The FNaF Show Season 2 - Episode 1 ft. Joe Gaudet (Mr. Hippo, Funtime Foxy, Rockstar Foxy)

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hi this is the Phenom show and this is mr. hippo and I don't I don't think I've ever been on one of these shows before of course one time I was flipping through the channels and Orville was in the other room making a sandwich rye bread of course two hours later he was making a rye bread with Reuben was that a Reuben sandwich it was one of those Cuban sandwiches I can't remember that's neither here nor there the important thing is I was on the phone app show and I suppose people were gonna ask me a bunch of questions and you know assumed I was gonna answer them although some questions they go on and on and on this five six parts and you can't answer all of them of course and you do your best to answer at least one or two of them and maybe give a little anecdote about something you did here and something you did there 2,000 years later but at some point you just gotta bring it all the way back and and make sure that the answer the question now ii-i've seen many guests on shows and orvill of course he's he's seen a lot of shows or was it me that I like I think I like shows more than he does maybe not but I know he's seen at least a couple and this d'arco fella good guy Louis's his name you might know him from the internet he asked questions and he hosts stuff and they play games on the show of course and one eternity later you got a you got to understand something about him he's brilliant he's got all these subscribers on YouTube and sometimes he sits there late at night and tries to beat 50:20 mode of course and people see it and his reaction is just well it's one of the most brilliant reactions I've ever seen of course it's it's obvious that he should be so excited because Scott told him if if he was gonna be fifty twenty mode he'd he'd give him an interview of course when when you give an interview to Scott you gotta make sure it's one of those good ones those pressing questions and Darko turns out to be one of those those very good photo journalists that you see is it photo of video well it's moving pictures so it's gotta be video anyways that's neither here nor there this is the finale [Music] [Music] [Applause] on the spot yeah I just went on that's a talent that is a good talent to have hey guys it's finally time for the finale show season two I know you've been waiting for a really really really really really really long time have five months all months something like that we had 10 episodes a jam-packed with voice actors and we did some cooking and we did some fun stuff and then we had a song at the end that's probably gonna be what season two is gonna be live I've got some surprises watch I'm not gonna announce yet but the first surprise is obviously mr. Joe Gaudet the voice actor of fun time foxy rock star foxy and of course the start of the video at mr. hippo hello hello thank you for having me this is this is my real voice of course no no no no no no thank you for having me I really appreciate this gonna be a lot of fun yeah and I asked you guys on Twitter for some questions and we're just gonna go through them like we always do nice and chill though just catch my breath and we'll just get straight into it the game salmon first questions to kick it off in Tibet mr. hippo was mr. hippos dialogue scripted or did you just make everything up I'm gonna say yeah yes and no is the official answer Scott wrote brilliant pieces for that it was one of the few scripts I've ever written written I've ever read that I just looked at it and just you could just I was just smiling ear to ear because it was brilliant but also Scott had wanted a little improvisation improvisation so it would sound off-the-cuff and very you know trying to think what he's gonna say like an old guy forgetting what to say and just rambling that was the whole direction ramble so the way Scott wrote it was it was just so easy as I was reading it in my head I'm thinking little tangents to go off of and you know Orville him and Orville sat down for tea and I read that and I just improvised as you know you ever have if they have half lemonade half half ice - oh it's good you should try it you know so look at things like that along the way as I'm reading it it was just so easy to improvise so most if it was scripted in a handful of things I improvised and I'm glad he kept the stuff that I improvised so yeah yeah Mighty Morphin a that's all I'm real as well because you were doing it on the spot really oh here's a nice one just about you and what got you into voice acting so how did it all start for you it it started I got my first professional voice-over job 11 years ago so it was you know I was 20 did my screen go boy my screen went blank for a second that happened during the recording session I was talking to mr. hippo just it went blank no so yeah I started 11 years ago I'm 34 right now so my first professional job was when I was like 22 2008 right now right so I feel like an old man so I mean when I was a kid I've done theater and film and TV all throughout my life so it was just voiceover was out of convenience and as soon as I saw Aladdin with Robin Williams back in the day I love to do something like that and I didn't really think about doing it professionally or seriously until I was like 21 22 and then like I said my first gig was at like 22 23 and I've just been I've been hooked ever since booked look what was that what was you first ever