The First Dies You Should Make for Your Guillotine Tool

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hello everybody welcome back to the workshop so in this video i want to go over for you guys out there that are new to using a guillotine tool some of my most handy dyes that i have found useful in my shop that i've used over the years and i'm going to go over them and basically most used first and then less used as we go on so thank you for joining us today at christ center and ironworks and glad to have you here so probably the most used set of dies that i actually use in the workshop and i have for the last 14 years has been basically these two sets right here it is a fuller die and a flat die set and that is those have been predominantly the main ones i've used with a guillotine tool now this guillotine tool that you see here we actually sell this over our website i encourage you to go check these out we sell not only this a-frame guillotine tool kit for 50 bucks it comes as a kit that you just weld together yourself but we also sell a c frame guillotine tool kit like you see here again you just have to weld it up to yourself for 75 dollars so be sure to go check that out the link will be down in the description down below but yes i've had a different guillotine tool that i've used for many many years now and these always come back to the most handy dye so first and foremost the most handy that i've used in principle has been the fullering dice out now this is a nice 3 8 inch radius fullering die you can make these smaller by welding on little bits of quarter inch basically quarter inch rod and weld on quarter inch get different profiles for these you can weld on a slightly fatter rod as long as it fits between where you're going there uh you know this wise width ways this way you can weld on a much bigger diameter rod and do all sorts of other things to have fullers different sized floors to neck down pipe and things like that and i've certainly shown that in the past here on the channel with a whole bunch of different projects the second most used in my shop is a set of flat dies now i use the flat dies all the time when i need to get real tight to a shoulder i've already kind of done some pre-draw out work on a shoulder for a tenon and i need to just you know square something up real tight that the hammer blows i take a risk of ruining with the hammer blows i like using those you know using those square flat dies in the actual guillotine tool it really helps getting up really tight areas and i almost use it as like a a set hammer set because if i don't have help in the shop it's very nice to do that and i can get up real tight up against shoulders and things like that so those are probably the two most used in my shop over the last decade plus here that i've been smithing now one that i i also use quite a bit although it's less steep of an angle is a butcher die set now i use now you can cut these at all different angles this is what is considered a proper butcher so this is like something that you would use to cut material off really butcher and segment material completely off from the bar stock i don't use that one particularly that much but i use one that is similar that has a much shallower butcher angle to it to set off the edges for tenons as well and again it's really great for isolating masses of material in the center of a bar so you want to make like a forged collar in the center of a bar you want to isolate material to the left and right of it this is a very handy handy handy tool now most guillotine tools are really generally used a lot of people use these for either pipe or they use these for you know basically forging pipe or necking down tenons because that seems to be the hardest thing so you will by far use all of these these three here at some point in making a tenon they're all kind of part of it these are probably the most handiest dies that you would want to make in your shop if you eat rather you have a guillotine tool kit already or if you buy one of ours or if you buy from another manufacturer i recommend picking up these dies that that those are going to be the most handiest to you out there in the shop now last and this one's last but not least this is kind of a bit of a specialty die and this can be made a whole host of different ways with all sorts of different sizes this one here is a swedge die or basically a tenon die if you will it is to make nice round tenons now that one i've shown how to make these in the past basically you're just drilling two holes into a bar and you're cutting it in half you know and generally generally speaking now what i usually do is i i actually cut the bar in half and then i tack weld it together with a an electric arc welder then i drill the holes that way i get a properly sized tenon and not something that's oval or cat eyed because if you remove material from a circle you don't have a circle anymore you have an ellipse so i try to take and do that first so i i cut the piece re-tack weld it together then drill it all the way through both halves and then that gives me a proper tenon die this is for rounding up tenons you can use this for rounding up bar stock or sections that you don't need to be textured you can use it in a lot of different applications where you need a swedge top and bottom swedge tool and you can make this in all sorts you can drill big holes in this you can have big swedges you can have smaller ones yet than this for making up little tiny rivets or or things like that and this is a very very handy tool to have in the shop so i can recommend that one but this one is probably this you have to know that you want to do tenons and you'll start you'll go ahead and make one of these when you want to do that because it just makes it oh so much easier to get a tenon nicely perfectly centered around like that but yeah so those are the dies that i recommend you get your first dies that you make up uh when you actually put together either one of our kits or you buy somebody else's guillotine tool i recommend that you get dye stock for your guillotine tool and make up these sets of dies they are very very handy to have again you can make all sorts of different all sorts of different accessories for a guillotine tool basically anything that you can think of that you need a top and a bottom tool for that's what a guillotine tool is for you can put that in there and really help aid in your iron work so that's it for today thank you all so much for watching this video i hope you guys enjoyed it god bless each and every last one of you and we will catch you on the next one thanks for watching so you
Channel: Christ Centered Ironworks
Views: 6,411
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Keywords: blacksmith tool holder, blacksmith tool holders, extra hand diy tool holder, anvil tool, diy anvil hardytool, diy hardie tools, guillotine tool, guillotine tool blacksmith, guillotine tool plans, homemade metal tools, blacksmith guillotine, blacksmith guillotine tool, blacksmith guillotine plans, blacksmith guillotine fuller, blacksmith guillotine tool plans, blacksmith guillotine tool for sale, blacksmith guillotine dies, how to make blacksmith guillotine, blacksmith tools
Id: 54EJAXRBhro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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