The First Danish Biker War - Hells Angels MC vs. Bullshit MC.

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[Music] between the years 1977 and 1988 the first part of the great biker war between members of hell's angels mc and [ __ ] mc was fought in denmark it caused 12 people to die and made house angels denmark the leading motorcycle club in scandinavia this was the first biker war in scandinavia a war that would later evolve into the war between hells angels and banditos in what has been dubbed the great nordic biker war then fasted the nordic biker culture emerged in sweden with the establishment of numerous motorcycle clubs in the late 1960s and early 1970s in the 70s there were also biker gangs in copenhagen but they were not very well organized and often brawled with each other in danish they were called these groups were inspired by the british rocker subculture and danish clubs became increasingly influenced by developments in the united states and began to refer to themselves as bikers the term is still commonly used by the police and media in denmark to refer to what they call the outlaw motorcycle subculture or the one percenters the group rotter wore roots from vesmager formed in the late 70s the nordrass mine gang which together with the vesterbro group filthy few became [ __ ] mc in the late 70s at about the same time the motorcycle club's galloping goose dirty angels nomads and iron skulls merged to form the union who later would become the first hells angels chapter in scandinavia a conflict between the two rivaling clubs were now imminent the union's first meeting with the hell's angels was when one of their motorcycles broke down when traveling in europe they got help to fix their motorcycle from a hell's angel chapter nearby and this became the seed that started hell's angels in the nordic countries [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] angels and the union mc now became hell's angel prospects while being prospects of hell's angels a member of the former union mc now mc denmark prospect club was kicked to death by his biker brothers club [Music] foreign [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] in 1979 the members of some of the rival gangs now merged and formed their own club [ __ ] mc to oppose their rival the union's dominance [ __ ] settled in copenhagen's christiania a small neighborhood where hashish were openly sold and soon took control of the cannabis business there a conflict between the two dominant biker clubs in denmark now seemed inevitable and this was the beginning of the first danish biker war the first death in this war had happened already in 1977 when kim mortensen a 24 year old became the first to die in the conflict as a member of the nordis mind gang later [ __ ] mc he was shot during the group's ambush of the nomads at a pier in copenhagen the killing was ruled as self-defense by the court and the charge against the nomads member gooby was dropped it would only take six more days before the second death happened this time it was kim mortensen's friend johnny jensen who was shot and killed lars welling who had connections to the union gang was sentenced to two years in prison for the murder and earns the brand filthy few on his vest when he becomes a member of hell's angels later on the night of september 24th 1983 at 3 15 three [ __ ] members and a friend entered the restaurant sacramento in australia it was steen gerbeau grander and fleming hall jensen who first entered the restaurant this restaurant was in hell's angel territory and the three [ __ ] members were attacked by four hells angels members with knives and bottles killing grandeur and jensen while the third michael peter enoch was seriously injured the criminal police investigated the double murder and several members of hell's angels were arrested including the suspected killer bent svane nielsen on september 21st 1984 he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the double murder henrik cruz jensen was sentenced to five years in prison while honxi hansen was sentenced to four years for complicity in the killings after this there were multiple shootings between the two clubs after one of the shootings this time against hell's angels headquarter the president of [ __ ] nicknamed mackrell have been pointed out as the perpetrator behind the shooting [ __ ] here with flea lily the hills angels or scooters [Music] hell's angels now decided to target the president of [ __ ] himself and offered to be the assassin when the president came out of his home with his girlfriend he sprang into the president of [ __ ] mc is dead jung now flees and spends two years in canada before returning to denmark where he was sentenced to 16 years in jail [ __ ] now elects anchor walter marcus nicknamed havding as their new president but the new president wouldn't be alive for very long the 38 year old president met his fate at the christiania pub nemo three days before christmas eve in 1985 he was killed by eight bullets school [Music] a local man was also killed in the shooting shot through his mouth the shooting happened in christiania a neighborhood that was considered [ __ ] territory a shooting the danish media dubbed an execution according to the people questioned by the police after the shooting the hell's angel prospects were the only one that shot the police became interested in the mc club black sheep after the shooting a group that at the time were hell's angel prospects and later became full members and the second house angel chapter in denmark the police arrested renee nottiskov ludwigsen and old bonus and nielsen with the nicknames ludwig and osht both members of the mc club black sheep they have always claimed they shot in self-defense in 1986 both were convicted and sentenced to 16 years in prison but the mysterious third man involved was never named or arrested by the police in 2002 in the danish newspaper extra bill revealed the name of the third man involved dan ling in the interview he confirms that he was involved and gave his version of the event he says we had patrolled around the city to find out if [ __ ] was up to something as prospects we were responsible for the safety when hell's angels held a five-year anniversary celebration a week later in the middle of the night we ended up at christiania where we stopped to listen to some gossip suddenly three [ __ ] members walked in the door according to dan ling one [ __ ] member sat cross-legged on a chair near oast while the others gathered at the bar near a table with some people we didn't know who were it was ghost that shot out of his pocket when the guy on the chair pulled a weapon and hading had drawn his pistol but post was quicker provo canute also pulled his pistol and pointed it at the head of ludwig but it clicked and didn't fire after that ost and ludwig emptied their magazines they hit the and the young guy who had drawn a knife it all happened very spontaneously it was not an assassination he continues when it was later established that the [ __ ] members were unarmed it must be because they had time to remove the evidence before the police arrived both holding and provoking were armed and they were the first who pulled their guns this is dan ling's version of the double murders in christiania a version he says he gave to his contact person at the police tony christensen already in the spring of 1991. i'm the unknown third person from christiania i told this myself to the police in 1991 but they would not prosecute me instead the police recruited him as a police agent the article where he is interviewed is in the description below but unfortunately only in danish later that year the hell's angel member behind home michael nikolai nielsen dies after being shot in the throat by [ __ ] member peter panick is benson at the copenhagen restaurant rio bravo panic peter was acquitted of manslaughter and freed under the law on self-defense because according to the court he shot in fear and agitation over hell's angel's previous murder on a [ __ ] member meaning hovdeen [Music] in 1986 jan sunberg another member of [ __ ] was killed in front of the [ __ ] clubhouse he was assassinated by nick jacobson with the nickname learling apprentice who later became a member of hell's angels he was sentenced to life in prison which usually was between 16 and 18 years in denmark at the time the year after the [ __ ] member powell blabjerk lillabor was gunned down at work while delivering beer to a shop in walby a member of the hell's angel support group the morticians karsten breslov was sentenced to 16 years in jail for the murder the same year neil zaga albrecht a 28 year old man disappeared without a trace ten months later the police found his body cast in the concrete floor of bullshit's clubhouse in christiania he had been shot dead in the house when panic peter had fire his weapon according to him by accident a total of nine people were convicted of complicity on july 1 1988 the last president of [ __ ] mc jan krolinda called hell's angels headquarter at titan street and said we have sold the clubhouse and burned our vests the war is over the war between the two clubs ended with 12 people losing their lives eight from [ __ ] three whom were presidents one from hell's angels as well as three people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time hell's angels in denmark has the record of the most murders by any hell's angels chapter in europe is angels after being a member for 40 years and in an interview in the newspaper avison he says it was probably because i was no longer as much present in the club as before a small group managed to sneak up on me and i was thrown out in a way that most of all resembled a coup he now lives at a secret location in denmark [Music] [Applause] if you found this presentation interesting please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and let me know in the comments section below if you would be interested in watching a part two covering the great nordic biker war from 1994 to 1997. and i hope to see you in the next one
Channel: History with Magnus. What Really Happened?
Views: 279,127
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Id: eHq7WZuHaCY
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Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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