enrolled job as a voice actor it was a cartoon in the States on PBS PBS is like it hosted mr. Rogers Sesame Street it's a big public broadcasting station and it was fit was a show called fizzy's lunch lab and it was it was very like educational but made it fun for kids and it was all about healthy cooking healthy eating healthy exercise habits and I played a rapping jar of peanut butter so in the episode man I sounded like this I was like a rap and stuff like that it was crazy so bit parts and because the little bit parts I did over two seasons when the original actor moved on to Bob's Burgers I don't know if you ever heard of Bob's burger big cartoon Larry Murphy was the voice of Professor fizzy and they had known that I do a lot of voice magic that's something hopefully we'll talk about soon high voice a lot of Hollywood celebrities for films TV video games stuff like that so that was just the next step it was like okay he can do all this can he double Larry's character professor busy and I did in the studio executives didn't even realize that another actor was hired until they played the stuff and I'm Bob Jovi's Britt was really cool so we just flipped all those things a small part it turned into a bigger part just you know putting in your time and pain you do so it was a lot of fun yeah that's awesome I always have to ask this but most of the voice actors say no so don't worry device a lot of people ask this and did you know about for Nath before you got the auditions um again no I mean I I've seen it at the store you don't you know Target and Walmart around here I've seen five nights at freddy vibrant I never thought about it until I was cast in about a half hour after I sent Scott all the files my social media blew up yeah I found because the the phenolic subreddit holy crap like people go nuts on that so I was just my social media blew up and like how do they know about this half hour after I submit it and then it's just like there's no turning back yeah yeah so did you know did you know it was a became a big game when you did the auditions no I just realized off five nights at freddys and I think I'm pretty sure it was five nights at freddys I'm pretty sure that was the title like in the description of the casting yeah but as far as how big it was I didn't know it was big like I said until my social media blew up when I googled I'm like holy cow yeah and did you know that this is a nice question did you know that Scott was did you do so you auditioned from free is that it or did you or Dino I audition for about ten nine or ten yeah nine or ten and I had spoken with Scott about another role but we kind of felt that it would be too close because like the the type of character I was gonna do would be obvious that it's that character so when it was mostly him he didn't want to make it sound too much like another character that's all I would have had for and that would have been but like I got one and I was on cloud nine and then I got two and then I got three I'm like holy cow hashtag blast that was cool man I'm just grateful yeah oh so um what bober's did you voice worried for my life to ask what other what what other characters did you try and go oh pretty much every other male character that and I Pig patch Orvil I believe [Music] yeah I mean I there was so that's well that's five altogether yeah I don't have to say all of the devil or a ton ton they were like I was like ah this is so much fun cuz then as soon as I got one I'm like I got I got addicted I'm like this would be so much fun to see what yeah let's just go for it yeah yeah yeah Vaughn GTR asked which voice did you enjoy doing most mr. hippo funtime foxy or Rockstar foxy mr. hippo like he's like he's if it was mr. hippo 100% it was just he had the longest lines but it was it was almost the easiest to do I didn't have to think it was it was based on a character I had done for myself I've never like put it out there and it was because I grew up in Boston and everybody's getting thick Boston accents going to the bar or stuff like like that's how we talk that's how I normally talk and I just based him off of every old guy in Boston who like sounded like this you guys go into the vibe all right let's go you know Sean so I sort of mixed it with New York and Boston at the same time so it's just like an old funny like yeah I'm a double grand-grandfather character yeah yeah awesome okay Baraka asked how long did it take to record the mr. hippo voices not long at all like so I think I think I did one take for each yes it was one of those things it needed to sound authentic and organic and not really scripted so I mean each one is about three four minutes long so 20 minutes for four twenty minutes you know give or take it did shut it off once because I had like a setting on my on my computer if you don't touch it for like three to four minutes it'll shut off even though I wasn't courting it was some weird setting that shut off so I was like I rerecord it like one of them I think but it was really quick it was just boom send them out Scott do whatever you want with them I don't know what you're gonna do but awesome what is your feeling of being an important member of Phaneuf community now I just I'm just happy to be a part of it I'm not even like I don't wake up in the morning go put a half for life dude for nap nap like I don't think about like oh I'm like cuz I do so many other things it's like this was this was an hour out of my life that has just blown up and you know I'm doing conventions now and