The Final Fantasy 8 Iceberg Explained

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what's up guys this is the final fantasy 8 iceberg explanation video i'm sure you all know how iceberg charts work the top of the iceberg contains commonplace information and the further down you go the more obscure the information gets some of it getting very theoretical and out there but let's not waste any more time and get this show started tier one triple triad this is the card game that is played throughout the game there are several parts where it's necessary to proceed but it's not an overly large part of the game some people love it others don't whatever this alludes to the iconic phrase whatever from squall it has become a bit of a meme itself and you can find it all over in the community timber maniacs these are magazines that can be found throughout the world in the game these mostly contain articles written by laguna during his adventures to find alone draw this refers to the unique combat mechanic in ff8 that allows players to absorb magic from enemies throughout the game these can be simple spells but they can also be powerful guardian forces that can be used to summon against opponents speaking of guardian forces or are typically called gf's are creatures you summon to assist you in battle and what is the best part of gfs well it's the ability to junction which is a method for which characters can become equipped with different spells and bonuses as well as additional stats this is the main method for players to get the most powerful effects in their characters dreamers this refers to several instances throughout the game where the members of your party will randomly fall asleep and have a co-op dream where each of them play as a different character laguna kiros and ward respectively tier 2 diablos this is the first optional gf boss in the game it comes in the form of a lamp given to your party after returning to balaam garden upon using the lamp you're thrust into a battle with this gf victory acquires him as a summon white seeds this is the group of seed members that are dressed in all white and used the same salute from balaam gardens seed suggesting that these were another branch of seed formed by idia zell equals tifa this refers to zell having many of the same moves that tifa lockhart from final fantasy vii has moves include dolphin blow punch rush meteor strike and her ultimate final heaven estranged orphans this refers to the fact that all the main characters were originally orphans that were all raised under the same caretaker edia however we find this out much later in the game and why they seem to not remember this fact save the queen this is quistus traip's ultimate weapon that has appeared in many final fantasy games it's said to be a reference to god save the queen which is a common salutation to monarchs in england air guys this is the name of zell's ultimate weapon it's translated from german to mean ambition it's also the name of another square game that came out in 1998 origin of seed edia believed that one day squall would defeat an evil sorceress seed was formed by sid and idia to help prepare and train squall to help accomplish this objective rhino attacked there's said to be only one scene that the developers have admitted to wanting to change from the original game if they could at one point in the game rhino frustrates squall and squall is said to lunge at her and attempt to hit her however she dodges it and chuckles it off though it came off as playful and humorous the developers still think it was out of character for squall siren siren is a gf that uses non-elemental spells that focus on status effects like silence she can also be junctioned to learn status attack and defense junctions as well as abilities to cure status ailments she is the weakest offensive gf in the game so many players won't use her very often mirrors when examining safer throughout the game you will notice nearly everything about the character mirror squall his scar his game card his attack his victory poses it's almost as if they planned this intentionally tier three dealing city is paris the popular city of dealing was massively inspired to look and feel like paris this is said to be why it's the most beloved fan favorite of the cities in final fantasy viii free potions i'm sure there are multiple ways to accomplish this but the easiest one i found was to use rhinoah and questus to speak to a man that appears at the bridge in timber it can take a few attempts to get the man to appear but this can be done repeatedly for infinite potions ultima weapon ultima weapon is a super boss of ff8 it is found at the bottom of the deep sea research center and has the most powerful gf in the game available to draw upon defeating this boss you will receive an entire seed rank a cult fan there are a number of different magazines that can be found throughout the game one of which is a cult fan they contain information about the ufo and doom train side quests they're only an optional side quest but two of them can be acquired at specific points in the game and can be missed for the entire rest of the game reverse quistus quistis is the only character with an avatar that's facing to the right instead of to the left why they designed it to be this way i have no idea but i didn't even recognize it when i was younger did you notice this chocobo forests chocobos don't have a heavy focus in this game however there are several