The Five Ks of Sikhism (What They Mean & Why Sikhs Wear Them)

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it's not everyone's cup of tea to consume an entire podcast that's why welcome to the ranvi show's highlights channel trs clips subscribe and hit that bell icon i would love to know a little bit more about the kirpan the kada um what is the significance of what non-six know about sex when we look at people with turbines when we look at people with beards i feel that six have a different understanding of it and most of the outside world doesn't so i'd love for you to highlight these outward elements of sikhism what does it actually represent first and foremost it's really important to clarify that these things the kirpan the kara the cash all of these things these don't make you a sick and it is not a sick is somebody who has a turban on their head a sikh is not somebody who wears a kada these are simply just spiritual reminders for a lifestyle so i want a lot of people to understand that when when i say the word sick i don't mean a group of people from punjab that's not what i'm talking about that's not what a real sikh is a sikh is not a punjabi they're not synonymous with each other a sikh is somebody who is willing to learn about their true self and willing to follow and practice all the things that are required to remember that this is all oneness so a really a student of oneness is what we would define as a sick now going back to the where these sort of religious symbols or or or articles of faith as some people describe them where they come from is these are really some of the practices that develop as the the the the later gurus came in so for those who are unaware guru nanak was born in the 1400s and he had nine other successes and the last one is the one that you've mentioned guru gobind singh ji and from about the time of the fifth and the sixth gurus what we started to see was that there was a need for not just spiritual people but spirituality and the warrior side of things to to merge because we were starting to see real oppression in india so the fifth guru some people may not be aware is known as guru arjun devji he was actually a martyr so the mughals actually assassinated him he was tortured because they were trying so hard to convert the rest of india that they were just even going after the spiritual masters so the fifth guru was was tortured and he was assassinated by the mughal elite his son guru hargobinji took on the guru ship next and he decided that i can no longer just be a meditator now i have to be a meditator with a sword and so as it goes on and on you begin to see that then his his son was the ninth guru then his grandson guru gobind singh was the tenth guru so you began to see that these gurus were now spiritual and warriors at the same time so they were the ones who were actually going and fighting some of these battles they weren't just sitting in the back saying you guys go i'll stay back here they say no we have to be at the forefront so these gurus became warriors and meditators so they were trying to teach that this is what the society needs right now this is what the world needs right now we need to be both and so in doing that they they created a code of conduct that if you are to live this lifestyle there's a couple of things that you need to do and and they gave us what they call the five k's the basically five religious symbols that were something that you have to keep with you all the time but they were really five reminders of different ways different practices that you need to hold on to so the first one is kara which you'll see every sick will wear a a a bangle around their their hand but all of these have very deep spiritual meaning and actually we could spend a lot of time but i'll very quickly go through those so why does a sequoia well for multiple reasons number one it's round so it has no beginning and ending and this is a reminder to you that actually god is always there there is always a oneness so you have to kind of see this as a way of reminding you that no matter what you do you know when we were kids we were taught that you know whatever if you stick your hand out to do something wrong the karatball will be there as i remind you as a reminder and there are so many beautiful parts of this symbolism you see this is intrinsic in in indian culture that whenever a student historically would go and uh take on a guru even if they were like a music teacher some some sort of teacher the teacher would initiate and say that i now accept you as my student and they would wrap a string around their hand and say i accept you as my student so we see the kara as the guru saying i accept you as my student and this is basically why every sikh or anybody who identifies as a sick even if they don't wear anything else they basically say this is my symbol that i belong to this guru that i belong to this school of thinking and i'm allowing this teacher to influence my life and teach me how to live and in that same way we were given a kirban which we talked about which is the sword we were given cash and we were told that if you keep your hair completely intact so some people are very surprised when they look at me and i tell them that i've never cut my hair from the day that i was born so they ask oh how long is your hair how long has your beard all these sort of questions come about and and again these are just reminders what is the purpose of keeping long hair you'll begin