signing autographs that's mind-blowing to me like him I was at it was a New York City signing autographs a couple of weeks ago taking photos doing panels and in is just a real thing for people to want you to autograph something and take photos it's like I'm usually on the other end yeah and it's so but it's really cool everybody's so nice what's everybody so genuine and a couple of people were nervous to meet me I'm like gee I'm look at me I'm a dude with glasses wears a hat sometimes I did a couple voices don't look at me like don't put me up here I'm one of you get high hats that's all yeah it's all now but I'm I am very I feel very very grateful to be a part of it okay Justine asked what do you actually think about mr. hippo stories they're boring but like they're but but it's like it's the greatest role of all time it's like you get killed by a couple of seconds yar you win some you lose some blah blah and that's just mr. hippos like oh I've been going off three and a half minutes till about 30 seconds ago like it's that's the best that you can't escape it you can't get out of it and no listen to it and don't get killed next time yeah but yeah it's it's annoying but to me it's fun because I relate to him because I ramble and like when I can't tell stories to save my life I'm like well I was born for this role apparently yeah like you said you can't get rid of it you can't get rid of it even if you close the game right as soon as you open it back up he's still there yeah white is the finishing story oh it's a nice one not about for now for it could be and Cal and denno asked favorite voice you've ever done ever dark wise so there's favorite real voice like doubling Schwarzenegger I to him I could do his voice every like just I've gotten a double fan any times and I'm gonna do it over what happened I know oh yeah well it Natalia I'm sorry to disappoint you but this thing went like he started making all of these noises what is he doing here but like I love doing his voice but then there was a cartoon on Astro blast I was called Astro blast it was on NBC it was a Saturday morning cartoon and I played this character radar the monkey and it was like I starred in a Saturday morning cartoon it was always a goal of mine and I did 52 episodes I did two seasons as this as this little monkey sounded like this he was just kind of crazy and very techie and it was so much fun like we got paid to learn from one of the best voice-over directors in the business and they paid us to do each episode and it was like going to school and getting paid it was man it was yeah that was the coolest gig ever awesome we talked about mr. Heep a lot so we got to give some we got to give some love to fun toy foxy Rock Star Fox a or so and how did you come up for the voices for those as well well funtime foxy it said I'm pretty sure the description is like circus announcer a ringmaster or something and I based it off of theirs what's his name his name's Michael buffer he's that let's get ready let's get ready to rumble he's like that guy but I also based him off of my uncle Steve who's like he's a he's a pediatrician dr. like he is a genius but he's also a really successful like off-broadway stage actor and he has this sort of voice he sounds like this and he can sing better than any I've never heard a better singer and I based him off of of that very very sort of kind of voice and we put a filter on it so it was that he was that showmanship like if I based it off of that and then Rockstar foxy I based him off of Barbosa from the Harry Potter from peyer's to the Caribbean what are you doing what I sort of put it a little higher he went some you lose some yeah I wanted it so I always base I always base voices off but just bad impressions or just characters or people I know so it's that's like that's the number one thing voice actors do they just kind of do stuff that they know and just yeah like inspiration oh did you did you put the end the speed the booming speaker voice on fun time foxy yes I did again I'm just - I'm out of here no yeah I did there was a I forget what program I use but I did use the filter yeah it was like some weird filter that I mean I went I was like tweaking stuff and kind of making my own so yeah Scott during especially during the audition he encouraged us to kind of like play around and make it you know however we sat so yeah that's what I did and I submitted it and he liked it so Osun do you like ice a half ice a half lakh lemonade I do have that half a pound said I was in a bad way this is half ice tea half lemonade and they cut it's called an Arnold Palmer golfer Arnold Palmer he always makes the iced tea and lemonade I'm sure you put some other adult beverages in their tomb as they do in golf but yeah iced tea half ice tea half lemonade it's who is it good I gotta try it it's the Snapple snap will make you guys got Snapple over there I don't think so we don't we don't know but uh yes it's like a half yeah half ice tea half lemonade it's it is okay your laminates different though isn't it your lemonade's different compared to here Robin I eat eat yeah so fizzy your lemonade is literally like he's just like like a tea like like just yeah it's like a flat ya know carbonated but I like the bubbles just because it makes you Bert that's a it's always fun to drink it yeah yeah if you could voice any of the character what would it be I don't like it's like everybody always thinks about what else would I like I'm perfectly happy voicing the three like I said I I got