chocobo forests that players can enter during their playthrough each of them contain a progressively more challenging puzzle revolving around squall using a sonar detector and whistles to locate and catch hidden cheekbones cheekbone this is the seldomly used term for a baby chocobo the odd one out rhinoah is the only member in your team that has no connection to seed or any garden nevertheless this gave her some individuality and it worked out well memory loss this refers to the fact that gf's will cause memory loss over time this is said to be the primary reason for why the main characters don't remember growing up together as orphans tier four fitos lucek we cost vinosek this song [Music] is an anagram of the phrase succession of witches and the word love it's the only phrase that is not a translation from another language porno mag upon first arriving in timber the shop at the top of the train station sells on naughty magazine however the owner refuses to sell it to the party due to them being underage you're then referred to zone about your naughty magazine needs tonberry king this is an optional gf and side boss that involves killing a number of regular tonberries in central ruins after 20 to 50 tonberries killed you will eventually encounter the tan mary king when you defeat him you are granted the tonberry gf jumbo cactoir this is another optional boss that gives you a gf he's called jumbo for obvious reasons and features a number of comical animations and attacks you will receive a smaller version of him when you defeat him brothers this is another optional gf you can acquire by navigating a maze and defeating two brothers sacred and minotaur their ability pools focus on defense they're also the only gf to learn cover that allows characters to protect other teammates brothers also learn defend which nullifies physical damage until the players select another command on top of all that they have hp bonus that grants a permanent increase in your hp as you level up cerberus this magic demon dog is yet another optional boss gf that must be defeated to earn his abilities casting his summon will grant your party the ability to cast more than one magic spell per turn the junctions are unique in that this is the only gf to learn auto haste naturally as well as the ability to reduce the number of spells expended from your spell stock when you use your dual casts on top of that it also allows players to avoid back attacks in random encounters odin this is a gf found in an optional dungeon called centro ruins upon defeating this boss you will receive the ability to earn his assistance throughout the game he can't be junctioned as a summonable gf but will instead appear at random to one shot your enemies at the beginning of the battle squall's scar this refers to the statement that was made early on about squall's scar they wanted squall to have a unique and defining feature that would separate him from everyone else this is all that they knew they wanted about the character and the scar eventually made its way into the game much later in the development than most people would expect carbuncle this is a support gf that grants the party reflect it's particularly potent gf that can grant players the counter ability as well as auto reflect giving someone in your party permanent reflect status it is drawn from the iguans when squall and irvine fight them during idia's magic speech pandamona during your battle with fujin you can draw this wind-based gf however if you miss it during this fight you can still draw it from the red giant in the final dungeon this gf primarily enhances party members speed and strength stats alexander this is ffa's holy elemental gf and is one of the very few holy attacks that players gain access to it learns revive which fully restores a target from ko or it immediately kills undead targets this gf is drawn from idia and galbadia garden however it can also be drawn in the final dungeon as well leviathan the water-based gf is known as leviathan it's what looks to be a giant serpent that summons a giant tidal wave to crash into your opponents this was actually the very first gf revealed in the early playstation demo of the game this gf has the recover ability which deals a heal for 99.99 or damages undead for the same amount this gf is drawn from the norg boss fight but can also be drawn from the final dungeon as well strongest card idia is often regarded as the strongest triple triad card especially considering the sentra rule set and her smarter ai infinite gill use the recovery med rf ability to turn 100 tenths into 25 megapotion you then sell those potions for 125 kill which can be then used to buy 100 more tents for 100 000 you can rinse and repeat this process for an extra 25 000 gil each time easy escape if you set the atb to weight you can easily escape from battles by holding the l2 and r2 buttons since the game disables enemies from attacking while you are in weight mode enemies are forced to wait until your run command has been accomplished and you escape the battle tier 5 yoga mesh card although this card is not exceedingly good or bad at its values in the card game itself people want this item for its card mod item when this card is refined you receive 10 holy wars these are one of the single best items in the game as it makes your entire party invincible to all damage for a short period of time this essentially makes most encounters completely trivial and this is also how most people