The fix-the-wobbly-table theorem

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I once tried this with a table in my backyard over and over and although I totally get the proof it still felt like magic when the feet of the table kept rotating into stable positions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tackfit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm pretty sure it's just an application of the Intermediate Value Theorem.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Squrtle-Aristurtle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it also true that any compact n-d shape has a hugging n-d hypercube. In what branch of mathematics would a question like this be considered?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UnusualInvestigator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

My have the tables turned

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_Rag1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I recommend the overall work of Keith Devlin if you find this video particularly interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vox-Triarii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

My first thought is an application to the inscribed square problem. Couldn't you define a curve that hugs a plane of a surface, then use this theorem to show that a square table can be stable on it, thus having all 4 verticies of the square base on the curve?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/794613825 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve just done this and it bloody well works 🀣🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Constancequinn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Numberphile video on the same topic with Prof. Matthias Kreck is not quite as thorough but is extremely well done and pleasant to listen to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clearing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Welcome to another Mathologer video. Today's video is about the absolutely wonderful wobbly table theorem. Some of you may already be familiar with a very pretty special case of this theorem which became quite well known a few years ago when Numberphile dedicated a nice video to it. This special case of the theorem runs as follows: take a square table like the one over there. At the moment this table is hovering above the floor - a bit unusual behavior for a table but perhaps it's due to the ghostly presence at our seance. Anyway the feet of our spooky table are blue and the points directly below the four feet are marked in green. The ghost then disappears and the table plunks onto the surface. Chances are that it will wobble, right? Not because the ghost is still playing games but just because the floor is uneven. How do we stabilize the table? Well, usually people will wedge a napkin or whatever under one of the wobbling feet, like this. However, the wobbly table theorem says there's another method. The theorem says that if the floor is not too crazily uneven, then you can stabilize the square table simply by rotating the table on the spot, like in this example. So just rotate it and eventually all four feet will be touching the ground. Super neat isn't it? And this actually works very well in practice. Try it on your next cafe trip for example. And this is only a small piece of some nice and mostly unknown table turning maths which also applies to non square tables. Well let's see. Now before we get going I have to make two very important disclaimers. First when I'm talking about a square table I always mean that the feet of the table form a square. Of course, that's not always true, even if the table surface is square. Often enough real-life wobbling is not caused by the uneven floor but by the table having feet of unequal lengths. For example, over there we've got a table on a nice flat surface but one of the legs has been gnawed at by a beaver or a ghost or whatever. Anyway one leg is shorter so even though the table is standing on a flat ground obviously there's no way of shifting the table around to make it stable. Well we could turn it over with its legs in the air but that would be cheating. So, again, by a square table we mean the feet of the table form a square. Second disclaimer. By having stabilized a table we do not mean that the tabletop is necessarily horizontal. Usually the stabilized table will still slope in some manner consistent with the uneven floor. Of course such a slope can also be annoying but definitely not as annoying as a wobble and typically in real life a slight unevenness in the ground will translate into a slight and not too annoying slope of the tabletop. With those two disclaimer stored away it's time to have some serious fun turning the tables. Now to do that we'll start with Homer Simpson. Of course it's never the wrong time to introduce some Simpsons into the discussion. Recall that my last video was all about Fourier series and how to draw complicated pictures like this Homer drawing with epicycles. I'll announce the winner of the epicycle competition at the end of this video. For now let me reCYCLE :) Homer as a warm-up exercise for our table turning. Let's begin by framing Homer in a rectangle like this. I call this sort of rectangle a hugging rectangle because Homer touches all four sides of the rectangle. Of course there are infinitely many hugging rectangles, one for each possible orientation. Here are a few more. There's one and there's another