The Flying Deuces (1939) Laurel & Hardy-  Comedy, War Full Length Film

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh that's fine there you are thank you gee that's swell photography well we better get back to the hotel and get our things back cuz the boat sails at 12 o'clock tonight not for me it doesn't what do you mean I've decided to stay alive in fact if my plans work out right I may never go back oh you've got to go back we lose our job at the fish market in Des Moines what there are plenty of fish markets here in Paris Garcon you may see another glass of milk and two fresh straws you know what I think you're hiding something from me [Music] roses are red candy is sweet this is something I sent you to eat Ali who is he he's American guest number four who we must have any curious general asking really Heaney's friend of the record [Music] mr. Hardy yes ma'am I want to thank you for your photograph and you're welcome for the beautiful flowers Oh shucks it it was just the fall and the delicious chocolate well I thought maybe you might want something to nibble on while you were smelling the flowers [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Stanley can you keep a secret sure I'm in love you don't tell me who is it the most gorgeous creature in the wood georgette the end keepers daughter well don't blame it she sure is a swell dish she's certainly yes sir don't call her a dish she's the Burrell and I'm going to marry hitta Lord of this diamond ring boy it sure is a note yes say when you're gonna get married just as soon as I ask her why don't you ask her now that we can all go out and celebrate that's just what I intended to do we'll get cleaned up and I'll go down and pop the question it's a good idea you show me let a lot of fun now [Music] what are you doing with that cushion well I keep on bumping my head see move it in front of the window way you can stand up how anyone could be so stupid as to stand there and continually bump their head is beyond me oh why don't you stand in the window go to mind your own business this girl think he's funny yes this one yes but remember you are so good to see you if there's a slow time why did you let us know you were a cat what a surprise oh where is she oh [Music] Oh My Darling shows that I've waited every day every hour every minute I'm worried about you we have not blown the posted maracas like what slowly terribly lonely but that's all over now I've got great news for you I've made arrangements for you to join me when I go back you must be hungry I'll get you something to eat well how about a nice cool drink that's right it'll just put me in the mood throw it over your shoulder [Music] [Music] my friend and I would like a bottle of wine and bring three glasses three glasses we thought maybe you'd like to join us you know I feel its pitch it is a jitterbug you do yeah what's the matter well I'm nervous you know static this will be the first time I've ever been married say that's a good cavity corner why don't you Oh God tell him what's the matter your chest I'll tell it for you I know just how you feel let me fix it for you I can fix it just eat say he's got something to tell you something to tell me yeah he's nuts about you nuts just plain nuts oh no I don't mean that I mean he's crazy about you he's going to marry you aren't y'all e gon stop copying me you like to marry me well that is if you don't mind I hear you make fun of me no he's not kidding he's on the level aren't y'all E why sadly I was never more sincere in my life that's very nice of you I'm sure but that can never be oh won't you give me one chance Georgia God why don't you is there someone else oh yes very much so I'm so sorry well that's that no use crying over split milk well I guess we better be going hey come on work you go ahead semadar aren't you going that with me I want to be [Music] no darling but it's absolutely necessary I report to headquarters I'll be back right away just as quick as I can [Music] don't worry about it you get over it all right to think that this would happen to me just at a time in my life when I needed something real something wholesome something tended why don't you try a nice fat juicy steak that'll make it feel better if you have something to eat you don't understand get me some smelling salts put some water on my head there now is that better make it wet sir anything else I can do for you yes leave me alone don't talk to me like that after all the hospital I've given it try to give you a canned in nice fat juicy steak I've waited on you with your hands and feet tried to tell you that there's plenty of all girls you don't have to worry about that if I felt as bad as you are going to drown myself Stanley you've given me an idea what I'm going to follow your advice good and calm myself oh wait a minute now listen I I was only kidding this is no time for kidding I know but don't you think you ought to think it over have you ever been prouder I have thought it over and since georgette has given me the air I have nothing left live for oh don't be silly what do you mean don't be silly this is a far far better thing I do now than I have ever done before [Music] [Applause] [Music] well goodbye ollie goodbye Stan good luck where are you going well I don't want to get my name dragged into this what's this for now when I count three we'll both jump in what have I got to jump in therefore I'm not in life so that's the kind of a guy you are after all I've done for you lets me jump in there alone do you realize that after I've gone that you'll just go on living by yourself people would stare at you and wonder what you are and I wouldn't be here to tell them there'd be no one to protect you do you want that to happen to you I never thought of that I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Olli I didn't mean to be so dis polite that's