The FIRE WEAPONS *ONLY* Challenge in Fortnite!

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fire weapons only and things are gonna heat up let's go ahead and jump right into it oh my gosh we're flying through the astral projection we're actually going to get a really good view here I think oh wow we are I have no idea what this means I mean it's for the next season of course but there's not going to be an event which is kind of sad because we haven't had the in events well we had an event we haven't had a good event in like a year or two so it's like what the heck I think a year the mech event was the best event ever so just the end of chapter three event was uh disappointing anyway fire weapons only now interestingly enough I can't find any fire weapons just on the ground except for one so I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for that because I really do need that especially at the start if I wanted to try to survive here oh gosh there's somebody right beside me uh run oh my goodness oh watch I landed in a tree oh I broke me legs I broke my legs okay let's go ahead and just get some heels or stuff some materials we need anything we can get our hands on Legit anything we can get our hands on okay grab this honestly we're off to a pretty good start I just want to get some more heals and some uh lots more materials there you go heels department is good should I get a raptor I don't want the Raptor accidentally attacking someone so I'm not gonna do that looking for blue weapons yes okay perfect Firefly jar this is literally the only weapon I could find and use on the ground there are two more weapons I can use that do fire damage but I'll show you how to get those in just a little bit here I'm gonna go all the way up maybe there's an NPC that sells Firefly jars I'm pretty sure there is probably ah how you doing lady talk to me I'm a sniper fryer you hiring uh no I'm not what the heck there's a guy over there flying okay I'm thinking about capturing the point oh there's definitely somebody down there and I take them out question is I have no idea but I'm going to try Firefly jar instantly eliminated them I only have two more okay I think they are actually running away from the boss which makes it better for me I'm gonna go ahead and farm up materials a little bit I think somebody's coming in hot I'm just gonna go ahead and build a wall here man I almost captured the point here can you just leave me be I think they went away yeah while I'm waiting for the point I can go ahead and get an augment I need an augment to get the fire weapon so I just gotta keep rolling and re-rolling until I see if I can find it oh boy okay wait let me grab this uh gold real quick and these heels there you go wait actually let me grab that and I need to see if I could find some more Firefly jars honestly gold is gonna be the biggest thing though because honestly I need a roll and a re-roll to find these augments let me jump on this mushroom there we go Firefly jars nope I honestly don't know if you can find Firefly jars in chess anymore I don't recall seeing one like it has been an absolute minute since I've seen a firefly jar out of a chest which is for the better of course okay people were here I'm gonna get an aerial view and just see if anyone's still here because I want to capture the point there is some beer did they see me I can try to capture the point I don't know if that'd be great for me I'm gonna go ahead and just uh see if I can get some more augments come on give me something good Fire Armory receive a dragon's breath shotgun in dragon's breath sniper yes give me that right now perfect okay so both of these obviously deal fire damage you'll love to see it now we can only use these plus Firefly jars to uh win the game is this guy shooting at him above the house oh look at him I miss no I shot him he's got shot in the back I miss completely dude got an idea what if I sniped this thing honestly almost took him out I have no more sniper ammo this is horrible I'm just gonna go ahead and Rush this guy I think my best bet stop running for me you kidding me stop stop running why are you doing this okay calm down we can get over this together not if you keep running though this is not gonna work for me there we go holy smokes give me that new grapple glove we need to go ahead and get ourselves our heels back there we go okay it seems like there's still a lot of people in this area so we gotta watch out I don't have that many sniper shots left going up where is this guy he shot me with the revolver not too long ago I think he's probably gonna go for the Llama he's not I have no idea where this guy is he built a way over there see the boss spawned here and that's great I actually don't know if I could take out this llama nor do I need to really I'm gonna use the Llama to uh Rift here you just beat him up a little bit actually I should get the llama just for the uh heavy ammo well he's burning up to the fire there we go now I