to see all spiritual masters in all different traditions have a long hair and there's something very beautiful about watching your hair grow watching the color change and it's again another reminder when you look at yourself in the mirror you realize i'm not even control of i mean i'm not in control of this body this body has its own life cycle this body is doing its own thing so when you watch your own hair grow and you watch it turn gray you begin to realize this body is going to go one day this is not me so it's all part of the spiritual training so you've got your kara your kirpan and you've got your kesh and then you've got your kanga kanga is a little comb that you wear at the back of your head and that's just a reminder of cleanliness some some people say that it's to do with having a a clean and holistic lifestyle that you're always reminding yourself that i have to be clean in the world i have to allow myself to be presentable in such a way i can't just be somebody that goes sits in the jungle and meditates you know guru nanak was invited many times to join the spiritual elite around the world every time he went and spoke to spiritual masters the spiritual masters would ask guru nanak what is happening in the world and guru nanak's reply was the world is burning and the people who can help are sitting up here on a mountain meditating and guru nanak rejected this idea that you need to go sit in a mountain or be a monk in order to be spiritual he said i'm gonna show you that i can have a job i can have a wife i can have children and still reach spiritual peak and the reason i'm going to do that is because that's what normal people do normal people are doing this so i need to show them how do you be spiritual doing normal things that's what that ganga represents living a lifestyle where you're just carrying out your daily duties and the final is a kashera kashera is these briefs these shorts that you wear underneath your clothing and again that's about self-restraint your kashira is about don't think that your life is just about trying to get as many relationships and sleep with as many partners it's about having self-restraint and not thinking that life is all about um going out there and just grabbing all the all the sensual experiences in the world so all of these things are really practical reminders of how you can live your life because there are so many instances in life where your mind does get tempted your mind does go in the wrong directions and you you use these tools to remind you that this is not what i'm really here to achieve in life and when you look at yourself in the mirror the idea is you shouldn't see your own reflection when you look in the mirror you should see your guru's image and when you when you see the guru in front of you then you realize oh my life is about my guru it's not about me it's about my master teaching me how to really live not about just me trying to figure out life in my own way but it doesn't mean that if you don't have these things that you're inferior in some way or that you're not a good sikh anybody from any background can be a sick guru nanak's most um beloved companion was somebody called by mardana who was a muslim so guru nanak and bhai mardana traveled around the world for decades and so his best friend was a muslim but you wouldn't call him a muslim because he was also following guru nanak so a sikh is not somebody who is rejecting other religions and saying i've given up other religions and i'm now going to only be a sikh that's not what guru nanak sikhi is you can be a hindu who is following the guru's tradition you can be a muslim who is following the guru's tradition and guru nanak went around the world and spoke to so many people and he said let me teach you what being a muslim really means and there are verses in his writings which are teaching people about how to do an amaz how to do fasting properly people are surprised that guru granth sahib actually has this sort of information and it teaches people from the hindu traditions this is what this is how you really look at krishna this is what shiva really means this is how you celebrate holi and it's all about how do you use all of these as opportunities to understand your mindset and all of these they go back to don't worry about the external the external doesn't define who a sick is these things do not define who sick is a sick is completely defined by the person who sorted out his own mind and sorted out his mindset wow okay this was the highlight of this episode for me uh just having this conversation with these are questions that i've had in my mind since i was a little boy and uh it's why i was waiting for this conversation for two years [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: TRS Clips
Views: 90,520
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Keywords: the ranveer show, trs clips, the ranveer show clips, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, podcasts, beerbiceps podcast, trs, clips, nanak naam, satpal singh nanak naam, nanak naam organisation, sikh religion, sikhs, identity, the five ks of sikhism, kesh, kirpan, Kanga, Kaccha, kara, turban, punjabi, the sikh identity, gurudwara, beerbiceps spirituality, meditation, guru nanak, khalsa, wahe guru, jo bole so nihal, spirituality ranveer allahbadia, satpal singh nanak naam in english, sikh practices
Id: NKEPx74C3H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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