alright Stanley that bygones be bygones this is going to be easier than you think now move this over here [Music] don't do that are you ready goodbye ollie goodbye Stanley one two Holly what I just thought of something listen you remember once you were telling me that when we passed away we come back on this earth in some other form like a bird or a dog or a horse or something oh you mean reincarnation yeah yeah that's it well now that we're going to go what would you like to be when you come back no no I've never given it much thought I like horses I guess I'd like to come back as a horse huh what would you like to be when you come back oh I'd rather come back as myself I always got along swell with me and you can't come back as yourself now come on and stop wasting my time are you ready goodbye all goodbye one to all II just thought of something do you think the waters deep enough maybe it might bump your head a petition just like I never thought of that [Music] what seems to be the trouble well if you don't mind we're going to jump in the river but why commit such a foolish action surely your troubles can't be as bad as all that well that's what I've been trying to tell him or because he fell in love with a dame now isn't that sir no a woman is worth that I should send up you haven't seen it if you knew her is I know I understand but don't forget that a plenty more fish in the sea he's not in love with that fish it's a girl that's just an expression my friend oh I realize perfectly how you feel but you've too much to live for sure you got your dog and his million life is too precious to throw away on account of some woman who probably isn't worthy of you he's my darling well she's worthy all right but there was another man and if I could meet him face to face but I do to him would be nobody's business yes sir well advice is cheap maybe if you listened to my suggestion dissolved what is your suggestion join the Foreign Legion what fall to forget say that's not a bad idea boy better than jumping in here you could forget in all our troubles you're right Stanley Thank You mr. for telling us this is a pleasure goodbye and good luck gee that's great dismissed now we don't have said we can't join the Foreign Legion we gotta be back in Des Moines on the 17th well you're ready whoa just a minute Oliver hey mister if we join the Foreign Legion how long will it take him to forget no time at all just a matter of a few days well that's great now we don't have to worry about it shake you won't need this we'll wait no [Music] [Music] [Applause] take your man Kevin challenge let us all to fill the best platoon [Music] oh sure don't pinch it very well do this well they'll be all right for now we only use them for a few days until I forget it's right to time left [Music] well look who's here Hey look well blow me down well we followed your advice yeah but nothing's happened yet has it ollie show these men to the Commandant yes sir well we'll be senior chief Tony look good morning I'll now assign you your duties revelry at 5:00 you dress quickly make up your bunks and get ready for inspection inspection until 7:00 10 minutes for breakfast you drill until 1:00 and March until 4:00 what about Lance you will have that while marching you have inspection until 6:00 15 minutes from this kitchen duties until 10 inspection until 11:00 then taps that is all we have to do all that you won't have time to forget why don't you tell them how much do we get for all this weight 100 Sun times a day well that's not bad how much is that in American money Oh Mary the money this equivalent to about 3 cents a day of course it varies with the rate of exchange well how much do we get for overtime there ain't gonna be any overtime if you think that you're gonna get that much work out of me for 3 cents a day brother you are crazy is that so absolutely yeah and that goes for me too cuz we don't work for less than 25 cents a day do we all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on get the worm you think this is haven't I got enough trouble without you making it tougher well it's your own fault if you hadn't fallen in love with georgette we wouldn't be here wouldn't it will you stop reminding me of that Here I am trying to forget you keep talking about it all the time now here's another day wasted well maybe you don't try hard enough if you can't forget why don't you try and pretend to forget how can anybody pretend to forget well I know if it was me I'd sit down and relax I close my eyes not concentrate and I think of nothing wouldn't be long then that's what I did say I think you've got something there I know I got something why don't you take a whirl at it now don't think of anything I won't I know it's tough to forget a swell gal like that gorgeous hair and lovely eyes beautiful teeth ruby lips gorgeous I can see her now oh so can I will you shut up how can I concentrate when you keep talking about her all the time now keep quiet let me alone now sent out hey Olli if you don't stop bothering me I'm gonna punch you in the nose [Music] hey loads when you get through with that washing the cook wants you to manicure them vegetables for the Mars stew I beg your pardon you heard well can you beat that how do you think we're gonna simmer Corinne I feel something coming over me you do a miracle has happened where I've completely forgotten you mean you're forgotten georgette who's georgette gee that's swell now we can finish the washing we can go home there's nothing we are going now now you're talking absolutely and I found them asleep and when I told them to go back to work they threw wet laundry in my face oh I'll show them what it means to disobey my orders gee I'm sure glad to get out of this joint me too have you got everything uh-huh now we'll go over to that comedy guy tell him we're through it at the same time I'll give