♪ On your mark ♪ ♪ Get set go ♪ ♪ On a Bible adventure ♪ ♪ So much in the Bible for me to know ♪ ♪ On a Bible adventure ♪ ♪ I wanna know that God is real ♪ ♪ I wanna know how I could be His friend ♪ ♪ I wanna know who Jesus is ♪ ♪ I wanna find out what
the Bible's all about ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Do do do, do do do, do do doo ♪ ♪ La la la, la la la, laa la la ♪ ♪ On your mark ♪ ♪ Get set go ♪ ♪ On a Bible adventure ♪ ♪ So many ways that I will
grow on my Bible adventure ♪ ♪ I'm gonna learn my memory verse ♪ ♪ I'm gonna pray and talk to God ♪ ♪ I'm gonna sing new songs to God ♪ ♪ And keep singing the
songs all week long ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Do do do, do do do, doo do do ♪ ♪ La la la, la la la, laa la la ♪ ♪ On your mark ♪ ♪ Get set go ♪ ♪ On a Bible adventure ♪ ♪ Church is fun place we can
go on a Bible adventure ♪ (bright music) - Hi, friends. My name's Emily. Do you like going on adventures? I do too (laughs). I'm going on a Bible adventure. Shake your hands high in the sky if you wanna go with me. (shouts) Great. Now, when's our friend
Shine gonna show up? I know, let's put on our
adventure bags while we wait. (gasps) (laughs) Wait a second, there's something in here. Oh, it's my tablet. Look, I have a message from Shine. How do you make the right choice? That is a good question. Have you ever wondered that? (Shine shouts) Look, friends. It's Shine. - Hello, friends. Hi, Emily. Are you all ready for
today's Bible adventure? Almost, Shine. First, I need to pack my adventure bag. Well, Shine, which of these picture passes will help me answer the question you sent? - I was reading the Bible today about how to make good choices. It gave me some ideas for
what you should bring. Ready to guess? Yes, I love your games. Friends, let's figure it
out together (laughs). Shine, what's your first hint? - It's a part of your face
and you use it for talking. (clock ticks) - The mouth? Jumping jelly beans. You've gotta be right. Your mouth is on your
face so you can talk. Let's put it in our adventure bag. - Next, you have two of them
on the sides of your head to listen with. (clock ticks) - We pick the ear (laughs). I have two ears on the sides of my head. Let's pack the ear in our adventure bag. - Okay. One more thing. It's something you walk on
and shows you the way to go. (clock ticks) - I think you're right. Shine, we pick the path. - Yeah, we walk on path for
all our Bible adventures. Put it in your adventure bag. - One, two, three. We've got them all. Let's zip our adventure bag together. (bag zips) (Emily laughs) - We'll find out how these picture passes remind us to make the right
choice on our Bible adventure. - Now it's time to fly.
- Fly. (Emily laughs) - Thanks for helping me
make the right choice in packing my bag, Shine. But what did you mean when
you asked me the question, how do you make the right choice? - The right choice? You know, choosing God's way. - Well, how will an ear, a mouth, and path help me choose God's way? - Well, let's look in the Bible to see. - The Bible is God's book for you. You can trust, it's right and true. - The first sin that's from
the book called Genesis. - Oh, that story happened a
long, long, long time ago. - That's true but it's still a real story about God's people. We can read it to learn how
to live God's way and make the right choice.
