THE FORGOTTEN KASUMI TALENT! - Paladins Gameplay Build

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hi guys Frost FS here back with Paladin video playing some Kazumi today it has been a minute I'm pretty sure the last video was in 2023 and I've barely played there since then the builds I did try and tweak a couple times and I think I might have scrapped a video or two since that last B but these I'm quite where they're at at the moment I don't feel they need to adjust them they've been very close to this for a while at least for me the only new card was unseen eyes which is doing something very similar but healing extra health and a few other cards that kind nice to have and that's pretty much all you need card wise Kazumi seems to be a very simple character I don't really see too many variations of you know what she's running in a match even though she's a flyer now hasn't really changed very much and the builds seem to look pretty much the exact same although play rate and I guess style Wise It's a little bit different it really hasn't changed too much for the four teams here though you can see them on screen tyrx Vu an E versus dros tiberious another Vu dber and anazon I feel like I should go for haunted ground or empowered curse CU are kind of like the two defaults I actually see but let's try and finish business because we don't have a Healer and uh see how we do this might be terrible but I'm going to try it I haven't played this in I think ever I don't know if I've ever made a video with unfinished did heal up a little bit so I did do suing I think he did just step on my little thing cuz I heard the activation thing on the little bottom left I heard it I mean I saw it big healing there the service St is definitely kind of rough for Kazumi definitely doesn't have the same sort of feel to it like a you know Drogo or a Grover where it feels better it definitely doesn't and it feels significantly worse try and finish off the tyus there we go managed to thread that shot through but uh yeah I don't know if I've actually covered her since she got the extra jump height on the F that's probably the biggest change since the last video there's some big hits assuming finish him off put up the wall sure big damage when you're fully stack you do hit pretty hard but it's kind of hard to get there sometimes you're just going to jump away get that big heal 430 not bad I've actually picked up on it a decent amount so far I don't know if that's just because we don't have a Healer this is like a scenario where You' maybe want to run it I think for kazum it comes down to mostly just preference and what you want to run with I don't think necessarily any of them are much better or much worse than each other he's going for the ultimate for some reason is he going to punch the Le he lit to land one shot vatu killed him but what happened there got Kronos I feel very slow we'll teleport forward cuz we can pull it I also did just throw the queue down I don't know where he's going at hello there's a hit right click heal getting a little bit of Life rip I'm dead solo ultimate tyus he used every single charger there okay don't know what's going on with the E it does feel very Jun lot the time to get up here it felt super awkward I could go for the ultimate here I don't really know if I should I don't want to use it on the dam because he's going to have to sort of Dodge it but I think we can sort of do him we'll throw the que there left click right click um that really didn't work but we did eventually get some damage on him it's hard to sort of explain what this is like right now feel like Kazumi's got a lot of layers of Jank that was a pretty solid amount of damage there on the Azan though it's just really hard to explain and definitely character that you have to feel to sort of get what I mean if you not played it before it's going to wiggle over here pull the teleporter forward the heal on that is kind of nice because it just heals 15% on Max Health like regard this I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that before and that might have been the way that they buffed I don't remember but yeah 70% of any damage taken with a minimum of 15% so we get like a 3 to 400 heal anytime you use it life rip here is just a massive the big Buffs to life rip have definitely helped Kazumi out she's still in a bit of a weird spot but I would argue that just like with X is a really really big change for Kazumi even though it's not directly to her like life to here is kind of massive Max yeah pop the F and just wiggle over here yeah just heal up all the damage he just dealt to us and try and re-engage the hits aren't hitting uh game finally I feel like I should have had this kill like a minute ago we still got it but what the hell happened there I'm dead we threw the ultimate that does stay there right did that deal damage I think do feel very slow on KZ if you don't have the extra speed cheeky little kill there on M D that definitely like a flank sort of play he's going to pull away here with the F heal for 350 he's going for the ultimate again thought that was going to be a repeat of the play earlier on hello droos I don't know who he was even going for I guess must have just known that I was there I don't know we'll get more Nimble Kazumi does actually feel pretty good to play here though I feel like the best scenario for her is like an ons slau or a TDM sort of thing I'll do a Siege though I think the game too cuz I've had a lot TDM on the channel recently maybe I'll just keep everything and let the game decide again dber here uh trying to use the F here I was just trying to instantly use the F to get the 15% heal but yeah it just didn't work cuz like there's just multiple different layers of Jank you know Des Kazumi and it's going to be really hard for me to again put that into words but if you played her I think anytime sort of recently even though she's better than where she was I think quite a bit so she still has a lot of those different things that just feel really really not great on her hello damber I do think specifically a lot of that is the weapon it did feel kind of ridiculous at certain points but right now it has got so many weird bits with it where it just doesn't feel particularly great but the rest of the kit has some of that too like with the F and stuff we did great there though 12 547k happy with that I would have done significantly better without the Jank but it's kind of hard to tell how much of a difference that would have actually made but stats on screen for you that was pretty even to be honest for TDM req just for everything and jump into a game two and see what PS decides for us because I C for everything I just get TDM all the time don't get me wrong though I really do like Kazumi I feel I need to point this out because sometimes I think people might take it the wrong way but even though she's got Jank and she's a bit of a weird character I do like Kazumi just like with a mave who is another character that I put sort of similar with Kazumi where I do typically struggle and have a bit of an awkward time but it's still fun it still works out it's just different and it's kind of part of the paladins experience I think at least for me for game two we've got TDM Abyss for the T I could go for finished again which is a talent I yeah just never really made a video on