"The Fog of Angel Lake" Creepypasta

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to this day I still cannot comprehend what had happened in that old godforsaken town of Angel Lake the fear and horror one felt going there was already severe enough but my friend and I witnessed and experiences when I wouldn't dare wish on anybody else we were still shaken by it and even here in the name angel Lake makes us shudder with regret and loathing of that place often I have night terrors from the dreaded thing I saw there none of this had started due to some morbid curiosity or some sort of legend tripping we wanted to take part in in fact all of this had happened just because my friend and I were curious I was a student who had an appreciation for anthropology in history well my friend was a passionate lover of folklore and mythology we both bounced various factoids of knowledge about what we specialized in and we also shared a taste for the macabre so we often did our own research in a darker and mysterious subject matter such as the Roanoke colony or the hideous murders that took place in a check of act 1 interest groups shared our entire lives was the subject of ghost islands to us ghost towns held mysterious and fascinating stories of the past no textbook could ever capture what made them even more enticing was that they were often left untouched so everything was just still in silent as today the village is abandoned a it is as if the Forgotten time was a graveyard for the former life that I used to have my friend and I also enjoyed speculating the cause for the departure if indeed we can call it that sometimes we've read that there is little to no evidence as Wyatt honest utterly abandoned and there are the obvious more logical explanations a shortage of crops famine drought rebellion or sometimes simply the desire just to move on but however the ghost time of Angel Lake is notorious for having absolutely no explanation as why it was abandoned there are a large number of ghost towns in the world that have been abandoned by their original citizens but this one had a peculiar history very little is actually known about angel lake itself my friend and I searched high and low to discover more about it other than a very small number of online articles in one or two history books the most that's been said about it is that it was established sometime in the 1800s the town is named after the lake that resides by a 10 it was mysteriously abandoned in 1936 it's also unknown what really happened to the people who lived there because it seems that they just disappeared from history no one ever figured out what happened to them are why the people suddenly just laughed what little we've read detail the so called logical possibilities bud and also highlighted the more curious aspects it's believed that dark occult practices had gone on there for centuries and that may be the cause for the elusive disappearances and the ultimate abandonment what is known in recorded history was that the area was shunned by the indigenous people of the area tales of evil essences drawn there were frequently recited amongst themselves Spanish explorers who visited the region also briefly wrote accounts of strange and frightening happenings in the area so much that they called the place and lago de los Diablos or the lake of the devils due to the strange and sometimes horrifying occurrences that happened they never truly described what had happened that led them to leave it the Spaniards found it so frightening that they quickly abandoned the place for hundreds of years it was renamed angel wave by english-speaking settlers who learned the name and change due to it offending their religious views legend has it that numerous witches Sabbath's happened near the area of angel lake and that it ultimately led to the people being kidnapped and flown away into the night by gargoyles and winged Devils others say extraterrestrials came down from the stars and and hunted the people's populace stirred by the strange town and being lovers of history and folklore my friend and I decided to travel to Angel 8 to explore it and perhaps discover why the folks of the place that moved elsewhere wasn't too far from our hometown so it was possible to make it in just a few hours we would end up regretting that decision for the rest of our lives this foolish decision did not come from just Sears to explore we had planned on taking a few snapshots of older artifacts and perhaps torn the old decaying buildings what awaited us is nothing I can truly explain to this day nor is it something I wish to relive again I would HIGHLY advise anyone to steer clear of angel lake and let it rot it's a breeding ground for nightmares and evil and I wouldn't dare wish this experience on anyone else during the drive my friend and I you really discussed our theories about the angel lake being students we were trained to study and analyze situations with rationality and critical thinking naturally we were willing to take anything with supernatural cloudy's attributed to it with a grain of salt between the two of us however my friends the more superstitious it wasn't in the sense of him reading and following horoscopes or believe in magical horseshoes or something ridiculous like that instead he seemed to believe that not everything had a truly scientific explanation and that there were many things in this life that the scientific method alone couldn't explain no matter how much we wanted to but after I explained what we had seen I don't think either of us can truly choose to believe anything rational anymore whether it was scientific or otherwise the further we drove down the more decrepit and strangely solid the place seemed again in fact at one point I had rolled down the window only to hear nothing but the deathly sound to the area if any animals were making noises they were hardly detectable other than the brief rustling of the grass we had traveled during the late afternoon hours so about the time we arrived at Angel Lake it would