need that sniper ammo now I got full sniper ammo let's go I think this guy's creeping up on me oh easy elimination fire on fire baby you love to see it okay let me go ahead and just steal all that thank you we are on the run now in terms of other augments that I'd find useful I honestly don't know what would be good let's do Sprint lines that's pretty good and how about I'm not gonna do I see slide that feels counter-intuitive to Fire Let's do scope Salvo scoped weapons deal increased damage but have decreased fire rate so like my sniper can't shoot as many times so if my sniper could shoot more than once the second shot wouldn't come out as fast that's essentially what it is oh somebody's over here we're going in now the dragon's breath shotgun actually deals a lot of damage but it's super super close range so that's one thing you got to keep in mind 139 easy and I'm all muddy for it you know while we're here let's go ahead and get a bounty and for our final perk what are we gonna use I have no idea let's do Swift shock and relive shotguns reload faster that's actually massive how fast does this reload now let's see still incredibly incredibly slow but apparently slightly faster I don't know how much faster but uh fortnite says it's true then it probably is okay I figured we get our combat cash just for the heels so let's go ahead for that just up over here somewhere oh there it is somebody getting it no I think we're good the people I've been in this area start this off there you go great thing about the snipers you can kind of just clear areas by setting them on fire like that bush nobody's gonna be in that bush because it is too dangerous to be in a burning bush I missed it everything on fire even this here nope set it all on fire see Bush problem is gone okay my combat cash is about to go through and again I can't use really anything besides the heels so we can go for the floating island though which actually spawned right beside me I didn't even notice oh who is shooting Me In from where he doesn't know I'm here I'm gonna heal up I don't think he knows him here hit him pretty hard I gotta move oh my gosh Deep Purple can I get a sniper shot from here I'm gonna wait until he uses his ability oh I got marked oh just headshot sniped him 40 on them oh my gosh I'm dominating okay these Firefly jars are great but uh they're actually not great they suck I'm throwing them on the ground I'm grabbing more of the uh slurp juice I'm kind of crushing it with all this fire honestly wow the loot is insane here what the heck so many slurp juices you know I took advantage of a good situation perfect I got keys let's open up the Vault that nobody ever opens which is right down here so this one takes two keys to open one and two now is this Vault really good no it's pretty bad this is the worst Vault we've ever seen no I don't think so but you know I thought there was gonna be gold in here we're gonna be honest and I guess technically there's 35 gold from that chest there's somebody here somebody took a zip line like right below me oh people are rifting everywhere so for sniper shot on this guy I think he's gonna try to land on me them so hard okay 109 how aren't you done for it oh he just fell all the way down what the heck I will take it somebody's rifting trying to go for a sniper shot on the odds are hitting any sniper shot from here is pretty ridiculous no scope oh gosh Bender's coming at me 26 on them uh Bender what's that what is happening oh my gosh he had the dragon's breath shotgun too he's actually good to carry two it's actually not a bad idea to carry two and then you can just use them without having to reload but I'd rather carry a sniper in a shotgun and I like everything else I got so I'm gonna keep my current configuration five people left can I win this challenge come on onto the fire beyblade I go oh I see a guy up there they dueling definitely looking at each other but man you hear me okay this guy's trying some well this hurts I'm a little bit he has a crown oh he's getting absolutely Bodied this guy knows what he's doing 142. popped a minion which isn't the best thing you could have done oh gosh I'm dead oh wow he could have absolutely bothered me there I have nothing I have no materials try to break this down on him no not gonna work he's in this build okay I'm gonna go ahead and use this to just get ahead this guy's got to be low on materials to the guys behind me oh that's the guy right there oh my gosh what a shot headshot okay I need to get the materials very important there we go see if I can get another elimination here real quick 139 he's right there I know it trick shot oh we got him let's freaking go easy peasy lemon squeezy you love to see it the fire weapons only challenge is complete GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 728,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KHxoED3xMmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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