one and one more. Now the aspect ratios of Homer's hugging rectangles will vary but it turns out that one of them is special. One of the hugging rectangles is a perfect square. And that was not luck. It turns out that any picture will have a hugging square. Not obvious at all but it's true. We'll give the idea of a proof in a minute but first here a couple more examples to illustrate. Apple, Apple, Apple, and here is its square. Linux penguin, and here's its square. Fish ... square. Just a few random points ... square. Now it can happen that the shape has more than one hugging square. For example, all hugging rectangles of circles are squares. Question for you: Are there any other shapes all of whose hugging rectangles are squares? Leave your answers in the comments. Here's a hint. Take a close look at the Mathologer homepage. Okay here's the gist of a proof that every picture has a hugging square. We start with any hugging rectangle as in the example over there and color pairs of opposite sides red and blue. Now let's rotate this rectangle through an angle of 90 degrees so that at every stage we have a hugging rectangle. Alright the key observation is that the dimensions of the hugging rectangle will change slowly as we rotate with no sudden jumps. Using maths jargon we would say that the dimensions change continuously as we rotate. Now having rotated through 90 degrees we're back where we started, with the same hugging rectangle. Let's double check. Hmmm, yep exactly the same right? Well not quite. Have a closer look. What has happened is that the red and blue sides have swapped places. That may not seem important but it's the key to capturing our hugging square. Okay back to the beginning zero degrees. Let's record the difference between the red and blue lengths as we rotate. To begin red is longer than blue, so the starting difference will be what? Positive negative or zero? Well positive, of course! However, because of the swapping, at the end of the 90 degree turn red will be shorter than blue and so the difference will be negative. Now since the hugging rectangle changes continuously this implies that the difference red minus blue will also change continuously, ... from positive to negative. And this means that at some point the difference has to be zero. But the difference being zero means that red is equal to blue, that the red sides are just as long as the blue sides. And, of course, that means that at this instant we have a hugging square. And that works for any picture whatsoever, not just Homer. Super neat, isn't it? Just start with any hugging rectangle, start rotating and you're guaranteed to come across the hugging square. What does all this have to do with table turning? Well a very similar above-then-below argument shows why, as you turn your wobbling square table through 90 degrees you can expect to come across a stable position with all four feet touching the ground. Okay mathematical seatbelts on? Then here we go. Say that square table is on the ground and it's wobbling with the two blue feet touching the ground and the red feet moving up and down as the table is rocking back and forth. Now wobble the table such that the two red feet are exactly the same vertical distance from the ground. We'll call that an equal hovering position. Now let's rotate the table 90 degrees, always with the two feet in the air in an equal hovering position. Here we go. Okay, how have we ended up? Well the table is exactly in its starting position, except red and blue have swapped. Now it's the red feet on the ground with the blue feet hovering. But obviously the swapping is only possible at an instant where both the blue feet and a red feet are on the ground. We can also graph this as we did for the hugging rectangles. Let's do it. Here red and blue stand for the vertical distances of the red and blue feet from the ground. Then just as before this difference function starts are positive and ends up negative and so should be exactly zero at some instant along the way. As earlier we concluded both red and blue are the same at this point. However, since at least one of red and blue is zero at all times, at this special pink zeroing time both the red and blue distances must be zero. This means that all four feet are touching the ground and our table has been stabilized. Fantastic! Okay, so a square table can always be balanced by rotating it. Always? Really? Well, let's put it like this: I've been using this trick for decades to stabilize real-life tables and it's never failed me. On the other hand, it's quite easy to conjure up scenarios in which different parts of our argument break down and/or stabilizing by rotating won't work. Second challenge for you today: Try to come up with some setups that foil our argument. Just to get things going here's something very simple. When we lower the table over there its top will hit the top of the mountain and the feet will never reach the ground. n=Now that we have the square table sorted give or take some finicky details let me tell you a little bit about the history of mathematical table balancing, the broader scope of the nifty unwobbling-by-turning argument and the part my friends and I played in turning this intuitive argument into a nailed down mathematical theorem. Okay hands up who knows this guy. Marty's hand is up. Well out there in YouTube land not many people are nodding their heads. Marty this is terrible, our hero has been forgotten. This is Martin Gardner, by far the greatest popularizer