'The Five' voice concern over Biden adviser's proposed nationwide lockdown

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liberal governors in new york and new jersey announcing strict new measures as coveted cases rise across the country joe biden has recently promised he was shut down the virus not the country but one of his top covet advisors is contradicting that pledge big time listen to this we could pay for a package right now to cover the all of the wages lost wages for individual workers for losses to small companies to medium-sized companies for city states county governments we could do all that if we did that then we could lock down for four to six weeks when asked about the lockdowns today biden's team dodged that question is that something that president-elect biden is considering a four to six week lockdown well i think he laid out very clearly across the course of the campaign the things that he wants to do to get the virus under control including encouraging national mass mandates including providing resources to small businesses and schools to ensure that they can open safely he's put forward his own plans that are going to get the virus under control and are going to get the economy moving again obviously he is listening to to the very best advice from scientists from doctors greg that dr osterholm seems to forget the rising suicides and addictions and people missing regular cancer screenings the the the hardship that children are experiencing and all the businesses that have gone under permanently well i it's the difference between single variable thinking like more cases and all the other things that are going around in this big picture of this universe i do think that they're they're if they're if they're basing all of this on increased uh positivity rates it's a huge mistake because that is going to that just reflects more repetitive testing uh and overlooks the resiliency of the population the fact that the death rates are going down it's like test it's like testing for arthritis like you may never know you have arthritis until they test it and they go you have a little bit of arthritis like i thought i had a little eye they did an x-ray you have a little bit of arthritis there i never do that it's something that is just prevalent to your point and it's a grim point that i was thinking about last night i don't think i've experienced more death in my life than in 2020 in terms of relatives and friends acquaintances in this year and none of them were from covid you know there was uh cancer there was uh there was pneumonia there was an overdose uh and i'm wondering everybody if everybody sat down and went through their mental rolodex of people who passed away this year you will then be able to catalog this the butterfly effect of death right you change this one thing shut down everything and then what happens everything else that butterfly effect people are home alone they end up drinking a lot they can't go to their aaa meetings they can't go to any meetings um there are people that are dying from car accidents and you think that wouldn't be the case but it's because more people there are fewer people on the road but they're speeding we had so many pedestrian deaths in new york city and you thought well how could that be in a lockdown it's because people are speeding because there's nobody out there it's weird and sad sorry no it but it's true and it's something that clearly this doctor is just ignoring juan do you think biden wants to shut down the economy i don't think anybody wants that but look i mean there's a certain reality we have to be in touch with here right now 10 states 10 states have a new level of death the rolling seven day average 10 states we're talking as the cases hit a national record on wednesday hospitalizations more than 65 000 of our fellow americans and we know about the death total more than 200 000. the death toll is a death rate juan i'm just telling you right now the death rate in 10 states is at a record level greg and you know i don't think i don't think trump is going to be you know remember trump said no one's going to be talking about the virus after the election well we're talking about the virus because the trends are all in the wrong direction so when you asked me that question deagon let's not dodge it i think that what you see is joe biden wants to work with the governors the mayors the scientists to try to find a way where you don't have to do a lockdown but why would you say you don't do a lockdown if that would save us from getting sick and people die you gotta be honest with people people are dying they're dying from suicide they're dying from drug overdoses they're dying from cancer because they're not getting screened we'd never have another car accident we're not saying stay home for we're saying here are logical steps to protect ourselves as americans why can't we look out for ourselves and our families we are but there's an alternative to shutting down the economy cuomo writes a book about leadership and he almost single-handedly killed thousands of elderly people in new york jesse well i'm just sorry to hear that greg has arthritis you know what greg i'm sure that there's an advertisement on fox then you could pick up some of them really by the way you probably have it too i just don't know it you just don't just haven't been checked my i have been having some achy knees recently um listen biden team off to a heck of a start you know one advisor says we're gonna lock down for a month the other says we're going to give the chinese the vaccine before the americans get it um is the adviser that told lbj to send a half a million troops to vietnam is he still around maybe biden could pick him up or how about the guy that did the website for obamacare let's put him in charge of something big i'm getting the feeling that biden is surrounding himself by a bunch of idiots and this is going to be presidency by committee and if you walk into the white house with a lab coat on and tell bine to do something he'll say okay scientist and he'll do it this is not good you're gonna have more czars than you've ever seen i mean biden doesn't even tweet himself the guy from msnbc wrote his speech for saturday night and went on msnbc and praised it and didn't say he was the one that wrote the speech look at the transition team it's all silicon valley check their names out that's who's running the show right now biden doesn't know what he's doing well um they say they like dr fauci dr fauci today said lockdowns are not necessarily what we need to do so that then the second thing i would say is if you are on the transition team and you're advising biden i would say you don't need to go on cable tv you should save your advice for biden and then let him take all that advice and make a decision from there before jumping the gun yeah cuomo gatherings of 10 people are less not based on science not based on science
Channel: Fox News
Views: 516,332
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Keywords: Biden adviser, fox news biden, fox news biden adviser, biden adviros lockdowns, covid-19, coronavirus, pandemic, coronavirus cases, dagen mcdowell, dana perino, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news the five, greg gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld reacts, jesse watters, juan williams, katie pavlich, the five, the five fox news, the five greg gutfeld, joe biden, 2020 election, covid lockdowns, coronavirus lockdowns
Id: HsLASznUxfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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