- The right choice. - [Narrator] The first man
and woman, Adam and Eve, lived in a beautiful garden
that God made for them. But Satan came as a crafty serpent and tempted Adam and Eve. - Did God say you must not eat the fruit from these trees? - [Narrator] The serpent asked Eve. - Just the tree in the middle. - [Narrator] Eve replied. - If we eat from it, we'll die. - You won't die. - [Narrator] Said the serpent. - There's a reason why
God doesn't want you to eat from that tree. If you do, you'll be like Him. You'll know what He knows. - [Narrator] Eve ate the fruit. She gave some to Adam who was with her. He ate it too. And at once, they knew things
they had never known before. One thing they knew was
that they were naked. They sewed leaves together
to cover themselves. They'd never felt fear or shame before. So they knew something was wrong. "Adam," God called, " Eve." "We're hiding," said Adam, "We're naked." "You know that because you
ate from the tree," God said. Then Adam blamed Eve and
Eve blamed the serpent. God said, "Serpent, you
must crawl on your belly. "A woman's son will defeat you. "Eve, childbirth will be painful. "Adam, growing food will be difficult." Then God made clothes for
Adam and Eve and sent them out of the garden. He put an angel with a flaming sword there
so they could not return. - Smacking sugar snaps. God told Adam and Eve what they should do and they didn't listen. - Yeah, they made the wrong choice. They didn't ask God for help at all. They just did what they wanted to do. - Shine, I wanna know how
to make the right choice. How will such a sad story
help me choose God's way? Wait a minute. Ask. That's what they didn't do. They didn't ask God. - Way to go, Emily. That's the answer to the question. How do you make the right choice? - I ask God. God helps me make the right choice. - Friends, we'll find
out more about asking God on our Bible adventure. Don't forget to watch
how the picture passes will help you along the way. - Will do. Say hi to Blinky for me. Come on. Let's go. (upbeat music) - What? Oh, I love this story. (door knocks) Oh, hi, Emily. - Hi, Guy. My friends and I are on a Bible adventure. We're trying to find the
answer to the question, how do you make the right choice? - I ask God, God helps
me make the right choice. I know lots of Bible verses about that. - We just watched a story about making the right
choice from the Bible. Who was it about? - Adam and Eve, oh, they
made the wrong choice. They chose to do what they wanted to do instead of obeying what God said to do. - I don't wanna be like that. Well, how do I know what's right? - The Bible says, all you
have to do is ask God. He will give you wisdom. - Is wisdom choosing what's right? - Wisdom is knowing
what's right and doing it. - Oh, so if I don't know
what to do, I can ask God. God will give me wisdom
to make the right choice. - Exactly. Do you have a picture
pass about asking God? - I think I do. Come with me friends. One, two, wait a minute. There's one missing. Friends, shake your adventure bags with me so we can get it out. (sighs) That's better. Let's try again. One, two, three. They're all there. - So what's on your face
that you use for talking? (clock ticks) - The mouth. I ask God with my mouth. - Yeah, we can pray and
ask God to help us make the right choice. - Guy, will you please
teach us a Bible verse to help us remember? - Sure. Friends, wiggle your ears if you're ready to learn the verse with me. - I'm wiggling my ears. Are you wiggling yours? - Okay. Watch first. James 1:5, "If any of you need
wisdom, ask God for it." - Guy, I think we're ready to try it. - All right. Repeat after me. James 1:5. - James 1:5. - If any of you need wisdom. - If any of you need wisdom - Ask God for it. - Ask God for it. (both laughing) - All right. Now let's say the whole verse together. - Okay. - James 1:5, "If any of you need
wisdom, ask God for it." (both laughing) - Sunny sea monkeys. You always know the perfect verse. If I need wisdom to make
the right choice, I ask God. Well, I'm off on my Bible adventure. Bye, Guy. - See you, Emily. - Come On. (upbeat music) (Guy laughs) Blinky, what were you doing in there? - Hi, shine. I was just smelling these bug bites. They're my favorite snack in
the whole wide world, you know? - Yeah, I know they are pretty yummy. - Yeah, well. Shine? - Yes, Blinky. - My mom said I'm not
supposed to have any more bug bites today. I already had some for my snack. - Well, Blinky, you should