be evening I can say now that this turned out to be our gravest mistake I'm worth even daring to travel to this accursed City we did it for the sake of creating a foreboding and haunting atmosphere but what an idiotic move it wasn't until we were close by that we suddenly began to feel the true loneliness and isolation of this old town miles and miles of road stretched on and with each mile the road became less maintained cracked and cared for we drove past forgotten valleys and shadowy mountains and the grass became unkempt and overground eventually eventually began to spot unpleasant little ancient run-down cottages here and there scattered around the now dirt roads our vehicle rocked violently against the bumpy and ragged path we became excited as a few of these old cabins appeared authentic and rustic perhaps dating back to the 19th century and quickly snapped a few pictures of it with my farm there must have been folks who decided to have a simple living during the time and not moving to the industrialized portion of angel lake at one point my friend had no choice but to park the car and we had to continue our travels on foot seeing as the path became too difficult to traverse through by driving the moment we shut the doors of our car we immediately felt the atmosphere of decay the trees plants and grass appeared gloomy and moist from the rain that had flown a few days earlier and any animals we heard around were truly scurrying our climbing up tall black trunks the ground is very muddy and we could hear the faint twittering of unknown birds in the distance finally our eyes landed on a small dark tile located at the end of this virgin forest originally I thought we'd be thrilled to explore this age-old town and investigate what had happened to it but for some reason both my friend and I felt hesitant to step inside is outlandish as it sounds we felt a sort of unwanted presence emanated from him the more we gazed at him the more we felt slightly afraid I did my absolute best to hide it and I noticed my friends fear because he was his fretful tenor as I was he turned to me and asked if I was coming along again when I was waiting for her I lied I made up an excuse and I was simply observing the town we both exchanged unsettling laps and went in as if we were both untroubled the streets were filled with old architecture and desolate houses and there was still science from old shops hanging up and the residential homes sawed wooden furnitures on their verandas it felt so strange to be here often when we walked through neighborhoods we often expect to see the windows lit up are people walking down the road but here it felt so empty no forlorn it was very unnerving to imagine what had caused this little place to be forgotten we knew we could go inside any of these rodents that we liked and rummage through the things they contained but there was something curious about these houses I loved just feeling fearful of them It was as if there was things still drawing in here hiding in the darkness and waiting for someone an Arab it sounds silly yes but it felt that way the fact that the Sun had gone down and the sky was beginning to darken made it even more grim and devoid of life as we marched away through the dead streets we snapped more photos and pointed out the little stores and houses we find interesting and remarked on their archaic appearances I believed that secretly my friend was pointing at places and objects just to fool me into thinking that he wasn't afraid but the truth is it was so powerful that I could sense it we were both very afraid and I believe we both began to regret coming here at this late hour regardless there is something that enticed my curiosity home that I simply had to search in there was an old rectangular building in the town's plaza the sign on the top of it rev Angell Lake newspaper agency I pointed it out at my friend became excited as well inside there will surely be valuable sources of information revealing how life was here and perhaps shed light on some of the citizens and its history we both pushed to open the decrepit old door and entered into the small office-like place and start in complete amazement at the old tables typewriters and file cabinets that were knocked over and scattered all over the room we instantly began scavenging through the old papers and furniture we found numerous unfinished newspaper articles to tell the events going on in the nation and many tidbits of local news during the 1930s it was evident by this that the journalists who were writing these must have got up and left suddenly left us with a slight unnerved feeling as we continued to look through everything and then ventured inside another room and I believe this had been the editing room there were numerous front page articles taped to the walls and two windows looking out into a large town the town was angel lake itself which this town was named after I got to what I believed to be the newspaper editors desk it was a large stack of newspapers on top of and he arranged an untouched I looked back at my friend and saw that he was just tossing papers around and going through the contents of the desk it felt amazing for a brief second I was holding in my hands a newspaper that had been written nearly 80 years ago it's still photos fresh as the day it was off the price I read the headline the year being 1936 according to the papers day and I thought a ping of here churned inside of me it read the strange fog spotted in middle of angel lake as I finished reading those words I shifted over to the large lake at the window as I studied it for a moment the water appeared more shadowy and still than any other like I'd seen in my life and that is sort of hunting quietude to it and then to my attention back to the newspaper once again n and began to read on October 11th an unexplainable fog was spotted growing in the middle part of Angel Age people say it seemed to have come from nowhere and witnesses who lived nearby claimed to hear strange and frightening noises