three I could have had zero Y would have been happy with one but I always thought about like Pig patch would have been far even Orville or vote would have been fun so I could go like back and forth conversations like what my cell like it's just for my own amusement not anybody Allison like yeah stuff like that it's just weird because it's like I've auditioned for a lot of them and I see the reason why Scott hired the other voice actors because they were great at that it's like I can't be greedy not it like it's it's weird voice over is like we support each other I've done like theater and film and that's like competitive and cutthroat voice over is more like hey I'm happy you got the job yeah I wouldn't have been able to do what you did so it's like I'm happy everybody else did their job yeah I'm not gonna be greedy hmm was your oval voice similar to phone tone Foxy's kind of I get because wasn't the description similar yeah that's one that's why I wanted to uh sex it is sir it would have thrown and I think it threw me off because I forget what the lines were but I think I remember I just remember robotic I don't know if it was for Orville but they needed a the description was like robotic but creepy but not not not like I am here to know you I want to it wasn't that it was like I almost did like a Siri tightboys please deposit five coins like haha I did something like that it was like I'd have to go through because I save all my auditions for like a year and then I toss them because I just want to free up room on my strikes but it's like it is funny to go back I've listened to my auditions for the ones I God and it was like I'm glad I keep those auditions because I remember what what hippo sounds like I don't remember what rock star fox he sounds like sometimes and I have this - it'd be okay when I when I do conventions I'm like in my hotel room alright what does he sound like justice happen just do it like because I don't want to be like episode it nothing like it do yet I'm the voice oh yeah yeah you always want to be like make sure you do the carriage who's Justin yeah exactly some of them are like basically very very very similar we're like wordy differently what kind of pasta do you like my favorite pasta I like this I like my favorite is I don't know yeah you keep I'm Jorge I make my way to Italy every now and then and I've never been to the UK I haven't been to London I've been a bath I've been Tom I like that I like we did like it I like walking around like those night like that I prefer walking I hate taking a bus tour I don't yeah because you can't see I mean I might take a bus tour to like Stonehenge and stuff like that just just to relax and and see that but I much rather just walk around London and go to you know Hyde Park and stuff like that yeah and then grab a bike and you can rent the bike for a couple of quid and just ride around you know I mean I'm not gonna ride in - what's the place hards yeah I'm not gonna ride high right yeah yeah I'm not gonna ride my bike and that place is awesome that's yeah it's huge yeah you know I just I London whose might was was probably my favorite like London and what else I've been to so many places I just I want to get over to Europe again I want to go back to Iceland oh I some I when I get to Iceland it's great yeah which story was your favorite to tell or did you like them all I look I like the sourdough bread and then just because and I think that was the same thing with the bagels and then whoever somebody I forget who did it but I searched mr. hippo last week and on YouTube and I saw somebody animated it looked really good it was was hippo telling the story he was next to Orville on the bench and then I was in there for rye bread and well he was in it whoever and it looked it looked like a cartoon like somebody animated it was brilliant I like I do like them all but I just it's always the sourdough bread and then just his little anecdotes that he tells it's like yeah like hurry up finish the story what does all this mean and then you see like matpat and all like others like theorists do all what is it I'm like and then people ask me like I don't know do it I just did a voice leave me alone oh yeah king of finesse book said where would you like your VA career to go oh hopefully keep going on the up and up because I've had so much success in the past 10 11 years nobody's really heard of me but now people are like hearing about me and I'd love to use fan app as like a stepping stone just a not even like do you know who I am it's it's more like people know me from this they trust me I'm like a trust a bowl a trust of us that even at work a truck is naturally a trustworthy guy I'm a trustworthy yeah just that like cuz voiceover it's like my favorite thing to do in the world I love taking characters bringing them to life it's like it's my favorite thing to do and in interacting with the fans at these cons it's like my favorite thing to do but ultimately I would love to star in like a Disney Pixar movie oh yeah DreamWorks it's just it's been my dream since I was yeah Toy Story I want to see do movies like that on on that kind of level because I know I can carry myself I've done so many animated series I have two coming out right now one on Cartoon Network another one or two that I can't say so it's like hopefully people will know this this is all stuff that's been in the works before five nights at Freddy's okay so hopefully it'll it'll just you know catapult me and I don't I don't want the fame I just want