can defeat omega weapon with relative ease angelo reverse this is the occasional revive that can be cast by rhinoah's dog angelo it is learned in pet pals volume four zero zero was censored the original version of giro ajiro was colored in a reddish hue and color scheme that made him appear more gruesome with external organs being displayed in the western release the boss featured a blue and green form instead new card graphics triple triad actually appeared again in final fantasy xiv however with their re-emergence they appeared with new graphics heaven and hell islands these islands contain the most powerful normal enemies in the game each of them being level 100 they will use many static inducing spells that make them more difficult to defeat these islands are great for grinding levels and drawing various high level spells gilgamesh this is a pseudo gf similar to odin however this gf actually replaces odin who also appears randomly however gilgamesh can also appear during boss battles and at any point during the battle this gf will occasionally use an ability called excalipor that only deals a single point of damage olympics final fantasy 8 music was played during a performance at the athens 2004 olympics they actually received the bronze medal to a powerful musical piece from the game's soundtrack monster level ff8's monster levels are directly based on your party's average level and not just squalls this is why many players will opt to keep their player level as low as possible while relying on the junction system to overtune their characters flavored bread in the japanese version of ffa they opted for zel to be obsessed with flavored bread instead of the hot dogs like we see in the western version real life triple triad the card game from ff8 was so popular in japan that there was a printed physical copy of the triple triad cards produced by bandai shumi village shumi village contains a side quest that will eventually grant you a phoenix pinion upon using this item the phoenix gf will appear though it can be only used once the phoenix will be randomly appearing throughout the rest of your game to res party members that have been ko'd selfie stats in trebia garden if you enter the ravaged classroom and walk to the wrecked computer screen you can turn it on and the program will load selfie's vital stats and this prompts her to rush in and shut it off light of the earth this is the stated translation from rhinoah's name it's also a play on the fact that she is essentially the light version of ultimeka's dark magic significant selfie selfie was the second character to be designed by tetsuya nomura right after squall obviously there were special plans made when designing this character so early on salvaged characters this refers to the two characters that were originally meant to be an ff7 fujin and region however they were found unnecessary allowing them to be used in ff8 instead card club this is also known as the cc group it consists of a secret hierarchy of the best triple triad card players in balaam garden their skill level is ranked internally but their rank and identity was not known to the public they would only reveal their identity as a cc member when the member beneath them in rank has been defeated you actually speak to them several times throughout the game but their membership in the card club is never even hinted at eden this is the ultimate summonable gf drawn from ultima weapon in the deepsea research center this is a powerful gf that can actually break the damage limit and also provides the rare junctions speed evasion and hit its unique ability devour allows you to absorb opponents for various effects including permanent stat boosts this is the most time-consuming gf to level with the same amount of xp required to level your playable characters long-haired squall in concept drawings of squall he can be seen with long hair they knew they wanted to give him a unique look thinking it would be the long hair however they opted to go with shorter hair and a scar on his face bahamut this is another optional gf that must be defeated before utilizing his strength he can be found in the deep sea research center late in the game when you first enter the area bahamut will test you before you can be worthy of battling him doomtrain this optional gf is one of the few that doesn't require you to battle him to earn him instead you need to acquire a number of various materials and summon him via a magic item called solomon's ring this gf will inflict a variety of status ailments on your opponents its abilities consist of elemental and status attack it also allows players to remodel weapons and create forbidden medicines such as elixirs and stat boosting items tier six selfies missing spells there were two spells that were meant to be part of selfie's kit but they were never integrated into the official game they were named percent and catastrophe both of them used a fire magic animation percent would reduce the life values of enemies to a critical state and catastrophe was a spell that hit all enemies for massive damage parasite eve during its time ffa had immensely high quality graphics the team used parasite eve as the testing and proving grounds for ff8 this would eventually serve as a base for what could be done with fmv and set such a high standard for future square games safer's critical level this is a little-known fact that safer can achieve his limit break options when he's under 84 of his health