probably stop flying inside the box and smelling them. - But she didn't say I couldn't smell them and they smell so super d duper good. - You know that once you smell them, you'll want to eat some even worse. Bug bites are so delicious. - You know what, Shine? I've got a good idea. What if I give you some bug bites? You know, just to be nice and all, and then you could share them with me? - Blinky, that's disobeying your mommy. That doesn't sound like
the right choice at all. - Oh, Shine. I just really, really,
really wanna eat some more. I don't think my mom would mind if I shared them with you. - Friends, do you think it
would be the right choice for us to eat just a few bug bites? - Shine, our friends say no, but I still can't decide what to do. Bug bites are super d duper yummy. And my tummy is super d duper hungry. - In the Bible story about
Adam, Eve, and the first sin, Eve really wanted a bite
of some special fruit from a special tree. - Did her mommy tell her not to eat it? - No, God told her not to eat
it, but Eve didn't listen. She ate some and shared it with Adam. Then he ate it too. - They disobeyed God? That's never the right choice. - No, disobeying God is sin. If we want to make the right choice, we have to ask God what to do
and choose to do what He says. - Shine. - Yes, Blinky. - I know the right choice to make. You wanna know why? - Why, Blinky? - Because the Bible
tells me what God says, and the Bible says to obey our parents. If my mommy says, no, then I'll obey. I won't eat those bug bites no matter how yummy they are. - Then let's shut this box and quit smelling these yummy bug bites. We'll go play instead. - Yeah, let's go. I feel so super d duper better inside because I made the right choice. I feel even better than
if I have more bug bites in my tummy. (upbeat music) - What was that question again? Oh, yeah. How do you make the right choice? Friends, answer with me. I ask God, God helps me
make the right choice. (laughs) Well, I ask God with my mouth, but that still leaves an ear and a path. Here I am on a path and I have two ears. But how does that help
me make the right choice? (guitar music) That sounds like Mr.
Music in a singing studio. I bet he has the perfect song to help us. Let's go find out. (guitar music)
(whistles) (door knocks) - That must be Emily. Come on in. - Hi, Mr. Music. My friends and I are on a Bible adventure. - So what's your Bible
adventure about this time? - We're trying to find the
answer to the question, how do you make the right choice? Friends, will you tell
Mr. Music the answer? - That's right. I ask God, God helps me
make the right choice. - Yeah. And Shine showed us a Bible
story about the very first sin. You know, when Adam and disobeyed God? - Sin is the wrong choice, but disobeying God is a
choice we all make sometimes. - But I wanna know how
God can help me make the right choice instead. Our Bible verse is James 1:5, "If any of you need
wisdom, ask God for it." We ask God with our mouth. - But we still need to choose
to listen to God and obey. - Cart wheeling kittens! That's it. I have a picture pass about listening. Count with me friends. One, two, three. - Friends, you have two of
them on the sides of your head to listen with. (clock ticks) - The ear (laughs). - That's right. Ears are for listening. We ask God and listen
to what He says to do. - But wait, Mr. Music, in the Bible story, Adam and Eve listened to God
with the ears on their head. It seems like God actually talked out loud to tell them the right choice. - Yeah, I think that is
what the story shows us. - But I've never heard God with my ears, when I pray and ask God,
I hear Him in my heart. - Me too. I feel God's voice inside me telling me
the right thing to do. And if I'm still not sure,
I can read the Bible. - Yeah, that's it. I'll listen in my heart,
I'll listen to the Bible. I'll listen when God
tells me the right choice. - I even know a song about
making the right choice. - I knew you would, that's
why I love coming here. - Friends, clap your hands together if you'd like to sing a song with me. - I'm clapping my hands (claps). Are you clapping yours? - All right. I'm gonna teach you your part. I'm gonna sing, God helps
us to make right choices, and you sing, all you gotta do is pray. - Okay. Friends, you sing with me. - Here we go. ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you go gotta do is pray ♪ Very good. ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ That was awesome. (Emily laughs) Let's sing it from the beginning. Okay? - Okay. - Here we go. ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ There are days we all can
be just like Adam and Eve ♪ ♪ That's when Jesus helps me
