're on a lake  all on our own today you might think the fishing's   going to be easy but in Winter you tend to find  you catch one and the fish s of back away again   and they don't come back so it's really important  just to sort of search around you Peg obviously in   a match you'd have people opposite you and they'd  be pushing fish towards you but when you're on   your own you sort of once the fish have gone they  sort of Gone Gone in Winter because they're not   really looking for feed especially but they will  take a hook bait if it's dangled in front of their nose so the minute we've got a red top float the ripple at the minute slightly awkward  it might be that we can get a marker pen and black   it off it might be easier to see but I've got my  glasses on which makes it quite easy to see a red   float to be fair the beauty of these floats they  got interchangeable tip so you could have like a   black tip and then swap between depending on what  the Ripple's doing bit the a minute we I can see   my float just nice just being nice and patient  waiting for a bite so not had a indication on that   area for a little while so I'm going to do what  I did before few turns on a reel try a different spot it's actually stayed under that  time so I'm going to strike that one took my hook bait again might have been a fish so by searching a Peg and keeping busy you're  going to find out where the fish are rather   than sort of fishing in one spot and I think  that's the beauty with wagler fishing if you   were fishing a bomb you'd sort of be limited  to one spot really you can sort of keep cing   out because that would scare the fish or  wagler there's hardly any disturbance out   there so here we go we're our first fish saw we  missed a couple B earlier I've actually made a   few changes first one I've actually blackened  off my float tip um because the wind's got up   slightly and I've stepped up to a five G waggler  just keep it nice and stable in this crosswind   and this this fish in particular actually took  it nearly straight away so it shows me that it   was sitting off the bottom and it seen that  hook bait oh just woke up it's seen that hook   bait falling through the water and that's when  it took it so that was a fish that I wouldn't   have caught on a bomb off either cuz it sat  off the bottom and it's uh took it on the way down like I said we're in winter so I'm just  take my time with it it's a long fish no rush don't go quite crazy like they do in  summer but this one's a common and it's   sort of putting up a bit of a fight nice soft  Rod though takes up all the lunges there we   go lovely fish to start off the session  nice Comon let's see if I can hold him up there we go nice CT Farm Comon  loveely little fish let's see if   there's any more out there slip that  one back so that was on a grain of   corn so that gives me confidence  to keep going with the same hook bait so like I said I'm not going to go mad  with feed I've not fed anything yet to begin   with but I think if I start catching a few  I might flick a few grain shorter just giv   me another option OB caught that fish out quite  long but just gives me another option to bring it back and you sort of get two bites of  the Cherry if you like and typically   I've gone for a black float and the wind's  just dropped so I can't see a thing now   but luckily I've got the tip I was using  just here so I'm to swap back to my orange tip in fact I actually colored in half of that  with a marker pen so I'm just going to turn   it upside down push it back in again job done  I can't believe that the wind's completely   dropped and a few minutes ago I couldn't see  see an orange float and now it's perfect again   so just shows you you need a few sort of color  options on your float tip to see it that orange   is sticking out like a beacon now so so that fish  just took it just around about now just as it was settling so because I've had a fish  like that it makes me want to sort   of cast nice and frequently  to keep the hookbait dropping through and in fact now that I I have had that  fish I think I'm going to flick a few grain   well short of the float and it just gives me an  option for later on in the session not going to   go mad just a few grains out there sort of 6  M short of the float and you quite often find   sort of later on in the session this time of  year just as the temperature sort of rise up   a little bit in the afternoon the C sort of  have a little bit of a feed then you sort of   normally get a good spell in the morning and  then sort of have the have a bit of a feed   before it gets cold again in the evening so  it might be that that Short Line comes really good little indication then so it's important in  Winter to sort of strike strike at those little   indications cuz they they can be a bite sometimes  it might have been a silver fish or something you   might notice as well I'm not using a rod rack  when I'm wagler fishing cuz for me there's   just no need for it if you're putting your rod  down when you're wagler fishing you're missing   bikes really should just be an extension of your  arm should have it in your hand all the time if   you want to feed you know you've got your your  left hand here Rod is sort of across the knees   I don't need to hold it but it's there if I do  get a bite I can fill my pouch up up keep my rod   across my knee there if we get a bite I can strike  straight away it's not a problem I don't need to   put it down I just think a rod rest is a waste of  time when you wag the fish and it gets in the way   there's no need for it and if the Rod's already  in your hand you're going to hit bites a lot quicker so that was good we had a  little indication there straight away I've not had a indication for a little while  so what I'm going to do is couple turns back try a new spot see if there there's  one closer in just about searching your   peg all the time obviously it's not like  a feeder and bomb when you're clipping up   to a same spot it's about searching  your Peg and when you are feeding   on a wagler you're feeding quite a big  area so it wouldn't sort of make sense   to clip up to one spot because you're  not covering sort of where your feed's landing and you tend to sort of get an  idea of where you're getting bites so   then you can fish to that spot then  if you if you're sort of clipping   up to the same spot all the time you're  sort of limiting yourself really with a wagler but the winds wind still dropped it's going  to be a nice day today sun's trying to come out had a few bites so I'm already happy to be fair on   a nice cold day it's just nice to be  out doing one of my favorite [Music] methods [Music] right because the wind's dropped it's actually  