The First Battle of Preston - 1648

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there were two battles of Preston in Lancashire one was in 1648 and the other was in 1715 the 1648 battle was fought between the 17th and the 19th of August its location was between fulwood and Walton Liddell the battle was between Oliver cromwell's Roundheads and King Charles's troops known as Cavaliers included in this battle were Scottish troops who had crossed the border on the 8th of July they were making their way south and were under the command of the Duke of Hamilton who was a Scottish nobleman 3 days before the battle Cromwell was at Skipton by the 16th of August Cromwell marched through the ribel valley and was heading west it is said his troops used the bridge you can now see to cross the river Hoda its location is near to her screen cromwell's Army numbered about 8,600 horse and foot soldiers as Cromwell soldiers continued West the king's Cavaliers and the Scottish troops were spread out between Lancaster and Wigan but there were about 3,000 ft and 500 soldiers near to Longridge ready to fight Cromwell the two armies commence battle around Preston Moore known as fullwood after 4 hours of battle the king's troops were driven To Where the River Darwin joins the river ribel at walon leel they were forced to cross the river the king's Army and his Scottish supporters were now in Retreat and head heading south with cromwell's Army in Pursuit Cromwell drove them through Wigan winck and utox by ashborne the remnants of the Scottish Army and the King's Cavaliers surrendered and laid down their arms it was the 25th of August cromwell's troops had killed 2,000 royalist soldiers and captured 9,000 those captured and had volunteered to fight against Cromwell were condemned to survi labor in the new world the Battle of Preston was the death blow to the royalist cause it led to the king's execution and England becoming a republic for the next 10 years
Channel: J2onton
Views: 1,436
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Keywords: Preston, Civil war, Battle of Preston, Oliver Cromwell, King Charles 1, Tourism Information
Id: c5q4CBPKUqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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