The First-Ever Website #shorts

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the world's first website went live on this day back in 1991 and funnily enough the point of the site was to teach people about the web created by Tim berners-lee the site lived on his computer at CERN that placed in Switzerland with the particle accelerators you can actually still view the site which contains a directory of a few online resources for topics from politics to science as well as some early software such as primitive web browsers although CERN actually wanted burner's lead to patent the underlying technology of the web he refused as he wanted to see the web grow as quickly as it could by 1995 there are already over 23 000 websites in existence and today the number is well over a billion like my only
Channel: Techquickie
Views: 127,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ESEe8FMeip8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 40sec (40 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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