The FIRST Splatoon Meta - The Stone Age

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today's meta history we have a bit of a special  episode we're gonna be talking about the very   first meta when the game just launched and a lot  of people don't know just how broken splatoon 1   was when it launched this game was effectively  in beta phase let me give you an example   you know how rollers have to be accurate in  order to one shot you you know pretty standard   thing obviously the entire flick hitbox can't be  a kill zone right well an early splatoon 1 it was   it didn't matter where you hit them if the flick  connected they would die in one shot and not only   that because this gets better you can also kill  them if you don't have ink including when you roll   and the flick does 180 damage because why  not this is what early splatoon 1 was like   so if you enjoy this video and want to see more  episodes of the meta history for me be sure to   subscribe and without further ado let's cover the  rest of the broken stuff in this game splatoon 1   didn't just have crazy early weapons it also  had crazy specials everyone knows kraken and   bubbler the invincibility specials that broke the  game but they used to be so much worse the main   counterplay to bubbler and kraken is that you  could knock them back but at the start of the   game they had barely any knock back whatsoever  and kraken's hitbox was a little bit smaller so   good luck taming them back then and the devs must  have really liked kraken because it had more than   that there was also basically no end lag so once  your kraken ran out you could immediately attack   out of it something now is really common for the  crack on rollers and it's a big part of why krakon   was one of the most hated weapons at the start of  the game another weapon that was even crazier at   launch than you remember is the e-leader now  chargers have this thing in splatoon 1 where   they could kill with partial charges but at the  start of the game that was a ridiculous amount   by stacking around three mains worth of damage  up e-leader could one shot with 55 of a charge   it was essentially a swiffer that could also just  double its range whenever it wanted oh and that's   not all old e-leader had burst bombs and burst  bombs at the starter splatoon one while being   a little bit weaker than they are today allow you  to throw not three but four of them they used 25   of your ink tank and on top of that e-leader had  a special called echo locator that would instantly   refill your ink tank in addition to locating  everyone on the other team which means that if you   ran up to an e-leader who had special they could  throw four burst bombs at you pop echo and throw   another four burst bombs at you without any extra  gear add on top of it that you can run five burst   bombs with sub saber and had damage up so those  burst bombs were dealing extra damage and that's   the hell that people had to deal with fighting  this thing speaking of long range things that were   broken in close range ink zuka now zuka currently  takes almost a full second before you get your   first shot out but at the start of the game that  was about half a second which while it might not   seem like a lot keep in mind everyone was brand  new at this game so it essentially made zuka a   panic button and something to take out the longest  range weapon in the game splatoon 1 obviously had   its fair share of broken abilities but the only  one that was a thing really early in the game was   incred something that would get patched out really  fast because i'm made of incredibles because it   was a main exclusive ability basically gave you  ink immunity it would take a long time for you   to be damaged and you would be incredibly fast in  enemy inc another broken sub is splash wall not   only did wall take 40 percent more damage and you  could recover your ink about twice as fast after   throwing it but there was a broken technique  called showering basically by standing in the   middle of the ink tank you would be protected  from literally all sides so you couldn't just   bomb someone behind their wall it was really crazy  basically giving you extra health if you stayed in   the middle but forget everything else i mentioned  the most stupid thing at launch was blasters now   currently blasters indirects cap at 70 damage  they can't do any more than that but i'll just   let you take a guess what is the maximum damage  an indirect can do at the start of splatoon 1. if you guessed 99 damage you're wrong because the  answer is 125. to put that number into perspective   not only is that going to make indirects one shot  but that's also the damage direct deal in splatoon   2. and guess what it gets worse some of you might  have realized that if the maximum damage is above   100 then stacking damage up will not cap at 99.9  so not only could you kill with indirects but if   you stack damage up your indirect one shot radius  would get larger and you know luna in the