know the right way I should go ♪ ♪ We sing ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ When you don't know what to do ♪ ♪ When you're feeling all confused ♪ ♪ When you don't know His right way ♪ ♪ Ask Jesus when you pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ We can listen to God's voice ♪ ♪ Right before we make the choice ♪ ♪ Then it's our job to
obey and listen every day ♪ ♪ Sing it out ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ Again. ♪ God helps us make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ ♪ God helps us to make right choices ♪ ♪ All you gotta do is pray ♪ That was great. Now stand to your feet to worship God with singing, music and dancing. (Emily laughs) (rock music) ♪ You made my ears ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ So I can listen ♪ ♪ You made my eyes ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ So I can see ♪ ♪ You made my arms ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ So I can praise you ♪ ♪ You made my heart so I can love ♪ ♪ Every word I speak ♪ ♪ Every thought I think ♪ ♪ Everything I do ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ ♪ You made my hands ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ For helping others ♪ ♪ You made my feet ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ So I can follow you ♪ ♪ You made my legs ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ To jump for Jesus ♪ ♪ You made my heart so I can love ♪ ♪ Every word I speak ♪ ♪ Every thought I think ♪ ♪ Everything I do ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ ♪ Every word I speak ♪ ♪ Every thought I think ♪ ♪ Everything I do ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ ♪ My whole self belongs to you ♪ (uplifting music) ♪ For you I clap and lift my hands ♪ ♪ Oh God for you I sing and dance ♪ ♪ No one is greater ♪ ♪ No one is stronger ♪ ♪ I worship you because ♪ ♪ You are awesome that's
why I praise you Lord ♪ ♪ You are awesome I
live to know you more ♪ ♪ From the ground to the sky ♪ ♪ Rocking side to side ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause your awesome ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ ♪ For you I clap and lift my hands ♪ ♪ Oh God for you I sing and dance ♪ ♪ No one is greater ♪ ♪ No one is stronger ♪ ♪ I worship you because ♪ ♪ You are awesome that's
I praise you Lord ♪ ♪ You are awesome I
live to know you more ♪ ♪ From the ground to the sky ♪ ♪ Rocking side to side ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ ♪ Not just for what you do ♪ ♪ But for who you are ♪ ♪ You are God ♪ ♪ You are God ♪ ♪ Yeah we praise you God ♪ ♪ Not just for what you
do, but for who you are ♪ ♪ You are God, you are God ♪ ♪ Yeah we praise you God ♪ ♪ You are awesome that's
why I praise you Lord ♪ ♪ You are awesome I
live to know you more ♪ ♪ From the ground to the sky ♪ ♪ Rocking side to side ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ ♪ I praise you 'cause you're awesome ♪ - Hello, Emily. Hello, friends. - Hi, Shine. My friends and I have been
practicing our question and answer on our Bible adventure. Shine, you ask us the
question and friends, you say the answer with me. - Okay. How do you make the right choice? - I ask God, God helps
me make the right choice. - And what about all those picture passes you took with you? - Count with me, friends. One, two, three. First, we use our mouth
to ask God for wisdom when we need to know
what's right and wrong. That reminds me of our
Bible verse, James 1:5 "If any of you need
wisdom, ask God for it." - Did you find out about the ear? - Yeah. When we ask God what to do, we listen and then we do it. We listen with our ears. - We can listen to God with our ears and we can listen to Him with our hearts. We even hear what God wants us to do by listening to what the Bible has to say. (Emily chuckles) - I learned all of that today, but Shine, what about the path? What does that have to do
with making the right choice? - God's way is the right way. When we choose the right
way, we stay close to God. It's just like staying on the right path so we don't get lost. - Oh, I get it now. We find God's way by staying on His path. I want God's way to lead me
wherever He wants me to go. - Me too. Let's start right now by praying to God and asking Him what He wants us to do. - Okay. Bow your heads and close your eyes, we're gonna talk to God together. Dear God, please give us wisdom. Teach us how to listen to you and make the right choice. In Jesus' name, amen.
- Amen. - Bouncing babies. It's time to go. We'll see you next time. - For another Bible adventure. - Bye bye friends. (upbeat music)