coming from the lake itself unexplainable light seemed to radiate from the core of the fog that is building in the water local law enforcement and fishermen have attempted to go out and see what the source of this unexplainable mist is but they claim there seems to be a horrible smell emitting from it that permits them from getting any closer they will attempt to explore it at a later date in which they hope that the terrible center subsided the story had me captivated as I looked down to read more of the newspapers I realized that there are more articles on the savanna each article was dated only days later from the one I just read and I quickly snapped them all up in chronological order I was both excited and unsettled by when I had just read the next article said the following on October 19th the fog is nearly covered all the lake and has reached the shore and even extended into the neighboring Woodlands people are beginning to fear that and will enter the town itself it seems that way as it has not been receding at all but as instead grown thicker citizens are complaining to the mayor and other elected officials that the awful scent is we going to disrupt their everyday lives furthermore people are continuing to claim that bizarre multicolored strobe light effects flashing inside their mister and making them feel nervous in the late hours of the night they claimed to hear the disord and hellish noise is coming from the direction from where the fog is approaching a public announcement has been made that people should remain indoors until the fog is dispatched I am NOT normally one to get superstitious or frightened by something like this especially since I knew that this could have easily been a case of yellow journalism but what made me begin to get afraid where the circumstances surrounding this old ghost town it had become abandoned and everything was dropped as if something sudden had happened but what if it wasn't abandoned what if something horrific had happened here as those thoughts filled my mind as something that looked down at the newspaper I was holding in I noticed my hand quivering nervously I didn't even notice that at first and I quickly put it down and picked up the next newspaper and this one was dated for November fifth the fog Astana disappeared since it was first spotted on October 19th the city government is still uncertain of what it is and how to get rid of that the fog is now reached Angela Lake and as we going to crawl its way under the streets citizens are beginning to disappear under mysterious circumstances people are claiming that a few of their loved ones have gone outside to stare at the mist and ASF under some hypnosis went into the foggy depths and never came out the last thing they would hear would be their loved ones let out a terrible shriek of terror and then no trace of them would be laughed the bodies of cattle bird and various other assorted animals are discovered dead near the deadly mast plants and trees are also beginning to decompose well they were way in died when the fog approaches though it is unknown what will be done at this time at this plant my friend entered the editor's office and I mean did he cried out and drop the newspaper as he called out to me he noticed my alignment expression and my demeanor and asked me what the matter was trembling I picked up the newspapers I was holding him I read them aloud to him when I looked back up at him it was just as pale and terrified as I was I could see the fear in his eyes and he too appeared stricken with dread I saw him nervously and make his way over to the window press both palms against the windowpane and stare out into the lake I joined him there at the other window I noticed that the trees and plants around Angel Lake appeared dead grotesque and lifeless it was then that I realized what was giving this old strange town such a haunting feeling everything appeared barren and without life the lake itself appeared like a lonesome cold abyss the more I peered at it the more I envisioned unspeakable abominable things hidden beneath it was there any validity to these newspaper pieces was it just an elaborate hoax they appeared so authentic it just didn't make any sense I went back to the desk and I picked up the next newspaper surprisingly this newspaper appeared to be the last one that was fully completed I read it a lot of my friend who had rejoined me at the desk only now he appeared more colorless and nauseated than before this last article was dated November 14th the infernal mist has begun to overtake angel Lake the authorities have proudly began evacuations of a town the fog although of unknown origin has be considered dangerous by the town officials crops have become deformed and non-edible animals have also grown deformed and dying as their flesh rots away people Evangel a seemingly fall under some sort of unexplicable trance that lures them into the deadly fog and do not return it is uncertain where they go to or if they're even alive anymore the follow order has been speculated to come from the mist itself and has become completely unbearable the fate of our town will be left unknown I place a nerve shattering article back on the table and arrange the newspapers back in the way that I had found them and perhaps the way they had been for decades I suppose I did it out of respect for the original inhabitant who had done it that way my friend and I exchanged very nervous glances at each other suddenly this once scholarly and after pelagic o journey had turned into an ominous and weird mystery had left us both back Stan with far more questions and answers I felt myself grind in my teeth and nervousness my thoughts were muddled with the perplexing accounts I just read my folklorist friend turned back to the window to gaze out into that house lake again while I began to scan the room for more evident as to what had happened to this ghost town as I was searching through the desks and the ground my eye suddenly landed on an old typewriter at the corner of the room