The Flash Season 4: Barry Outruns a Nuke Calculated!

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has anybody ever really honestly thought that the CW's Barry Allen was actually the fastest man alive I mean I know he says he is at the beginning of like every episode my name is are you sure and he's been shown doing some pretty impressive things like catching bullets running on water and shutting down tornadoes but then he goes and gets his ass stomped by literally every other speedster on the show for sake what happened to him being the fastest man alive it's almost pathetic like his counterpart in the comics is capable of running well over the speed of light and even gave himself powers this Barry's so slow he can't even avoid a [ __ ] camera I had a camera installed right by yourself and when I checked that camera I learned who you truly are you're the flash hell we're four seasons in and we're still seeing very struggle with his speed the hell is wrong with these riders like when are we actually gonna see this guy doing anything cool well I guess I stand corrected apparently according to episode 15 title flash time the CW's version of Barry Allen is capable of moving so fast he's able to hold multiple conversations walk casually and throw lightning all while a nuclear bomb is in the process of exploding well hot damn I guess he really does deserve that fastest man alive title after all but now the question is just how fast is Barry to be able to do all that well first things first we need to know exactly how long Barry was running around doing all that stuff he was doing in flash time now I know it's tempting to just use real time to figure this out and call it a day but we can't actually do that the reason is because everything in the episode is taking place at a faster rate than it is in real time for example starting from the beginning of the events of the episode it takes Barry 24 minutes and 57 seconds in real time to get to his meeting with Iris but according to the text we see at the beginning of the episode it really only took him eight minutes and 49 seconds to go talk with iris so clearly everything we're seeing in the episode is being sped up but by how much well if it takes 24 minutes and 57 seconds or 1497 seconds in real time for the episode to catch up to Barry's meeting with Iris when it really only should take about eight minutes and 49 seconds or 529 seconds then simple math tells us that the events of the episode are taking place 2.8 three times faster than how they're being presented to us and now that we know that we can take the real-world amount of time Barry spent in flash time and divide it by the 2.8 through multiplier to find the actual in-universe time Barry was running around to find his feed starting from when he ran over to grab the detonator up to the point when we see everybody fall over at normal speeds I counted that it took exactly 20 minutes and 20 seconds in real time factoring in our new multiplier this means that in universe Barry was really in flash time for only about seven in universe minutes now normally this is the part where I would take Barry's time and flash time and divide that by the time it takes a nuclear bomb to go off to find out how much faster Barry is than a nuke but we can't actually do that considering that doing this would tell us that Barry's hundreds of times faster than light which sounds nice and definitely seems possible but given what all we're told and what we actually get to see in this episode that can't be true for a number of reasons now I'm willing to waive some of it away like the fact that Barry shouldn't be able to see the light the bomb gives off the way Cisco describes it because of the Doppler effect but like I said I can ignore that if only because it could get confusing trying to show something like that on screen and you could always just say the speed force helps Barry see things normally or whatever the problem is that nothing we see on screen behaves like it would if Barry were running faster than light like the nuclear bombs light changes colors over time just like Cisco said it would I'll be it very slowly and it's mentioned by Jesse at one point that she and Barry aren't able to evacuate the city during flash time everyone the city wait a minute why can't they see when you're moving at Lightspeed time for you basically doesn't exist like it's totally frozen if you hit the speed of light which we don't know how to do yet but if you ever hit the speed of light then time stop stops so even though Barry Jesse and Jay are only in flash time for a few minutes to them it would be basically like an eternity they should easily be able to evacuate Central City so this whole thing from Jesse about not being able to evacuate the city is total nonsense so a long story short there's no way anybody in this episodes moving faster than light instead what it looks like we're seeing is an episode long demonstration of time dilation or the difference between the elapsed time as measured by two different observers due to some factor outside of human or technological error like differences in gravity or velocity think about it like Planet of the Apes like how Charlton Heston and his crew traveled at near light speed and therefore experienced time at a much slower rate than everyone else on earth it's the same thing with flash time Barry Jesse and Jay were moving so quickly time for them slows down relative to everyone else so if we're gonna figure out how fast Barry's moving we need to use the formula for time dilation dilated time in this case meaning the time Barry spent in flash time equals the stationary time or the time spent by everybody not in flash time times what's known as the Lorentz factor 1 divided by the square root of 1 minus our velocity squared divided by the speed of light squared now as I mentioned earlier in universe fairies in flash time for about 7 minutes or 431 seconds and we know that a nuclear bomb takes slightly less than a microsecond to detonate or point zero zero zero zero zero zero eight seconds plugging in both those numbers gives us this now remember we're trying to solve for B so we need to clean this up a bit we can start by multiplying each side by the square root of 1 minus V squared divided by C squared which will cancel it out on the right side and move it over to the left giving us this afterwards we can divide each side by 431 to cancel it out on the left giving us this or if we finalize the math on the right side it'll look more like this now we can square both sides to cancel out that square-root giving us this but now we need to get rid of that one there so let's add V squared divided by C squared to both sides and subtract 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 from both sides to get the following and after finalizing that bit of math we get this don't worry guys we're almost done now let's find the square root of both sides to cancel out this bit here which gives us this and finally we multiply both sides by C giving us Barry's final speed during flash time which according to all that math is approximately ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine eight two seven seven five percent the speed of light that's about 670 million six hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred twenty-nine miles per hour or about 482 million four hundred and sixty nine thousand 193 kilometers an hour or about Mach eight hundred and seventy four thousand thirty damn 99% the speed of light like pretty much a hair under light speed this dudes fastest boy I mean I still remember the days when he was struggling to get past Mach two what's the fastest very little over Mach two when he ran back in time now I'm actually really excited to see how much faster Barry gets as the show goes on and how they choose to portray that on screen like we could get more visually interesting episodes or we could see Barry do crazier and crazier things but no matter how fast he gets at least we can always count on one thing he'll still somehow be slower than that week's bad guy but anyways guys that's my take on how fast Barry was moving during flash time if you guys agreed with anything I said in this video or if you have your own thoughts you want to throw out there then go ahead and let me know in the comments down below otherwise I will see you all next time hey thanks for watching if you like this video then go ahead and click that like button and if you're new maybe consider clicking that subscribe button too I've also got links to my Facebook Twitter twitch Instagram and patreon in the description you should probably check those out too and if you want to see more of my content then you can click the link to my last video it's right there in the middle of your screen alright and I will see you all next time
Channel: Comic Books vs The World
Views: 1,056,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Flash, The Flash Season 4, The Flash 4x15, The Flash Flashtime, How Fast is the Flash in Flashtime, The Flash Flashtime speed, Barry vs Eobard, Flash vs Reverse Flash, Flash vs Zoom, Flash vs Savitar, Flash vs DeVoe, The Flash DeVoe dies, The Flash 2x06
Id: 9xhBS9G9AW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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