pool this is much higher than the rest of the characters and it allows him to use his limit break much quicker and easier than others fire cross speaking of safer's limit break you can only use his limit break no mercy during your time playing him but he also has another limit break later in the game called fire cross dancing soldiers this is a fun easter egg in ff8 during the galbadian missile base mission while you're controlling selfie you can input commands to change the missiles into a dancing galbanian soldier at the control panel hold square triangle and up on the missile select screen to trigger this boko the chocobo in japan there was an addition to the playstation called the pocket station on this peripheral was a mini-game called chocobo world which starred boko the chocobo this was never released in the international versions of the game until the pc release years later obal lake there is a secret side quest here involving a one mr monkey you're given a choice to hum or throw a rock throwing a rock does nothing however humming summons a black shadow that tells you about his friend mr monkey who took a train to dalit this will allow you to follow a longer side quest that will eventually lead you to a three star ufo and alien there is a fan favorite side quest involving a ufo and an alien named poo poo it's definitely an interesting side quest as poopoo can be easily one shot or you can choose to help the little guy depending on your choice you can get the poopoo card or an accelerator lenoa the french version of the game had a misspelling of rhinoa as lenoa which loosely translates to light however the developers decided to run with the translation and it actually made it into the final release lionheart this is the name of squall's ultimate weapon it is an allusion to the moniker of a celebrated king of england richard the first who was known for his bravery and conquest during the third crusade omega weapon this is the toughest boss in the game but it is luckily an optional boss this is a recolored ultima weapon that grants a player a unique proof of omega badge that congratulates you for defeating the game's most challenging boss in the playstation version of the game it will always be level 100 but in the remastered and pc versions its level can vary queen of cards this is an npc that will appear at various places throughout the game and remain there until you win or lose a rare card from her after you defeat her she'll give you a clue to her next destination tier vii most powerful character once reynola acquires angel wing and optimal junctions she becomes capable of dealing the most damage in the game if she only has ultima and meteor as her available offensive spells her angel wing will automatically use meteor this hits 10 times and when junctioned right she can potentially hit for 99 990 damage every single turn clouds shop this is a reference to a location called cloud shop which is an homage to ff7's main character squall's parents though there is no definitive confirmation on this it is hinted at extensively throughout the story there are implications that reign is squall's mother and laguna is squall's father we find out that squall's mother dies shortly after labor delivering squall after her passing the residents of windhill sent squall and alone to edius orphanage joaquin's brother squall's appearance was based directly off of river phoenix the brother of the famous actor joaquin phoenix who recently played joker sirens bush in the original version of ffa the gf siren didn't cover up her nether regions i remember seeing this as a kid and questioning it especially since her hair up top has the same blonde color however in the remastered version she has a skirt to cover it up all but confirming the suspicions chi based garden members are able to draw and junction gf's when safer was kicked from the garden he lost his ability to use magic based attacks instead he uses chi-based attacks to inflict what looks to be his version of magic safer's inspiration while we're on the subject of safer he was actually inspired by squall's father laguna when safer was a child he watched a movie that laguna starred in called the sorceress night where he defended a sorceress his victory pose and even the manner in which he holds his gun blade are directly inspired by laguna's character mini mog this is the name given to the pseudo gf summoned by the command minimog however this was only acquired by using mog's amulet which was only received from chocobo world in japan however you were able to acquire this with angelo search and ffa remastered mini mog was unique in that it was the only way to heal guardian forces in battle ragnarok crew normally the ragnarok only has your party as the crew to control it however if you complete the card club quest the cc members will take over as the default crew for this amazingly useful vehicle squall is dead this is one of my favorite game theories of all time the theory suggests that everything in the game after disc one was merely a figment of squall's imagination i won't go too in depth on this as there are other videos that are much more in depth on the theory there is ample evidence suggesting the validity of this theory and it makes perfect sense to me however the developers have unfortunately since confirmed that this theory is not true the perfect game there are multiple theoretical concepts for a perfect game one could be interpreted as the lowest level