to be known and not and that's that's like a catch-22 yeah you don't want the fame but if you're known you can get more work like I want to use that to make more art and inspire people through like those characters yes there's nothing like working on like a production like that yeah you your table reads everybody gets to know each other I you know when I was doing a show on NBC I would go like I worked the day job at the same time so I was like lying to get out of work to go do this show that was gonna be on TV and I couldn't tell people yeah but I would sneak out of work early go to the studio before my recording session watch the animators do their thing it was just like it was amazing it was like it was like you know being a kid in a candy store it was awesome yeah so yeah being a big big production like that would be my dream yeah well call two networks good I love ya to network yeah love it so much what show is it for it's a nature sign it's called the bada naam oh so it's about an arm okay that's about a now moves like a big definitely in Europe it's a big like learning platform for kids and there's like so many like videos and stuff that they have and I think there's theme parks and stuff so there it'll be like you know I did it again oh my goodness stop doing this computer so it's similar to like paw Patrol and like stuff like that yeah they they go on missions and they save the day and stuff like that so similar to that but I want to get into more adult stuff and hopefully with these two other shows that are at these networks that I was there last week recording for something in New York City that I can't say so hopefully that'll that'll kind of get me into cuz like the fans will hear me swear I'm like others stop and like my ass sorry guys I have other stuff that I do I'm sorry don't tell your parents do you like ice cream I love ice cream I love it there's like a quick-fire which should we do a quick fire round but yeah let's call these silly questions and I'll just do it yeah okay so what's your favorite ice cream Munir pollinates or vanilla chocolate and strawberry all at the same time do you like food love it I can't do without it what's your favorite thing to do in the morning drink coffee wake up actually no wake my kids up when they're up change dude that will change the little ones diaper the other ones he's a big boy he's oh he doesn't need them hopefully but yeah yeah I just the waking up my kids in the morning gonna get coffee and just being with the family that's like my favorite fabric kula red saying what would you name rock star Fox's parrots Kevin Kevin there you go guys it's confirmed my my name for it was pickles for some reason I don't know why but does your bird still like me yummy bird still likes you and I think how would you die it was great I was like I'm still sweating from I think when I talked to you an hour ago I was on my tractor we have a few acres here in the mountain of Connecticut I live in Connecticut nice which is another close to New York City so it's like yeah it was just up keeping the the property was on the tractor mowing the lawn and trying to rebuild the back stairs so I'm a little I'm handy so yeah that's what I did today and I have 3 3 recording sessions as well nice busy day cool boy inspired you to be a voice actor so actor actor was was I saw Back to the Future when I was a kid I'm like Michael J Fox Christopher Lloyd doesn't get any better than that and then into voice acting was definitely Robin Williams yes awesome okay I think that's do we dawn for the questions what yeah now we didn't 33 minutes we're so over yet we're gonna do the challenge everybody always waits for this it's the voice actor challenge I always lose but you know people like to see me try and attempt or Z because I'm probably gonna lose because I don't know half of these characters yeah okay well we could do the what like we could write I think we should keep this ultimate custom night themed okay so then you know you kind of know the characters then any past characters because we do this all the time anyway I think people will want to see the new ones so okay okay whose voice should we do first do you know anybody no I mean I know the names like I know I know there's spring spring-trap one of them just shows how like that's a good start I know the name I don't know the voice all right so spring I could do okay on pretend to be Scott okay you know spring traps a robot okay first off is the villain he's evil is British because like he's very air is an intelligent posh British man dark deep voice hello yeah and then he's evil and he's a killer okay so do me a favor tell me some of his lines well the famous one is I always come back here's the deal mate I always come back it's like yeah that's was good I think you've worn but it's like em oh I can't even do it I wouldn't even be able to be like hey this is how he sounds like I always come back I like that I was just doing crappy Jason Statham that's all I heard isn't there one of my doom and I'm gonna put a deeper like this man like this Orvil overall though sounds like these oh that's like what was that Paul McCartney Joe I don't know what that was I said to mr. hippo this is the other day I know how are you doing oh well that's not a very good impression of yourself I knew over would be British to you I got a very shy old man yeah just I mean if I didn't know better I would make all will sound like this man thought that would be pretty much how he would sound it was like that's