The First Monotheistic Religion? - Akhenaten's Religion of Light
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Let's Talk Religion
Views: 796,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aten, Atenism, What is the first monotheistic religion, monotheism, monotheistic religions, Akhenaten, Egyptian religion, Amarna period, Amenhotep IV, Amenhotep III, Egypt Aten, Ancient Egypt, Ancient religions, Earliest religion, Akhenaten documentary, Religion of light, Sun worship, Sun god, Ra, Amun, Amun Ra
Id: 2d7UU3C50vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hello again, students of history and culture, to the CBRX3 A-Z Schoolhouse!
Plenty of material this week, at last! I think I went for a slight curveball, choosing a video that technically is focused on Atenism, but I think it does the history of Akhenaten well and loved the presentation. If you want a more TV-documentary approach, there's this video from a show called Egypt Hunters or something similar that shows some cool ruins and archeological work; meanwhile if you want a nice, short YouTube video essay style EmperorTigerstar has y'all covered.
Previous Civs: Afghanistan; The Ainu; America; The Anglo-Dutch; The Anglo-Norse; Angola; The Arapaho; Assyria ; Bengal; Botswana; Brandenburg; Brazil; Cambodia; Castile; Central America; Chad; Chile; the Comanche; and the Cree.