him a piece of my mind I don't blame you three cents a day left time left turn out the guard and place the pole under arrest yes sir [Music] what's the big idea keeping us waiting you know what what he's not here of course he's not here well let's go look for it look nothing I'll leave him a note oh I wouldn't bother to leave him a note just leave him my PS oh good enough for him now he can put back this pipe and smoke it maybe he doesn't smoke a pipe well whatever he smokes in it well you got to be careful about those things [Music] what you Saints are no darling I said plenty and if I could a spell raspberry I'd have told him a lot more that'll learn him three cents a day right never during my only career have I been so grossly insulted just wait till I get my hands on [Music] [Music] up in the sky [Music] and no loving sense time you weary April June or July snow timetable time to stay our doors and [Music] shine on harvest moon for me and my god [Music] I wonder what time the train leaves for Paris there's sooner the better for me say what which way to the people just around the corner thank you goodbye but no one pass through that gate no matter what happens yes he'll come on say we're not gonna take a plane are we I should say not [Music] I wonder what keeps a map I don't know but I know what keeps me down me too good old terracotta for me anytime Temescal a [Music] [Music] [Applause] georgette darling now I'm so happy and last I'm here with you have you missed me every day it's been a year darling I'll bring the car for you wait here just a moment could you tell us the way to the railroad depot georgette so you've changed your mind darling I forgive you everything hey I thought you said you forgot man don't be silly how can I forget my I understand what's the big idea the idea is that this lady happens to be my wife oh is that so your wife yes you would be home honey step into the car my dear I'm going to speak to this gentleman a known no one small I'm going to give you a piece of advice keep away from my wife if I ever see or hear of you being in her presence again I'll seat with that your worthless carcass lies sizzling in the Desert Sun and the mercy of the vultures you understand yes sir yes hey mister you don't have to worry about us we're leaving right now aren't we Ollie we suddenly are yes all in fallen you mean fall in we're true didn't you get our note yes I got your note on will you signed it you signed your own death warrant you're under arrest for desertion Oh fallen all over the game and have the guard to keep a close watch on them yes sir [Music] two disciples deserters a come on I'll show you to your suite I'll see you at sunrise Oh shouldn't we take it off at what did we do what did you do you know hey mister what you forgot your keys look why don't you keep your mouth shut [Music] the prisoners have been found guilty and will be shot at sunrise there's a nice pickle we're in shot at sunrise I hope it's cloudy tomorrow say OE what you still want to come back as a horse I don't care if I never come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll play another one now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey what get in there what false never look for ya [Music] another fella know his kill [Music] [Music] say when are we going this tunnel leads to the outside wall we are making our steep what are we allowed to do that go ahead [Music] this is fun they don't know where we are it sure is I'm dying with left see what you've done now we've got to dig our way out go back to the cell and get those 10 plates back the cell will you hurry this is our last chance what do I have to always do everything always me me me I can't don't never you [Music] bring the prisoners yes all right come on you're the Sun's up come on give me the Kommandant sir the prisoners have escaped what the pleasures of escaped and find them yes sir general I call out the entire post if necessary I wonder what time it is how do I know we should be beyond the wall by now cblackwood been working I guess you're right we'd better start digging up too good idea man oh stop all this nonsense but don't you dare go back to Paris again and leave me alone she oh bring up a bottle of that special vintage wine from the cellar William yes sir I wonder where we are maybe some saloon outside the fort [Music] see the coast is clear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so that may I come in oh you all right [Music] [Music] at a time like this you had to do that help me get her on the bed quick get me a glass of water look out don't do that what is the meaning of this what do we say you think up your story I've got mine [Music] now B Street detention all are do the men who were to be shot this morning of escaped he shot all gates are closed to make a final search of the entire barracks whoever brings them back I'll be given the reward of six weeks furlough that's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's cover [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what see if they've gone [Music] here we can up the slack good now let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Stan look I'm over here well here's another nice mess you've gotten me into ollie is that really you well of course it's me gee I'm glad to see you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 946,529
Rating: 4.7873058 out of 5
Keywords: Laurel, Hardy, Paris, reincarnation, escape, laundry, shark, bed spring, Comedy, War, Cult classic, b movies, movie, classic movies, public domain, classics, film, old movies, best movies, cinema, cult film, classic movies hd, watch movies, classic movies english, full movie, best english movies, movies full length, classics movies channel
Id: VXNWzpkF0ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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