crappy Kermit the Frog what are you doing oh I would I do oval desire you know it's like the leader it's not the circus leader right so um well when I we look at Orville so like the first thing I think of what do they sound like because what do they look like okay I I would think Orville would be nasally because of his trunk easily you know because he's got like you know he's his trunk it's yeah it's hard to talk because of the the nose yeah I can't do that he's got bogies coming out it's nice hey guys my name is arveleï elephant dad yeah yeah you expect me to ask sound very loud and you know like a noble shirt just presenter but you know I quite shy and there I like to spend my days in the park with mr. hippo you know give her the bread to the birds you know just stuff like that okay Orville they're dead the birds are dead don't talk to no okay well things at the start I was like properly into your life roll up roll up welcome to the show my name is Orville elephant thank you say throw some peanuts thrown something like them okay next one who should we go for what's in your brain should I do you might I've got an idea shall I shall I do my impressions of your voices yes I do mr. hippo front I'm foxy and Rockstar foxy yes okay give me a lie to say as mr. UFO I should say Orville I think the birds are dead no wait a second wait a second they're breathing nope nope they're dead okay oh god I can't do I can't do B Steve oh I haven't got the voice for it and look at my face make you make your face like this oh I think I think the Virgin Orville hey I think the perch are dead wait wait a second wait hold on I don't think they're breathing oh oh wait they're dead the birds are dead [Laughter] foxy our performance was demanded of me and I have deliver I've given it caki have you got a tip for this voice have I get what a tape lucky do ba mr. Heep ah yeah make him very uh hurry in the it's not in the throat but it's try to make your voice sound deep like God like dude yo can you do Joe from Family Guy and keep that voice okay yeah I can't remember what to say so a performance was demanded there you go keep going Pumas performance is demanded of me and I have delivered okay before a performance was demanded of me and I delivered you got it you got it you had you had you had that toy that tone yeah with about tensions where did your neck go it doesn't have a neck we do it Rockstar co2 detector what was that you wince not you in some yeah we play with fire and sometimes he get burned okay any tip for that yet get get all the the almost all you do you got it you gotta get all the breath out of your your your long soldier so which it's it's the same mom can you can you remember remember who Bernie Mac was Bernie Mac who's this comedian man he sounded like this all the time come on man hey Tony man you had that list yeah the last breath told so if you try to get the rule at almost the last breath and go yeah you win some you lose some yeah yeah he's dead he's dead call call 9-1-1 Oh what do they call is it 999 what do you call well hurry up what are you calling in the UK I don't know for can't call for one one because that's asking for information somebody called the devil resuscitate him this is I'm gonna do this first before I die okay good yeah yar yar he'll win some you lose you lose job yeah oh those are like this okay if you can talk like if you could do mr. hippo you can do here's the other guy yeah no account at roid 66 ain't bad 66 percent Huai these are paths to you you passed yeah why not okay good you guys can follow me on twitter at i am joe god ed instagram at i am joe Gaudette and then Joe got that on YouTube awesome thank you so much Joe for the amazing interview and they lovely ending to that that was really fun to do thank you thanks for watching the first episode of season two of the Phenom show hopefully you like the song a Joe is involved as some of the other voice yeah the intro is amazing thank you for everybody who participated in that game production for the model coda and who did the rigging of the model and everything and yeah got some surprises of being to be you in some of the other voice actors I might have Mack Pat involved for an episode so that's interesting and yeah it might be a song for the finale is always so yeah looking forward to it thank you so much guys really appreciate it I'll see you next week for episode 2 I will see you all next time goodbye goodbye goodbye Joe me to go first what you want me to say um I want you to say do you know why they call it the scooper the scooping room because dummy this is the room where they have the scooper okay I thought that would be obvious can you remember all of that yeah I think so okay I won't do your voice though it speakers to be a stupid British girl voice mark card do properly and do you know why God so good do you know why he came why do you know why they call it the scooping room because job here this is where they what this girl huh okay the only thing that I noticed is you say you went because dummy [Music]
Channel: Dawko
Views: 845,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fnaf show, fnaf, show, five nights at freddy's, dawko, voice actor, interview, sister location, fnaf 6, five nights at freddy's 6, theory, cooking, funny, family friendly, talk show, podcast, joe gaudet, funtime foxy, mr hippo, rockstar foxy, joe gaudet mr hippo, ultimate custom night
Id: qdigcba9HD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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