it piqued my interest because it seemed to have a half-finished piece of manuscript of sorts what dead end now I need to touch it and do to me desiring to leaving everything as authentic as possible I stood over the device and I read the hardly legible tag smeared on it to my surprise it horror it seemed to be a sort of note hastily written up by some sort of unknown typist it was informally typed to be in a newspaper I began to read it and after this I began to truly feel the overwhelming us in some pure horror the damn fog is not just vapor it's a living thing it's not just taking people it's heating them the toxic fumes are killing the flora and fauna it is some sort of devilish power it is overtaking angel lake I leave this note here to warn anyone who is foolish enough to come here if you were reading this get out of angel lake now you absolutely need to if you wish to stay for another moment may God have mercy on you and that was all that was written on the sheet before it abruptly stopped I just stood there quaking like a miserable coward at the words of the paper I felt the slightest noise would make me jump at this point and I was intoxicated with dread then there came the horrid shriek of my friend who was still looking out at the terrible lake the moment I heard this scream I stood there frozen with absolutely paralyzing fear I'd never felt such a horrible coldness stop every part of my body even my breath felt restricted I heard him calling my name repeatedly and frantically and the tone of his voice sounded as if they were ready to start sobbing hysterically a menace to break out of the grip of extreme fear and I spin it over to my friend and I demanded to know what was wrong all he did with the terrified expression on his face was point his finger towards angel lake before I even looked I had the feeling of just wheeling around and running out of this demonic town as fast as possible with the horror beginning to take hold of me as soon out the window and I observed the most bizarre and unexplainable phenomenon I don't think I've ever read or seen footage of something like this instead of being fascinated by it if hurt me with a putrid reading and Lothian as I recalled the frightening accounts in the newspaper articles in that final message it appeared like a milky white fog was beginning to swirl all over the tarns water but have moved unlike any sort of mist I'd ever seen it seemed to slither like a giant snake as if searching for something or some other horrible thing but what gave this fog the most terrible and bizarre quality was the eerie shifting of colors flashing eminently inside of it it was like multicolored lightning shining furiously inside a storm cloud the fog seemed to be crawling towards the shoreline at a rapid pace as if we were doing intentionally I just stared at it mindlessly and wide-eyed I couldn't figure out if I was too fascinated or too petrified to move a muscle all I remember was my friend screaming something at me an extreme truly whirled around and ran along with him tripping over what I've only thought were treasures of this old town I kicked aside furniture and I forced was shoved open doors as we ran outside and I followed already arrived but what had even more fear to this already horrible situation was up in the air there was an axis for humming inducing order then I never smoked before the Sun was enough to make me coughing gasp and my eyes water I covered my face with my sleeves but even that wasn't enough to block out the grotesque sound behind us strange stroke like lights began to flash intensely and somewhat menacing me as if it had located us and had a purpose of catching up to us this encouraged my friend and I had a sprint even faster and it was near the exit of angel leg that we began to hear the strange and guttural groaning and nerve-wracking screeching erupting from behind they sounded like piles but were unlike anything from this earth the sounds were enough to drive anyone mad if they heard them for long enough just as we reach the outskirts and let me manage to exit that which is town I dared to turn my head and I continue running for my life it was there then I spotted the supernatural fog swallowing the entire town every building from the smallest to the most lofty as something nightmarish vortex of colours twisting and writhing inside of it and for one terrifyingly brief second I thought I saw a horrible distorted giant face in the fog as if it belong to some enormous humanoid beast gazing at us with Balaji on earthly eyes hungrily once my friend and I reached his car we sped out of there pay no mind to the speed limits we drove out of their grave and quiet from our ghoulish encounter with the unknown we were so disturbed from that experience we never truly did speak of Angelique again whenever a common fog rolls in I find myself growing very afraid I'm not sure if I'm afraid because it reminds me of the mist from the devilish lake or because I feel that the ones coming in will behave in the same way and I'd as I lay there with my mind filled with horrible thoughts I've wonder if the people who inhabited angel Lake could escape from that monstrous fog or if it had eaten them as the mysterious message and the typewriter had said no one has ever come forward to claim that they lived in angel lake not even an interview no one also has ever claimed any lineage from there either it makes me nervously consider the possibility that perhaps the people that indeed disappeared within that fog and I fled thoughts filled me with terror and paranoia I know I would never live that experience down I can only hope that no one dares to serve that horrible fog on Angel Lake ever again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 74,604
Rating: 4.8554554 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, audiobook, narration, scary story, creepy story, creepypasta narration, nosleep
Id: HlWQsQk_YeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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