first   game already has clash blaster's hitbox same for  normal blaster just as a reference to how bad that   is so all of those were clearly crazy especially  considering that the game was brand new so nobody   really knew what they were doing but also the  lack of content at launch there were only old   maps which sucked and were really cramped so  lockouts were super hell to deal with especially   with everyone being new like i said but there was  only zones there was no tower and rainmaker those   are dlc modes in splatoon 1. even private battles  didn't exist until a future update so the start   of the game people primarily played turf war in  competitive meaning the meta were painting weapons   like shooters rollers which people considered  painting weapons at the time and as you guessed   blasters for smaller maps what about e-leader  that would actually take a few months because   people thought charges were really bad in turf  war at the start of the game a stigma that still   exists today oddly enough oh and one more weapon  that people really hated even though it really had   nothing special about it at the time aerospray  it was unlockable in a single player and you   know everyone being new painting weapons and turf  war only meant that aerospray got really obsessed   over and r splatoon and squidwards which is where  most of the community lived because discord didn't   really exist yet had so much complaints about  aerospray even though the weapons not really that   different nowadays it was hated back then pretty  much everything i listed here got fixed in patch   2.2.0 which is basically where the game actually  became balanced and we started to have stuff like   rainmaker and tower control being added to the  game we also got sns plus which i guess this isn't   relevant to the meta but it's worth noting that  ranks capped at a plus and you could gain and lose   ranked points in squad aka league battles burst  bombs didn't get patched until 2.7.0 which is the   best patch splatoon has ever had either game by  a landslide i'll go over that someday i promise   during these few months a lot of techniques  were discovered there was sub strafing back   and forth for movement burst canceling on burst  bomb weapons and other similar techniques like   stealth swimming so you didn't need to rely on  ninja squid to be able to move without being seen   so it was really cool to see the community develop  what would become staples even to this day but   before 2.2 dropped the meta did eventually settle  around one weapon the 96 gal deco as for comps   with 96 deco there weren't too much thought put  into it again everyone being very new at the time   another 96 deco or normal 52 would be useful for  double wall we would see krakon or dynamo roller   for slang slash painting power and the ability to  hit around corners as well as a little bit of luna   for that for the main representative of blasters  we saw plenty of 10 attack splatter shot a little   bit of e-leader if you had a charger team but  probably the main comp at the time was 96 deco 52   dynamo and the 10 attack splatter shot so that's  what's ran with 96 but what makes this 96 scale   deco such a pain why do people hate it so much  well it might be hard to get it but basically it's   a two-shot gal weapon so messing up a little bit  gets you killed instantly and the weapon also has   a lot of painting range so it can exist and paint  really far away from itself meaning it would get a   lot of value just by existing and on top of that  it had a wall so even though this weapon happens   to have accuracy problems only being needed to get  hit by two shots the painting range and the wall   to keep itself alive meant that taking it down was  an absolute pain and even if you got past that the   weapon just had a panic button that it could pop  not die in that whatsoever and then it would throw   another wall i'm just very grateful that this is  in the past and this weapon's balanced nowadays   because i can't imagine dealing with a gal that  paints for itself wall panic button to the uh   time is a flat circle but that's the early  history of splatoon 1. i hope you enjoyed   learning about the absolute craziness that this  game had to offer and be sure to subscribe if   you want to see more episodes of the meta  history i'll see you all in a future video you
Channel: ProChara
Views: 279,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Splatoon Pro, Chara, ProChara, Nintendo, Splatoon 3, Rapid, Bocut Nation, Competitive Splatoon, Splatoon Top Team, Torpedo, Support, Splatoon Tournament, Brella, Splatoon 2 Discussion, Splatoon Tier List, Splatoon 3 Prediction, Splatoon 3 Analysis, Chara Splatoon, NA Champion Splatoon, Splatoon Top Player, Splatuber, Top 500 Splatoon, Squid Game Nintendo, Range, Range Blaster, Blaster, Splatoon Meta History, Splatoon 1 Launch, 2015 Splatoon 1, Splatoon Early Meta
Id: riFIBVbML4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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