I never really covered so I guess this is an unfinished business yeah video and we'll grab it with the same thing again it did kind of work there that last one that was a really good scenario for I think it was actually the best choice talent wise and we got Kronos and a Nimble no we'll go double Nimble and then get some life can I make this with the extra height no do definitely like the extra jump on the f I feel like it'd be kind of hard to dislike it that was pretty damn good burst on the bay and if you do get all your damage it does feel pretty good it's just consistency wise with I feel like Kazumi it just isn't there right now it does feel really quite weird that was really bad positioning for me I just got like bursted a but yeah consistency I think is sort of the word I would describe the issue has with Kazumi let's get some damage here on the um yeah don't know why that last hit didn't land there I'm just trying to also decipher while I play what is going on with Kazumi to cause like certain things of Jen I don't know why because there not really much of a reason for me too that R heal was just insane she's got so much like self heal in the kit yeah there's definitely space to do mad numbers with Kazumi it's just kind of tough to get it to all work I feel like the skill ceing for is definitely kind of high though because you have to deal with a lot of the different Janks so skill ceing might be the wrong word I don't know does feel like maybe they compensated a little bit by buffing her and stuff and making her numbers better because of of like the Jank and stuff that might just be me making things up it does kind of feel like she might be a little bit overtuned just damage wise and maybe like self feel and stuff wise I feel like I can really clear people in certain scenarios and yeah the Jank is really only thing I think that's stopping it from actually working super effectively like if she didn't have the Jank I feel like I would be kind of massive right now on yeah Kazumi if that makes sense I don't know what I'm trying to do here I'm dead they've got a lot of burst by the way they've got a gani they've got a Betty they've got a Willow and a charin so a lot of damage is going around everywhere in this one but the setup is kind of working I feel like I'm actually sort of playing her relatively well I do like the way her kit works at the moment with the Q being the way it is compared to before and yeah just the buff she's had make her feel much better you do just still have to deal with the Kazumi J if that you know closes off what I was trying to say properly which I think it does we finished off our life R got Nimble I feel like you do really need those two FR to actually feel particularly good I feel like without life rip and without Nimble you're going to have a bit of a tough time because she feels very slow without the Nimble the F does feel significantly better though with the heal on it I will say that much unfinished business is actually a decent Talent now whereas before before it had the minimum heal on it I don't think it particularly was but now it's just a 15% heal on the F it's not too bad we're going to just jump up here and reposition a little bit especially with the jump height on it too also makes it better I think what I'm trying to say is that talent wise she's got a decent selection at the moment but she does have to have quite a few things go right for Kazumi to not feel really really rough and the level of Jank is actually surprisingly one of them let's get rid of the gro never mind I think I'm just dead yeah I don't have really what I meant to do there positioning with Kazumi can be kind of tough if you already used your F to sort of get him we'll finish off Nimble I guess we'll just try and play inside like we've been doing a little bit in this one J is clearing up through the ultimate there on the willow sure that might get a kill maybe two just kind kind of hard to heal up actually because of the willow she went for the ultimate I don't know if that went on cool down or not but there we go can I make this with the f I kind of want to try to I don't think this is going to work you got to test it for science yeah you can't make that with the f I don't think we definitely weren't going to win I feel like I at least had to test it let's get rid of the willow there we go if it lines up and you get the damage it does feel like I said pretty damn good Betty there loses half a health in like two or three hits there's an a they got kind of weirdly caught on the door Mar alting okay hello charlin he's here somewhere Q didn't deal damage to him but we killed him anyway don't know where anything is but drers punched the Amani when she was in the dragon form I think don't know what happened to there but [ __ ] has gone kind of massive I got to give him props he the only reason I think we're even closer score-wise at the moment charin feels kind of tough to deal with I tried to throw the Q to then F or something but yeah got kind of double tapped there there is a h burst on their side like I said hello charl at least we killed him once in the freaking match let's get rid of the grock too I think sort of what I was trying to say is when there isn't friction and you're not sort of dealing with Jank or things not working out the way you want them to she feels really good and actually quite strong but 11 940k I'm fine with that it could have been much better but yeah it's all right Joo sty the show like I said I think the fury did all right there too a bit of a messy one but yeah a bad set of games with Kazumi I'm going to cut the video here though and leave this as sort of a you know video for unfinished business which I never really got around to doing I will revisit her sometime soon you know sooner rather than later to cover the more normal sort of way that I think people pick her up because even though that did work and it is pretty decent especially in a game like that with a TDM and if you don't have a Healer it gives you another option for self or you don't necessarily need it on Kazumi but the way it plays compared to the other two I don't know if I like it as much so yeah I'm going to cut it here I will play with it a little bit more I think off camera and talk about it when I do play with these other two and give you some more thoughts but you really do have to have a lot of things cck together for to even be kind of close to decent you have to have the right build for it which is pretty specific and you also have to kind of go for nimble and th and you also kind of need damage reduction in there too but I appreciate you staying on the way to the end I'll see you guys all very very soon let me know also what you want to see me do next and as always stay Frost St
Channel: FrostFangs
Views: 3,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FrostFangs, Frost Fangs, paladins, kasumi, paladins kasumi best cards, paladins kasumi best talent, paladins kasumi flank, paladins kasumi abilities, paladins kasumi damage, paladins kasumi gameplay, paladins kasumi build, paladins kasumi guide, paladins kasumi loadout, hi-rez studios, paladins kasumi unfinished business, paladins kasumi, paladins gameplay, kasumi gameplay, paladins build, kasumi build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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