possible with everything necessary to defeat any boss in the game or it could be considered maxed out characters with every item in the game either way it's agreed that there should be no deaths on any of your characters throughout the game magic speech this alludes to the speech that edium made during the dealing parade she literally attacks a man with magic in front of an entire crowd and they still continue cheering i remember seeing this as a kid thinking that the crowd may have went silent after seeing this when the camera zooms [Music] [Applause] out however the crowd comes back into audio afterwards it has actually been confirmed that idia uses her magic to subdue the crowd into normal reactions during her murderous actions this was also the biggest script change from the japanese version to the international version renault's future this is one of the most popular theories about ff8 the theory states that ultimeka is actually renova from the future their character models and facial structures have incredibly similar features and they use the same weapon types they're both sorceresses however a main difference is their preference on their types of magic renowa tends to prefer lighter colors and use healing abilities while ultimeka favors darker colors and uses destructive magic the theory states that renault would become drunk with power and rewrites her reality to what we play against though this has been refused to be a true theory by the developers it nevertheless has a ton of evidence towards its legitimacy and remains a popular theory in the ff8 fandom alone is a sorceress alone has shown the ability to have extraordinary power throughout the game though it's insinuated that alone is not a sorceress her powers rival sorceresses and she is also able to junction herself to others to access the past of the person junctioning oneself is a power that sorceresses possess she has hunted specifically for her potential to become a sorceress with all of these things in mind it's a very realistic possibility that at some point alone becomes or has already become a sorceress tier viii diminishing sorceress ulta mecca is said to be the most powerful sorceress of all time it's considered that she inherited the powers from centuries worth of sorceresses so it would make sense that she would be powerful beyond the point of killing her however there is a hinted concept that sorceresses within the universe will slowly have their power diminish with each succession of the power transferred to the next sorceress if you look into this you can actually find a dummied out piece of text that does indeed show that the power weakens each time it is passed on shared universe this one gets expansive so a number of characters within ff8 have appearances on kingdom hearts kingdom hearts also shares a universe with a number of different final fantasy universes including mughals which can be found in nearly all the final fantasy games it's safe to assume that most of the final fantasy games have a shared universe with the disney universe and from here you can start digging deeper and see just how far this shared the universe extends hidden combat timer there is a hidden combat timer throughout the game that starts from 200 and starts counting down this timer will only count down when attacks aren't being made similar to how the atb bar fills and after the timer reaches zero it triggers in the original ps version of ff8 the order of the events would be one summon gilgamesh two perform angelo recover three perform angelo reverse and four perform angelo search of course if a player doesn't have one of these skills it is skipped each trigger will also only perform when certain conditions are met so gilgamesh will only summon if you have triggered the event where he is obtained and angelo will only perform its abilities if a player on your team is weakened or ko'd however the order in which these events can be triggered is different in the ffa remaster crisis level this is another hidden mechanic within ff8 that is used to determine how often a character's limit break will appear in the battle menu this figure is also used to determine their damage outputs and additional statuses your crisis level is not able to be seen anywhere in game however it is used in the game's coding to determine your limit break outcomes your crisis level is determined by your current hp and various statuses that may be afflicting your character when you're at a higher crisis level your character's limit break will be enhanced in some way and you won't be able to use your limit break until you are at least crisis level one this really gives a lot of hidden risk versus reward aspect of keeping your characters at low health it was such a brilliant addition to give an extra layer of depth to your limit breaks
Channel: Maker
Views: 362,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg chart explained, iceberg chart, best iceberg charts, iceberg explained, final fantasy 8, final fantasy 8 iceberg, final fantasy 8 iceberg explained, final fantasy iceberg, squall is dead, rinoa is ultimecia, rinoa is ultimecia theory, final fantasy VIII, final fantasy 8 remastered, final fantasy, final fantasy viii, final fantasy viii remastered, Quezacotl, Ifrit, Guardian force, ff8 ost, final fantasy 8 ost, final fantasy VIII ost, facts about final fantasy 8
Id: iFkJmdNNPqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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