The First Kisses That Will Make Your Heart Melt - Part 1! | Netflix

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Maybe we can go to the Snow Ball together. Snow Ball? It's this cheesy school dance where you go to the gym and dance to music. I've never been, but I know you shouldn't go with your sister. -No? -I mean… You can, but it'd be really weird. You go to school dances with… some that, you know… Someone that you like. -A friend? -Not a friend. A… A… Someone like a… Hey. Sky? I'm a fixer because… I have to be. Because I'm supposed to be. Because… When I fix other people, I don't have to think about how fucking broken I am. Sky… We're all broken, Bloom. There's a charm in that, too. It's sucks you're avoiding me. I put myself out there and I was honest with you and for that I get the silent treatment? Even if you don't feel the same, you can at least be there for me as a friend. You're making me feel crazy! Honestly, if I knew that you were going to be all weird and that this was going to jeopardise our friendship, I never in a million years would have told you how I felt. Because it is becoming incredibly clear that you don't feel the same way. Come back to the party. Stop walking! -Stop following me. -It is not safe out here. I forbid you to go any further. You cannot tell me what to do. Daphne. You won't listen! My most sincere apologies. I… And I know weird stuff might be a trigger for you. Thanks for telling me, Roz. And, yeah. Weird stuff is a trigger for me. But… honesty's… kind of the thing I value most these days. So we're good? We will be. As soon as… What? Was that… like your vision? Usually my visions lead to something bad happening. This time… Nothing bad happened, Rosalind. Hi. Was I drooling? Sorry. How did it go? Did you make it down there in time? Yeah. You stayed. Yeah. I just wanted to make sure… you were ok. Because the doctor wanted to see how my lung was healing and he found a tumour the size of a walnut inside my left breast. What? And I don't have long. -We will find someone. -We… -We'll find a doctor. -No. -You have to stop. -Listen to me! You have to stop! There is nothing that anyone can do. Ok. Ok. I'm going to find someone. A doctor. We have all the money in the world. We will go to the ends of the Earth if we have to. I love you. Do you hear me? I will not lose you. Mildred… -I love you. -I love you. Sorry! Sorry. Sorry. Ok. Thank you. Oh my God. Sorry, I know that you were… probably expecting Olivia, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Truth be told, I've never kissed anyone before. I've wanted to. Don't get me wrong. For example, I punched Ron Getler in the sixth grade during seven minutes in Heaven. Sophomore year spring fling, I was dancing with Randy Melrose. You know, a romantic song came on and I was like: "What's going to happen?" Until it just didn't, because-- This isn't so bad! Not so bad at all. Wait! I'm not… I'm not… Hey, wait! I'm not… Sorry, I'm not… You could move in here if you want. You know? For free. Really? Yeah. Really. Sorry, I… No, no. I just wasn't ready. I'm ready now. Now or never.
Channel: Still Watching Netflix
Views: 4,932,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atypical, Bridgerton, Never Have I Ever, Ratched, Stranger Things, Mike and Eleven, Bloom and Sky, Casey and Izzie, Daphne and Simon, Roz and Harvey, Devi and Ben, Mildred and Gwendolyn, Elle and Noah, Simon and Wilhelm, Beth and Beltik, beth the queen's gambit, beth the queen's gambit kiss, mike and eleven kiss, daphne and simon kiss, mike and eleven stranger things kiss, bridgerton daphne and simon kiss, young royals kiss, young royals simon and wilhelm kiss
Id: 2xmii1EE5IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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