of mathematics of all time. Starting in the 1950s and for a quarter of a century Gardner wrote the hugely influential Mathematical Games column in Scientific American. He's also the author of more than 100 books on popular mathematics, magic tricks, and so on. Gardner inspired more people of my generation to become mathematicians than anybody else. For example you can only watch this video because I really got into maths as a result of reading Gardner's books. And if you enjoy Mathologer videos it's mostly because of the lessons I've learned from Martin Gardner. He was a master at explaining real mathematics as simply as possible, and no simpler. In fact much of popular mathematics in books or on YouTube or wherever have their origin in a Martin Gardner column. Hexaflexagons, Conway's Game of Life, Dragon fractals, public key cryptography, wobbly tables. Yes table turning. In the May 1973 issue of his Mathematical Games column Gardner challenged his readers to discover a version of our heuristic argument for why stabilizing a square table by turning should work. He then supplied an answer to his puzzle in his next column. Gardner credits Miodrag Novakovic and Ken Austin as his source for the wobbly table trick. I actually tracked down Ken Austin about 15 years ago and he told me that in fact it was his friend Miodrag who discovered the trick and how to justify it around 1950. Ken only communicated the trick to Martin Gardner. Miodrag's version of the table turning is actually a bit different from the one I showed you and is also well worth checking out. Yet another version of the argument is presented by the prominent German mathematician Matthias Kreck who is the star of Numberphile's 2014 table turning video, also definitely check out that one. Now for a surprising twist have a look at the last sentence of Martin Gardner's write-up: "A similar argument can be applied to wobbly rectangular tables by giving them 180 degree rotations, Now of course that's very welcome news since out in the wild most tables are rectangular but not square in shape. And there are lots of other objects whose feet form rectangles to which all this applies. For example I personally use stabilizing by rotating quite often with my trusty stepladder. Anyway why does everybody only go on about square tables if this all works much more generally for rectangular tables. Well when you try to adapt this slick argument for square tables to general rectangular tables you'll find that this is not nearly as straightforward as Gardener's off-the-cuff comment suggests. Now before I show you how to extend the argument to rectangles let me tell you about the almost definitive paper on wobbly tables which a couple of friends and I published in 2007, in the Mathematical Intelligencer. There Marty is also taking a bow. This paper was all about making the wobbly table argument into a nailed down mathematical theorem by hammering out on which surfaces a perfect rectangular table can be stabilized by turning it on the spot. One of the main results of our paper is that stabilizing by turning is guaranteed to work if the ground and the table have the following properties: First the ground. The ground has to be Lipschitz continuous with associated angle of at most 35.26 degrees. Whoa that sounds scary but it's not really that bad. All it means is that the ground is given by a continuous function and that between any two points on the ground the ground slopes at an angle of at most 35.26 degrees. Another way of putting this is to say that when you slide around the cony 3d counterpart of the green wedge, all of the ground will always be below the wedge. So the scary term Lipschitz continuous amounts to a maximum slope requirement for our ground. Okay so ground continuous and not too steep, check!!! And what about the table? Well obviously in line with our introductory disclaimer the feet should form a rectangle and we also require a minimum leg lengths. If the legs are at least half as long as the diagonals of the tabletop then nothing can go wrong in the way of little hills bumping into the tabletop. So what Bill, Marty, Reiner and I proved in our paper is that as long as the surface is continues and not too sloppy and as long as the table legs are sufficiently long a perfect rectangular table can be stabilized by turning. The heart of this theorem is the extension of the nice heuristic argument for square tables but to be able to use this argument we had to do some pretty hard work to make sure that our conditions guarantee that the table always rotates as nicely as suggested by the animations that I showed you earlier. The idea underlying the proof and many similar proofs is the so-called Intermediate Value Theorem. This is a mathematically rigorous version of it the intuitively obvious fact captured by our positive-to-negative diagram, the fact that if a continuous function changes from positive to negative it will be 0 somewhere along the way. In fact, in the proof we use the intermediate value theorem not just once but about a zillion times and for those of you keen on the gory details of the tricky proof and some of the other nice results in our paper I'll provide a link in the description. Now before we look at the proof for rectangular tables, here is an interesting open problem. Is there any non-rectangular four-legged table which can always be stabilized by turning. For example, what about the half-hexagon table here. So is it possible to stabilize this or some other mutant