gone completely flat calm and now going to   shut my float down a little bit deeper and  just put a number 10 around the base of it   shouldn't use your teeth really but I have  just to dot it down a little bit obviously   when the wind gets back up again I can  take that shot off quite easily at the   minute it's flat calm so I can afford to  dot it right down so cast out it's really   important to FEA it when it goes in so it's  all falling down in a line not in a heap and   that hook bait should be falling nice and  slowly now hardly any shot down the line and hopefully that grabs attention of a fish probably even put another  shot on that but I know as soon   as I do the wind will probably get up  again so it's probably all right as it is carry on feeding I think that  little shorter line don't think   it's going to do any harm just sort  of three or four grains every now and again and now it's gone flat Cal I'm  also looking at signs of fish OB not   going to be really active in winter  but they sometimes do give themselves   away sort of little pinck bubbles can come up  maybe little swirls where there's fish in the water it's amazing actually even in Winter you  can sort of see Fish cruising around some days   there we go sometimes you can see sort of PODS  of fish moving around really high up in the water   you got to remember we got cold nights quite  often so a lot of that cold water is down on   the bottom and fish like this sort of they want  to be in the war warmer water like us really well   not water but they search out the warmer areas  so if we get a mild day they're going to pop up   in the water and take advantage of it really  this one feels like a smaller fish might not be just taking my time with it there we go lovely fish that  one another Immaculate little common just woken up there we go lovely  little fish awesome fish to cash in   the middle of winter it's nice to get a  few pools on a rod or dips on the float rather see if we can catch some more so again that was a grain of corn so not really  not really any point sort of changing really sort   of such a good bait in Winter and I pick a nice  medium grain a quick St through on my little hair   rig there you quite often find when you're hair  rigging you hook fish in the right place so it's   sort of on the mouth rather than back in the  softer part of the throat if you like and that   way you lose less fish and you seem to hit more  bites doing that on the flip side I've always   fishing for sort of species like skimmers f1s  and cassos I might fish say a 14 hook and just   fit just hook the actual grain of corn onto the  hook and sometimes you hit more bites like that   of species like F1 skimmers but for car with  heran today don't think there's actually any   f1s in here I think it's just mainly car another  one just topped to the right of my float so I'm   keeping my eye out just caught a fish it might  be that that fish is just spooked off from the commotion but um we'll keep searching  a peg keep pinging a few grains of corn   on the shorter line and uh yeah Sun's  just come out and we're having a nice stay there we go that was a quick  bite really sharp just noding his head I actually started feeding a  bit more bait that time which is   encouraging sun's out fed a few grains  nearer to my float and I started catch   it well just hooked one there so  uh feeling a bit spring like to be fair so that's a good sign that I can sort of  feed a bit more bait if you like don't need to   be so cautious I can get away with feeding a bit  of bait and it might be they actually come to the   feed there a lovely fishery so it might be that  we do catch a few fish today but already we're   on to our third or fourth fish and on a cold  day i' be sort of be happy with that in a few   minutes really so uh anything else is a bonus  this feels like a bit of a bigger fish to be F   going to take my time with it just sort of nodding  his head not really getting his head up at the minute there's no need to rush just going to  make the most of every fish got me Clutch nice   and loose not fishing Mega Heavy like  I said I'm only fishing 01 power line   really light small 18 GPM H so I'm not going  to mad and pull the Reds off but there we go   nice fit common that one nice chunky fish  there we go Sun's just trying to come out   as well for it probably won't let me hold it  in the sunlight but have a go there go just   un knook it and put it back lovely little  fish that one in fact the grain of corn   is actually still on there so just shows how  effective quick stopping is soft baits like corn there we go in fact I'm going to see  if I can catch another fish on it so actually just up the feed a  little bit here sun's coming out I   just got that feed in fish are going  to sort of respond to it if you like   notice that when I have fed I've  had bites straight away so it's encouraging typically I'll just put  another shot on and the wind's getting   up but I could just about make it  out have to take the number 10 off again just going to take that shot off again I  think Ripple's making it a little bit awkward   to see so the beauty with starts is you can  take them off the line quite easy just tease it   through the slit again and I took it off quick as  that check my hook bait all good nice little lob   like that FEA it before it HS the water few  turns and then a flick of the rod sinks the line going flick a few grains into the peg again and then what I can do is I can  reel back into the feed and just search my peg so another few turns back try a different spot all that time the hook bait's moving  around dropping through the water just   giving more chance of C catching a fish that  might be off the bottom and following the feed down here we go we're into another fish  feeling a bit spring like now and I'm enjoying myself I think uh we call this fish last  fish of the day had a brilliant session I   think I'm going to carry on for a bit though  catch a few more of these C but thanks for   watching don't forget to like And subscribe to  Preston YouTube channel for a bit more fishing   content and while I catch a couple more of  these beautiful little car thank you for watching
Channel: Preston Innovations
Views: 34,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @UKprestoninnovations, fishing, angling, match, uk, carp, preston, fish, net, hooking, des, shipp, hook, angler, innovations, bait, method, tips, technique, Coarse Fishing, des shipp, lee kerry, Andy power, Andy findlay, fishing tackle, how to, coarse fishing, pole fishing, method fishing, method feeder, feeder fishing, andy may, float fishing, live match, match fishing
Id: jcr44KKMxak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.