table by rotating? Let me just tell you about one neat observation. It turns out that it is important whether or not the feet of a table lie on a circle. Well that's true for our half-hexagon table and, of course, it's also true for all rectangular tables. Why is this circle business important? Well, it turns out that if the feet of a table are not on a circle, then there is definitely a not too sloppy surface on which this table will always wobble. Last challenge for you today, prove this non-concircular- feet-implies-doomed-to-wobble theorem. Okay now for the hardcore Mathologer fans let me sketch how our simple heuristic rotation argument for stabilizing square tables can be extended to rectangular tables. Okay deep breath. As with square tables we'll rotate rectangular tables such that at all times they are at an equal hovering position. So at all times throughout the rotation either the blue pair of feet is on the ground with the red feet hovering an equal distance above the ground, as pictured over there, or vice versa. So if we can show that at some instant during our rotation we are guaranteed to have the blue feet on the ground and there's some other instant where we're sure that the red feet are on the ground, then we can argue with continuity as before that somewhere in between all four feet have to be on the ground. Now an obvious difference between the square and rectangular cases is that a 90 degree turn won't work for a general rectangular table. We have to rotate 180 degrees to bring it back to the starting position. But now the problem is that after a 180 degree turn the same pair of feet are on the ground as at the start. Let's have a look. There, turn, same feet on the ground. So unlike in the square case the end position after the half turn is not distinguished in any way from the starting position. So our rotation in this case doesn't automatically provide us with that second crucial position where the two feet that were hovering at the start end up on the ground. Instead, I'll show you that the crucial position always exists using a proof by contradiction. So let's assume that the opposite of what we want to show is true let's assume that somewhere in the universe there's a rectangular table and a surface on which the table cannot be stabilized by turning. We're in Fantasyland now and so to keep things as uncluttered as possible I'll only show you the table and the underlying green points on the ground. Now if this table cannot be stabilized by turning, then the blue feet must stay on the ground throughout the rotation and the red feet will be hovering in the air all the time, something like that. Alright, blue feet on the ground and red feed hovering all the time. Let me now show how this assumption leads to a contradiction, which then finishes the proof, modulo all the finicky details contained in our Intelligencer paper. Let's highlight the rectangle formed by the feet, and let's also highlight the z-axis around which we're rotating. That brown line is the z-axis. And let's get rid of the non-essential bits. Now we make sure that the center of the rectangle will be on the z-axis throughout the rotation, like that. So the center just wanders up and down the z-axis as we turn. Okay two important observations. First, since we are rotating through 180 degrees you've just seen all possible balancing positions of our table, with the center on the z-axis. There are no other balancing positions like this. Second, let's call the height of the center of the table in a certain position the elevation of the table in this position. Now, as we rotate, there will be a position of the table where the elevation is at a minimum. Let's see, okay. so it's wandering. Now where's the minimum? Here, okay, did you spot it? Well, there it is. We're almost ready for the punchline. Notice that if the diagonal connecting the red points is translated straight down, the diagonal will connect the green dots underneath. But this means that we can rotate the table into a new balancing position with the blue feet ending up at those two green points. But this new balancing position is absolutely impossible. Why because the elevation of the new balancing position is lower than the supposedly minimal elevation that we started with and that's the contradiction. Pretty tricky but also pretty cool don't you think? And that's it for today as far as table turning is concerned. I've just got one more thing to do before I sign off, announce the winner of our epicycle competition from last time. Lots of nice ideas and implementations which I've listed in my comment pinned to the top of the epicycle video comment section. The one I settled for as the winner is by Tetrahedri who succeeded in doing something extra special. Their epicycle system simultaneously draws out three iterations of a space-filling curve how neat is that? Check out the details of how they did it in the description of their video. Okay Tetrahedri please send me your contact details via a comment and I'll send you Marty's and my book. And thanks again to everybody who took part in this competition. And that's it for today. Happy table-turning.
Channel: Mathologer
Views: 153,902
Rating: 4.9336143 out of 5
Keywords: Intermediate value theorem, wobbly table theorem, Matthias Kreck, Numberphile, Lipschitz continuous, Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games
Id: aCj3qfQ68m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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